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Dream Interpretation: Dessert 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Dessert? Discover the significance of seeing a Dessert in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Dessert appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of dessert symbolizes indulgence, pleasure, and satisfaction. It represents your desire for something sweet in your life, whether it be a physical or emotional craving. It may also indicate a need for self-care and relaxation.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to indulge in self-care and relaxation. Treat yourself to something sweet or enjoyable. However, be mindful of overindulging and balance your desires with healthy habits. Consider what you may be craving emotionally and work towards fulfilling those needs in a healthy way.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of dessert evokes feelings of indulgence, satisfaction, and pleasure. It symbolizes a desire for sweetness and enjoyment in life. It may also represent a need for self-care and treating oneself to the finer things. The dream may leave one feeling content and fulfilled, as if their cravings and desires have been fulfilled.





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9 May 2024

High School
Back to school


I was at a back to school event where we meet our teachers for the year and walk around the school. We were moving into the high school, it looked different than I remember it. We were given a big lunch, I ate a lot. During the lunch i fell asleep and woke up to a few older people eating dessert. I avoided the old people and went to see what the other kids my age were doing. They were on a small rollercoaster so I went out to join them. My old friends were on the rollercoaster. They were also ignoring me for skipping the last year of school. So I went to see my families new puppy. A board with a nail fell on the puppy and the puppy was hurt, the teacher said the puppy was ok but I knew the puppy needed a vet. When I was crying for the puppy and old friend actually came and talked to me. After that an old person asked if her food was ok but I told her it had been sitting out and probably went bad

23 Apr 2024



I started my dream with being in like in a senior apartment, or like a senior duplex or something. And I was there with my kids, and my grandma and my granddad was in one room. My mom and I guess whoever she was with was in another. And me and my kids were in another room. We were sharing a big apartment or something. And I recall going outside and looking through these like, it was like a, like, it looks like a court, like a, I don't know how to explain it. It's like, like a garden, but it wasn't a garden. It was like a cemented walkway that you can walk around. Anyway, it was Easter. And I had an Easter basket out there. And I had crayons, you know, big box of different types of crayons. And I got my Easter basket from one of my coworkers the day before. And when I brought it home, I put it in there, you know. And I, the next day, the next morning, I went out and I got it. And me and then it went from that to me bringing my stuff in the house. People were trying to talk to me. Oh, you're so little, you know. And I was just rejecting them. It's okay, you know, I'm already with somebody. And then I went inside the house. Then I saw them setting up in like this gazebo looking area. I don't know what they were doing. I don't know if they were at a church or something. But they were all sitting there just, you know, kind of like it was a wedding or something. That's what it seemed like, you know, like, like a ceremony or something. And then after they had it, they were putting the chairs up. And I remember having my youngest son and my daughter, my oldest daughter, with me. And we got into a Uber. And I don't know where we went. But I just recall us coming back home. And I thought I was scratching my daughter's back. But the whole time I was scratching the driver's back, which was weird. And I was like, Oh, my bad. He's like, Oh, you're fine. It's okay. He's like a young kid, you know. So we'll get back home. And, you know, he's like, okay, so what did you have for dinner? What are you going to eat? Whatever. And I told him that we had, you know, I think we had, I forgot what I made. But last night, I made jambalaya. So I think maybe I made that. And everybody already ate. And I was like, Oh, I'm gonna make dessert. So when I got back in the house, I talked to my, you know, my grandma, and I'm like, like, Grandma, do you want to have some, you want some cookies? And my granddad was like, you know, he's, you know, she can't have any sugar. And I was like, Oh, shoot, I, I almost forgot. She couldn't have any sugar. And he was like, you know, I can't have any sugar either. I said, Oh, but you know, you could probably have sugar free cookies. He was like, yeah. But it's okay. I don't want that. It's okay. He's like, okay. And on TV, it was like, a Christmas musical. And I'm like, Oh, she's like, Oh, which one is that key? And I'm like, and she starts singing. And I was like, just standing there just listening to her sing and recording her because I knew that I would miss it. And I knew I would want recordings of her singing. So I saved it in my phone as music. And because I felt like I had to hurry up and make the food. I told her, Grandma, it's okay. You know, then I asked her about the cookies. And then, you know, and I was like, no, it's okay. And then my grandma asked me if I got everything situated. As far as my bills, money. And I said, No, grandma, it didn't hit my account yet, which is my week in life. I'm waiting. I was waiting for my money to hit my account. And I said, No, grandma, it didn't hit my account yet. She said, Well, I'll help you key. And I said, No, I'm just gonna wait until I get it. And then if I don't, then I'll definitely ask. And she said, Okay. I appreciate it. But she will help. And I know she always will. But so I left out of there. And then I went to my mom and her friend's room and asked her if they want cookies. And she said, Yeah, okay. So I told her while I let the cookies bake, then I would go run and get ice cream. And the kid that was the Uber driver, he asked, Can I stay and have some cookies, too? And I'm like, Yeah, you know, sure. I don't mind. And at first when we were driving in the Uber, originally, I was looking I saw this cute guy. He's so handsome. And then I thought let's stop looking at other people. You got the one you love. You got your man. You have the man of your dreams. You don't need to look any further. And I was like, I'm not looking any further. I'm not looking for him to be mine. I'm just looking because I'm just admiring his handsomeness. But I know I don't need to look anymore because I got who I want. I was so sure in my dream, like, I know who I want. But I was so happy to see my grandma.

