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Dream Interpretation: Aunt 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Aunt? Discover the significance of seeing a Aunt in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Aunt appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes a feminine archetype and maternal or female authority figure in your life. Family members in the dreams highlight qualities or aspects of yourself that you need to consider. This also signifies communication about some situation in your life that you need to address.

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🧭 Direction


Imagine that you are your aunt. What message would you be trying to communicate to yourself? What are the key features of your aunt's personality that you need to be thinking about? Perhaps you want to be more like this, or perhaps this is an area of conflict with those parts of yourself. There are valuable insights to be gained through this dream! Allow these parts of yourself to communicate the messages they need to express.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about an aunt may evoke feelings of familiarity, comfort, and support. It could symbolize a sense of family connection, guidance, or a reminder of cherished memories. This dream may bring about emotions of love, warmth, and a sense of belonging. It could also represent a desire for advice or guidance from a trusted figure in your life. Overall, the presence of an aunt in a dream may elicit positive and nurturing emotions.





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16 Jul 2024



i don't remember much, but i remember that my auntie who was working abroad went back at our country, and while me and my friends is just talking, like there was kind of celebration— she went up there where we are, with a baby, and like I was wow so cute, and she gave the baby to me, saying they were twins, and I better take care of this one, and that her daughter is on a flight to here, while the other is still just booking and so I did try to. take care of the baby, and when my aunt went down to the other floor, my dog, dolly? or something looking similar to her lunged at the baby, taking it from me, the crying baby stopped crying, and I was like panicking but also calming myself down, and a few moments later, I separated the dog to the baby, with so much force it whined, and when I looked at the baby it wasn't mauled, but looking dead, and plasticky, like when you touch it, it feels like deeping your finger in a slime, and overall, the baby looked dead. I was kind of grieving, and hating the dog as I went down to the 3rd floor to second floor, still not sure how to break it down to her, but when I went to the ground floor, she just got back, with the other baby who looked like they have grown a bit, and she took the baby who was attacked by the dog, and said 'she's dead.' As she made me hold the other baby. (anyways that's as much as I remember :))

10 Jul 2024



It was a few days before Christmas. An African-American teen got out of jail. He went to live with his aunt in her apartment. When he got there, she was asleep but told him to go on in with a spare key. Shortly after he got inside, a group of white church members walked inside like it was a tourist attraction. He hid in the bathroom shower because he was scared that they would treat him badly. A woman came into the bathroom and he stopped her before she shut the door and said “wait, I’m in here” She freaked out and went back to the group. He came out with his hands up and they treated him like he was a demon. It woke his aunt up and she ushered the group outside and made them leave. The teen got ready for school the next morning, and stopped by a small store with the money that his aunt gave him to get what he needed. A white teen in his class came up and started being a really racist jerk to him, so he managed to buy a large, loose diamond for his aunt with some money that he saved up from his time in jail as a Christmas present. He went to school after he left the shop, and he was in an ROTC class. The white teen from earlier was in the same class, and started being a jerk again to show off for his girlfriend. When the teen asked him to stop and just let him do the stuff he needed to do, the white teen got in his face and asked him, “are you really gonna talk to an upperclassman like that?” After school, the white teen’s girlfriend came up to him and was nice to him. She walked him home to make sure he’d be okay, and he showed her the diamond he got for his aunt and talked about how grateful he was for her. Other townspeople saw him with the diamond and called him a thief and called the police. The police officer was racist just like the rest of the town and treated him like he was harassing the white girl that was walking with him. The white teen came up to him and was trying to start a fight and accused him of trying to propose for his girlfriend.

10 Jul 2024



Auntie Kathy and a friend were helping me to clean out our basement. Kathy had been a house inspector but recently handed the job over to her friend. I was looking at all of the work that needed to be done on the basement and despairing due to our inability to pay for it when her friend points out some boards that are falling off the wall. "Why don't you just nail these back into place" she asked, not realizing that the problem was much deeper. I explained. "Because water is getting behind these boards from somewhere and nailing it back into place would just cover it up. Eventually the boards are going to pop off again but the problem will be much worse." "Can you just fix it?" She asked. So I explained to her that I had neither the money nor the expertise to really solve the problem. Kathy had known this and overlooked a lot of the problems she knew we couldn't deal with but this new person didn't know us at all. Suddenly Kathy notes that our washer is leaking and getting soapy water all over the floor. It is a front loader (we have a top loader in real life). The water seems tonbe coming out of the door which has not sealed properly. I ask Kathy "weren't you lugging that thing around the other day? The door is probably just not seated properly." Her friend tests my theory and the leak stops but the whole interaction has lead me through a major panic because that could have been another thing that we just couldn't afford to deal with. Kathy points out to her friend a meme I'd created and she laughs and Kathy tells her that I'm actually very funny. The meme is from a collection that I made along a certain theme. I wonder if I could find them and maybe share them online. That would require some looking though and if I did post them I might initially be thrilled at the response I got from others, but recognition for my work would likely be losr eventually as people rarely keep track of that sort of thing online.

