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Dream Interpretation: Perfume 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Perfume? Discover the significance of seeing a Perfume in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Perfume appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Perfume in a dream represents your desire to attract attention and be noticed. It can also symbolize your need for self-care and pampering. The scent of the perfume can indicate the type of emotions or memories associated with the dream.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the scent of the perfume in your dream. Does it remind you of a specific person or memory? This could be a clue to what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Consider taking some time for self-care and indulging in activities that make you feel good. It's also important to be mindful of seeking attention for the right reasons and not just for validation from others.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of perfume evokes a sense of allure and enchantment. It brings forth feelings of elegance, sensuality, and sophistication. The scent of perfume in a dream signifies a desire for pleasure, indulgence, and the pursuit of beauty. It may also symbolize the need to attract attention or create a lasting impression. This dream elicits a sense of mystery and allure, leaving a lingering feeling of desire and fascination.





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22 May 2024



I went in the market to eat something from a food stall but the food preparation was taking longer than expected so I went for a stroll in the market I had 500 rupees I got into a supermarket and started searching for perfumes as it is my favourite and had planned that I would buy a perfume of 450 rupees and keep the rest in my mother's purse

6 Apr 2024



Me, my cousin Malia, and my grandma Aba were wedding dress shopping for my aunt Courtney. I'm not sure why we were wedding dress shopping for her because she's already married but we were. We were smelling perfumes and I really liked the way one smelled and it was only 10 dollars and 47 cents and I had 4 dollars and 97 cents so I asked Aba if she could spare me the other 5 dollars to get the perfume and she was like "Hmmm, I don't know. I have to get thi Beef jerky." And the wedding dress store was inside a gas station and she was looking at this shelf that had a bunch of random stuff on it like beef jerky, already filled up blue raspberry icees, and other things. I was like "Okay." And then went to wander around the gas station. And in the gas station was also a bookstore so I was walking around shelves of books and I saw one of my friends and her friend and they were like trying to avoid me and she was whispering to her friend "We'll have to go left, right, around the bouncy house, and over the shelf to avoid Amaree." And I just thought that it was stupid and childish that they were avoiding me but I didn't really care. And then Malia comes next to me and says "They're obviously avoiding you." And then I walked around looking at more books when I noticed that my friend and her friend were right behind me trying to stay hidden but I noticed them so my friend started running and went past me

28 Feb 2024



in the waking world there was a tornado getting close to my house in the early hours this morning, i didn’t see it but the sirens kept me awake. i finally fell asleep, and i was in my room tryna reorganize my perfume on my shelves, or doing something with my shelves in general. i felt water droplets hit my head, so i look up and there’s a wet spot forming on the ceiling. i figured that was probably from all the rain and wind blowing everything around, the roof probably got soaked through or something hit the roof making a hole. i ignored it for a few minutes cause i thought it wasn’t that big of a deal, but i saw the water hitting my electric cords, and they were sparking. i went to the kitchen where mom and jason were, and i said “there’s water coming in from the ceiling in my room, an electrical fire is about to happen.”. jason replied with “oh okay ill take a look”. i looked at him saying “okay thanks. by the way what’s wrong with your arm? that’s not normal.”. his arm was deformed and was bent in places it shouldn’t be bent, and he just starts shapeshifting. he gave me a creepy look as he shape-shifted his arm to appear more ‘normal’. his whole body kept shapeshifting into things that didn’t look right. when i noticed his entire body was shape shifting, i woke up in my dream. i was aware of what was going on, i could feel the floor, i could hear everything, it was so real. i was practically lucid dreaming. anyways when we got to my bedroom, he took a look at the ceiling and said “it looks fine to me.”. i looked at his misshaped body and said “dude do you not see that electric block down there getting ready to burst into flames-“. he shape-shifted into a tall, black and sinister looking entity, and the house blew up in flames. i woke up from the fire burning my skin.

