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Dream Interpretation: Partner 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Partner? Discover the significance of seeing a Partner in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Partner appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This represents the state of your partner in real life and reflects your subconscious behaviors and characteristics. It is commonly known in psychology that those things which frustrate us the most are the characteristics about ourselves that we struggle to accept. Whether this is your romantic partner or partner in business, your mind is processing this relationship and looking for hidden truths or new ways of behaving to achieve your desired outcome.

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🧭 Direction


The tension you feel in your relationships can be the greatest source of insight into your hidden trauma and fears. Don't resist the messages of your subconscious; allow this insight to bring new wisdom into how you interact with your relationships. Sometimes this message is simple and shows that you need to care for yourself and receive help from your partner. You deserve it.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about a partner may evoke feelings of companionship, love, and support. It could signify a desire for a deeper connection or a longing for emotional intimacy. The dream may also bring feelings of happiness, excitement, or even anxiety, depending on the nature of the relationship with the partner. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer with a sense of longing or fulfillment, depending on the emotions experienced during the dream.





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Dreams of users containing the word Partner

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15 Jul 2024



I had the strangest dream. First I was at home with my boyfriend but we were sharing the apartment, my apartment which I bought, with three people, two boys and a girl. They used to live with my boyfriend like they were his flatmate, flatmates, and then all of a sudden they ended up living with me and at first I was fine with it and it was a mess. They would eat our food in the fridge but my boyfriend was like okay with it, always smiling and I was complaining and I didn't feel listened to. He wasn't listening to me, taking into account my feelings. And then I remember there was a problem. I was at my partner's mother's place and we had some kind of problem. I had to go to work in the evening because I was doing the night shift and I was so worried because I had to go to work. But, I don't know, there was this problem with the apartment. I don't know, it was being flooded, something like that. I don't remember what kind of problem it was. But, I don't know, I was so anxious and worried and I had to go to work and I didn't know what to do. Then we would go on the moped with my boyfriend, but it was raining so we couldn't and I was desperate. And then, I don't know, he said, OK, I know what to do. And we were going to a weird place, like it looked like a fairy tale, like there were ponies. And, I don't know, we... We were there, and they gave me some kind of white cloth made of silk, and I was, I don't know, worried. My boyfriend, he was so peaceful, he was okay, he knew everything was going to be fine, and I was worried. And I told him, I have to go to work, I have to go to work, and I would burst into tears because I had to go to work. And I didn't know what we were doing there, and I was worried. And he was so okay, so in peace, like, okay, don't worry, wait, they're fixing our problem, we're just staying here, give us some time to be together. And I remember me wanting to be intimate with him, but then all of a sudden, my father pops up, and other people, and my friends, and everyone, and I was losing time, I had to go to work, and it was late, it was late. And in the end, in the end I was in my car with another person and a kid, maybe that kid was my son, I don't know, but I had to really rush to work, but I, the time, it was too late. I started at 10 p.m. and it was late and I needed to text my boss that I was going to be late and I would take the wrong route and I was driving, it was so hard to get to work and then, I don't know, we kind of, it was weird and I never made it to work. And there was another part of the dream where I was laying on the grass with a bunch of high school friends And two of them were like talking about finals like they were studying for them preparing for them But like we were 30 like we are so I was like I don't know why you're doing this because I sometimes I Kind of usually dream of still being in high school and having to do my finals But then I realized while in high school that I don't need to go there anymore because I have a degree I went to college and also I have a job. I go to work every day So why am I what am I still doing here? I've already done all of this stuff and I Find someone to complain to it to explain myself to but then I never The dream ends before I can do that. So I was telling these two friends like what are you doing? We already have a high school degree. We don't need to do this. You don't need to do that I'm not doing that. I'm not at all and they were like well But we may have some problems in the future because maybe it wasn't a lot for what we did maybe it was I don't know they were saying a bunch of bullshit and I didn't care because I I Mean I didn't I really didn't care

13 Jul 2024



I owned a drugstore in the middle of an outdoor mall. We sold stuff for dreaming and other things likenthat but they were illegal. I had a partner who was an older man. I would see my person I'm the dream which was not me, it was some big guy taller and heavier. He would get angry some times for seemingly no reason. We were sitting outside at night when the mall was closed a guy came walking up at night and wanted something from the shop and I helped him out. It the cut to another scene like in a movie where I saw some woman on a motorcycle communicating over an earpiece with some guy. They were foming to get us for some reason. She was aware of where and what we were doing like she was psychic or had some form of remote viewing. It reverted back to my shop but I was watching from 3rd person. My character got angry out of nowhere, I think the guy I was helping maybe said something he didn't like or something and my character punched the computer which was an old big glass monitor and broke it and busted his hand uo and was bloody.

