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Dream Interpretation: Buffet 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Buffet? Discover the significance of seeing a Buffet in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Buffet appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A dream about a buffet symbolizes abundance, variety, and indulgence. It may represent your desire for more choices and options in your life. It can also indicate overindulgence or excess in some area of your life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if you are feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated in your waking life. Are you taking on too much or struggling to make decisions? It may be helpful to prioritize and focus on what is truly important to you. Be mindful of your choices and try to find balance in your actions.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a buffet evokes feelings of abundance, indulgence, and excitement. It signifies a desire for variety and options in life. This dream may also reflect a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, as one is able to freely choose and enjoy different experiences. It can symbolize a time of plenty and the opportunity to explore different aspects of oneself or one's life. Overall, the dream of a buffet elicits positive emotions and a sense of gratification.





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Dreams of users containing the word Buffet

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9 Jul 2024



I think I had a few dreams last night. One of them was that I had tickets to go to a restaurant which I think was themed by the TV show Friends and then I had some more tickets that were going to go watch a show. I think they were all at the same time and what I wanted to do was take Abbey with me to one of them and I'm not sure somebody was going to go to the other one, I don't know who it was and it ended up me having to go with Abbey's friend Sarah and I said I wanted to go with Abbey and she was adamant she wasn't going to go and we were all at Paul's house and his kids were there and there were birds flying about and animals and I was trying to organise everybody and say look we're going to go out and try to figure out who was going where. My cousin was there I think, Paul's dad, and there were all these bits of paper with instructions on and they were going in envelopes and somehow, I don't know how, there was an envelope saying that somebody was a cunt and we were trying to figure out who's named envelope it was going to go into and we were all laughing in case it went in one of the kids' ones and my cousin was saying oh this is a nice family event isn't it, insinuating that somebody's a cunt and anyway I kept looking at the time and I was like no we need to make a move if we're going to go to this restaurant. I went out, got my shoes on and I stood by the door and there was a helicopter going down the street and it was really low and I was like what on earth is going on, why is this helicopter there and I looked down the road and a couple of doors down there was a shop that had just been blown to bits and it was just debris everywhere and I was like what is going on and everybody came out and they were like right let's go to this restaurant then and I was like I don't even know if we can book it because I think we may have run out of time but we got to this restaurant and they let us in and for some reason we all went in even though we only had two tickets and we sat down and it was kind of a buffet thing where you went to get your own food and I went and got pancakes and people went and got other stuff and I was eating and I had this friend Sarah that I had the ticket for, she literally ate a couple of mouthfuls of pancake and that was it and Paul was there and he said have you got to eat the rest of it and she says no I don't and Abby and her friends were like no she doesn't, she doesn't have to eat anything, she doesn't want to and Paul's like yeah but you've got tickets to come here and eat so you would have thought you would have eaten it but she was adamant she wasn't eating it and I think she went outside at the end but I don't really know what happened to the play or who went to that I think somebody did but I don't actually know

2 Jul 2024



I was at a buffet with my sister for dinner at night. her and I were in the front of the line waiting to get salmon that was being offered, but there was a hold up because my sister wasn’t old enough to get salmon which I found strange. Either way, I ended up getting salmon And putting some on her plate as well. The dream transition to me being at a cemetery with my grandma on my dad’s side who had passed away and a man I’ve never met before who seemed to be my great grandfather. My great grandfather was old and frail using a walking stick. I was helping him walk down the stairs of the cemetery by holding his body and hand. as we were walking down my grandma and my great grandfather were talking about a flood that had affected the area a little while ago. All of a sudden, my great grandfather started getting a weaker and more frail, and started to slowly collapse. The dream transition before he collapsed. The dream then turned into me playing baseball on Wii sports with someone, but I wasn’t able to hit any of the pitches that were thrown to me and I ended up going the whole game without scoring. even though it was frustrating wasn’t too upset because the game ended in a tie, zero to zero. Then all of a sudden I was playing football in a football stadium and my team was losing and I couldn’t do much about it, which was frustrating. We ended up losing the game. afterwards I found myself playing a game of soccer against some younger Italian kids and again I was frustrated because we’re losing to kids I know I should’ve been able to beat

1 Jul 2024



I was at work and breakfast was finishing up. It was 10am and this woman with her 2 kids asked if she could have anything and the waitress said no breakfast finishes at 10am so you can't have anything. It was buffet style she had paid with her room but the staff told her no. Her kid started crying saying he was starving and the staff said tough. I then walked into the back kitchen and my old boss was like why are you standing there get to work. I was confused what I was meant to be doing. He started to yell at me(he has never done this in real life) I went back outside and one of the staff had put the leftovers on the counter for.the family to get hasbrowns and beans. They sat on the table eating it while people started to come in for lunch. I felt sorry for them. I went to the changing rooms and my face was bright red.

