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Dream Interpretation: Farm 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Farm? Discover the significance of seeing a Farm in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Farm appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of growth, care, and fertility. This represents a new growth that will soon commence in your life. It signifies the hard work you are putting in and the focus you place on achieving your goals.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Your dream is showing you what is growing in your life, the state of your inner world, and the care you are showing yourself. Correct your farm, do the hard work to till the soil of your mind and cultivate your personal growth. Take clues from your unconscious mind; it is showing you the untapped potential you have within you.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a farm evokes a sense of tranquility and connection to nature. It brings feelings of simplicity, abundance, and a sense of grounding. It may also evoke a sense of hard work and responsibility, as farms require dedication and effort. Overall, this dream symbolizes a harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle, where one can find peace and fulfillment in the simplicity of rural life.





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18 Jul 2024

Lucid Dreaming


Last night I had a lucid dream. In the dream, I woke up with my head on the dirt ground. I noticed it was raining and plants were just beginning to sprout from the dirt that I was laying on there. They were sprouting all around me. I recognized that I was at the farm of my previous dream. The farm was owned by my Brazilian relatives and they had called it the farm of love. I remembered it because in my previous dream I was helping them fix a glass sliding door. after recognizing where I was And noticing it was raining, I decided to get up and get indoors. when I got up I saw a building next to me and decided to go into it. Although it was raining and I wanted to get inside from the rain, I noticed that my black sweatshirt i was wearing wasn’t getting wet, just a little bit if my hair. It was when I got into the building I realized I was dreaming in the dream, then became lucid. I turn the corner, and saw a Clay female manikin start walking from around the corner towards me. I thought to myself how it's pretty cool this manikin is walking, but I didn't interact with it. as I walked passed it I looked over to the right and saw a column that had a mirror. I was able to see my reflection and decided to go towards my reflection. As I walked toward the mirror, I saw my reflection and looked into my eyes and gave myself a smile before jumping in into the mirror. on the other side i ended up in a black abyss not sure what I was gonna see next, just waiting. I started feeling a little afraid and all of a sudden a black energy attempted to suck itself into my stomach or third chakra. as it began to happen I stopped it, and I woke up from the dream

15 Jul 2024



There was a coach that was in town and I was going to go back to his town for a conference. I decided to ride up there with him and ride back with another coach. When we got there, we were in the country on a farm. We had to go through the backyard to get to where we're going to watch the movie. There were a bunch of snakes all over the ground and he told me it was a good thing I had boots and jeans on. I should step firmly on the snakes walking through the backyard and they wouldn't bite me I wasn't feeling comfortable with that, so the guy carryied me through the yard past the snakes and then put me on the ground so I could walk the rest of the way Once we got to the Campground site, there was a little building there for us to watch rhe movie. I sat in the front row. if you sat in the front row you couldn't really see the movie screen because the screen was like right above the front row. They had a mirror on the wall and two whiteboards to reflect the movie so the people in the front row could actually watch it on the temporary whiteboard.

9 Jul 2024



Kind of a weird dream, but... I was not in it. It was my older and younger sister. They were at a farm that I didn’t recognize during winter because there was a lot of snow on the ground. There was a random car that pulled up and they saw it on the cameras. A middle aged man and an older man that had a pistol, shotgun, and flathead screwdrivers. They started to attack my sisters but their vision was terrible. They kept seeing them to the left and thinking that they would hit them and wouldn’t realize they missed until they would run away. I remember one but quite vividly that they had my older sister in a headlock with a flathead screwdriver. The put it right the the right of her cheek and I think they attempted to slit her throat with it. But missed and only grazed the outside of her cheek. They thought they had gotten her and let go. She fell to the ground and ran away. Same way with my younger sister. The middle aged man would be right in front of her and attempt to punch and would laugh with every swing because he thought he hit her. But he kept punching to the left of her. Then again but with a pistol. But he kept shooting to the left of her. Then I woke up to my alarm.

4 Jul 2024



My boyfriend was telling me about this video game he had and it sounded rlly strange so I came over to try it and i completely shifted into the video game. I was the character. It started off with being in this western farm kinda, there weren't any trees around just land. I'm currently inside of the house and I hear this bone shivering awful scream but it wasn't another person it came from a huge ass animal, so I look outside. What I saw was horrific and I could tell you what the animal was because it had the body of a bear, the size of a 2 story house, extremely long ear that point right up, and a tail similar to a golden retriever. It's mouth could open so wide and it was so many teeth in rows like a shark's mouth. I saw this beast chasing a dog and the beast would never try to kill the dog, they like the thrill of the chase but I didn't know so I went to go save the dog but I was killed over and over again, I was stomped on, my head ripped off, pulled my limbs apart. I felt like I could feel it though. It felt so real. My last attempt at saving the dog, I almost did it bit the beast had my leg and I actually felt like there was a chunk out of my left thigh was being bite off and dragged around and then I woke up.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that has already been sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

25 Jun 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was just sittinng in a peaceful stone cabin. It was on a farm and blissful.