11 Jul 2024



I was in this post-apocalyptic setting with friends and familiar co-workers. At some point in the dream, we were instructed on how to twist our hair with this product. We were suggested to do flat twists, but I did individual twists on my hair. One of the guy's twists out was well-defined with the flat twists, so I decided to redo my hair from the individual twists to the flat twists. At another point in the dream, I was dating this guy who seemed similar to one of my co-workers in the IT department. Anywho, my boyfriend seemed to be constantly planning dates with one of my close friends, Lynda, who was also dating someone and reminding us that this was a couples outing, etc. At some point, I questioned why we always plan double-date or partnered events. As someone who’s recently been single, I wanted us to be more inclusive, planning more social gatherings with our friends who aren’t coupled as well, as they’re as much fun, if not more, than our partnered friend. I remember my close friend Lynda agreed with me.

8 Jul 2024



It started hailing outside but they were as big as tennis balls and I was trying to figure out how to get to my new car to put in under shelter but my partner came running out to move my car but he got bested bashed by the hail and once he made it my car the boot door swung up and caught him, smashing glass and throwing my partner in the air then he came back down and it’s like the boot shut and smashed him harder into the ground

5 Jul 2024



I was listening to music again while I worked. This is another vision. I got a peek into my past life. I was a Native American. I was preparing furs for my tribe. I felt voices around me, children playing, people talking. None of it had to do with me, and for the first time, I felt at peace. I remember looking up and seeing my soulmate in his past life. That’s when I knew that my partner is the man I’m going to spend my life and eternity with.

3 Jul 2024



It was like I was at store and got to set up shop, my partner and I were selling weed and he let me have some. Earlier I was with my friend Michaela and we were at a carnival(it was cloudy)and saw a guy with dog because we were in line to go riding on horses. Even before that her brother my mom and a few other people were doing this gift giving/white elephant type of thing and I learned something scary and that something was going to happen to the cat because of the doors not being shut or something they told me or that inner monologue. (When I learned about the scary thing it was after the carnival, yet at one point I saw the cat with blood idk if the cat's alive or not.)

3 Jul 2024



My partner and i were at the airport and i couldnt find the tickets before boarding the plane. My phone wouldn’t let me access this. We then went to the kiosk but i couldnt find the information. After, i asked if the gate agent could help us and he said he was able to help.

1 Jul 2024

Demon possession
Best Friend


I had a dream that my partner was possessed by a demon (I don't know if my partner in my dream was Dean Winchester or my in real fiance). My dream was in different clips. It seems like we were living in different small areas with whatever you can afford. So firstly, seemed we were living in a truck and I was making mud pies, a guy came over kind of wearing American cowboy clothes and started sorting my mud pies out and I asked what he was doing and he said he was trying to help me out. I told him I was scared of my partner, to which they turned up and started having an argument and fight with the cowboy. The next part of my dream we were in flats I was meeting my mum, and my best friend Anthony was there, as well as his partner Brett we were just catching up and my partner attended. Everyone was telling me he was acting weird, to which I agreed. Next part of my dream I remember my partner doing a repeat exorcism on me but I don't believe it worked. Next part of my dream I was in halls and mine and Caleb's mutual friend Jade was trying to help me perform and exorcism on my partner.

28 Jun 2024



I was showing off a penthouse to a couple who were rich, when showing them the penthouse they was disappointed to see that it was untidy and didn’t look minimalist, in the dream I was using the excuse of it being an “artistic expression” but they didn’t seem too convinced, I was with a man who seemed to be my partner. I later had a dream in the penthouse that someone I care about was trying to commit sucide but I couldn’t get to them quick enough and I was panicking, this woman was trying to talk me out of seeing that person who was suicidal saying they would be fine

24 Jun 2024



Seeing my grandad and great grandad die in a tsunami, and trying to save him,after jumping in the water to save them , then being at my dad's who was alive again and my partner had made him a book of his past and of him with his dad and grandad, the book was of old pictures and notes , of his past with his dad and grandad on , and asking him if he knows who they are ,he smiles and nods and crys when he sees his dad and grandad which make me cry just seeing a tear roll down his cheek

21 Jun 2024



I honestly couldn’t tell if it was a wet dream about my partner penetrating my anus or a dream about a friend who already graduated leave town before I was able to say goodbye.

18 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
Dead body


I had a dream I was walking around my town alone, through back yards like I was hiding from something or someone? I ended up at a house and my partner and kids were with me, it was a old looking house and we were using it as an AirBNB I think. We went inside and it was very creepy, I saw a body lying on the couch, she was dead. I got extremely scared and went upstairs to get the kids to leave. I woke up out of fear

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