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Dream Interpretation: Smell 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Smell? Discover the significance of seeing a Smell in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Smell appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Smell in dreams can represent memories, emotions, or intuition. It can also indicate a need to pay attention to your surroundings or to be cautious of something. The type of smell can also have specific meanings, such as the smell of flowers representing happiness or the smell of smoke representing danger.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the specific smell in your dream and any emotions or memories it may bring up. Consider if there are any situations in your waking life where you need to be more aware or cautious. Trust your intuition and pay attention to any warning signs.

❤️ Feelings

The smell in this dream evokes a sense of nostalgia and familiarity. It brings back memories and emotions from the past, creating a comforting and soothing atmosphere. The scent may also symbolize a connection to nature or a specific person or place. Overall, it elicits a warm and pleasant feeling, reminding us of the power of our senses to evoke emotions and transport us to different times and places.





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Dreams of users containing the word Smell

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15 Jul 2024



I was in this unfamiliar house. My estranged brother was showering upstairs. It was a long time that my brother didn't bathe cause his clothes was very musty but he also seem to not care. There was a long period of time my brother wasn’t bathing enough in my waking life and was often very smelly. It was really hard to be around him because he smelled so bad but it also seemed like he didn’t care. I went upstairs and his clothes was on the bathroom floor very stinky he went to the other room to get dressed. At some point it felt like my brother morphed into my abusive ex and he was getting dressed in the other room. Similarly to my brother there were long periods of time during my relationship with my ex where he didn't shower or took care of himself. He suffered with severe depression but it was often hard to be around him cause he smell so bad and he wouldn't shower. I had to adjust and get used to his lack of bathing because of his mental health condition. Due to his abusive qualities early on in our relationship he started to control when I would bathe. And I sometimes had to sneak to shower before he can tell me not to. Back to the dream I remember myself sneaking to take a shower because I was scared my abusive ex was going to force me not to bathe because he preferred my scent unbathed which I hated. I woke up before I finished the dream. But I remember the feeling of anxiety and worry of being forced not to bathe and trying to hide away from my brother then abusive ex.

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

29 Jun 2024

High School


I was in high school(still am) and me and one of my close friends were going to the guidance office, but it was occupied so we sat on the steps waiting for the person to come out. I look over at the other side of the hallway and see my ex talking with two of her friends (my old best friend and one of their close friends) so I decide to take off my glasses. When I take them off though, My vision is more blurry than usual, and I could only see colors, everything else looked like weird blobs. I ask my friend to give me my glasses out of my book bag and when I put them back on, I still cant see and now my left eye wont open. I try to open it, but it stays shut. While were sitting on the steps I hear my old best friends voice so I scoot down a step to talk to her. As were talking im still trying to open my left eye and dix my vision. my ex and old best friends mutual friend(I used to talk to her but we were never really close) joins in on the conversation a little bit. My ex is sitting on the step below me, but since I couldnt see and she wasnt talking I didnt know it was her. My ex falls asleep on me and I was about to wake her up but My old best friend and their friend tell me not to, and that its my ex. As shes sleeping, I somehow manage to smell her, and the smell makes me feel comfortable and I end up falling asleep as well. I feel her beginning to wake up so I shoot up and start rubbing my left eye(which still wont open) Then when she gets up and turns to me, my sight gets better to see her looking at me, then she walks down the steps. The floor of the school almost looked like a swimming pool in color, which my schools colors have nothing to do with blue. I feel bad becauseI rhought I made her uncomfortable but my old best friend said I didnt, and that she didnt mean to fall asleep so she went to the bathroom to “freshen up”(weird words to me cause I dont see her saying that). I begin to try and open my eye one more time, and as I get it open, i wake up.

18 Jun 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream I was walking around this space with a few friends. It was raining outside so a lot of people were in the building. It seemed like a shopping area/food court but everything was darker toned. Like black picnic tables. Dark walls. The only lights came from the food stalls. I went to use the bathroom and the bathroom was a white dimly lit large U-shaped stall style bathroom. It had showers on one side of the U and regular bathrooms on the other. I went in to wash my hands and as I’m washing my hands I notice there are people waiting for the shower. I look over to the showers to see one is open but there’s a brown gross looking liquid puddling in that stall and drawing towards the drain. And then the smell hit me. Everybody washing their hands started gagging and trying not to actually puke. It was a PUTRID smell! As if somebody had not washed in a month and was on their period at the same time NASTY smell. I start to look for another spot to wash my hands but everything else is taken so I get ready to leave. As I’m walking out I notice the only color since I’ve been in this dream in a pink and green floral decoration around a large mirror. I take a second to look at myself and consider taking a selfie but I end up not taking a selfie because there are a few people around and I didn’t want them in my picture. So I leave. As I’m looking around a girl I had seen in the bathroom with earlobe length black curly hair, a round face with a slightly point chin, black spaghetti strap shin length dress, combat boots and lots of long necklaces and a little black backpack tells me she likes my outfit. I tell her I love hers! She goes on about her day and as she’s walking away the jacket she was holding changes from black to like a frog green and I wake up.