21 Jun 2024



April 18-19, 2024 ⁃ There was a lot of people…in a pink room? It felt like a prison resembling Boiling Rock from Avatar the Last Airbender ⁃ This was familiar as it’s a continuation of an older dream. ⁃ I remember…breaking out of the tomb and getting caught. ⁃ Then I got enough videos to chance the jungle (which was in India). ⁃ I got out, everyone else started to riot as I grabbed my lil brother Anaje to break out together (he was 8 here) ⁃ We ran through so many miles ⁃ Garikayi chased after us the whole time ⁃ We ran out of the jungle, through farmland with white goats, down the road past a nodding white older woman. ⁃ We made it to a hospital with Garyikayi got on our tail in hot pursuit; as I’ve fought him off several times. ⁃ We made it to the Emergency Room and we asked “which floor to go that connects to Highway 2-70.” ⁃ He told us, an older man. Long wispy white silvery hair in a nurse’s uniform, “1st floor.” ⁃ I thanked him and the elevator stopped on the way down. ⁃ Just above the entrance of the hospital ⁃ We booked it. Garikayi having found us after losing us. ⁃ I ran through the backstage of the kids theater from another dream. Jumped down to the first floor through the stairs. My abusive mother found me and started pursuing me as well. ⁃ We made it out and we continued to run. Through Suburban neighborhoods and all. ⁃ We passed by shops— a woman in a blue maxi gown complimented how beautiful I was. I politely thanked her and kept moving. ⁃ I remember passing by the shop where you get braids and hair extensions- ⁃ Where I passed through a story of mob setting? There was someone…in their 50s who started rioting and torturing the rest of the gang which was slaughtered afterwards. ⁃ He got caught by his boss after killing a woman with a hair pick/comb and he was then murdered by his boss. ⁃ I shakingly and falsely awakened - I found myself in the backseat of Garikayi’s car. ⁃ I asked where Anaje was and he said somewhere in a different city. ⁃ I was going with a foster parent. (I was 21 in this dream apparently) ⁃ The car stops and I see through the window that it’s my psychological and religiously abusive maternal grandmother. She was my new foster. ⁃ I ran out of the door in desperate fear. Through the urban apartment complex neighborhood from another dream. The Black high school girls were getting off the bus and saw me. ⁃ They saw my panicked breathing and hysterical tears. They took me in out of sight to their house which I’d been in before. ⁃ One girl sat me down, while the other grabbed the blueberries from the sink (presumably in a strainer or sieve) ⁃ And I hysterically sobbed the rest of the dream while being held by the first Black girl.

19 Jun 2024



My husband Rudy had built our youngest son a really long huge sort of ditch in the ground with foil around it almost like a giant banana bread pan. He dug the soil for him. He said it was for him to farm on. We were walking through it saying wow. But the logical side of me asked him, “if he were to plant fruits and vegetables, what happens when it rains? Wouldn’t this flood?”

6 Jun 2024



So this dream, I didn't have bad feelings about it and most what I felt was determination and confusion. So what I remember was we were on the farm, we had a farm in the Kalahari in real life growing up cattle and sheep and such. Anyway, I dreamt that we were on the farm and I had my old Sony phone, it's this small touch screen phone. It was one of the base phones that had reception on the farm which was 180 kilometers away from town. Anyway, my husband and his family was also coming to visit and I was very excited. The house was two stories. I kept going to the second story because the reception at the top was the best reception and sending him text messages asking when he'll be here with his family and he replied he'll be there in the afternoon and I was super duper excited. I unpacked some things, my suitcases and what not and went downstairs outside. It was about afternoon-ish, it was already starting to get dark. I found my family, my mom and dad and three brothers on the lawn and there was some kind of conversation going on. My dad told my mom it's okay if she goes. Apparently, she made a decision to get some sort of help, the kind of help that electrocutes your brain to cure some kind of ailment or treatment or psychological disorder. She had this hopeless expression on her face and my dad was just so steadfast. He wasn't very supportive, he wanted her to do this for herself but he didn't hug her or he wasn't loving or anything. He just said to my mom, you probably want one of the children to go with you but the boys are all busy, take your daughter and I said yes, I'll go with you. So a little while passed, a little bit of time passed and I quickly also communicated with my husband that I'm going with my mom to town. I don't know what's going to happen next. I'm not going to be at the farm when your family arrives. So he texted me back and said it's okay, he's going to drop his family on the farm and then he'll meet me in town because when I leave my mom at the hospital, I won't have any place to stay and I didn't even bring clothes or anything so he'll be there for me. I said thank you, in the room it looked like I wanted to cry but I was probably just thankful and then as me and my mom drove to town again, we just started talking about random things and I remember asking about the brain shock therapy she's going to receive. So I told her we learned about it in school in biology class but I didn't know it was so popular and I didn't know that it was a positive thing because what we learned, it's not, most of the time it's not a positive thing and she just said there's no other choice because she has already tried everything and she doesn't want to disappoint the family any longer and I didn't know what to say but I said I love you and there's nothing wrong with you. I said that to my mom and yeah the dream ended where we were just still driving and I remember my dream self was just thinking also about my husband and how much I want him with me at this moment because I didn't know when we get into town, who am I going to say and I know I knew it was going to be emotional as I was waiting, as I was going to wait for my mom at the hospital so I was very optimistic that he was going to meet me there and support me and yeah that is the whole dream.

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