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Dream Interpretation: Hand 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hand? Discover the significance of seeing a Hand in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hand appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

The symbol represents your ability to defend yourself from danger or risk. It also signifies your capability to reach out and take hold of your goals. However, it sometimes also symbolizes a lack of action, preventing you from reaching your objective.

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🧭 Direction


Notice the hands you see in your dream. Are these your hands or the hands of others, and how do you feel towards them. Take this insight from your dream. Then change your confidence and action to defend yourself and increase your strength to pursue and reach your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a hand can evoke various emotions depending on the context. It may symbolize connection, support, or assistance, bringing feelings of comfort, security, and trust. Alternatively, it could represent vulnerability, dependence, or a need for help, leading to feelings of uncertainty or fear. The interpretation ultimately relies on the dreamer's personal experiences and emotions associated with hands.





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18 Jul 2024



A quick nightmare, someone I don't know came into a weird room that I was sleeping in, I watched the door slowly slide open and I tried to push him out but he reached towards me and told me to run, and then a hand came out of the vent above me and grabbed me by my face.

16 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at my house and I was leaving for school but it was nighttime and two classmates were there and also my crush, as I was leaving my house I went down stairs but almost fell so i yelled at my crush to help me but I didn't end up falling. When I was finally leaving my crush hugged me and said "don't leave, stay with me". I started to walk towards a tree in my house and in the distance I saw a group of people and more far away I saw my two classmates, as we walked he stopped hugging me and then grabbed my hand and said "let's go with our classmates" and I said "no" but somehow we ended up with them

16 Jul 2024



I was hanging out with friends when a foreboding sadness came over me. I could not figure out where it came from. My friend Joel and I decided to go investigate something and took this indoor jungle gym like path. We passed a lot of children and this made me more sad. We got to where we needed to go and realized we forgot something so we took a multi slide path back up. We saw a destroyed tampon box and the tampons were sprawled throughout the slides. We passed more kids who were laughing and having a good time. We made it too the top and joel took my hand and said it's going to be okay. I woke up.

5 Jul 2024



So. I had this dream where I was stripping at this night club I had a boyfriend already but this guy who was kinda of good looking always watching me and staying close with me he was another worker there at the club i was getting undressed to get dressed my actual boyfriends pants were on the floor drying and then the guy that like me came in the dresser and started talking to me and as each day came to pass he got closer with me and i started to like him back i would walk on the floor he would just come up next to me trying to hold my hand but there was something i didnt noticed was that he had no hands but somehow his knubs had fingers then another time he tried to kiss me but instead i stook my tongue out at him and i walked away

4 Jul 2024



I was at this store with my son. We walked around for a little while and I bought him a toy and I got some lingerie to surprise my boyfriend. When we left the store we walked past this playground in the neighborhood I used to live in as a child. I had to move my son because he almost got his by a kid in a swing. Next thing I know I run into a friend and we go back to her place. We are chilling in a room when she walks out to do something. I looked up and wonder where the attic door came from when it slowly started opening. I immediately felt fear and covered myself up with a thin see through blanket. The attic door opened all the way and this dark dead hand appeared and dragging me off the bed and tried to drag me under the bed. I woke up afraid and could still feel the hand from the dream

3 Jul 2024



Dream So there was this guy with blonde hair that would meet me in dreams but really he has dark hair and the blonde guy was like an avatar he used to greet me. He follows me around like a ghost cause well I think he cares for me and he’s worried about leaving me alone. He kept trying to kiss me as the blonde guy and I kept turning away cause I felt really really embarrassed. He’d get this really sad look about him then act like nothing happened. The dark haired guy watched people be mean to me. He couldn’t seem to do much about it other then hover closer or knock on walls. He smelled nice, I just felt like I really really wanted to touch him. Cuddle. But he was an invisible ghost when I was awake. I wanted to hide my face pretty badly I was so scared he’d find me ugly. When I went back to sleep I saw this guy with dark hair messing around on computers. Some lady said to me, “Well there he is” Later there was a bunch of strange noises and I was barely awake, but I was in a hospital bed with 2 women fussing over me. The dark haired guy came into the room. He had a really long beard. I was like 😃 beards. I was so out of it. I kinda reached toward him and he held my hand for a second but quickly left the room. I was confused why he didn’t stay. I was bored while the woman were talking so I looked around the room and saw some choccy milk hanging on the door. I think it was for me. It made my heart melt a little I also started helping people move into the undercity. Underground caverns that kinda resembled the sewers. I watched some kids die from the flooding.

29 Jun 2024



Someone extended their hand for me to shake and I gave them the wrong hand so they had to switch.

28 Jun 2024



The dream felt really real. I could actually feel. The devil and god asked me to choose a side for war. I chose the devil's side cause I thought it would be cool he grabbed my hand and it started to bleed the hand turned into a red evil looking hand qith black claws, I had this overpowering feeling of dred even though he would give me everything I wanted. The world started to burn and turn red. I felt my soul dying and I had this overpowering feeling of evilness. I screamed to god for help and I changes my kind I repented. Then god took my hand and pulled me up. I then had this feeling of calm and peace. His hand was shiny and calming. He pulled me through the roof and into the clouds and felt at peace

25 Jun 2024



I was in a dream where futuristic military people were rushing all around me, and someone saw me and there was a person next to them that looked like me, and they were talking about how she wanted to switch lives with me, and after they were finished talking, the person that wasn’t me had a balloon in her hand, and start slowly approaching me, making eye contact the whole time and I got scared, and because I got scared she said, “then you know what I am!” And she started chasing after me and I had to run across water on steppingstones and jump over obstacles that weren’t visible, but I knew were there and jump over a hole in the ground that was pure fire and I tried to climb onto a building, and as I was reaching the top, the girl caught up to me and bit my hand, and I could kind of feel pain, but hardly and she said that because I couldn’t feel pain that I was from the future and the version of me she was talking to, before chasing me, was the past me, and that nothing can be changed, and that we wouldn’t switch lives. And then I woke up.

24 Jun 2024

Bit (verb)


I bit a chunk off of my moms hand when there were things going on. We were going to the hospital

24 Jun 2024



I remember being in a casino with my friend for some reason we ran into this room where there was a game where you had to get shot in the hand with a arrow to win some tokens I was too scared but she actually did it and as a result was left with a big hole in her hand after the lady pulled the arrow out of her hand. I also remember opening a freezer that was in that room and seeing a bunch of food …..then we began to walk around the casino I ran into my brother then I ran into James I was happy to see him I instantly began to smile and flirt with him and follow him around. James deceased friend Red was also with him I remember playing around with him too and he was smiling then I woke up

23 Jun 2024



I was in a garage looking for knives and then I was outside my old house. I was putting moose antlers in the tree. I had my old dog that died and my dog now outside with me. It was time to leave and I was going to leave but there was only a trail leading into the forest. I hugged a lady bye, then I went to go hug her husband. It switched to me laying on a blanket or something with my supervisor. She held my hand like my mother does. It made me think that every time she talks my mother that past away 3 years ago comes through her.

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