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Dream Interpretation: Cousin 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cousin? Discover the significance of seeing a Cousin in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cousin appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbol can indicate the overlooked aspects of yourselves and your personality that you have long forgotten, sometimes even relating to missing your past. It can also significantly represents the family dynamics that are going on in the present.

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🧭 Direction


Take insight from your dream to find out what your mind is looking to connect with. Gain more knowledge and develop yourself, particularly in the area you've neglected. Confront disputes within yourself and your family that you may have been avoiding.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a cousin may evoke feelings of familiarity, connection, and nostalgia. It could symbolize a sense of family bonds, support, and shared experiences. This dream may also bring up emotions of joy, happiness, and a sense of belonging. Additionally, it might represent a desire for companionship or a reminder of past memories and relationships.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cousin

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16 Jul 2024



I dreamt with my cousin. Me and her had reconciled with eachother after a year of arguing and I was at my old apartment. We spent the entire day together and then she left. I thought she was going to sleep over but then I realized she was leaving and I was concerned because I didn’t want to stay alone at my old apartment.

16 Jul 2024



I had a dream where it was my sister Athie , my cousin Steven , my other cousin Donnell, & a “friend” of my sisters and we all was hanging out and we left to go to the air b&b to “call it a night” . The day started off so smooth and we all was chilling and having drinks and having a good time and then we left for groceries at the store and the that’s when my stomach turned , my sister was going to go shower when we * as in we I mean the “friend” Donnell & Steven & i * was in the kitchen when i heard a scream ; the “friend” said “ i heard Athie scream i think someone broke into the window” * as i was helping her putt away the ice cream* i ran the the bathroom to find another girl who did something to Athie because she was holding her throat ^athie was holding her throat^ and i hit the girl and she went down she said that she was that “friends” ‘friend’ . And i didn’t leave my sisters side and then i woke up ..

16 Jul 2024



My brother, cousin and boyfriend and I was in a school but for some reason on a boat, and we were playing a game. every few minutes there was announced a few killers, and u had to run into a safe zone that closes in a few seconds if u weren’t a killer. you would hear screams and ppl dying outside the door. eventually, killers cheated and went into safe zones and almost killed everyone. they fixed it after 2 rounds, but i was with my boyfriend and for some reason was seperated from my brother and we had no way to contact so i was worried the entireeeee time. eventually the game was over and was reunited with him. OH and my friend was there i remember seeing her at the end. but inside the safe rooms were like classrooms but with seats going on like a small stadium. I think the dream actuallt started outside like a post apocalyptic thing, cuz i remember running and hiding in someone’s yard from someone, somehow it just switched i can’t remember.

16 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


Last night (or this morning) I dreamt that I went to the beach with my cousin and 2 other girls, that I didn't recognize, and we were eating a really big doughnut. But they were only taking little bites and I wanted more. Like, we were leaving and left it there and I wanted to go back and eat more of it but I couldn't. And then it was just me and my cousin and my dog that passed away, that I'm still very upset over, and we were at my cousin's dad's old house where he lived when we were teenagers. But the house looked like it had been damaged by a bad storm and water/ wind so we were trying to clean up so we put my dog on the porch and I kept going out to check on him. And there was a bunch of stuff in the house that looked like it was from the set of a play or something, like pieces of walls and lights and stuff. And we were trying to move stuff around so we could put all the wet stuff in the "bad" part of the house so we could be in the "good" part. Then I checked on my dog again and I woke up crying.

13 Jul 2024



I got into some fancy academy abroad with my little sister and my cousin. It’s a modern building, large, with a lot of dark glass that reflects the surroundings from the outside. It’s build close to a large body of water, maybe the sea. My cousin came after my and my sister to the academy and we had some trouble to find each other. I met my ex-boyfriend there in class, and he made me skip class with him, despite me just getting there. But I said yes and we went to a big grocery store. He showed me different stuff and it felt like before we broke up.

11 Jul 2024



I was in kindergarten about 5 years old, and I had this doll from the movie hunchback of Notre Dame. Her name was Esmerelda, she wore a white shirt, green skirt, lots of jewelry. I showed up at a house where my cousin use to live to find my whole kindergarten class sitting in the living room for no particular reason they where watching tv. I noticed that instead of the chimney being in the living room there was a big brown door with a mail slot. I walked down the hallway toward my cousins room to look for him. The hallway seemed longer than I remember and at the far end of the hall way I saw what looked like a small child running back and forward between the rooms. I thought nothing of it. Since I didn’t find him I walked back into the living room. As I was walking back I saw my brother sitting in front of the door next to the mail slot playing with his G.I Joes. approaching him I started to get this feeling that something was off. That was when a small brown hand came through the mail slot grabbed him and drug him through that tiny hole. I ran up to the door and peeked through. To my horror I found that my Esmerelda doll hat cut off the top of his head and was busy sewing it back on. I ran to my parents who where In the kitchen washing dishes, but as soon as I got to the doorway she popped up in the window with a freeze ray and instantly froze both of them. Since I was in such a state of panic, fear and dread I woke up.