16 Jun 2024



Inside my childhood home. It's storming and raining badly outside. Trees are blowing and even falling down. I open the front door to get my cat Casper inside. Many people sitting around. The ceiling starts to leak and then caves in one spot as water is pouring in a little. My ex's mother says Taya should leave since she has her own place now. I got really mad at up in her face. She was smaller than me all of a sudden. She sat down. I told her how I was done with her off the shoulder comments towards me. That I do not have my own place to stay now. That I'm on the couch with my daughter every night now. She shut up. I woke up. (In wakelife I have broken up with my boyfriend that I was ready to leave) I also remember a flash of being held or being in someone lap. A bright red flannel shirt and just smelling his scent. Faceless man. I felt I missed the person or I was craving them. I thought is this my ex? Do I miss him? But then said no, I don't want this to be him. I don't miss him.

14 May 2024



theres this guy in my class and in my dream we were in a rlly big room together and he like layed me down on a bed and smelt my pussy n said that it smelt sooo good and then later he told his friends about it.

7 Apr 2024



me getting angry at my boyfriend for using my rose water too much and us getting into a fight but he didn’t know what you use rose water for and just liked the smell of it

7 Apr 2024



Riding horses in a trail in a city where there are cliffs with Chrissy and Guthrie. Guthrie isn’t wanting too and then is into it. Then saying goodbye to Chela and others. With a woman backing up a truck. One of the men is gathering clothing for Justin MacBreyer to sell in the States. Brenda is worried if the man is going to Oaxaca. He says he’ll be careful. Back at Bayfield. Lots of dogs. There are 2 bridges. Company leads across wrong one . Opening up grain bin-smells of mice. Dint need grain anymore. We remember. Hummingbird sitting inside a nose. Baby brownie.. Looking at my garden. I planted a lot but very few thing came up. Should I plant more? And then it’s so much work. Mom is working on some of it.

7 Apr 2024



At a high rise apartment building with my mom sister and my child, a baby girl. It was hot and sunny outside, the summer. We were outside at the pool in the apartment complex. My child had a deep open wound in the back of her neck. My mom said what is that and poked it. A pocket inside the wound exploded in my face. It smelled horrid and some of it got in my face and mouth and tasted like acid, chucks of meat. I went to get on the elevator to go upstairs to the elevator to wash my mouth out. When I got upstairs my bf was in a room that looks like a basement. Getting his hair cut by a barber. I was trying to walk past to exit to get to the door but I had to lay on my back and shimmy through hot thick metal bars to escape. He made a comment saying she looks soo good. It was a very uncomfortable feeling and it felt very obsessive and psychotic. Then I saw the picture of a McDonalds hamburger in a greasy skillet and it looked disgusting then I thought of Popeyes chicken and how it didn’t taste real.

6 Apr 2024



I dreamt about sitting down at a table with my girlfriend and she was kinda shoving her whole body into me because there was a very very friendly polar bear behind her and it was trying to hug her but when I noticed the polar bear it started smelling me and it came and started attacking me WITH LOVE it came and rolled over on my face like I felt like I was about to suffocate this polar bear was so cute it was acting like a dog .

6 Apr 2024



Me, my cousin Malia, and my grandma Aba were wedding dress shopping for my aunt Courtney. I'm not sure why we were wedding dress shopping for her because she's already married but we were. We were smelling perfumes and I really liked the way one smelled and it was only 10 dollars and 47 cents and I had 4 dollars and 97 cents so I asked Aba if she could spare me the other 5 dollars to get the perfume and she was like "Hmmm, I don't know. I have to get thi Beef jerky." And the wedding dress store was inside a gas station and she was looking at this shelf that had a bunch of random stuff on it like beef jerky, already filled up blue raspberry icees, and other things. I was like "Okay." And then went to wander around the gas station. And in the gas station was also a bookstore so I was walking around shelves of books and I saw one of my friends and her friend and they were like trying to avoid me and she was whispering to her friend "We'll have to go left, right, around the bouncy house, and over the shelf to avoid Amaree." And I just thought that it was stupid and childish that they were avoiding me but I didn't really care. And then Malia comes next to me and says "They're obviously avoiding you." And then I walked around looking at more books when I noticed that my friend and her friend were right behind me trying to stay hidden but I noticed them so my friend started running and went past me

6 Apr 2024



In my dream I had seen a scorpion coming out of the house but inside the house that was the house I live in now, and there was a hose next on the side of the couch and that’s how the hose was connected and I turned on the hose the water that was coming out I thought it was actually water but it wasn’t water it showed the liquid coming out and it looked like the color dark orange and it smelled SO bad literally a scorpion came out of the hose and small tiny scorpions came out of the big scorpion and when they came out it was coming towards me and I was backing up like “go away, leave me alone😟😰” and that’s when I woke up.

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