11 Mar 2024



I went to some sort of concert venue slash restaurant or something and there was some one on speaker telling people to go in some room to enter for a chance to win something. I kinda wanted to go in but I didn’t. Then I wanted some dessert from the restaurant and went to the front desk and grabbed a menu. I wanted ice cream but the guy from the front desk pleaded with me not to get the ice cream and he explained that it was possible for me to get the ice cream but that it would be such hard work for their staff and would take a really long time. Then he sat beside me and went through the menu and pointed out which things would be better for me to get. I was kinda annoyed at that but I understood. There was also something about a man nobody suspected of anything and me seeing him realize something and sprint past me with a crazed expression on his face while taking his shirt off , revealing a very muscular physique

4 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


Me and my dad were getting ice cream and then we looked at the chocolate sauces and saw one that was really cheap. We bought it and brought it home. We read the dessert and it says it uses natural ingredients and is to honor this 16 year olds death. We thought that was really sweet. Later on, some one put it on their ice cream and started to look at the bottle, they started to gag and ran to the bathroom. Later when the bottle was shaken it turned into this light brown- tan color and it turns out it wasn’t chocolate sauce, it was human. It was made with the 16 year olds flesh. It was basically forced cannibalism

29 Feb 2024

Roller coaster


My mom and Kate went on a roller coaster on accident with a big drop and then we were walking around on a sunny monday looking for a restaurant that would give us dessert.

23 Feb 2024

New Job


The dream had multiple parts. In the first I was at school, avoiding a teacher who would cause trouble. I ended up sneaking out of the school and walking home on the forest path after, with witches and skeletons laying down to relax on the grass. When I got home a boy followed me there. In another part, I was trying to sleep upstairs in a restaurant, but the ladder was broken. I had to lock myself in the entryway as boys were trying to push through the doors to hurt me. After I escaped, I kicked at the boys. Later I saw a woman sleeping on the main floor, there was blood everywhere. Near the end of the dream, I was helping an old friend find her house. She had a new mom, but there were 20 computers there. The house was partly in a huge cave, it was simultaneously an office and a party. The people there had something to hide in their servers... and shut it down if you tried to look. Eventually the dream shifted again, I was catching fish, throwing most of them back because their innards were black. Then the ocean got dark around me. It was full of oil. I made my way back to town, and it was frozen... The stone paths were slippery, but I ended up living decently making desserts with berries there.

19 Feb 2024

Plane Crash


I had I dream that I was on a plane crashing through snowy woods.. and that I somehow had a daughter. I don’t know what came over me but all I knew was that I had to go to her. So as the plane was still crashing I jumped off. I don’t remember what happened after that but somehow I ended up in a dessert land. There I met a few people I knew and then the dream ended.

11 Feb 2024



I had some type of large black jelly-like parasite in my body and was trying to get it out. I couldn’t pull it out by force, I had to allow it to come out naturally. It seemed like I was in a desert like area. People were mining for crystals. I was able to get a few really pretty crystals, but I picked up the parasite from the desert.

