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Dream Interpretation: Relation 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Relation? Discover the significance of seeing a Relation in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Relation appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This means your connection with the surrounding people. It also suggests that the particular relation you view means a lot to you in your waking life. Pay attention to your feelings in a dream. If you are feeling happy, it suggests that your relationship is heading in the right direction. If you feel uneasy, then it's time to work on improving it.

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🧭 Direction


Our dreams sometimes serve as a sign of what we are missing in our daily lives. Pay attention to all the relationships surrounding you. Which of these you are avoiding or taking for granted. Your dream is trying to give you an insight into your true self.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of relation evokes a sense of connection and closeness. It brings forth feelings of love, understanding, and support. It signifies the importance of relationships in our lives and the desire for meaningful connections. This dream may also elicit emotions of happiness, contentment, and fulfillment, as it represents the presence of strong bonds and a sense of belonging. It reminds us of the value of nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships with others.





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Dreams of users containing the word Relation

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17 Feb 2024

New Job


I wanted to go back to the house I lived in in middle / high school, so I did. I wanted my old friends there like Joey, Andre, Cameron, agape , Brennen, Katelynn, etc. but I only saw the guys and Agape was the only other girl. As I walked through the house it’s like I got to relive my memories from the past, but only my favorite ones. My friends kept asking me if I was worried the new owners would come back home any minute, but I told them not to worry - we have this place for the time being. I saw Andre dancing to some songs again. This is bittersweet since he passed away. I saw some other lingering spirits in the house, like some kid spirits. I go to talk to them but one seems a bit hostile and the other one seems kind. I always felt a kid like energy in that home when I lived there, it was definitely haunted but interesting to see who was doing the haunting. Suddenly I was near the front door having sexual relations with my friend Thomas??? I was like “okay this is random” but whatever. I eventually kind of just uninterested in Thomas and walk away and so does he. I look around my home one more time and to the right my room door is calling out to me. I step into my room and I see everything I’ve ever let go of, had go missing, or any of my old room decor on the walls. I admire the paintings and old childish decor on the walls. It’s my childhood. The room is a bit dark, and my mattress was on the floor like it usually was. I turn and look out the window - there’s families filling up the backyard and they are all having picnics. I guess I didn’t get the memo of there being a backyard picnic at my house, but they all look so happy so I don’t feel bothered or feel like disturbing them. I see my older childhood friends families like Ashley and her mom. They’re all younger again. And even some families are reunited with their loved ones that passed away. It was like what being in heaven would be like. A happy reunion with everyone you know. I closed the blinds and go back to searching through my room. To the left there is all the sudden an alter there … but with all of my older tools I used to use and some new/ I’m not recognizing. I’m picking up books and looking through the covers, investigating the incense and crystals. Then I see a book mark glowing with many different colors… the item it self had a very interesting aura. The bookmark had hieroglyphics on it . For some reason I had an urge to write down the symbols so when I wake up I can try to translate them myself. Clearly it was some message coming my way. When I look down though I’m not writing…. I have the pen and paper in my hand but nothing is coming off the page. So for the rest of the dream I am thinking of these symbols so I don’t forget them. The rest of the dream was me hanging out with “The kardashians” they are a famous family. They are in my home though, but it seems like I’ve had this dream before - Scott getting bored with Kourtney then trying to date me and mess with me. However I’m in a different woman’s body at that point. Scott gets me a dress and bra to put on just for him. I go back into my child hood room as this new older woman and I’m having a tough time getting dressed but I eventually get the outfit on and I feel super good in it. I step back out into the restaurant the family is in, and he starts talking to everyone about how good I look. My friend Darnell then pops in and he starts asking me questions but then making fun of the fact that I’ve been a bit promiscuous. It’s like he was trying to get me to feel bad and he begins talking about it with everyone else. I then start to feel some shame about being flirty, or just myself really. But then I wake up.

11 Feb 2024



I'm in a room looking thru the window trying to go outside and then I break the iron bars with my hands like nothing too easy after that I'm in the roof with some friends and family but I'm no longer have any relations with them anymore just looking around and i jump in front of me there is a beautiful canyon with green trees clean water I know nothing bad it's going to happen because I can fly around looking everything it's a nice feeling I comeback to the roof people are surprised they clapped exited watching me doing it but I don't talk to anyone in my mind I do it because I enjoy it no to impress the people I do it for me

4 Feb 2024



The guy that I am talking to, was in need of wanting to have a serious conversation with me about our relationship status. We seemed to be in a house that we just got and was making a lot a renovations. People were everywhere. I just wanted to flirt and be sexually but he insisted on a serious conversation. He wanted to change things and told me he was speaking to his mentor about us, who happened to be sitting near us but I didn’t realize. I finally agreed to take the relationship serious and actually try. Since he was also finally ready to stop playing games. In the dream I also saw his son that he has from another relations. And the child was so attached to me and calling my mom.

30 Dec 2023



I dream of intimate relations with a guy and girl. They were, I would say, in a high society. The female could see, ancestors, and would present themselves as skeletons. It was just a lot of moving parts.

20 Nov 2023

Giving Birth


The dream was about two things, I don't remember which came first, #Mom's child or my fight with her, so #Mom was pregnant, and also my cat Jin, they both had their giving birth day the same day, #Jin put one black kitten, I was helping her, #Mom went to give birth when I was trying to help the kitten breath, when he could walk, I heard my aunts cheering on the second floor, I let #Jin and ran above, I could see my new sibling in #Mom's arms, he was so cute, with tiny eyes and very thick eyebrows, I carried him and he kept pushing me away with his legs, and crying, #Mom took him back, and went to her room, I heard #Dad saying Dr house from the tv show came, he took him to my room, I didn't have my hijab on so I took several things from mom, I looked very chiqué I remember, I told myself I have to wear that when I go out, I went to see doctor house, he seemed very depressed, he told me he did something wrong and then went away, my sister #Nada came from outside, I told her #Mom and #Jin gave birth, she ran to see them, I took my laptop trying to open it, my sister came inside the room again and I realized the room really changed, our beds became sticked to each other and her bed was higher than mine, I didn't feel comfortable when I got into my bed and saw how close we're, #Dad came inside the room when I was just about to sleep, he gave me a new laptop and went out, I took the laptop trying to setup a new windows, I saw the new kitten playing, it wanted to get out, I opened the door, his father, Horus, a black cat named after the god of Egypt in Egyptian mythology, ran after him, they kept playing together violently, I took the kitten to my new sibling and both of them kept playing together, I realized the kitten had a lot of boobs, more than 8, and they were big as if he is breastfeeding, I didn't understand how that could be possible, I heard #Mom screaming, I ran to see what's wrong, she told me the baby is dead, I saw him, his head was broken and bleeding, his nose was bleeding too and eyes were nearly closed, I thanked god I didn't have a close relationship to #Mom or him so that I won't feel heartbroken, I kept thinking about how she may be feeling, #Dad said house meant to make the baby die as #Mom had already five children, I was wondering if what he did was right or wrong, I had to do an assignment but I was very tired, #Mom kept making fun of me and asking me why am I always tired and not like my teacher #Rahma who does all she has to do, I asked her to please stop, I kept weeping and telling her I'm handicapped, I have epilepsy and I can't just choose when I could do things, because my seizures make it hard to do a lot of things, I kept fighting with her, telling her she drowned me out, and that i have already told her that thousands of times and there is nothing that forces me to do it again, I left her and went back to my new kitten. I really had a seizure in my sleep, I wonder if that has any relation to the dream.

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