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Dream Interpretation: Fighting 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fighting? Discover the significance of seeing a Fighting in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fighting appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes conflict, aggression, and unresolved issues. It may indicate that you are feeling frustrated or angry about something in your waking life. It could also represent a struggle for power or control in a relationship or situation.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the people or situations involved in the fight. Are there any unresolved issues or conflicts that need to be addressed? It may be helpful to communicate openly and honestly with those involved to find a resolution. Alternatively, it may be necessary to let go of the situation and move on. Remember to take care of yourself and avoid unnecessary conflict.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of fighting evokes a sense of conflict and aggression. It may bring feelings of anger, frustration, and fear. This dream symbolizes the need to confront and overcome challenges in waking life. It can also reflect inner turmoil or unresolved issues. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on the outcome of the fight and the individuals involved.





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Dreams of users containing the word Fighting

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17 Jul 2024

Garage Door


Ive had a few dreams similar to this but different scenarios. It starts off with me being at this vacation house that’s a mix of summer and winter. Some spots it’s a beautiful beach and some spots it’s an icy/watery tundra. I can vividly remember looking at a spot where the water swirls and it’s like a 50 ft area that’s like a dimple and there’s water rushing and swirling inside of there. Then something broke out of the house that was small and nimble (like 5 ft) and running around killing us. There was roughly 10 people there and they all seemed familiar. But then the person looked at me. Ran up to me. I juked it out around that water then it jumped over and grabbed me and threw me in. Then I woke up. Then I went back to sleep. It was a desert like layout but a big machine shed with a large garage door and the same black 5 ft tall person except me and Kellen and Reece and Tyler and mauricio were fighting it. Then we were all beating it up so bad that it fled inside and we thought we were safe. Then we heard rumbling and we look back in and see a 7ft tall John Cena who was strong. Like looked stronger than normal John cena. And black and had a huge smile on his face. Then he stepped towards us and we ran to the side. Then Kellen sits down and starts hitting his vape and I said how can you be sitting hitting your vape right now. The said Look. Hadley’s upstairs hitting his. You can see it on the thermal. Then he goes Oh Shit. I turn around and see it running at me with the huge smile. It was very vivid. Then I turn around and run. But he was fast. I look back and he reaches out to grab me and then he does. Then squeezes me to death and I can remember blood coming out of my nose and mouth and eyes then I died and I woke up.

17 Jul 2024



I don’t remember the beginning but I remember being with zolisha which was strange because im not fond of her. there was a third person with us but I can’t remember the face either. We were walking into a building together and there was a group of people I didn’t recongnize until the last glimpse I saw my ex in this mixed group of random men. I saw someone go up to her and basically insinuates that they want to fight. I turn to yell down the hall of the building to zolisha and the other person, they start running out when a guy looked at me and said he was gonna slam me. His friends were questioning whether I was a boy or not and he slammed me anyways. I feel like the time skipped after this and we all ended up at a table talking. And we’re talking about why I was with zolisha and I hadn’t seen nyasia in so long. We started being playful and i woke up

