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Dream Interpretation: Soul ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Soul? Discover the significance of seeing a Soul in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Soul appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of a soul represents your spiritual side and inner self. It may indicate a need for self-discovery and introspection. It can also symbolize a connection to a higher power or a desire for spiritual growth.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Take some time to reflect on your inner self and spiritual beliefs. Consider exploring new spiritual practices or connecting with a community that shares your beliefs. Trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice to guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of curiosity and wonder. It may leave you feeling introspective and contemplative, as you explore the depths of your soul and the mysteries of your inner self. It brings a sense of connection to something greater than yourself, and a desire to understand the essence of your being. This dream may also elicit a feeling of awe and fascination, as you delve into the realms of spirituality and the unknown.





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Dreams of users containing the word Soul

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8 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was on a field trip to a museum and I told the room about the situation with my family and had them raise their hand to show if they believe no matter what drug is in the house, it's not a house for kids. Before I could finish people kept shuffling in and out. Before the question we were outside making a strategy for foot ball, it was 4 or us and like 6 of them. After the question, 72 people believed and the rest didn't. The rest was the majority, but I realized I needed to ask someone closer to me. Then I saw people rehearsing for a dance recital it was very hip, but I saw someone in a hat like Jj Evans from good times. I knew it had to be my friend that doesn't give me the time of day anymore, Kyte. I watched in awe, but as it became clearer that it was Kyte. Then Kyte stepped up next to me. So it wasn't her. We needed to get out of that place, so we went through the dunking donuts window. The cash Register needed to be restarted then Kyte realized she didn't know the password. I said "try dunk" and it worked! She asked me if she could borrow my m and ms until she saw me again. I said sure. She said but that won't happen will it? I said no I'm never getting those back it's fine. Then I asked if I could ask something weird, but she said yes. I was trying to figure out how to ask "does she dream about me" when I was pulled out of the dream. The next and very short part of the dream was that a kid was on a beam over the sea and some kind of dark figure was slowly eating at his soul. We, me and some guy, promised to save him in the afterlife. Strange one huh? I will say I can see what's coming over from reality, like in real life I watched good times and jj Evans is on there and a few other things. But weird dream right? Thanks for listening

28 Jun 2024



The dream felt really real. I could actually feel. The devil and god asked me to choose a side for war. I chose the devil's side cause I thought it would be cool he grabbed my hand and it started to bleed the hand turned into a red evil looking hand qith black claws, I had this overpowering feeling of dred even though he would give me everything I wanted. The world started to burn and turn red. I felt my soul dying and I had this overpowering feeling of evilness. I screamed to god for help and I changes my kind I repented. Then god took my hand and pulled me up. I then had this feeling of calm and peace. His hand was shiny and calming. He pulled me through the roof and into the clouds and felt at peace

21 Jun 2024



I saw on a wall a big banner that said healing house for all diseases. And in that hospital, the way to treat all physical illnesses is to heal the soul and spirit of the patient first.

12 Jun 2024



Had a dream that people came to me basically asking me if I wanted to sell my soul. That id Never have to worry about being broke again if I did. Then I woke up

26 May 2024

Mom dying


I dreamed my mom got a colonoscopy and they did everything they could to save her life but she died and Pennywise the Clown ๐Ÿคก was laughing in the background like in the movie 2022 Smile the movie where people are perceiving demons and they get through it. Anyway when her soul left this earth all stress went away from everyone around us.

10 May 2024



I fall in love with a girl in a fantasy or unknown land, suddenly bunch of people attacked us and make her soul vanish. And I can't save her no matter how I try.

8 Apr 2024



I dreamed I was a witch. Every time I cast a spell a part of my soul was given to the devil. I did not know that I was giving my soul away until I died. Then I discovered I was damned to be a prisoner in hell for all my life. This made me very scared.

7 Apr 2024



I recently had a dream that I was connected to a dragon through a soul bond and it felt so wonderful and safe having a being that would be by my side no matter what, we flew through the clouds together with me on its back, the saved my life once and I was always so happy to see them. But then it turned out I was sitting at a dinner table with my ex Meredith and it was actually a movie we were watching while we were eating and I turned to her and said how wonderful if would be to have a being that you know would always be there for you and you there for them and she replied saying that I had her, I looked away for a moment then back at her and she wasn't there anymore and cried in despair.

