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Dream Interpretation: Necklace 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Necklace? Discover the significance of seeing a Necklace in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Necklace appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A necklace in a dream represents beauty, elegance, and femininity. It can also symbolize a connection to your past or a desire to hold onto memories. Alternatively, it may represent a burden or a feeling of being trapped.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the type of necklace and the emotions it evokes in the dream. Are you wearing it or is someone else? If it feels heavy or uncomfortable, it may be a sign that you are carrying emotional baggage or feeling weighed down by your past. If it feels beautiful and empowering, it may be a reminder to embrace your femininity and inner beauty. Take time to reflect on your emotions and what the necklace represents to you.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a necklace can evoke feelings of elegance, beauty, and adornment. It may symbolize a sense of self-worth, as well as a desire for attention and recognition. The necklace can also represent a connection to one's personal style and individuality. Additionally, it may evoke feelings of nostalgia or sentimentality, as necklaces are often associated with special occasions or cherished memories. Overall, this dream can elicit emotions of sophistication, confidence, and a longing for self-expression.





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18 Jul 2024



It started with me hanging out in my yard, and there were these two huge owls in our trees, they were flying around and landing on branches and I kept trying to get a picture cause I was like "Wow owls are big" cause these things were like the size of an eagle and they were our during the day so I could get a good shot, and at one point I saw a huge dead fish in the trees too (bigger that the owls), but I figured the owls took it from the lake, then after a while of watching the owls I found some people in our yard, it was these two girls who were sisters and a boy and the boy was making jokes about the sisters so I stepped in and started joking about him and then eventually he picked me up and I acted all like I didn't want to go where they he was bringing me, playing it up for laughs, he opened the door to the motor home in my yard and there was more giant dead fish hanging on the walls which was gross, he threw me in and blocked the door, and then I went to the front and joked "Oh no, how will I ever get out of the motor home that MY family owns" and then I started to drive it around the yard but I was having a lot of difficulty mostly with the breaks, so then I managed to park it back where it goes but it was like three chunks where one was the camper part, one was a storage part, and then there was the drive part and the parts had detached in the yard so I had to go get the other parts and hook them back up before I got in trouble, at the end of the day the boy and two girls wanted to be friends so we all exchanged names and then I found a crystal and my uncle said that it needed to go to the top of a mountain and a couple people came with me, a couple of friends who weren't the ones I just met, but we were traveling up this mountains for days and eventually we got to the top and put the crystal in, and then I woke up in this weird village, and I turned to my travel partners and asked if they remember what happened or how we got there, and then there was something about rock shops and then we started going up another mountain and it was a different material that the other one, and them we found a rock shop on the mountain and I got a necklace of four elements and my friend said it was fitting because I could bend all four elements and then I remembered my uncle who could bend water like it was fire (like how Iroh from Avatar will use other elements techniques in his bending) and then I thought I woke up and my friend Amber was in a sleeping bag next to my bed and she said "sorry I had a weird dream about you, I don't want to make you uncomfortable" and I was like "you didn't make me uncomfortable in my dream you were cool" and then I started trying to describe the mountain dream to her and then realized I needed to go back further and then as I was describing the owls I saw a hawk with a really big beak sitting eye level with me on a towel rack on my bedroom wall and when it opened its beak to make a noise I actually woke up.

12 Jun 2024



I was in a shoe store I used to work at looking at shoes. There were really cute boots and sandals and I was enjoying myself. Then there were these bratty kids running around climbing on the shelves and just destroying things. I told them they need to stop but they just told me they don’t care. I told their mom to control her kids and she told me to fuck off. So I told the sales associate and she said there was nothing she could do. So I started to throw jewelry that was on the displays and saying “well it doesn’t matter because no one here cares!” But then I felt really bad so I started cleaning up the necklaces and apologizing. Then I woke up.

11 Jun 2024

Living Room


I went to a dinner with my close friend Jarra and her family- there were like 20-30 family members. My Uncle Ronnie was there and my deceased Uncle Alvin (my deceased father’s best friend) was seated next to him. I had a moment and cried seeing him because I miss him. The night went on and we transitioned to the very old house that was very large inside with side rooms on the main floor and a sunken living room where everyone gathered. There was a guy there with these beautiful necklaces that he was showing to the women there. I picked the one I thought was the prettiest and asked if he was selling it- and could I buy it. He kept asking if I wanted it and I kept asking if I could buy it. He finally said I could just have it. I thanked him and put it on. It was so beautiful with red and blue beads and a large gem that was the pendant piece. It made me smile and I felt so good. Then I was called over to take pictures with 3-4 others who seemed to be my cousins. Then I went on and interacted with others.

