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Dream Interpretation: Fighting 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fighting? Discover the significance of seeing a Fighting in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fighting appears in your dream ✅

Fighting symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes conflict, aggression, and unresolved issues. It may indicate that you are feeling frustrated or angry about something in your waking life. It could also represent a struggle for power or control in a relationship or situation.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the people or situations involved in the fight. Are there any unresolved issues or conflicts that need to be addressed? It may be helpful to communicate openly and honestly with those involved to find a resolution. Alternatively, it may be necessary to let go of the situation and move on. Remember to take care of yourself and avoid unnecessary conflict.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of fighting evokes a sense of conflict and aggression. It may bring feelings of anger, frustration, and fear. This dream symbolizes the need to confront and overcome challenges in waking life. It can also reflect inner turmoil or unresolved issues. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on the outcome of the fight and the individuals involved.





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Dreams of users containing the word Fighting

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4 Sep 2024

Breaking up


The dream took place at my house. One of my daughters was about to get married and their friends were there. We had all went to a movie theater together. When we get back the house feels busy chaotic. In the hallway i hear a scuffle. My daughter is breaking up with her fiancée. Suddenly her sisters ex jumps downstairs and attacks the one daughter that is about to marry. He bites punches and i run to help but it’s over before I can reach them. She is hurt but no fatal injuries. Next i am talking to her friends and ex fiancée trying to get answers. But just weirdly disturbing.

3 Sep 2024

Plane Crash


I was in a plane crash that was supposed to happen (I knew it would happen but the me that experienced it didn't know). I was then in an icy area on a boat all of a sudden & got to a shore. I discovered a bloody spot in the ice that I dug out & touched it and rubbed the blood through my fingers. Then I was back on the boat leaving the ice and had an instinct of understanding that the world was going to end, turned around and then zombies were starting to take over, similar to the type in world war z the movie where they were much faster & more dangerous than regularly portrayed zombies. I then was at a multi-car garage with my group (I didn't know any of them) and a man who was a mechanic but also a large, raping, murderous psychopath that I had to fight with my group. We killed him after executing a plan I don't remember organising & lost a couple of people in the group that we mourned after. I was then teleported in a blink (not a memorable transition to a new location but the best descriptor I have of the experience) near the top of a highrise building hiding & safe from the zombies but there was a problem which made myself & the group I was with need to go down stairs through & into where the zombies were. I knew we had no chance to survive & accepted that fact, but helped others try to fight & survive regardless. I don't remember dying however I know a few of the group I was with died too.

27 Aug 2024

Building (Place)
Hurting Myself


I don’t remember all the details but my boyfriend and I are fighting a lot. He even left and slept in the other room and no matter what I said he didn’t care. He wouldn’t leave me but continued to do these things and make me want to hurt myself to feel better about it. I remember at when point in my dream I didn’t want to live anymore. I was just so hurt from the whole situation and didn’t understand why me? All I do is hurt and burden people so what’s even the point of me being here? The dream took place in this building for the most part but we ended up outside too and had to fight off some alligators. It was a lot going on but all I can really remember now is going back and forth with my boyfriend and never seeing eye to eye. All he does is tell me how terrible I am and neglects me so I feel even more unloved. It’s like I know I deserve better but I can’t find my will to live on my own

26 Aug 2024



I remember being inside of a school building that was similar to my son’s elementary school. In the school there was a type of carnival/auction going on. My mom’s best friend was the school principal and she was selling puppies. My mom really wanted a puppy but I was telling her she did not need another dog. My mom ended up finding a man also selling puppies. She really liked these puppies and was prepared to buy one. She did not end up buying one. I remember leaving the school but the scenery quickly became a mall lobby. A scary looking man ( not the one selling puppies) began threatening people. He told me he was going to get me and hurt me. I told him I was protected by the most high and he would not hurt me in Jesus name. There was an officer working security and he tried to shoot this man. His gun was jammed and a bullet would not fire. This man was scaring people and becoming more threatening. We were hoping someone would have a gun. My step dad appeared who is an officer and he also did not have a gun. Apparently no weapons were allowed in this establishment. Growing increasingly worried with no protection I decided to fight the man. I killed him with my bare hands by strangling him.

