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Dream Interpretation: Killing ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Killing? Discover the significance of seeing a Killing in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Killing appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes the need to let go of something or someone in your life. It may also represent repressed anger or aggression towards someone or something. Alternatively, it may indicate a desire for change or transformation.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on what or who you are killing in your dream. Is it a person, an animal, or an object? This may give you insight into what you need to let go of in your waking life. If you are feeling angry or aggressive towards someone, try to find a healthy way to express your emotions. If you are seeking change, take action towards your goals and aspirations.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of killing evokes intense emotions of fear, guilt, and anxiety. It signifies a deep-seated anger or frustration that needs to be addressed. This dream may also reflect a desire for power or control over a situation or person. The feelings associated with this dream are often disturbing and unsettling, leaving a lingering sense of unease upon waking.





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Dreams of users containing the word Killing

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18 Jul 2024

Getting Shot
Parents dying


Nuns were after my mom and dad and then killed my mom and dad I killed the nuns and they shot me

17 Jul 2024

Garage Door


Ive had a few dreams similar to this but different scenarios. It starts off with me being at this vacation house thatโ€™s a mix of summer and winter. Some spots itโ€™s a beautiful beach and some spots itโ€™s an icy/watery tundra. I can vividly remember looking at a spot where the water swirls and itโ€™s like a 50 ft area thatโ€™s like a dimple and thereโ€™s water rushing and swirling inside of there. Then something broke out of the house that was small and nimble (like 5 ft) and running around killing us. There was roughly 10 people there and they all seemed familiar. But then the person looked at me. Ran up to me. I juked it out around that water then it jumped over and grabbed me and threw me in. Then I woke up. Then I went back to sleep. It was a desert like layout but a big machine shed with a large garage door and the same black 5 ft tall person except me and Kellen and Reece and Tyler and mauricio were fighting it. Then we were all beating it up so bad that it fled inside and we thought we were safe. Then we heard rumbling and we look back in and see a 7ft tall John Cena who was strong. Like looked stronger than normal John cena. And black and had a huge smile on his face. Then he stepped towards us and we ran to the side. Then Kellen sits down and starts hitting his vape and I said how can you be sitting hitting your vape right now. The said Look. Hadleyโ€™s upstairs hitting his. You can see it on the thermal. Then he goes Oh Shit. I turn around and see it running at me with the huge smile. It was very vivid. Then I turn around and run. But he was fast. I look back and he reaches out to grab me and then he does. Then squeezes me to death and I can remember blood coming out of my nose and mouth and eyes then I died and I woke up.

16 Jul 2024



i was a professional killer infiltrated in a base and i killed everyone without missing a shot

9 Jul 2024



So in my dream it was like I was part of an ice kingdom and Aaron my bf was part of the fire kingdom. (I am pregnant right now with his child in real life) but the kingdoms could not have us together and with child to protect the two kingdoms so they separated us from each other and the school I was going to with the ice kingdom was like a highschool that had my highschool ex in it Noah who they were trying to make sure we had the child together instead of Aaron. But somehow in my dream and my mind and heart I already knew my child was here with Aaron and coming bc I was very pregnant already in my dream too and the people that were my friends wanted me to unite the kingdoms with our child but staged it to keep going along with Noah to protect my safety and he thought it was his child but wasnโ€™t but I felt sorry for him and was having feelings for him too since being away forced away from Aaron but i knew it was wrong and my feelings could not last especially since it wasnโ€™t his child but I did feel bad. When sentence came up and the truth was revealed that Noah was not the father the we were planning for a revolution he was furious and tried killing Aaron but it just started more of a war. And then I woke up wishing I could have finished the whole dream or create my own ending to it as well.

4 Jul 2024



The day was super cloudy and I was walking around my neighborhood. I walked past my old elementary school and saw a girl that recognized though i dont know her in real life. I went inside the school and spent time with a bunch of the kids and her then a tall male, heavyset shooter with a gas mask came in and started killing the kids and shot at me and my friend. I got us out by running out of the back of the school but instead of there being a bunch of trees like in real life there was a a city that we ran into. It looked kind of like grayscale new york. Everyone and everything was grayscale and when we entered the city we became grayscale too.The two of us ran into the city to escape him but he followed us into the city. He followed us for a while but eventually we looked back whike we were running and he was just gone. A bunch of stuff happened between then and the end, i remember seeing Victor at some point but the main thing i remember was the ending. My friend and i didnt see the shooter for a while, like a year, and she had gotten a job as a teacher at a school. I walked into the school and into her classroom just to visit and they were doing class with an old fashioned antique projector. There were a lot of kids she was teaching, the room was full. Then the shooter came from behind her and stood in front of the class. The kids started screaming and the lights we dimming and sparking when he came into the room. The only ones unfazed were me and my friend, we expected this guy to come that day because he had hidden a gun in my friends desk. The police I called before i entered the building entered right on time. When he pulled out the gun he tried to shoot but then he couldnโ€™t because my friend and i took out the bullets. In the split second before he got shot he made dead eye contact with me and his eyes were full of fear. I smirked then the police all shot him executioner style. My friend and I walked out of the school hand and hand. Colors had begun to streaming into the city from the sky and started coming back. The stream itself was a mix of a vibrant turquoise, hot pink and sunflower yellow. When the color stream touched something it became a beautiful color saturated version of what it once was, it was beautiful. Then i woke up

2 Jul 2024

Little Brother


I went to china with my girlfriend with my grandmother and she somehow had a dad and a little brother (she had neither irl) and she was 2 hrs away in china but somehow came and saw me? And then I forgot a bunch of stuff, but I ended up killing her grandma and woke up.

