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Dream Interpretation: Intimate 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Intimate? Discover the significance of seeing a Intimate in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Intimate appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a desire for emotional and physical closeness with someone. It may also represent a need for intimacy in your current relationship or a longing for a deeper connection with yourself.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current relationships and see if there is a lack of intimacy. If so, communicate your needs and desires with your partner. If you are single, take time to connect with yourself and explore your own desires and needs. It may also be helpful to seek therapy to work through any intimacy issues.

❀️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of closeness and connection. It brings forth feelings of warmth, affection, and vulnerability. It suggests a desire for emotional intimacy and a longing for deep connections with others. The dream may also signify a need for trust and a willingness to open up to others on a more personal level. Overall, it elicits a sense of comfort and a yearning for meaningful relationships.





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Dreams of users containing the word Intimate

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24 Jun 2024



Dream about I was inside a huge school playing a game of chess and my opponent was a girl and there was so many people around us then a bell rang and we took off then returned the opponent was someone I know but didn't remember who it was but I did feel intamacy with her and we didn't get to finish the game

29 May 2024

Teeth falling out


I needed to get two of my teeth removed on each side of my face. I thought it was going to hurt but it didn't hurt at all. I only got one of my teeth out on my left side. I was nervous about getting it out because I thought my dentist was very attractive and I thought pulling out my tooth would be very intimate. I also went to an assembly and got road rage, and won, on the way there.

26 May 2024



I don't remember the whole dream, but the part I do remember was this: I was in a space, not in a house, but a yard near a house, with my 2 daughters. There was some kind of gathering happening and my oldest daughter's (Kota, who is non-binary) girlfriend (Payton) was coming over, but Payton surprised us by bringing her new 2nd girlfriend she'd just started dating with her. I went with it and was a cordial as I could be to this new person, but kept a close watch of Kota to see how they were feeling about it. At one point, Payton and her new girlfriend were cuddling up and being very affectionate and I realized Kota had left the area. I went to find my daughter with my youngest kiddo (Addie). We found Kota asleep inside of a blue car. I asked if they were okay and how they were feeling. They (Kota) explained that they had a headache and was overestimated because of the emotions, that Payton hadn't talked to them before starting this 2nd relationship and that Payton and this new girlfriend just fight all the time or are super intimate like they were being at the gathering. They (Kota) said that their feelings were hurt and they expressed sadness over it all. I hugged Kota and let them just cry while I held them. I don't remember what happened before or after this part of the dream.

17 May 2024

Kill Someone


After being attacked, this man started giving instructions on how to most efficiently kill him. It was like a rhythm game in time with his breathing. He was oddly calm. He told exactly when to chop his throat. It was intimate. Kind B of romantic and sexual

7 Apr 2024



i had the clearest dream of me being in my exs neighborhood talking to her friends in her house after just walking in and i was just asking a bunch of questions. her friend spoke about how she was hanging out with the guy but they gavnt done anything intimate like kissing or anything and idk in my head i kept having a recurring thought of me being at a gun range shooting at pictures of me and her but not like shooting at us, i was shooting at targets next to us and i noticed i shot at the ones of us being together and not the pictures of what i took of her if that makes sense. weird dream but it was so vivid. i was asking questions but i wasnt asking the right questions i do remember asking one of the people at the house if they could talk her into coming outside and talking to me for closure or just to talk to her but it didnt fall through

6 Apr 2024



This is a reoccurring dream, I am on vacation with a man that seems to be my true love. I feel overwhelming love but I don’t know him. We are in a mansion and he is playing the piano and it seems we spend the whole time looking for each other. When we finally find each other it’s overwhelming love. He tells me we have to wait to be intimate because of circles we have to build together but just being there in his arms is enough for me.

4 Apr 2024

My crush


My oldest son was home visiting and he brought a female friend with him instead of his fiance. His female friend was hanging out with him, maybe they rode together. I think she had a crush on him. My oldest son was waiting for his girlfriend that come join us and not his current fiance. The family were all in the living room watching a college footbal bowl game or some type of football with my son's female friend. The friend was an attractive young lady and overly friendly. I got up to go get something. When I returned, as we were talking she leaned forward and said give me a kiss. I gave her a short kiss on the lips and then she reached back out for a second longer kiss. It was closed mouth kiss and somewhat innocent. The kiss I initiated was like the innocent kiss on the lips you would give your mom or grandmother. However, she attempted to make the kiss more intimate than it should have been. I didn't fall for it and kept my boundary. My wife and younger son were sitting on the couch and we continue to watch the game. The game was going back and forth. The team that was favored to win was losing. then for some reason we stopped watching the game and did something else. later we found out that the other team the team that was expected to win did rally back in the second half of the game to win. My oldest son's girlfriend arrived she was very short and very cute. She had on long cowboy boots but they're like slippers at the bottom with no boot heel. She sat down and we were talking to her trying to get to know her. We were trying to figure out if my oldest son really like his girlfriend or if he liked the female friend he had brought with him? The girlfriend was nice, kind and easy to talk to. She was also from Nebraska and her dad owned the all you can eat Brazilian Meat restaurant. We had visited the restaurant a couple of times. My younger son left the house and returned with a new puppy. We are not a pet family and he didn't ask us if he coukd buy a puppy even though he's living at home with us. The puppy urinated on the carpet somewhere in the livingroom. We couldn't find the spot to clean it. My mother was also at the house and she was trying to help my son locate the urine spot so she could clean it up. We went outside for some reason and next door to us there was some kind of crime in progress with an active shooter. The police asked us to get down low and move very slowly to get back to our house. There was a van blocking us from the shooter's direct line of sight. If we did not crouch down low, the gunman would see us. So one by one we took turns backing up to get out of the line of fire and eventually there were a few shots fired. I am not sure if the gunman took his own life or if he was killed by the police officers. It was a little scary to have that happened right next door to us. Then we went back inside the house.