4 Apr 2024



My dream was about, we was at dad's place back in township and all of a sudden we see something moving in the sky so fast light faster than the speed of logjy and the stars was moving and it.was like something from the future then they said we can travel like that but there is a chance we can die. There was this place where you can use a certain place where you can call your past self and apparently I was a Spanish person. The first time my soul was born and its a never ending cycle of being reborn and they figured out how to get in contact woth our future and our past. So cool

31 Mar 2024



I was at a dance class, with Thai girls and guys I was the only one who wasn't Thai, we had to dance in these high heels and pretty outfits, but I had a hard time with the high heels, and I fell a couple of times, and the end of the heels were slippery, which made it extra easy for me to fall. As I was clinging onto a railing in the middle of the dance class holding on for dear life not to fall, everyone else looked so serious and so professional, they were dancing so pretty. As i was trying to have my balance back, I saw a bird, it was relatively big, but not too big for me to hold, he had these sharp wings at the end, and he looked so pretty because he was almost colorful. He also as a facial features he looked like a Phoenix. The bird was flying over us (the dancing people) and the dance master got able to catch him, as he watched him I was so afraid the dance master would harm the bird or kick him outside as it seemed he had nobody, he was all alone. I begged the dance master to give me the bird, while struggling to move with the high heels. I wobbled over to the dance master and said please give him to me, and he did. I was so happy but the bird was fierce and wanted to fly out of my hands. He was so soft and cute. I brought him into the backstage, where people change their clothes. I held him there and stroked him, he was calm with me. My two twin friends came and saw the bird, me and them fed the bird. We were so happy that he was doing fine. We fed the bird too much, that he ended up passing away. I started crying, I tried to do CPR on him, but to no avail. The birds soul was already gone. I made him a nest where i could lay him in his last resting place, still feeling guilty for not being able to take care of this animal. I looked at him one last time, I was sure he wasn't dead. I couldn't imagine that he died. As I looked at him, he looked dead. I went home with my mom, in the car I was crying out to my mom how the bird died and how incapable I am of taking care of such a little animal. Guilt and pain was taking over me, as I cried as if someone of my family members died. It was that deep, the bird meant so much to me, and he was gone. And I was the reason for that. It hurt me, the pain of the bird leaving the world so early hit me like a truck, even more than the guilt that was washing up of me. I loved that bird. He was my companion and my best friend, even though we had just met. He meant a lot to me. And I was the reason for his ending. I just wanted to feed him because I thought he was hungry. And we overfed him until he passed. I feel horrible the pain is unbearable.