9 Jun 2024



Silver necklace , sitting on a bench

2 Jun 2024



me and my fiance were hanging with our friends. we were watching the sorcerer’s apprentice and we kept drinking all different types of soda, i remember being really thirsty. Brice got me a necklace for my birthday but it was lowkey ugly as hell, it was like a huge owl pendant with a seashell pendant underneath. Eventually we were at my family’s house for some reason and they were preparing for some huge event thing they were doing, but it was my birthday in the dream and they lowkey didn’t know though except nevaeh and brice and caitlyn and nay. at some point these people start trying to bust in the door yelling at my family for some reason and then they start shooting through the door and Chris gets shot in the stomach. He was chillin though and everyone was just beefin as if these folks weren’t threatening us with guns, and i’m over here like “idk what they did to piss yall off but i ain’t in this” and eventually they left and then me and nevaeh went to the bathroom and someone’s big toes was just cut off chillin on the floor with purple nail polish. and then i went outside and was like “did yall know it was my birthday?” and they were like”cool, it’s also memorial day weekend so like we don’t really care” and then brice was in a group of dudes doing tae kwondo with paint all over him.

30 May 2024

Family Members


I had two dreams. One was pretty short. I was going to Germany with my mom and my cousin Dominique. Those two people aren't dead right now, but I think I was also going with some other family members that maybe I haven't seen in a while. It was very beautiful and we all cried except I don't know if the city looked like Germany, but it was very beautiful. The next dream I was in some kind of trade shop, small items shop, and there were several boots. I was feeling good about the lady who was selling a couple of things. I looked around at her booth and she wasn't there at the time so she left her booth unattended. I picked out a couple of items and I was getting ready to pay but we were discussing one of the items so the guy behind me in line sat on the floor and asked if he could turn the TV on in Spanish so that he could practice for his Spanish test. The lady said sure turn on the TV but then she put her headphones on like are you about to turn on the TV and he turned it on and it wasn't as disturbing as I thought it was going to be. So the lady and I talked about one of the trinkets for a while and I think it was stuff you could dip in resin at her booth or one of the booths but and make it like look cooler. One of them was actually a balloon that you could blow up and it takes a picture of the surrounding area and then when you put it in resin, well the balloon just stays forever. You can look around the balloon and see the different scenery that you were in at the time. I forgot the items that I wanted but I gave them to the lady so that she could take a look and bring them up and then she looked at my necklace. I don't have this necklace in real life. I only have this necklace in a dream. My necklace has snowflakes and something else on them. I think it might have been looking like kind of like dimes and so the lady said, and it was very long, the lady said you know you want to trade in that necklace. I said no. Before she could weigh up a guy, a couple of people came in. The consignment shop was now mostly empty because everyone else had pretty much packed up their booth and left. And some people who were interested in buying the space came in and one of the guys that came in, well you could just kind of tell that he didn't have good vibrational frequencies or whatever. And the man tried to talk to the lady but she said no I'm not selling to you. And the other investors that came in with him said good idea because he's not someone that's great to do business with. He will tear down the shop. And then I noticed the lady's judgment was very impeccable. So I took off my necklace to help with the trade-in value because she said that I wanted to give it to her. And so I took it off and I handed it to her but she shook her head and said no. I was a little disheartened that she didn't want the necklace anymore but I was more so confused. And that is the end of my dream. Thank you.

24 May 2024



i got into some fight with a random dude and he ended up dying unsure if it was from the fight or somethinb but in the emd i was the one blamed for it. there is strict policy that if you kill someone you're killed, in my school? yes, so everyone in my school who committed crimes of which the sentence is death is on a bus with 2 of friends and I'm on the bus too obviously everybody is super sad and bummed cause they're about to be killed but I'm trying to talk to people lighten up the mood idk why. then the stop comes everyone gets off, they go in and they accept death, not me. i run away. i run and there are people friends and family of the people who are being killed amd school teacher who make sure that the children don't go out of a border. they don't run away. and from the exit i run it's jija??? what the fuxk but i sneakily sneak by, i go through many shops, hoping there's a back door and no body recognises me. there is no back door in the first and rhe second shop. then i go to the third and there he is my jija behind me trying to take me back i tell him i need to go to the washroom hoping there's a window but it wasn't on the end of the building i enter and the place is covered with mirrors some of them i think one way mirrors i try seeing if any of them are the way out they're not then i see my bad through a window he's fixing his hair i band on the window which seems unban gable to get his attention, i gte his attention, but then my jija who btw loved and adored me as a child comes and tries to drag me out then i tell him that i need to talk to my bad. i try to twll hin that I didn't kill him, he doesn't care. he doesn't care that I'm about to die. he's taking me back there, and on the way he tells me that if he fails to do so and the chuldren don't show up the parents will be locked up. i try to convince him he isn't budging. then i finally reach there i stand on the spot where i should be standing it's in front of a counter my back is towards the counter and there's this lady standing in front of me with a huge 3 stick farmer tool thingy something and it's gigantic at that time i know there's no way out so i ask her, if i can be shot, i've always wanted to be shot, she agrees and thinks it will be fun so she sends people to go and get the bullet. and while i was standing the tool she had with her i looked over to my dad and told him i'd tell hin what the afterlife is like after i die he doesn't care again, he's counting some yellow paper things, he nods. while the person is searching for the gun i give my dad my necklace and tell him to give this to my brother and i wonder if he knows if theg told him i was dying becaude he would've fought back. anywyas then i also am about to remove my watch but then i think what if as a ghost you're stuck wearing what yu are rn and even if that isn't true i'd like to die wearinv my watch and necklace so i take the necklace back and ask him if he will take the nacklace and the watch off my body and give it to my brother he politely agrees and allthis time this was the time i saw him behave kindly towards me even if it was a sandgrain worth of care he did a little v v little but a little. the. I add a status or notes saying bye and i never got to finsih book or movie i was reading/watching. and then they come back with the gun. the end.