20 Jun 2024

High School


January 26-27th ⁃ Train I bonded with? ⁃ Was happy to help celebrate my birthday ⁃ This train took me magically to this temple. To deliver a gift box. It was labeled with “Chicago” on the letter/gift box. ⁃ Was claimed to be lost and found to be delivered to clothe someone. ⁃ Arrived safely. This train spirit seemed to receive trouble and was arrested (?). ⁃ There was a tiny house I arrived in, inside was bookshelves with dolls. Possessed dolls but had no interest in harming me. I went to grab them to set them free. As they seemed to be sitting abandoned for years. ⁃ Upon going outside I encountered overgrowth of the temple and came upon cat food and then Cats in a cage/coop In a temple-like setting. ⁃ I was trying to feed the cats as they seemed very hungry ⁃ One of them managed to break free. A cream colored cat with orange tabby stripes ⁃ This cat was so eager and happy to see me ⁃ I picked this poor baby (cat) up and she clung to me. She was in rough shape. But I protected and held her and gave her love. ⁃ Was about to release the other cats to bring them with me ⁃ But an elderly man yelled at me to stop me which scared me ⁃ I knew then I had to , so I rushed down the stairs of this temple. Trees were growing and flourishing more…had I passed a test of sorts? ⁃ Made it to an airport or court like setting. ⁃ Two blue haired twins that matched 2 of the possessed dolls I was carrying. I knew the twins were malevolent when they grinned evilly at me. “Prove it. You won’t.” ⁃ I ensured they knew I knew. ⁃ Right after that I encountered a woman at the check out that matched another of the dolls. Even down to the ghostly purple will-o-wisp dancing in her head but also was seen through it. ⁃ I had to find a way to restore them. ⁃ By this time the cat that was clinging to me must’ve died or disappeared. As I looked to my cradled arm and noticed she was missing. ⁃ I grieved for her but no ill will came. In fact only love and care blessed me. A boon of sorts? ⁃ Looked over, hadn’t realized I was hungry, seeing a buffet of food. ⁃ Urged to go over and nourish myself. I did so, encountering my tall as fuck older brother, Shariff, and soon after my dad. ⁃ My hair was very well done curly free. From me doing it earlier. It was dark brown and not dyed red irl. ⁃ Was called over by my dad and as if I was a child again sat me down. ⁃ I was vibing as he did my hair. Braids…twist at the end…form afro puffs at the end of these….then tied it into a high ponytail position. ⁃ He let me go. ⁃ By the time I did, the food I was going to grab was gone. ⁃ I expressed my sadness but someone noticed me. Adult man, black hair and beard and mustache. White. He had 3 of the brownies. He offered to give me one once he was finished and told me to grab a tray. ⁃ I did and waited. He gave me his phone and all I saw was him and his girlfriend naked in erotic positions? Cool tattoo jobs tho. ⁃ He gently took the phone back and gave me a brownie in thanks ⁃ This brownie was a vanilla cookie and chocolate brownie combo. A Brookie! It was absolutely delicious. And I thanked him. ⁃ Full, I went back on my self-imposed mission. Saw a vision of the old man, the woman and the twin talking at the temple stairs. The woman was crying like “What happened to the stairs?!” ⁃ At some point I remember telling my youngest sister to grab the dolls from the temple. She did and bright them to me. ⁃ Snapped out the vision, Heard the ghostly woman and one of the dark blue haired twins arguing. Screaming match. ⁃ Fed up, I marched over and barked “OI!” Which got them both to shut up and look at me. ⁃ “You’re both screaming and not getting anywhere. You’re grown adults and not children. Communicate like it or I’m pinching nipples. God.” (Paraphrased) ⁃ The woman noticed and listened. The twin would try to elevate his voice and only pipe down when I followed through and pinched his nipple (even with his shirt on) ⁃ This would happen a few times before I realized the possessed dolls I was carrying were missing again even after retrieval. ⁃ I sought out the stairs. Found them. Covered in pink petals and prospering trees. Even the cats from before were doing better and free. Loved. ⁃ I went up those temple stairs. No sign of the coops the cats were locked in. ⁃ I found one of the people I sought out to save. The purple haired ghostly woman who was in the doll. She was free. As the Will-o-wisp was no longer there. The dark blue twins were gone. ⁃ I found myself tearful and crying joyfully from the relief. “You were a doll…I’m so happy you’re okay!” (Paraphrased) ⁃ She smiled and sat me down next to my old friend. Erica from high school. We hugged sitting together gazing at the view. I woke up after that.