11 Jul 2024

Saudara laki-laki


Akmal's goodbye My mother nearly got her phone robbed, she also got robbed while parking her car and wearing no hijab, but gratefully she is agile enough to take it back, I was devastated knowing that she would chase her phone's robber even without covering her hair. Fast forward, I went to a weird warped version of my maternal grandfather's house. I was in my older brother's room, Ikmal, my phone was charging, but I can't wait patiently, so I to the other rooms and found other phones that my mom bought for me, there are now 3 phones that I have. Mom then arrived to pick me up, suddenly ikmal and my little cousin Iffa appear, ikmal then shakes my hand, Ikmal then told Iffa that it is Sunday and near Eid, so she also shakes hands with me, I retrieve 3 of my phones and went straight to my mom's car, not knowing where this car will go.

11 Jul 2024



This was a few weeks ago. I was visiting my family in Texas. My cousin Elizabeth came over and she was hugging me tight and never let go.

9 Jul 2024

Roller coaster


I had a dream my cousin had a baby and then we went on a roller coaster

9 Jul 2024



I think I had a few dreams last night. One of them was that I had tickets to go to a restaurant which I think was themed by the TV show Friends and then I had some more tickets that were going to go watch a show. I think they were all at the same time and what I wanted to do was take Abbey with me to one of them and I'm not sure somebody was going to go to the other one, I don't know who it was and it ended up me having to go with Abbey's friend Sarah and I said I wanted to go with Abbey and she was adamant she wasn't going to go and we were all at Paul's house and his kids were there and there were birds flying about and animals and I was trying to organise everybody and say look we're going to go out and try to figure out who was going where. My cousin was there I think, Paul's dad, and there were all these bits of paper with instructions on and they were going in envelopes and somehow, I don't know how, there was an envelope saying that somebody was a cunt and we were trying to figure out who's named envelope it was going to go into and we were all laughing in case it went in one of the kids' ones and my cousin was saying oh this is a nice family event isn't it, insinuating that somebody's a cunt and anyway I kept looking at the time and I was like no we need to make a move if we're going to go to this restaurant. I went out, got my shoes on and I stood by the door and there was a helicopter going down the street and it was really low and I was like what on earth is going on, why is this helicopter there and I looked down the road and a couple of doors down there was a shop that had just been blown to bits and it was just debris everywhere and I was like what is going on and everybody came out and they were like right let's go to this restaurant then and I was like I don't even know if we can book it because I think we may have run out of time but we got to this restaurant and they let us in and for some reason we all went in even though we only had two tickets and we sat down and it was kind of a buffet thing where you went to get your own food and I went and got pancakes and people went and got other stuff and I was eating and I had this friend Sarah that I had the ticket for, she literally ate a couple of mouthfuls of pancake and that was it and Paul was there and he said have you got to eat the rest of it and she says no I don't and Abby and her friends were like no she doesn't, she doesn't have to eat anything, she doesn't want to and Paul's like yeah but you've got tickets to come here and eat so you would have thought you would have eaten it but she was adamant she wasn't eating it and I think she went outside at the end but I don't really know what happened to the play or who went to that I think somebody did but I don't actually know

8 Jul 2024



i had sex with my cousins ex/fling & tried to hide it from her

6 Jul 2024

Love Interest
Many People


I had a dream that I had to go to work in a different city and I really didn’t want to go so first when I got there I opened up I I was having nice interactions with the customers and things then my grandma called me and told me that they was there too and I wanted to see them before I left but I was at work so I chose to leave and I got to them with no problem and then when I remembered that I was like to work alll my times say x so I’m ridding with my cousin but I can’t figure out how to get back there then some how I got there but when I got there the time said 8:45 it was so many different people there and I felt horrible bc I just left my whole shift yeah so the people was being mean to me but I was not having it I met somebody named chris( I think I met Christ as a love interest in a lot of my dreams) then my boss was outside and he was really really mad at me so we had it out and my other boss was texting me trying to ask me what was wrong if I had been suppressing my grievances but i was ignoring him and my baby brother popped up out of no where and now I have to keep him safe as well but I kept forgetting that he was with me and as I was trying to leave and I could not remember how to get back to my family when I remember that Landon was with me I saw I black jeep out side and when I looked I saw Landon sitting in there but I forgot again and I ordered an Uber anyways while I’m in the Uber I realized that I ordered the Uber back to work and on the way back I remember that Landon was with me but I seen him in a black jeep before and the black jeep was still there I was looking and I was still arguing with my boss and when I get in the car I see my baby sister too there is a man driving and a woman telling me how much she wants to help and that she could take me to my family I asked for her phone but I was still distracted with my boss that I didn’t even think about the jeep moving then remember thinking we are not safe and I’m trying to take Rylee out the seat and bring her closer to me and I see the lady in the passenger seer trying to stab me with a needle but she was going soo slow so I just threw it out the window but then she looked at my brother and he was talking about how unwanted sexual pleasure felt so good then I woke up I did not wanna stay in that dream

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