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Dream Interpretation: Lipstick 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Lipstick? Discover the significance of seeing a Lipstick in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Lipstick appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Lipstick in a dream represents your desire to enhance your appearance or to attract attention. It can also symbolize seduction, sexuality, and femininity. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are hiding your true self or putting on a false persona.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your relationship with your appearance and how you present yourself to others. Are you comfortable with who you are, or do you feel the need to hide behind a mask? Consider whether you are trying to attract someone's attention or if you are being true to yourself. It may be time to embrace your true self and let go of any insecurities or fears.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of lipstick may evoke feelings of confidence, allure, and self-expression. It symbolizes the desire to enhance one's appearance or make a statement. This dream may also suggest a need for attention or a desire to be noticed. It can represent a desire for transformation or a longing for a more glamorous and confident persona. Overall, the dream of lipstick elicits emotions of empowerment, femininity, and the desire to be seen and heard.





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Dreams of users containing the word Lipstick

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3 Apr 2024



I dreamt I was in that mall again with my mother and Jordan, and they kept trying to drag me out for something, but I was obsessed with finding blue lipstick- I kept getting away from them and searching the mall for the lipstick, which I was determined to steal if necessary, the lipstick felt very much important

23 Mar 2024



for some reason tyler and i and these two other girls that were friends with him and each other went on a road trip and we were all supposed to stay at this really fancy hotel with traditional large rooms and decor etc. we all get there and while the girls go to check in i'm repacking my lil bag bc i threw everything out looking for my lipstick and pen but while i'm leaning over the seats to head grab some stuff from the floor mats this mf comes up behind me and gets HANDSY so i giggle and make some snide comment i don't remember now lol BUT with bag packed again and lipstick on i shimmy down and out of the backseat. i think u asked for a kiss but alludes to my lipstick transferring so i kiss the excesses on my jacket sleeves some reason and makeout briefly before joining whoever these other girls are. first is room 19 i guess where we are moved to room 20 for a reason i don't recall. we knock on the door and some woman is like occupied wrong room so we are very confused but she's says this is actually suite 21 you're next door and we blindly follow for some reason. suite 21 a was oddly small for 4 ppl but the random girls settle in regardless. i think i wander around the area of not only the lodge but the nearby collection of businesses and restaurants but i come back and everyone's outside of "suite 20" where it unveiled that miss girl from "suite 21" switched the numbers but left something with her name on it welcoming her (it was none of our names i guess?) so we storm over like aight get out and her door is unlocked so we like go in lmao and then it gets wEIRD with the boss battle + her minions energy (said minion is an animal i think cat) but we defeat them and her and the front desk lady comes up in time like what happened? but keeps walking. i cut my nail rly bad (like in the middle of my nail bed) in the process but we all move to the initial 19 suite anyways which was still a nice room. other miscellaneous moments and comments happened but i don't remember enough to include :( i do remembering having fun makeup (white lashes / mascara specifically and colorful makeup) and wearing a risqué but similarly avant garde fit that i throw a big jacket over when we all walk into the hotel bc i saw a creep.

29 Feb 2024



I was putting on bright lipstick.

21 Feb 2024

Running away


i was using my friends mascara that was green and red. this friend i don’t talk to that much but she’s still nice. all my friends were in a hotel lobby so i went to a bathroom which looks like a dungeon. suddenly a man came in and started talking to me. i ignored him then he grabbed my mascara so i yanked it back and yelled “get the fuck out” and stuff like that. then i got this feeling he was waiting at the top of the stairs for me. i walked over and he was. he said he was gonna kidnap me and the 2 other girls. one was my friend and the other is a girl who goes to my morning program. there were 2 stair cases. one labeled mascara and one labeled lipstick. he came down and i went on my back,put his stomach on my legs and threw him. i told my friend i was going up the lipstick staircase and she grabbed me. i asked why then she said “i was 60% in on this” and sounded scared” i ripped my hand away and ran away. i saw 3 kids in my 7th period while running

5 Feb 2024



I was looking in a mirror putting on red lipstick. There is also jewelry on top of an armoire. My mom was in the dream. Another part of the dream, I am walking through a city by myself trying to find class. There was so much traffic and people. I felt lonely. I don’t really remember much else.

3 Jan 2024

Killing someone


So there's this transgirl I follow on Instagram called Alanis Ester and my dream involved her and my girlfriend Because she (Alanis) has a very transphobic mother that refuses to help her in any way she shoplifted a lipstick and for sum reason I was called to a court case cuz she was being lawsuit by the Walgreens (yes she stole the lipstick from a Walgreens which was where the Carribean Cinemas of the Western Plaza is) and my girlfriend is with me there so at the court everyone was saying random incoherent things but I stand up and I try to defend her and the judge says that she's being sentenced to DEATH by my PENIS???? (Context on this I would basically shoot her with my penis and then she would bleed out no it's not the first time I dream of my penis having the functionality of a gun) and well I didn't wanna do that cuz I don't wanna kill someone and less over a stolen LIPSTICK also LESS with my dick cuz I don't want people seeing my penis so we get out, she's free for the moment until her execution she was crying in a corner repeating to herself she just wanted to be pretty and my girlfriend is with me and she asks me "What're we going to do?" And I'm thinking to myself... But she then asks me if I had money to which I reply "Yeah 12 dollars why?" "You can get bottom surgery and she won't die also you won't have a penis" and I say RIGHT so we start celebrating a bit and we go to Claire's which was where Taco Bell from Western Plaza is and they take me to a room in the back of the store me they put sum sheets over me and I see the nurses moving around but I didn't get to see how that dream ended