7 May 2024



I met some girl somewhere. We slept together (not sex, literally slept in my parents old bed when I was a kid). For some reason we kinda became enemies as she was chasing Lilah and I all over the country. I had a handgun tucked in my belt for whatever reason and used it at some point but I was never trying to harm her. She was chasing us through what reminded me of grossmont mall (a nearby mall) and trying to get me in trouble about having a gun (but she had one as well i think). She also had a dog but over time our dogs became our two friends who were like actors I've seen in movies. I think the girl I slept with that was chasing me (in more of a funny wag but she wasn't a fan of me for some reason) became Jennifer Anniston and her dog became this tall black chick I saw in another movie somewhere and my friend I don't remember what they looked like but we hopped in a truck (just now remembering that lilah was still there and in back of truck but it became an suv). We took off to the desert to get more guns and ammo but friend wanted to go elsewhere. I said we can go to the Forrest but you need to lookup where to get guns and ammo. It was crazy offroading for a bit. We then found ourselves in a type of buffet restaurant. I was trying to get french toast and waffles with maple syrup. The ladies showed up and were stealing the maple syrup so I couldn't have any and I just used another packet thing that was Nutella. It was tastey. I then was speed walking around the tables in-between families trying to evade the girl and her friend. Was hilarious. Me and friend (lilah no longer there) were chatting with the staff at counter and then the girls started arguing with them and said they were chinese and I was looking at them like, hmm, you chinese or Korean? We then took off from there and ended up climbing some stairs to the office of a counselor or something. There was a note on door (they were expecting us but not yet) someone barged in (I think it was one of the girls). The counselor guy was sleeping in his chair. He was fat so it was even more funny. He woke up and at some point became a women. We were chatting and one of the girls had Ramen and soup from restraint and was eating it. They felt obligated to share with the counselor lady as she was asking a lot. The girl said fine and poured the soup into the very large Ramen bowl and they started eating together. I thought it was odd that she poured the soup into the Ramen but they acted like it was normal and it looked fine. Soup was like broth anyways so it looked good after pouring in. That's all I remember but overall it was a very fun dream and hilarious dream and super long feeling. Like it felt like over an hour at least.

1 May 2024



I had a dream that I was with two friends in a buffet restaurant. I was getting myself some eggs from a giant pile of fried eggs but I could not reach them. I managed to reach them however I then couldn’t pick them up because the yolks kept bursting. I then decided that I would get food for my friend Tony and choose all the food he would like. I sat at the table and gave him his food and I did not eat. We were talking about a show that we were late for that had already started. I was then heading back to a hotel room to get ready to go out and we had to pay for a football match on the television that would be on later it at was £15 Tony said he would give me half the money but he had no change so he gave me £10 because I was paying for the ehectric, when he handed me the money it didn’t feel like money it felt furry. I went to the toilet and ultimated. We were talking about going out for The evening but I couldn’t find my shoes, we had to be at the place by 730pm. I left the hotel room alone but when I arrived at the destination it was a Swinming pool. I remember being in the pool with my friends but I don’t know who they were. I started talking to Two Young women who were extremely pretty and they were talking back to me and kissing me. I seemed to know them from the previous night and was aware my friends knew them too. After I spoke to them I realised that my friends had gone. I was aware thinking to myself why did they not tell me they were going? They could have told me? I was then in the corner of the pool with the two girls kissing one on the back. We were talking about one of their friends, I dived backwards into the pool and remember being upside down. I remember trying to hoist myself out of the pool but my body was too heavy. I was then out of the pool and it was dark and I was outside a hotel smoking a cigarette with one of the girls, a group of people approached us and asked for direction’s, someone from the hotel came and showed them. I looked through the hotel window and saw a toddler running towards me, he came out of the door and ran to his mother who picked him up and cuddled him. I saw an elevator but did not go in. I left the girls and was then with someone I know but do not particularly like and it was daytime again. I was looking for My friends because the football game was due to start on the television. I was walking down a big flight of steps wondering where they could be it was bright sunshine and I was in lanzarote. I was concious of the time and off being late. The person I was with suggested going back to the hotel room because that was where we had paid to watch the football match. I was walking past all the bars and restaurants talking to the person I was with who I knew but couldn’t remember his name. I Was telling him about a bar i knew and how busy it got. He said he hadn’t heard of it. It was night time again and we were standing talking I remember him telling me off all the women he had slept with and he was acting very vulgar. We did not walk anywhere however we were suddenly with a group of people we did not know, we were talking. One of the people spat into the air and I remember feeling it on my skin and seeing it on my leg. I was angry but cautious. I looked into the back of the car and a Man was staring at me, I told the person I was with that it was time to go and I remember opening the boot of the car but do not remember what I took out. We then started to walk and the bar I was telling the person I was with about was not there it was an empty space, we turned right after the bar and all of a sudden I was in the town I grew up in walking along a familiar road. I was still with the same person and still aware that I need to find my friends. It was still dark and I was walking up a hill. I was then with someone who I can’t recall and although I couldn’t see it I had the feeling I had just got off an aeroplane and was walking through an airport. The people walking behind me I knew and they were talking about not paying taxes and that they keep forgetting. I remember that I had to keep tapping my phone every twenty steps to pay my tax and that the woman behind me copied my actions thanking me for reminding her. I remember during this time I was still wondering where my friends where and if I’d ever find them.