7 Jul 2024

Phone call


I dreamt that my father was in the hospital, and my mother was by his side. Suddenly, I received a phone call saying that both of them had died. It felt like my world had collapsed. The strange thing is that my mother, despite being dead in the dream, managed to call me on video. Honestly, I have never seen a happier or more beautiful woman than she appeared in that video call. I remember at one point, I was sitting at a table with my aunts who were trying to support me, and I even managed to make a joke: “I miss my mom, but I’m focused on her debt agenda.” Everyone laughed. At one point, it turned out that my father hadn’t died, and just before the dream ended, my father and I got up from the table to go and find out how my mother, if she was dead, could communicate with us through the phone. The second and last time my mother called me, my aunt, her sister, took the phone away from me and said, “It’s not good for you to talk to and see her.” My mother didn’t say anything in that call. The dream hurt me a lot; I love my mother more than anything in the world. I even woke up crying, and for 30 minutes after I woke up, I cried.

6 Jul 2024



I dreamt I saw my aunty who travelled from a long distance only to visit us my family was happy to see her she came will a lot of things I went to meet her and I attracted a lot of positive energy from her

3 Jul 2024



My dead grandma an we were at her house an i said i cant look at her because she’s dead an she didnt know what i was talking about. Then all of a sudden i was on a small inflatable boat an my mon cousin an aunt were there. My cousin had hair worms and they were huge. We had ti rip them out an they thought i had them an i assured them i did not.

3 Jul 2024



A 6 year old me, My mom and My dead grandmother were at the grocery store shopping and we looking for things I got lost but seem to always had my grandma calling me to know where to go and she would always wait on me as my grandmother and I walked my mom started talking to strangers complaining about how I was unintelligent and harassing me and it was my finally straw on the salsa isle and I left and went outside and seen my aunt and my cousin with a car of four kids getting out to comfort me but the kids were in the car just being bad fighting in the car and we noticed there was a baseball field and a playground down the street so we took them and we all went and we played kick ball and had a great time and my grandmother came out the store followed by mom and my mom had the nerve to ask me where I went like she didn't embarrass me but it's ok after we left and drove away we acted like nothing happened.

3 Jul 2024



I dream of getting hit a by a boy . I got angry and beat him . When my aunt get to know that I got hit by a stranger boy she took and tie her in a wood pole in between of road . Everyone surrounded him I was also there . I was not okay with the situation it was not big deal. Then my aunt fire his body and turned him alive . I was terrified I saw him alive burning. Melting his skin , flesh body . I was extremely terrified by the scene

1 Jul 2024



Dream about being in a house knowing a past significant other will call/text me. An old crush that wasn’t him ended up texting me about linking up. I remember going outside and seeing 3 people on the floor and I ended up helping them. I was with a group of people and we left the house we were at (it was a gorgeous neighborhood) and my aunt Bernadette drove us to the next place. I was the last out of the car because I was looking for my bag/purse but I knew it was there so I left without it. I was walking through the hallway my cousins were in front of me and we made it to the kitchen. Georges asked me if I can make him coffee and I said of course but there was nothing in the house to make coffee so I left that alone. I started looking at the apartment and realizing it belonged to a different aunt but I saw a picture of Claude in there. There were two bathrooms (I didn’t go inside because they were filthy) but I noticed the tubs were nice and huge. Then I noticed the high ceilings and told my cousin it could actually be really nice in here and I love the high ceilings. I noticed there were 3 windows which were all open and a cool breeze was coming in. I enjoyed the breeze for a moment. I ended up plating this man’s food that was with us & my cousin was like girl he’s a player but I smirked and then woke up.

1 Jul 2024

Killing someone


I’m in my aunt’s house in Italy, getting prepared for both airplane back home and school in Japan and oacking my luggage Once I’m ready the auntie’s family grts me on the car to take me to the airport The sky is strangely colored lime green and teal, like one of those Giorgio de Chirico paintings We drive through and past railways of Mediterranean coasts, the Cretan sky and many other strange scapes that seem to blend together Scene changes and I’m back at school There’s this one woman in my class who keeps provoking me and such and spreads false rumors about me When I confront her she olays the innocent victim And because she has scaffolds of people around her to defend or enable her I can’t do anything about it After much difficulty I reach the limit of my patience and I kill the evil bitch with a handaxe, butchering her in the school corridor in the public eye

29 Jun 2024

Roller coaster


I dreamt that I was at a table with my mother and my aunt, where my mom was asking me to do something. I said no and she got upset and tried to manipulate me into agreeing before I told her “you can use any tactics you want but I’m not gonna give in”. This reflects real world stuff. Then I was going on a trip with my family and as we were packing up a van a man (family friend?) kicked sand onto my stuff that was on the ground. Instinctively I kicked at him without touching him. He got really mad and said “I could shoot you!” And I said “do whatever you want to me but don’t kick sand on my towel” before we got in the car and drove off without him. I thought about apologizing but realized that was rediculous. We drove through amazing streets and under bridges before we came to this huge tree that became a rollercoaster for our car. I took a video of us. I felt anxious as well as excited the whole time before we got off. The I fell asleep in the car. In the dream in my dream I was talking to my mom about her psychic gifts. I told her not to worry if her abilities looked different from other peoples (I gave examples of how people can see or hear or feel energy but can’t do other things). Eventually I woke up in the dream and our car had gotten to a water park/amusement park. I was all alone in the parking lot and was getting my shoes on wondering how I’d get it. I wasn’t too worried I hoped that I’d be able to call my family to let me in. But then I woke up for real.

29 Jun 2024

Old Home


I was at my aunts old house and I couldn’t wait to leave. When I left I went back to the house I used to live in

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