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream where this guy in a isreal was killing birds and put them in a position of certain letters pr symbols i couldnt read what they were then it showed these 3 young g irls pregnaunt they looked almost the same clothing and everything they were running away from a man then an ocean of crabs came over right behind them as they were running they start to form a bridge for the girls to get to the otherside and they crossed over to safety

1 Jul 2024



I have this dream that I love swimming and I used to swim with my folks but then the police and the government was after me people like me I think you have like something in your blood in order to stop us from being who we are. In this fantasy land, I was chased. I had to hide in dirt and be... And the sheriff caught me. So then... I killed the sheriff. And hid her... In a garage. And that's when the police broke up. I went into a house that was full of people who used to love me, but they thought I was going to get taken away. The people in the house seemed like they were half orcs and they, I don't really think they saw me run into the house but I ran into the house because the police were coming up after I killed the sheriff I ran all the way into the back room where the patriarch was sitting I must have been there plenty of times and I said to him, I'm so sorry to tell you this He said it's fine, you give me all your bad news I said, I killed the sheriff He said, that's fine, you only get 5 years and they'll pay you $500 I was on the run I don't know if I ended up being safe or not but I think the family was going to say that they had not really seen me I wasn't really sure what the family was going to say but that's when I woke up.

26 Jun 2024



A big anaconda snake ๐Ÿ and it had six legs . It was chasing me and tried to kill me and I had to kill it by shooting it with a gun

26 Jun 2024



fter a day at an amusement park suddenly a group of my (friends?) started killing off the others one by one. I ranaway an ran into a car with a driver however the driver seemed suspicious and as we were driving I saw a battleship (we were on a island) and somehow jumped onto it. The people on the battleship noticed me and started shooting but I lost them and hid somewhere in the ship. I think I ended up in a sort of misfits room with people of different species after talking to them what was happening and how I was in danger because I was a dog?(I still looked human but everyone else seemed weird I had a werid hairstyle compared to the others) And at night I tried to escape because it was only a matter of time until a guard found me but as I was climbing down my bed I saw a guard (it was dark so he didn't see me instantly) the guard then walked towards my direction and noticed me after noticing me he quickly stabbed me.( I think some parts of this was like a Minecraft style since I tried to leave the game a few times)

25 Jun 2024

Haunted house


A group of people of navigating how to get out of a haunted house except one of them gets possessed and ends up killing the others. One by one, each person starts to be picked off by a familiar voice except the familiar voice is of someone that got possessed. One person is murdered by being flung up threw the air and coming back down (this person was on the back of another that was crawling through a space). The person crawling is killed too. A kid that remembers one of the others is killed two after a ghost possesses the person the kid is familiar with

24 Jun 2024



I saw a dream. Wherein I am in my house with my parents, that is my mom, dad and me and I am lying on the same bed with my mother and my father is not on the bed, he is working in the house. And I also saw my office friend is there and she is a very sweet friend of mine and she is telling me that there is a woman who is there and my father is planning to buy a car with her. from the scenario of what she told me it happened to be like my father had befriended a gold digger and there was something fishy going on as if it was an affair or something so in the dream my mother got up on the same bed and I also got up and she like called up my father into the room and she was like talking to him that why are you buying this car it's such a luxury car why do you have to buy this and I was like shocked that what is happening all of a sudden, where has this woman come from and what happened to my father that he is doing this so I see that women going to and from across from the room outside the room but she is in the house and I asked my friend with worry that you know I'm concerned that is it your idea that this all is happening so she was like no this is not my idea so I I'm just telling you that this is the case so I did not get any negative vibe from my friend but while she was telling me she was you know like laughing that this is not my idea so I I saw that that woman was going in my room So, I stood up and when I went behind her, so she turned around and this is the first time that I saw her face and I was extremely taken aback as she looked ugly and she looked even younger to me as I am 26 and she looked like a ragpigger, she had a shabby hair and she had you know those eyes which were round and it seemed like you know like the one who needs to control you and she had this very bad face full of dust and just like a ragpicker. So she went into my room and she instantly opened my almeida and she started folding the clothes and I took the clothes from her and I was like you don't have to do this, I will do it myself, that is my almeida. so she gave a look as if you know I have stopped her from doing something so she like looked across the room with a weird smile on her face and I could and at the same time my mother also called me from the living room saying that if you need some help I can do that for you and I told my mother no it's fine I'll do it myself and then my mother came into the room and I saw that from the mirror in front of both of them that there was a hand hanging and she had killed someone and I was frightened and the moment that I saw this her eyes completely the expression in her eyes completely changed she was giving a psychotic expression and it was that she was a psycho killer and instantly I knew the scene changed and I saw that there was cutlery around and kept in the kitchen and I instantly moved back and I grabbed a knife and she also grabbed a knife and she looked at the knife like a psycho killer my mother was right in front of her and she threw it at my mother being frightened I took the knife and I cut her hands and I started killing her into pieces and I was crying at the same time that what am I doing and I have to do this because she would kill my mother and then my dream got ended I woke up

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