Michelle, your dream featuring lots of cut-up onions is rich with symbolism and emotional undertones. Onions are often associated with layers and complexity, reflecting the multifaceted nature of your own experiences and feelings. In the context of your life, where you navigate the challenges of mental health, relationships, and the aftermath of significant life events, dreaming about onions may represent the layers of emotions you are peeling back in your waking life. Each layer could symbolize different aspects of your identity and experiences, particularly those related to your past and current struggles with sadness and anxiety.
The act of cutting up onions in your dream might indicate a desire to dissect and understand these layers. You may feel overwhelmed by the weight of your emotional baggage and are subconsciously searching for clarity and insight. This process of cutting can also evoke feelings of vulnerability, as you confront the core of your emotions. The tears that sometimes accompany the preparation of onions could suggest that you are processing grief or sadness, perhaps connected to the loss of a loved one or the financial stress you have faced. It’s a reminder that healing often involves allowing ourselves to feel and express our emotions.
Furthermore, the recurring imagery of onions could point to the need for nourishment and sustenance in your life, both emotionally and physically. Onions are a staple in many dishes, symbolizing that you might be seeking comfort or stability amidst your tumultuous experiences.