14 Jul 2024



Me and like 3 or 4 friends went on a trip to this property out in the woods. The house amd property were very large. We would somehow get separated here and there and would be confronted by nightmarish monsters that would try to kill us. We would have to fight for our lives many times there was a human bat with its chest opened as a mouth with huge sharp teeth, a guy with large needles sticking out of him all over that he would use by pulling them out and stabbing us with them, a couple monsters that jumped out of this giant TV and a lot more. I had to violently kill these monsters with whatever weapon I could find. There was carnage and blood everywhere. Arms and finger getting cut off, using chairs to bash in the rib cage and bare hands to choke and gouge out their eyes. It was terrifying every time. I would sometimes have to fight these monsters alone as we would somehow get separated. In the middle of this dream I remember being in this big public bathroom and had to take a shit in the urinal for some reason. There was also some teacher lady that was helping find something I lost and helping me to find a sink to wash my hands. At the end we are packing up happy to leave the place but for some reason needed to get behind the house far uo a hill which began changing like shape shifting and glitching from a peaceful path and hill to a hellish climb up this hill with a dead body skewered on this cross, it was a dead police officer or something. Me and my friend got up the hill and had to face our friends but they were dead monster versions. I had to kill the two girls and he had the guy. I bashed them in till they were a bloody mess and he cut off the fingers of the guy so he fell down to the cliff side where I was and now the monster guy didn't just have no fingers but he was missing his arms from elbows down. I kicked him off the cliff or something. We then briefly saw some computer screen that showed a spreadsheet that showed all of the encounters we had including the last one where it said our names and said something like, to face their friends in battle to the death or something. I pointed and was like look at what it says and right then everything glitches back to normal and the spreadsheet read just something normal like go hiking with friends or something like it was an itinerary.

14 Jul 2024



i was fighting people in school

12 Jul 2024



I was in a grocery store and a woman wouldn’t leave me alone she kept picking on me and everything. There were two cats in the store with us but one was hurt, the woman said she was looking for a cat and we asked if it was the calico cat that was hurt she said yes, and began stabbing its skull. Me and my mom freaked out because we didn’t understand why she did that. The other cat was alive and well so I tried buying him before she would kill him, when I tried buying the cat the woman kept messing with me and kept touching the scanner. I turned around and told her “ do it one more time and see what happens” she continued to do it so I punched her forehead with my left hand, so I wouldn’t hurt her as bead since I’m right hand dominate. The lady was then on a motorcycle with her boyfriend in my driveway, the grocery store turned into my garage and my mom told me her head was badly injured. My little brother agreed and my dad look over and said he was proud and that I could have that cat as a reward. After that I went back to the woman still in my driveway and spoke to her, she was crying and started yelling at me. I got her to stop and I said I was sorry that what I did was unacceptable and not okay at all, that I let my anger get the best of me. Then I said she was also in the wrong that what she did wasn’t okay.

12 Jul 2024



A guy that I have had a crush on and loved for almost 30 years and I were hanging out. Next thing I know, I’m fighting this girl who is interested in him and pulling out her hair.

11 Jul 2024



Another time in kreativitas I am in my childhood school, I saw a few senior students fighting and tickling in the corridor, bu Tia saw them and punished both of them for being inappropriate. I was in the 6th grade classroom, I chat with Danish and nasfi, but then both of them left the class, After they left, adlan came up to me and try to bully me, but I sat down and set things straight with him calmly. I also told adlan that I met a bid our bestfriend in the burger restaurant and he approves it to be true, he smiles. Since now I changed schools, I asked Nadine my bestfriend, about when I should attend to school, she told me that I should attend at 07:30 O'clock, although the school subject starts at 08:00 o' clock. Nadine were located on the opposite end from mine, but her voice is clear and sent to my ear smoothly. Nadine then told me that Danish and nasfi are downstairs outside of my classroom, so I try to go downstairs leaving the room, but then the dream just ended.

11 Jul 2024



By the ocean, fighting with people throwing seafood at me, I was thinking about taking a vacation but decided against it. I was concerned about them getting sick and they were less concerned about it. And they were getting upset because I was concerned about them getting sick over the seafood being thrown at me because the medication I was taking. So they didn't take me seriously.

10 Jul 2024



i was staying somewhere with my family and me and sister got into a bad fight and i pushed her out of a car when we were driving and when we got back to where we were staying it started raining really hard. we were staying by the ocean so the storm turned into a tsunami type situation. it got so bad that things started breaking and water was getting in and i was convinced i would die