21 Apr 2024



Dreams March 6th 2020 J.F. Having a fit over salad at my house. Sliding down Allen and Johns Stairs at their house. Dreaming of Aunt Cookie 🍪 making a dinner buffet. Dreaming of Uncle David meeting me in Boston at a Chinese Restaurant and we were the only ones there. Nami Open House

4 Apr 2024



I can’t remember how my dream started, but I know it had something to do with my grandparents house, the scientist guy from “The Simpsons,” and a black hole. I think the scientist was talking about black holes in my grandparents house. Anyway, in my dream, my mom, dad, sister, and I were all at this buffet mixed with a sit-down restaurant. We were talking and having a great time, when one of my friends came out of nowhere and started talking to us. She convinced my sister and I to go to a nearby store, and my dad went with us to make sure that we were safe. Once we got to the store, I noticed an invisible barrier around it and started freaking out. As it turns out, it wasn’t invisible barrier, it was just glass. Glass so clear and clean that I couldn’t see it. Once I got into the store, my dad disappeared and was replaced by another male shopper. Dream me failed to notice that though, she was too busy looking at what the store had. Meanwhile, my friend and the random shopper tried on some animal masks. As I was walking around, I found the ‘Anime’ section of the store. (Anime is another word for Japanese cartoons.) I saw that this section of the store had a membership option. I looked at the membership rules and saw how strict they were. The rules said that I could only watch certain animes and then listed the ones that I got to choose from. I decided to leave after reading the rules and went looking for my friend, but I couldn’t find her. That’s when I noticed two dolls in plastic wrap by the front register. They looked eerily similar to my friend and that random male shopper. They even had the masks that the two of them were wearing. Then, I heard a baby cry in the employee lounge of the store. It caught my sister’s attention too. Before anything else happened, my dream cut back to my mom, who was still at the restaurant. Everyone’s orders had arrived at this point, and she was playing with her food. Somehow, she created a black hole while playing with her food, and the scientist guy from The Simpsons started talking to her. He was like: “Don’t worry, this isn’t a real black hole. It may look like one, but it’s actually a worm hole. So, if it reaches critical mass and pulls us in, none of us would die.” Then, the black wormhole starts engulfing the Earth. It transports Earth to an alternate universe, which changes our reality. The biggest and most common change were people turning into animal hybrids. There was this surfer guy who turned part octopus. There was this young farm boy who turned into a goat person. It was weird. Anyway, dream me failed to notice what happened, and instead went into the employee’s lounge to see what was going on. Before I could get inside the room though, the cashier yelled at me, and I ran out of the store in fright. I ran into a random neighborhood and finally realized that my reality had been altered. I find the scientist guy from The Simpsons and run up to him. I tell him how I think the store I was at was turning customers into products and selling them to other customers. He told me that he couldn’t focus on that right now because he needed to find a way to fix everything. Shortly after saying that, he fixes everything and makes a documentary about the incident. It showed what the experience was like for both universes. While I watch the documentary, everything slowly goes back to normal. I teleport to my house, my family fades into existence, and we all sit down on the couch. Now that everything is back to normal, dream me feels safe and happy. (And then, my dream ended and I woke up.)