17 May 2024



So I just had a dream about my grandma who passed about eight months ago. In the dream, she was still alive, but still really old. She was having some kind of celebration with all her family there and during the celebration she was going to give away the things that meant the most to her, to her family members. It was like she knew she was dying so she wanted to give away the things of hers that she loved the most, to the ones that she loved the most. So before the celebration, she gives me this silver necklace with these beautiful diamonds and emerald stones in it and she put it around my neck lovingly, and I looked down at it and it’s beautiful. I hug her and I thank her and I tell her that I want to go get dressed for the party. There is so many people there and so many suitcases that I can’t find mine. I’m looking everywhere, even outside where I find clothing that is blowing away, but it’s not necessarily my clothing. There is just so many peoples clothes and luggage there that I just can’t find mine in all the chaos, so I can get dressed for the party. It seems like I’m searching for hours for my suitcase and I can never find it. The party, by this time, has gotten started and I come out in what I think is my old clothes and I hugged my grandma and I thank her for the necklace and I tell her how sorry I am that I’m in my old ratty clothes and I’m sorry that I can’t find my nice ones to change into. She looks at me and she smiles and she says that I look beautiful. I looked down at my clothes and I’m wearing beautiful outfit, with the beautiful necklace that she had given to me earlier. Her and my mom kind of smile knowingly at each other and they say it’s always the three month mark when she finally gets it. I don’t understand what they meant by that?

22 Apr 2024



I was in our house that we lived in four years ago before our current house. I was in the bathroom looking in the mirror and trying to change my necklace. I took one off just to notice that I was wearing another necklace that I needed to take off. I had three more necklaces on that were tangled up. I got anxiety because it was taking so long to take them off and I could hear my mom and my aunt in the living room talking saying they were about to leave. I finally got the right necklace on and walked out. I noticed that My husband did all of the renovations that I wanted when we lived there that he never did. My kids ran in but they were the same age as when we lived there. I felt happy to be there with the changes, but seeing my kids that small broke my heart.

13 Apr 2024



I was walking around trying to find some cool stores, before sunset. But I wasn’t able to find anything I liked. So I went to this other place that’s kinda hidden by a building. It was like a small store. The thing you pull up to actually let yourself in was closed halfway. I knocked on the thing. I heard soemone, and the thing is lifted up. There was a guy, around my age maybe a bit older, long hair, wearing black, gory band shirt. “Hey, come on in,” he says. I walk in and I look around his little shop he has going. He went into the back of store. I seen cds, vinyls, band shirts, posters, a lot of things like that. The room was red. Making it have a really cool vibe. I was flipping through a poster book. So many different bands and solo artists. He comes back out and says “So you finding what your looking for?” “Yeah, this is like a really cool store you have,” I say mesmerized looking around. Looking through the poster book we talk and talk around different bands and about his store, I chose to buy a Rob Zombie poster and another poster I can’t remember. I had gotten there before sunset and I look out the front and the sun has set already. “Well I should start walking home,” I say. “Yeah, well I should start closing the shop also.” He replies. I walk out and wave bye. I see this part of the store, a door is open. I look into it. It’s a basement. I choose not to go in and mind my own. Then suddenly I see woman, she is in all white. I freeze, and suddenly I’m down in the basement. As I reach the bottom she is sitting down talking to herself. I turn around and try to walk back up. But she is standing on the top of the stairs. She falls forward and just disappears. I run out and when I reached the top, I’m at the bottom again looking at her sitting down in the basement talking to herself. I get confused and try go up again but she is there. Falling again and disappearing. I run to the top. Im stuck in a loop. I keep looping. I get scared. Idk how many times I did that but finally I’m able to leave. I walk home. Next day I find myself at the store again. I see the rest of the store is open. The store has like sections. Only one was open the day before. I see him talking to two customers in another section. I go into the one I was before. I look at the earrings. I grab cherry earrings and a necklace. I place money on the counter with a note. Then I leave. I then woke up😔

28 Mar 2024

My crush


I recently had a dream that I had bought my crush a necklace and she was soo excited that she teared up and gave me a hug

8 Mar 2024

Being Late


Oh there was police in a dream. I walked up to a car with a valve on the side. Under the valve was a puddle as if it was opened. I walked up to the valve, looked at it, went to the back of the car, opened the door and saw a body inside it, so I called the police, when they showed up they asked me about it. I made a call to work, saying I have to go work, tell them I'm gonna be late, and walked up to the car and stood next to it making the call. When I stood there I saw a necklace on the ground that wasn't from the barrel in the car, so I picked it up and suddenly the car exploded because an officer opened the door from the driver's side, sending me flying onto the grass next to us.

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