25 Aug 2024

Old Home


The dream started where I was on a water slide at a party, just sliding off the end and landing in someone’s yard 2-3 times because I tried recording it. I don’t remember anything else from that but then, there was a massive old building and I went inside of it and everyone, including family members and random people were fighting and killing eachother, most of them targeted me. There was this girl who lived on this thing I think it might’ve been a ship. She was happy living there, orange hair tied back and a bonnet type headband with a light yellow dress and an apron. She had these powers, one was a lasso that was golden and it would lash around you and come back when you least expected like a boomerang. There was one that shattered glass and did something else I forget. But this girl and everyone else was trying to kill me. I remember having a plan. I snuck up someone and everytime she would I attack me, I forget what I did but I managed to paint all the walls with her face (I wasn’t painting it was the plan or something) and some stuff happened, she ended up joining the cause and I made a simulation of her power to see how it worked. Then I shut it and she said “that’s good, let’s do this.” So I nodded and jumped into the massive crowd (they were fighting with pitchforks and knives, plus other stuff.) and I got stabbed quite a bit. I exited the building but they all charged after me, after being chased for awhile, I got back up to where she was before and I was wondering why she said let’s do it but failed. I’m not sure if I was betrayed or not. I’ve never seen her before so I don’t know. But then I woke up.

22 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
Being Pregnant
Violence and death


This dream was a lucid dream, and inside the dream, I was in an old house that I used to live in, or a combination of a couple houses I used to live in. My cats were in my dream, and I kept getting clawed by our youngest male cat, whose name is Metatron. He was also clawing my female cat Kiki and I was trying to stop him. I could really feel the clawing in my dream. I was at a point in a dream where I was living in this house, squatting possibly, and one guy that I know named Danger was in the dream, and I was pregnant by him. He is a guy who is deeply disturbed, but is kind of my friend in a way, although I did not used to like him. He hit me and was physically trying to restrain me and keep me there. I went totally crazy on him and ended up hitting him with weapons and kicking him out of the house, and he swore to come back and seek vengeance. Later on, a group of males came. All of them looked like criminals or gangsters, and I went up against them, too. I ended up killing most of them, and then the police ended up coming in for assistance. There was these French doors or pocket panel doors that I went through that seemed significant but I'm not sure exactly what the significance is but they were all over the house in the stream and the one that I'm talking about there was the most significant there was multiple sets like two or three sets and when I went through them I shut it and it was dark and I was somewhere else

22 Aug 2024



The first part of the dream dealt with me working at a performance venue for an awards show. I saw lots of celebrities there, some with a lovely attitude and some completely rude. At one point we saw Pedro Pascal go by in a vehicle and he was friendly and smiling. Throughout the show, there were areas where little eggs started hatching and out came animals - not just animals that should have come from eggs like birds or reptiles, but also tiny kittens and puppies. Being around too many animals and being afraid of harming some of them is a recurring theme in my dreams. In the next part of the dream, I was with Taylor as we were auditioning for a professional musical. I felt anxious to be there and like I wasn’t up to par with the other performers, but at one point they allowed me to be part of a group exercise and had a good reaction to my acting. A part of the dream also took place at a school with many winding corridors, where articles of clothing came alive and we had to fight them off. It was more of a nuisance than scary, but I was annoyed that I had to fight them off alone while Taylor was in the bathroom. I saw some old friends in this dream; at the audition space I saw Mayu from college, and at the school I saw Emily Lobba, who has passed away in real life, but in the dream she was still alive and her brother Marco was not. This was a jarring encounter within the dream. At the audition, my mom decided to be there as well, and Taylor was talking to some people about his own self-journey and wanting to consider neurodivergent male and female roles for himself.

21 Aug 2024



Walking in an alley with someone else but cannot recognize the person with me. While walking, we’re being very cautious to not be captured by vampire like beings. At one point we come to an alley and we see a shadow of a creature that was chained and being fed humans. We escaped and go up basement staircases into a restaurant, and being advasive to no drawn attention by the creatures around us. We get out of the restaurant and head into a small store and see a baby in there. Two of the creatures noticed us and followed us into the store. Something makes the baby cry and then stopped, during the time, the creatures become incapacitated. The moment the baby stopped crying they regain their strength. So I started to pinch the baby to make the baby cry again and the creatures become incapacitated again and we escape with the baby. As we’re escaping, we’re still cautious to not be caught by the creatures, and come across a gymnasium set up. More creatures show up to the gymnasium as we’re hiding and one catches us in a closet. The baby has disappeared. There was a noise made, which incapacited the incoming creature. We fought and escaped out, as we’re running I tried to type “baby crying,” in my phone but Siri and the internet would work right.