6 Feb 2024



I was in an RV that was apparently mine after class (I was in college in this dream) with a guy who was apparently my boyfriend. I held him in my arms while he was talking about something while in his phone, but I was too busy planting kisses all over his face to listen. Then I subconsciously answered him, making a reference that I apparently wasn’t supposed to know. He pulled away from me to question me, I shrug, telling him that I have no idea what I even said, he eventually dropped it and he crawled back into my arms, snuggling up against me. About 10 minutes later, his alarm went off and he left my RV, I got dressed and followed behind him, then suddenly we were in a bakery, and he starts picking out desserts, I look around curiously, since I’ve never been here before, and while looking at some mini cakes I ask my boyfriend what is his favorite type of icing was, he said chocolate ganache, I smile and tell him mine was whipped icing, but then baker started talking to me about icing and I panic for some reason and hide behind my boyfriend. He elbowed me away, which hurt a little. I watched him pick out several desserts, I asked them who they’re for and he brushed me off. I walk off again to find some desserts to buy (it was a freakishly big bakery) but then my boyfriend suddenly yelled at me and as I look up we’re suddenly in class, my clothes keep “flashing” one moment I’m naked, the next I’m fully clothed, and only my boyfriend notices, I have a panic attack and I run off to get in my RV, once I get inside, I turn to see my boyfriend there, laying on “me” as if it were third person, then suddenly I’m back in my body and it looks exactly how it did at the beginning of the dream, he’s in my arms, I’m kissing his face, etc.

22 Jan 2024

Break up


My dream was about my boyfriend in our last house. He was staying a night at my house with my sister and mom. And he had a snake as a house pet. While he was sleeping with us he had his snake around he's neck and body. For me was terrible. He also wanted to hug me but I put his arm back and said if he could put the snake somewhere else because it feels horrible and I'm afraid. He insisted to keep the snake around him, so me and my sister we said we would go sleep in our room. He get irritated and asked why we are doing such a scene and his snake it's not terrible. We closed our room with key and went sleeping he knocked at the door, I was afraid to open the door because he was infront with his snake to make us more frightening. And that happened when I opened he was showing at first his snake I got badly surprised and was terribly afraid of that. Than I quickly closed the door and said to him to not do that again and to go sleep. After a while my sister was waking me up and saying she want to go to the toilet, so she opened the door and went to the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom he came slowly to my room with the snake and showed me that snake. The snake was crawling around him and opened his mouth it was dark green colored. I said him crying to stop coming too close to me with his snake and then I pushed him out of the room and closed up the room. Than few seconds later my sister came out of the toilet she was screaming and crying loud because my boyfriend tried to fear her with his snake I saw from the key leak of the door than I tried to say my sister to keep calm and to not be afraid and she began to scream sister come help me. I opened the door and pushed my sister behind me and said to my boyfriend I'm breaking up with you, we are no more together. I locked up the room door infront of his face. He tried to cheer up and by saying it was just a joke but I said what I said to you I mean it also and goodbye. After a while outside I saw how the road was flooding. And they were police searching for someone. On the other day I was in my last house were, I met my friend, he came to visit us. My mom was doing a dessert Tiramisu and I was watching TV as a distraction. When my friend came in he was a little bit confused. I had a feel like he's feeling bad inside. So I didn't asked him he was helping to fix the TV on the wall and then we had together the dessert than he asked me if he can stay over night at my house I said yes. Than he said he has to call someone in the near to bring his pillow so he can sleep here. But when he was talking to this person he was very disappointed the person on line was screaming at him and he begins to cry and went in another room. I went over to him and asked if everything is fine he started to cry out loud he was immensely sad. He hugged me and cried, I asked him he said he said lots of things were happening in his life and he feels lonely because he can't talk with anyone about this all. So I said to him let's have some dessert and watch TV and talk what is going on in your heart. We stand up I was going forward and I put his arms on my shoulder and we went together to the kitchen to take some plates for dessert. While he was behind me like a train I was searching for the plates and finally found the plates and went to living room so we can take some Tiramisu but before he asked me what ingredients are in because he was Muslim and some ingredients he can't eat. So I told him there was milk, biscuits, and coffee inside. He told me that he can eat. I wanted to serve but he took the fork and served on himself while he was serving i helped him to not fall down his dessert till he arrived to his plate with a knife, than I said there's less biscuits inside try this side I took some piece from the middle and served on his plate. Than I served for myself some dessert it was very tasty and yummy, we watched some TV and he enjoyed.