2 Feb 2024



I was at school and I was holding the door opened for some girls when they told me that I smelled gross I tried to ignore it but I kept putting perfume on and then my boyfriend came to my school and he made me feel better

2 Feb 2024



It was my wedding day. But the ceromony started four hours late. I kept going upstairs to see what the hold up was and turns out we were waiting on the pastor because he went missing in action. The pastor that was the wedding offciant in my dream just passed away in real life on yesterday. I kept running up and down the stairs between the basemnt of the church (where my wedding party was) and the sanctuary (checking on the guests). The choir was staggering in and I was really flustered trying to keep it together and ensure that my guests were occuipied all while half dressed with a robe over what I assume to be my decoy wedding dress. I was getting super emotional because I wanted everything to go smoothly as I had envisioned my wedding day to be. Also because who i believe to be my wedding planner was informing me of all the overages that were going to have to be paid since the cermony was extremely delayed. However, I noticed that I was also unbothered about the amount of money that was going to have to be paid to extend times for different aspects of the wedding. I literally wasnt worried about the money. My bridal party, actually the entire wedding party, dressed in like a deep yellow color and denim. Which literally is not the colors I’ve fantasized about having in my wedding. The wedding finally began and I was frantic trying to get dressed. My wedding dress was super gorgeous! Although I expected it to be a shade of baby pink, it was PURE WHITE. Getting dressed was like being backstage at a fashion show during fashion week but just with a team of two people helping me get ready. I remember having a huge decorative silver double butterfly hair clip that I placed in my hair. Also my accessories were butterfly themes: a butterfly ring on my right hand and my shoes had butterflies wrapped around the tie of them. I also noticed that my dad was there the entire time. He was super calm but making sure that things went as planned. He never left his one spot of sitting in a chair making comments while playing a crossword game on his phone. He was even there when I was getting dressed (not in the room but in the same general area). I could hear the pastor praying and the choir singing while I was still getting ready. One of my bridal team girls (who actually is this reality tv star on a show that I watch) kept me super calm, as I started to become nervous about walking down the aisle. My dad was still there giving his very laxed but noticable “dad seal of approval” on me as a bride. All while I could feel his reluctance/discomfort of “letting me go” when a memeber of my bridal team made a joke about how “less stressed I’ll be when I make it to the honeymoon”. I had one last spray of perfume (actually a scent that I been eyeing on my social media) then I had another member from my bridal team make sure I had the rings, then it was time to head up the stairs...but I woke up before I could walk down the aisle. Also althoigh I dont know who I was getting married to, I had a strong sense of love in the dream and I was excited to marry him…whoever HE was

25 Jan 2024



Went to get my nips pierced and a spa at bath and body. Had my cats in the car for this also babysat my uncle Donnie and other family I haven't seen in a while. Was loopy after piercing was done and had a bunch of fun lotions and perfumes

22 Jan 2024



My ex husband met his new religious wife and we all went to a pool party. He bought her expensive bottles of purfume which he then threw into the water. This is unlike my ex husband who never bought expensive purfume, at least now for myself or himself during our marriage!

2 Dec 2023



So it was Friday and it was were I was with my sister and this other girl the worker and we went into this store and got this perfume but then we got to the check out but the we figure out it to expensive so then we put it

2 Nov 2023



I had a dream my passed dog was alive it was like a continuation from a dream I had last month I last month I had a dream my dog never died but it was actually just a different shitzt zsu and the war that was going on (Israel and palestinas) killed the shitszu now I had a dream that she never passed that it was actually her But since last time it wasn’t I was like I don’t believe u anymore but then she smelled like peach (her perfume) and had her orange paw (she passed 2 days before her shower and since I lived painting I ended up dropping on the floor and she got her paw dirty I was so happy crying of happiness and when I woke up I was crying of sadness wishing it was real wishing it wasnt just a dream wishing she was here with me I really miss her ( forever my best friend)

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