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream in about a girl that I’m slowly talking more and more to. The location was in a city I’ve never seen before, it was almost like a little bit of a Hollywood town. It was tiny too. There was a square in the middle with a huge sandlot and sometigng else next to it, which I can’t remember. Like a children’s playground. Around this square there were one floor houses surrounding it. Anyway the girl had apparently had someone break into their house. And I happened to visit at the very same time that the police were there. I had my dog with me and it seemed we just needed shelter for a little bit. So while the police was there, my dog and I was in her parents bedroom. In their bed. My dog and I was snuggling and then her mom came in and said she wasn’t too happy about the dog being in the bed. So my dog and I went to the bathroom instead and I put him in a tub so he wouldn’t run away. Somehow I brought the covers from the bed into the bathroom and laid on the floor with my dog, cuddling up again. The girls brother eventually came and took the covers because my dog couldn’t touch it. The police was investigating the small house and swiped all the surfaces for dna. Even the surfaces I touched which didn’t make sense. They eventually came to the conclusion that it was a huge spider that I done all the things they thought a burglar could do. It had opened a window and so on. the girls mom was not surprised, she said she knew it. The spider was then right behind me in the corner of a room. My dog and I headed out and I went to a neighbor to ask if they knew what had been going on. My dog was right next to me and started peeing all over their floor in their house while i talked and told them it wasn’t a thief but a huge spider. It was very embarrassing. I had to tie him outside to a trashcan and head back inside their house to clean up the mess. When I came back to my dog, there was a huge spider on the trashcan it was tied to so I slapped it away and eventually my dog was gone. Idk how but it seemed as if he was untied and stolen maybe. Then suddenly the spider took over the city and somehow turned into a bear. I tried to fight this bear and get it locked up and I think I did it, I’m not sure. But I was cheered on by the town. I felt not so welcome earlier but now people seemed to love me after I saved their town. But my dog was gone. I sat down and cried so much until someone came to help me. We then saw him in the back of a minibus, driving past us. I’m not sure if we ever rescued him but I think we did.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was at my father‘s house and I had a truck diagonal across the street and my ex-boyfriend. Casey came there to help me get my dresser out of the truck. Casey walked down to the truck and I was upstairs on the porch and I , walked downstairs to the truck and he told me to get the driver seat. He was looking at one of the wheels. He would look that one. The wheels I got in the driver seat and when I got driver seat of black Camaro went speeding past us and it went so fast it made Casey spin around, so when Casey spent around he called the guy motherfucker the guy came back up to the car and said damn man you so fast you made me spend around and then the guy so and then start arguing and I knew they was getting ready to fight so when I was trying to see the seat was pulled all the way back And I moved the seat up to the front they were. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were fighting the seat up to the front seat, blue truck and baby boy in the car with us. I can’t remember who he was. He wasn’t my child and child child, so when I see Casey walking back up the hill with a chain and his hand really big big heavy chain in his hand and he had blood on his hand blood all his shirt blood him and then he’s walking back up the hill back to the truck and I know that the guy comes walks up the chasing and stabs him in the neck and the juggler and blood pour out and I woke up

6 Jul 2024



Basically family hunger games, where one whole family has to fight a bunch of other families to the death… the setting was a three story prison. I mostly stayed inside as a sniper, while the rest of my family went out at fought. Until there was just my family and one other family left. There was a speaker that told us that children were the first targets. My younger brother hid inside our cell with me, basically me sitting on him as I stay there. I hear a bunch of fighting and eventually my brother falls asleep, I take off my favorite windbreaker and put it onto him to his him better. As soon as I do my uncle runs in telling me the other family has moved from guns to grenades, and that they’ve gone deaf and can’t fight no more, so I sent him to guard my brother as I got out where I saw the other family cowering in fear aside from the father walking over to our side throwing grenades, I use a pipe to hit them away like a bat w/ a baseball. The bald man came up to me and start fighting me, I threw a grenade of my own into their family’s cell as a guy dropped one at my feet, I panicked and threw the man off the edge of the balcony, making him fall two stories and then I kicked the grenade as far as I could before it exploded then I looked over at my brother worriedly, noticing my uncle wasn’t in there with him, I woke up just before the grande exploded.

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