17 Mar 2024



There was a spirited contest at mom’s college, where there were 6 elderly people to an outdoor table and each person had to construct an Easter egg puzzle made of dirt and cookies. I waited for each person to try their own and then I suggested that we all work together on one puzzle at a time; that this had worked for me in the past. As we started to team up, I went to the buffet to get food for our table before the food ran out. I tried to grab the containers of baked beans, but the lids were loose, and beans were oozing out. It was such a mess, that I had trouble grabbing the cookie supplies too. And then the 6 containers multiplied and I had to return some. The cashier was nice but not helpful. I took my bagged items and walked by a table where my deceased friend, PattiJo was working solo earlier, and her puzzle was there, but she was gone. I didn’t worry, I figured I’d find her later. When I finally got back to our table, an official told me I took more than two minutes getting food, and implied I lost before I could even begin. And all I was trying to do was to be helpful. I also had a meeting to get data from someone at the school. They hadn’t provided it since 2017 and said they would someday. I threatened to take it up with the Monsignor, with whom I am friends. Then I saw him laughing and happy, working in the church.

13 Mar 2024



I was at some sort of park and there where a lot if weird people there and I was thinking about where I should stand but all the people were so strange I didn’t want to stand with any of them. Then I sat at some sort of table and an insect had bitten my and my legs hurt a lot my “colleagues” of whom I don’t know any of them in my waking life , called a doctor and the pain went away. Then we were at our comapany which was very very futuristic and there was a big buffet and I wanted to eat everything! suddenly there were a lot of monsters we had to fight combat style. It wasn’t serious or anything and we knew that they were coming. Then I dreamt that it was morning and my teacher was in my childhood bedroom with me to evaluate my performance and I forgot to clean up my room so it was very messy and I friend to clean it up quickly

24 Feb 2024



I wasn’t in it. I was witnessing everything. There’s this dude who was on a field trip in another country. He was walking with his group of friends in this park to get to a restaurant of some sort. They were promised a grand buffet. When he was following his group, he saw two paths. He decided to check the other path out. Then, he started to head back as there was nothing but suddenly, these bug alien things attacked his group and friends. He started to escape and run the other way and everywhere was bloody. Most of the people were dead. He started to run back and there were people screaming for help. He know them well but they try to convince the guy they are real by giving their phone to him to check out their posts. There was this blonde girl who was dating this guy who’s her boyfriend somehow he was super out of her league??? Something was off. He helped her up anyways and then kept running trying to find an exit. As he got to the exit, the door closed behind him. The girl was trapped behind him. He stared at her as she slowly turned into the alien bug saying please help me I’m going to die. He then started to call the cops to explain everything what was going on. The cops didn’t know the location he was in so he promised pictures instead because he didn’t know how to read the words in this country’s language. The guy sort of felt that the cops wouldn’t do much anyways. He was too clueless and too calm about this. The guy decided to take a car and brought his remaining friends to drive to find the chaperon of the field trip. While driving, they almost crashed into this one old lady whose car was blocking this road she since hit another person. The driver drove around it, but didn’t honk or anything?? After that, they arrived to the location but this time, their car almost got on fire cause the place was on fire somehow. There were policemen watering everything down. It felt there was no place to go. I woke up

18 Feb 2024



I am swimming in dives above sharks, behind Rachel. The sharks emanate a deep grumbling, and embody satan. When we dive in I disturb them, and they begin to chase after me. I’m taken out of my body and shown a third person view, I follow Rachel up through an exit tube. I just hold on and breathe through a tube until she lets me up. I’m looking from the outside in, and the tube is reminiscent of a throat, breathing. Just before this I was washing my feet with seals, because I had just run through the mud. My friend found some of my rave goggles and I couldn’t see I was stepping on sage sprouts. She said “where’s the sage?” Continually. I was coming from a huge buffet and school event, where David from class was invited for Air karate, and my grandfather was still in construction. I remember driving past huge tractors taking up most of the road. It was like I was in Africa, because David from the education pillar was in love with me. Also I was buying alcohol for my friends Salva and Reed, although the store was packed and I don’t remember if we got it. Somehow we drove with Cameron to the wake up calls, and they had sold Richland to this diner. This dumb fucking girl who I hated started bad mouthing roasters and so I destroyed their entire store. Amen. We ended up in a holding cell where bail was $1350 or we had to write a 20 page essay. She came a sat right in front of me and I told her to move bc I hated her. Also very early in the dream, I was going up to this food truck court, and I went up to one with the pastor who didn’t like my dress and he was selling hot dogs or ice cream or something for $6, because as a mom-profit they can only have transactions for under $10. So I celebrated, because that means we can sell coffee. I walked back and passed Siah and Seven and was walking behind this loop. He was flamboyant and I already knew what he was gonna say. He was describing an outfit, boots up to the thighs, with a heel sharp as a boxpick. Going up within it formed a skirt. Me and another girl repeated this, and I went to the buffet. I also woke up with the worst headache.

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