21 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer
Abandoned home


I was homeless at a homeless shelter with my best friend& we got into an argument& weren't friends anymore. I started dating one of the other girls at the shelter& we went to look at an apartment together. The apartment had a very small opening to enter but was very big inside. The guy inside the apartment had a lot of different sized couches. Some were very large. One had a blood stain. This made us uncomfortable. We tried to leave without making a big deal but the guy grabbed me& wouldn't let me go. I was screaming for help, but other men started coming to help keep us captive. We fought until we were free& ran from the house. The guy chased us. At the end of the dream, I was tumbling through sand trying to get away& ended up running into the woods. I climbed a tree& was trying to hide at the top, but I wasn't sure if the branches would hold me.

21 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer


So I dream that there's a Dog who's chasing me. The Dog was drooling so much that it looks like he has rabies. He also got that fierce look, like he's going to eat me alive.. Of course, I feel threatened by my safety and I go up to the double deck while the dog is trying to get me. And then I almost fell to my doom but luckily I managed to grip something out, maybe a piece of cloth or whatever it is... But it looks like it's about to give away any minute... And so the Dog keeps barking at me fiercely and is about to get me... Then, the Dog is like speaking to me and that he's gonna cook me and eat me and so... Like, literally. And I also noticed that the Dog's fur is dark brown.. He's eyes are black or dark brown as well... But the Dog definitely hates me... And so, the dog finally got me... And so he cooked me into pasta and sprinkled something on me. But apparently, I'm still alive... Then, as a pasta when he's about to eat me... I attacked him and the fierce fight went outside and the rain was pouring heavily and I turned him into a headset... Then, I stomped at the headset and let him get wet... Which makes him groan... I then make sure to crush him. Then, I open the gates lock and run away... But he's still following me with that fierce look and continue barking at me.. After that, I dream I was on a roof, and someone is chasing me. Both female and male adults. So I keep running and since I'm tired of all the run, I wished in my dream that I would fly... And Then, I fly! But, Barely... Since I'm not used to the wings and I'm having a tough time controlling it... And the people who's chasing me is about to get me... So I was really struggling... Then, I remember in the dream that I saw a people line up... They all look professional, but the one who stands out most is the Woman who has short hair and looks like someone from the female character from the film I watched. Then, this woman have a child... And in the line, she's looking at something far ahead... like, she's looking for her husband... Then, this husband of hers is somewhere far away along with the other fellow men's...I then saw a crowd of men... and it looks like they are in an Army or something... But the air was so.... Masculine? The Aura was rather "Manly" and so Serious and so.... Weird... Like Men are... So this Men's is on the outside...and I saw this potato looking man.... walking straight ahead.... Then there's this another masculine man around with his men on the corner near the post... And he looks intimidating and serious, Like there's this Aura around him just like in the old films from 90's...But anyway... In the end this Potato looking man and the Intimidating man just shake hands... The shake hands were firm and like a form of friendship? Beginning? Trust...? I'm not sure... I guess it's just what men do... And then, back to the potato man... And the crowd... The potato man, was moving so slowly.... They are all moving slowly like a turtle/snail! And the Graphics looks like a Pixel or some sort of videogames... And it looks like this Potato man is trying to get to the old man in a straight line ahead... Moving very slowly.... And... Back to the Woman.... And so this Woman looks like she turned back time... I don't know but I feel like she is... And I'm trying to help her remember what happened then... And making her get into nostalgia or something... Which made her distracted during work...and so that went on and on until she met her child... A young girl in the Mall... And it looks like her husband has a mistress! Anyway, then.. for some reason there's this young beautiful lady in a corner... Blond hair and a sexy body... Almost like a doll... She's wearing something light blue or so... Then, when she tries to approach the little girl.. the woman suddenly gets protective of her child..

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