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Dream Interpretation: Arm 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Arm? Discover the significance of seeing a Arm in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Arm appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbol represents your strength in defending yourself from danger. This also signifies that you are trying to reach out to take hold of things in your life and achieve your goals. However, it also sometimes suggests obstacles that are in your way, preventing you from achieving your goals.

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🧭 Direction


Your dream tells you what steps you need to take to increase your strength. This can be physical or mental, which will help you defend yourself and also help you achieve your goals. Make sure you notice everything about your dream, as it also helps you identify the obstacles that are in your way that you need to get rid of in order to achieve your goals.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of an arm can evoke a sense of strength, power, and capability. It may symbolize the ability to take action, accomplish tasks, or overcome obstacles. This dream can also represent support, as arms are often associated with comfort and protection. Additionally, it may signify the need for assistance or a desire for connection with others. Overall, the dream of an arm elicits feelings of empowerment, assistance, and the potential for achievement.





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30 Jun 2024



Basically I went to either a concert or show with my significant other and I couldn’t see exactly what it was but I was sitting next to him and he was stand-offish with me. I put my arm around him and his body language was cold definitely like girl I don’t want you touching me, vibes. Then when the show was over you he just walked away from me, no holding hands, no looking back to see if I’m there and I’m like okay I said to myself (in the dream) let me not overwhelm him with questions. I was starting at him walking away and then I turned in the opposite direction and saw a woman in all black, like a witch or death.

17 Jun 2024

Angry at Dad


I had a dream that I was performing a play. We were attacked by pirates. We got into a fight. I remember specifically breaking all of their arms in a certain way. I was very angry.

2 Jun 2024



The dream, picture wise, was clear. I didn't know anyone present though. I was going to take a trip to Florida. I have no clue who I was with but I do know it was a guy. I felt off because I didn't have any clothes or a bag with me. Never got on a plane or bus or anything. Later somehow ended up in like some sort of convenience store. Apparently there is this huge unwritten/unspoken rule to not step out of line. I didn't leave the line but just reached over to put something back. Then some short woman who was light-skinned with a light brown colored hair bob was pitching a whole fit because my arm was reaching to put something back. I don't quite understand what happed but it appeared I left the line. Woke up at that point...

2 Jun 2024



i had a dream i had three boys that i found attractive come into our class n sat really close to me . n one of the boys had put there arm around me n got all nervous . they didnt talk as much as i thought they wouldve . but i didnt blush n i was calm . (ive never not blushed or stayed calm around boys lol )

30 May 2024



My friend and I were in pe in school and we were playing on this end of the year kart game and ran straight into a wall and I was so dizzy afterwards and we ended up going out side and my friend hit another car with my arm outside until she broke my arm she just laughed

27 May 2024



We were all outside playing when we received an emergency alert that we need to come in for safety . When we got inside for some reason someone was holding a bag with a snake in it and the snake bit my oldest daughter on the arm. She screamed that it had burned and I panicked and woke up

16 May 2024



I had a dream where I was watching myself in my garage at home and I cut off both of my arms on a table saw and bled to death

11 May 2024

Blonde hair


I was working in a cafeteria, going back to the area where you select your food, when someone grabs me by the arm. I turn back, and it's a tall blonde woman, possibly Dutch or Australian, and she hands me a plate of hot dogs, and says, I don't want this. There was no toasting on the buns. I looked at them. She said there's no toasting on this bread. Indeed the buns did look soggy. She said she wants a refund for this. I ask for her name and she says it is Alyssa (something). So I head back through the area where you select your food, which is pretty much closed down by now as we are shutting down for lunch. I see Luna sitting at the register, but drop the hot dog buns. I bend down to pick them up. They do feel soggy in my hands. I hope that Luna does not wonder where I'm at because she can't see me. I tried a couple of times to get the buttons back on the plate so I could take them to the register and get the woman her refund.

6 May 2024



I was being attacked and restrained by an unknown person. I bit my attacker but I woke up to pain as I was biting my own arm in real life.

6 May 2024



I had a dream I was voting for Trump and I was being watched by my Dad. We were writing ✍️ in our votes πŸ—³οΈ and my Dad and I were in this big place like as if to be in a convention or place with lots of speakers and people gathered at a banquet of tables and such. I voted πŸ—³οΈ in the dream πŸ’­ and it was for Trump I felt good but felt judged as if my dad would be mad 😑 . I also had a dream 😴 πŸ’­ I was at a friends house and he had solar panels and was like really being silly about how things were being built at his house. 🏠 he’s funny and of course seeing my psychiatrist and he said give me your arm time to take blood 🩸 probably because of my PKU and it’s time to check my protein levels and it’s time for bloodwork. Nothing I can’t handle lol.

5 May 2024



me and my friend that i irl i started to not like were in the garden where my cousins live. she opened the gate and when she was closing it she told me to give her the key faster in a calm manner. i gave it and when she locked it she told me to hide because a dog was after us so i hid in a hole with her. she told me not to move a muscle because id be discovered but my hands weren't hidden so when the dog came around me he smelled my arm for one second then grabbed me by my hair pulling my head backward. irl i felt something pull my head backwards and my upper lip moved on its own to reveal my upper teeth. the hole we hid in in the dream was on a field that looked muddy but was completely dry

23 Apr 2024

Red hair


We were all backstage right after an election debate. Everyone was congratulating this white woman with red hair, red lipstick and a red power suit on. She was putting together a gun and so was the rest of her possy. It looked like they were about to go and shoot. All of sudden, this black woman with straight hair and blue power suit appeared and was giving the red woman a big. The red woman looked annoyed but gave her a hug back. The blue woman said congratulations, this was a good flight and made her way to the room right next door, her campaign room which was completely empty. As a spectator I was so confused where the blue woman came from. Just then, the whole dream rewinded and I was looking at it from a different angle. I was watching the entrance and saw some people come in and behind them was someone in a black hoodie. The person in the hoodie had their head down and was walking fast to the campaign room next door, then right before they got there they paused and took the hoodie off to reveal the black woman. She took the whole hoodie off to reveal her royal blue suit. You could see the submission on her face, like she was doing it for God not herself. She turned around and mustered up a small Mona Lisa smile. She went over to the red woman and gave her a hug. I heard some people chatting this time saying "awe I wish she knew she didn't have to do that, but she's so young" and "she will learn". The blue woman went into the campaign room and my focus went back to the red woman. She had stopped putting the bullets in her gun and announced to the group that they would no longer be shooting. She said "how can I justify shooting in that room when her family is in there?" She said it with annoyance not compassion. She started to pack up her stuff. I turned around the corner to see what she meant. When I turned the corner, an entire army was revealed with grenades and machine guns. The wall she was about to sit at as her target was connected to the room the woman was at. The army people were so rough and wild and upset that they no longer would get to release all their energy and weapons. I don't know why but apparently owls were important, I went back inside to the blue woman's campaign room to get a pretzel with special stuff to sprinkle on to attract the owls. However when I went back outside to where the army was, there was a family of black bears, like 7 of them. I was worried that they would smell the pretzel. I walked forward to see all the people outside in their jeeps but as I walked forward I stepped on the to pin of a grenade. I froze for a second and sob did the people next to me and signed NO! I stepped backwards to reveal that the pin was still in the grenade. It has like a very advanced safety lock. I remember thinking that if course that's the case, we are so advanced in technology.

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