26 Mar 2024



I woke up in a hotel room with my ex boyfriend and we just sat on our beds talking but than all of a sudden we started fighting but than we were kissing and hugging and doing more intimate things together. I felt the guilt in my dream of cheating on my partner but I couldn’t stop and in my dream I wanted to but I also wanted to stop. I enjoyed it but also felt repulsed by my actions. I got dressed and just sat on the edge of the bed crying. Than my partner walked in and I thought I was going to be yelled at. I looked back to look at my ex but he was gone. No trace. My partner walked up and sat beside me and comforted me and as much as I tried to tell him what I did I couldn’t get the words out. Like something was physically stopping me from saying it. My partner hugged me and comforted me. I woke up feeling really bad.

22 Mar 2024



my partner and potential twin flame went to get ketamine (a drug) for me i think and went through a pond and got dragged in by beautiful female selkies who i didn’t think wanted to harm them, but i think had sex with them in the water before the selkies transformed them into something like them, beautiful but terrifying. they finished off most of the selkies before emerging, saving one i think. they then left the pond, me tracking them on gps i think they then came home dripping wet, devastatingly beutiful, and maybe possessing some kind or gift relating to water

7 Mar 2024



I had a dream that society was on the brink of collapsing. The people split into factions based on personality and merit. The factions were fighting over power instead of a solution. The sky was always dark throughout the entire dream. I somehow discovered a long last insect who was the Insect King grandson. I was rewarded with riches in insect currency which had the highest value above the human currency. As I was heading home 2 people from an opposing faction tried to intimate and overpower me. I somehow developed powers that welded poison and paralysis making my opponents unable to move. The God of Death witnessed my powers and wanted to examine the extent of it. He brought me to my parents for permission to investigate me and tell them about the poison I used that accidentally killed one of the opponents I faced prior. As we are waiting, I was about to demonstrate my ability to control his body even if he was a God, but I woke up before I could complete the task.

7 Mar 2024

New Job


Faith and I dated for about a year.Β  I remember the playful way I asked her if she would like to date. I had enough confidence that she had the potential to say yes - because of the fact that we had already gone to the dance together.Β  We dated for about a year.Β  Our dating life was not that intimate.Β  A peck on the lips after a night out.Β  I would have liked to have held hands or kissed a bit more.Β  I also did enjoy that we often went out and hung out with large groups of people.Β  I often felt ignored - and I remember being very pouty.Β  Eventually she broke up with me - probably because she saw that I was frequently unhappy.Β  This was not the result I wanted.Β  I had hoped to be closer.Β  But it was probably the inevitable outcome.Β  We remained friends and I was drawn into a new circle of friendships - for high school.Β  These friends felt more like friends I wanted - not the one's circumstance had put me with - the other kids who lived on the same block as me.Β  These people were interesting - artists, band, and theatre kids.Β  We started to drift apart when I began dating my second girlfriend Tonya, when I was in 11th grade.Β  I was still friends with them, but did not spend as much time.Β  I know this happens all the time when people start dating - but I wish I could have been a rare exception, because these people meant a lot to me. Years later I was hanging out with Faith and she apologized for the way we broke up - she said she could see I was unhappy and didn't know what to deal with that.Β  She told me I was the first person she'd ever dated and chalkedΒ  it up to being too young for a serious relationship.Β  I don’t know if this is true - but I felt like it was kind of her to say it.

27 Feb 2024

Holding hands
Light (Not Dark)


Even though it was my little brother, Derrion's face, in the dream I felt the presence and the thought of Kristin, this guy I’ve talking to romantically online. Me and him were having a intimate moment and we started holding hands while sat next to each other with my head resting on his shoulder. The scenery kinda resembled a classroom or daycare, yellow walls, big bright ceiling lights, and wooden brown chairs and desks.

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