4 Dec 2023

Birthday Party
My crush


This dream wad about my crush I was In my birthday party I put lipstick on and we were in the bathroom I tried to kiss him he just looked disgusted but sometimes he loves Me in my dreams

1 Dec 2023



I was in a holiday cove. I wanted to go in the pool at the hotel but I couldn't find my bathing suit and I remembered that my aunt's house was nearby and I had left one of my bathing suits there. When I got home and got dressed I realized that I hadn't shaved my legs so I found a razor and started to shave them. There was a lot more hair than I thought, it was like I hadn't shaved in years. I got a lot of sores on my legs and they started bleeding. Finally I was ready and I put on a long black and white flowered shirt over my black bikini, put on my red lipstick, combed my hair and let it down. When I went to the pool, I found out that there was no normal entrance to the pool, you had to climb a few stairs to get into the pool. It was like some kind of competition, but was extremely difficult. I had to go in the pool because the guy I wanted to meet was there. We were often eye to eye and he was winking at me and smiling. When he saw me in bikinis, he suddenly stood up and started looking for a way to come towards me from the other side of the pool. There was a guard waiting at the top of the handicapped stairs and they wouldn't let anyone in unless they won. I tried to persuade the man but to no avail, finally he said that if I sang or danced he would let me into the pool. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see the man I had been staring at coming back with lemonade. As I was coming down the stairs, he reached out his hand and I saw that he had reserved a soft puff for me.

26 Nov 2023

Falling in love


I had a dream I was passing through dimensions and flirting with one person in each dimension, I would end up kissing them or something, in one last dimension I was running with I stopped in one with this black dude who fell in love with me. Their dimension everything was black and white and I was considered the sunshine in that dimension, we were in a jail cell type of room and there were some pots and a stove with some soup, there was a little girl who I was playing with and her neutral face turned into a smile and giggle the room started to give warm colors and people were sorta freaking out. In one moment rhe guy approached me and I kissed him all over his face and left colorful red lipstick on his face and he was all happy

26 Nov 2023

Giving Birth
Being Late


I found out that I was six months pregnant and I had like I hadn't given birth yet but apparently there was like this like goo monster it looked like putty but like I could cut it up and put it like next to each other and it would melt together and I was trying to go and like my mom told me that she would help me like because I was apparently giving birth but I don't know and I kept on being late and there's a big storm so in the middle of the day it looked like night and whenever I was trying to actually get to the place it was morning and it was at a school and I couldn't find my way in like it like there was like a distinct way in but like just I couldn't find it or at least it was a long way until getting into it and a teacher helped me and she started putting on like a multitude of lipsticks for some reason and then I woke up

2 Nov 2023



In my dream, I live in a shared house that is kind of like a strip mall but for houses. Each house is connected by a series of communal basements, each basement having different amenities, such as a library, a couple kitchens and living rooms, a bathroom with a makeup vanity, a daycare, and a few bedrooms. I remember the dream starting out with me lying in my bed, reading up on an arg and noticing a phone number on one of the videos. I call up the number and it's a staticy robotic voice telling me commands. Next thing that happens is that the voice changes when I try to talk to it, quickly becoming Ranboo's voice. He speaks out of character and I start telling him about my life. I take the phone with me outside of the room and mute myself to go to my bathroom. When I get into the bathroom, there is a leak in the ceiling. The ceiling is very damaged. I do my business and go to wash my hands. A pipe bursts in the ceiling causing water to spray everywhere. Everyone in my house evacuates to the basement. The connected basements range from huge rooms to tiny spaces that you can crawl through. The first space I remember is this huge concrete room that lead to the first kitchen. There were concrete stairs leading down towards the kitchen. I go into the next room and it resembles the kitchen from my first childhood house. It's small and cluttered. Next to it is my living room from my childhood home. The next room I remember is another kitchen, more akin to the one at my friend's old apartment. After that, I get into this area that could pass for an apartment. It's fully furnished and looks like someone lived there. In fact, someone did. I ran into the woman living there when I went to check out the bathroom. She was a short woman with long blonde and wavy hair. She was a little chubby, but she was still gorgeous. She mentioned getting ready to go out to the bar with some friends as she put on her red lipstick, peering into the vanity in the bathroom. I leave her area and stumble across a sad excuse for a bedroom. The room is small, the walls are this off-grey and blue color, the only light is a lamp on the floor in the corner of the room, and there is a mattress sat on the floor with a grey fitted sheet over it. The mattress is pushed against the corner wall. The floor is white tile and I feel the chill of the floor from my socks. I lie down on the bed and leave the door open. At some point, an older man I don't recognize comes into the room and starts feeling me up. I get extremely uncomfortable and I scream for help. A younger man comes in to help. He has brown, curly hair and he starts to tell the guy off. They start arguing, until they suddenly go quiet. One of them goes to close the door as they both give me an eerie smirk. I start panicking and I somehow get the door to open. They start chasing me through the hallways and doorways of the basement, until I crawl through a space and get into a child's bedroom. The color green sticks out to me as a theme for the decor of the room, though the walls are a cream color. I hide behind something green in the room, presumably a toy structure and they come in to find me. They can't find me and eventually they leave. I see the glimpse of a child looking at me and I exit the room. I go back into the lady's apartment. I start digging around her cabinets for alcohol, but to no avail. I get back on the phone with someone and I walk back to the library. I sit down on a hammock and lie back as I continue having a conversation with them. At some point, I change locations because my dad came in there and started getting mad at me over nothing. I happen upon this lounge area in a relatively small room. There are fake plants everywhere and a wall that's just a staircase of glass. I am on the inside of the see through glass, so I can look outside and see the people walking around, as I lay down, relaxing and talking to someone over the phone. I drift off to sleep, and then I wake up.

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