30 Dec 2023



I was hanging out with my family and Dena, my older sister was there. She was in her first trimester of her pregnancy and I felt happy I was there with all of my sisters. We were walking around and window shopping. It seems like I’ve been to this shopping area before. Dena and I seperate from our younger sisters and mom for a bit and go into one store. It seems like I want to take my time shopping but Dena then suddenly leaves the store, crosses the street, and is walking off without me. I get frustrated and it’s as if I won’t ever catch up behind her. I’m weaving through people, calling out her name. The streets clear and at one point I can see her. I start yelling at her, cussing her out and saying how rude it was to leave me behind like that. All the sudden I see grandpa Joe across the street just hovering… he had an empty looking face but you can tell he was surprised that Dena and I would even talk to each other like that. He then disappears but Mom, and my stepdad Kyle reappear with our younger siblings and our mom starts berating us on why we would make a fool of ourselves in front of other people and family, more specifically Dena for leaving me behind. At this point I completely start defending Dena. I laugh it off like it was some “sister” thing we do. We argue all the time but we always find our way back to each other. Kyle also then states his dissatisfaction too. Me and Dena then wonder off into an art museum. Dena wonders off again but with Genna this time. And Maria and I look around this tucked away home in the city. It looked small on the outside but on the inside it’s HUGE!! Carefully picked out and functional art in every room that’s beautiful. Maria encourages me to talk to new people and even leaves me alone at some points to talk to this new guy I meet. I started changing the way he looked with my mind somehow to someone I’d be more attracted to. We started to connect and really bond but then something happens to where the home/ art museum is disrupted and everyone starts disappearing. I closed my eyes and I pop back up in a different part of this world with Maria and Genna. We’re gliding over these beautiful waters across a lake to this huge and beautiful building. It’s overgrown with plants, the sky looks so blue… the glass windows are just shining and reflecting the sun. I blink and then end up at the rooftop of the building with Genna and Maria. We walk into the building and it seems like we aren’t supposed to be there since everyone is staring at us…. Everyone in the building is quiet, looking at us instead of the art. My sisters and I walk around and we’re having fun, all of us just taking in the art we’re seeing. It’s like a furniture store but every single room is a beautifully designed and unique room that had furniture out of this world. I kept thinking to myself “I wish Dena were here, she’d love to look at all of these designs”. We open a door that eventually leads to the exit of that building. We’re still all in awe of everything we just saw. Up ahead there’s tucked away cafes, restaurants. Everything from the outside looks like a ghost town until you enter each building to find it full of life with unique foods, or decor. My sisters and I state how we’re really hungry so we head over to this bakery I somehow know is there. Again, it’s like I’ve been to this world before and I’m slowly remembering everything. People around us overhear me talking to my sisters about how good this place is. They have different flavored puddings, mini cakes, pancakes, the coolest desserts you could think of. I remember checking my bank account on my phone to make sure I had enough money to cover my sisters and I. I do, or I at least think I do but when we head into the store I’m greeted warmly with a “welcome back!” It was a young white woman with a red cap on. It didn’t have a store brand or anything but she started going over the sample board I could buy of all their desserts. Mini pancakes with all different flavors and banana pudding. I go to pay but my wallet and my phone are not in my pockets. I nervously step aside and I say I’ll come back in just a moment. I start looking through my pockets again and I get disappointed that I won’t be able to get us any sweet treats. Maria suddenly pops up behind me with the sweet treats sample board and says “here, let’s snack on these until you find yours” I’m unfortunately not able to find my phone or money to get myself something or them more things, but we leave the shop and bump into Mom and Dena again. The end

27 Nov 2023



I was in the car with my sister and mom driving hoke from Thanksgiving. I had to clean up such a disaster of red wine spilt everywhere and the familygave me shotbfor not doing it right. My mom said our family are tailors and I said maybe I will be if uni doesn't work out. And we got morrocan food I had a fried treat in he shape of a star. I was disappointed my ex lover didn't text me happy Thanksgiving. But I didn't want to tell anyone because it would make him look bad when I know he didn't mean anything by it. And we stopped for dessert and i got a chocolate doughnut even though it was overpriced.

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