29 Mar 2024

Dead body


There I was. Impaled through my stomach and out by back by one of the needles that was sitting at the bottom of this abyss I was knocked into that now has my blood dripping on it covering it in my blood. My limbs are twitching as I'm stuck around the needle point as my body is unable to go further down towards the bottom. My eyes pour blood the same time my mouth is throwing it up. I saw from a different perspective this time. This time I'm looking up at myself. But as bad as it is it couldn't possibly get any worse. That was a lie. Sooner than later I see a train falling right above me. And at the right moment, I woke up. I rose up quickly dripping in sweat and tears looking like I just been baptized. I found myself clenching my pajama shirt in between my stomach and my chest where there was excruciating pain. But it was only a nightmare. So why am I having this pain? This feeling was familiar to meโ€ฆ could this be another one of my prophetic dreams? If it was than I need to figure out what it means. Quickly. I laid back down questioning myself. How did I end up in that situation? Well let me tell you. I'm standing in front of an abyss. In between this large rigid train track that goes across this petrifying hole that leads to another side. I tried to run to the other side of this abyss but I gave up to the thought that it wasn't going to end. I closed my eyes and I somehow ended up in the same spot to begin with. โ€œthis place seems scarcely familiar..โ€ I whispered to myself afraid that I would attract unwanted attention. I examine the place trying to look for certain things that could possibly ring a bell so that I can remember where I am and how to escape. And this is what I see. I looked in front of me and there is a train track that has no support holding it up above or below. I looked down and I saw a corpse lying on the train track where its โ€˜used to beโ€™ head was. When I looked over to where the rest of its rotted head has been scattered to, I get startled to the sight and jerked backwards falling having tripped on the boards of the track. My hands start to shake like they were having a seizure and my heart was already starting to beat up against my ribs trying to escape and leave me making my breathing pattern irregular. Soon I get up and back away quickly from it and turn around ready to run away from this place like a headless chicken. But alas I am stopped by a brick wall that was infinity high. I immediately run to get around it but the deeper I got thee more ominous that place got. I started to feel my tear ducks fill with salty water as I become frustrated and terrified I was with this place. I close my eyes to release the tears and found myself right back in the middle of the train tracks. I continued to keep looking around and I eventually see an old abandoned gas station with one street light flickering and shining over a figure that would sometimes appear under the light and a sign written in blood, โ€˜Only the true special ones make it home this wayโ€™. I tensed up at the sign as another dead corpse lying on the side of the sign. I felt offended by the sign saying โ€˜only the special onesโ€™ due to my narcissistic side. It was like it was taunting me saying I wasn't. But I am special! โ€œWhat makes me different from the people that survived?โ€ the next thing I knew, I see a train coming right for me on the tracks right when I began to start hoping on the boards. Still on land I watch as the train speeds my way as I stood there as numb as a block of wood. But right as it seemed it was about to hit me, I stupidly cross my arms in front my face and lower myself into a stance ready to accept my fate. My eyes teared at the thought, โ€˜Maybe I'm not specialโ€ฆ?โ€™. I closed my eyes tight enough it felt like my eyes were being pushed in by the lids of them. I stood there and opened my eyes hesitantly expecting a harsh impact, I felt nothing but strong wind. I stayed in that position for another half a second before fully opening my eyes with confusion. I could see the train around me as I went through it. โ€œghost train..?โ€ I asked quietly before falling to my knees as the winds stopped holding me up. After another second I stand up again from my knees regaining my confidence despite this ungodly place and ignoring the fact that something was waiting for me on the other side. I begin hoping on the boards risking my life with each hop. It wasn't until I get to the middle of the huge abyss where I missed a step and fell in between the boards. I immediate reflex was to hold on to something so I don't fall in. I grasped onto one of the boards that was thankfully not far away. I couldn't bring myself back up due to the many trains that were passing by and possibly knocking me off the track, so I had to reach to the next board like I was playing on monkey bars. Once I finally reached the end of the abyss, I climbed up onto the land and unlike the other side I felt grass in the ground so I knew I was making ok progress. Still being the darkest, gloomiest and most ominous place I've ever seen in my life, I am still cautious to this new sight. I stood up facing a forest with very tall thin grayish brown trees with dull grass. As I stood up as silent as a white rabbit hiding from its prey, I observed the forest regretting having gone over here. Until I heard a faint whisper and rustling leaves behind me. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I tuned around to see if I've gotten far from whatever that was, but it turned out I didn't get far at all. I stopped trying to run and stood looking behind me. Nothing. I figured I could continue finding my way through this forest but as soon as I turned around I meet this thing with a safe for a head wrapped in thorns and an apron covered in dirt and blood along with its hammer covered in mud blood and other disgusting fluids you could ever think of. It already had its weapon held up high as I stood there and before I could process the moment, he swung his hammer and I fell in the abyss. I'm falling and paralyzed and afraid. This is where I've met my wits end. Even though I can not move or scream and cry bloody murder for help, I can still feel this pain that has impacted me. It felt like someone dropped a wreaking ball wrapped in sharp wires cutting open my skin while releasing its disease through my sore body. It felt like someone injected a poison in me that also had small crystals inside of the killing substance just to tear me apart on the inside as much as it is on the outside. As I'm falling the river of tears, blood, and a black tar like substance flow out of my eyes, nose and mouth. I see all the lost souls, dead bodies, blood, and organs spread out everywhere. My perspective changed in this dream changed so that I could see myself falling from a distance. I see that as I fall I managed to turn over facing the ground. The perspective changed again and now I see that my face has gone pale and I could feel my heart giving up and my eyes changing to a cloudy gray. And there I was. Impaled through my stomach and out by back by one of the sharpest infectious needles that was sitting at the bottom of this abyss I was knocked into. My limbs are twitching as I'm stuck around the needle point as my body is unable to go further down towards the bottom. My eyes pour blood the same time my mouth is throwing it up. I could still see from a different perspective this time. This time I'm looking up at myself and the train falling right over me behind me. The fastest second went by and the train finally fell on me. Scattering my insides out. Squirting all the fluids out my body. And splitting me in half due to the pressure put on my body while still on the needle like a kebab.

20 Mar 2024

New Job


I was visiting a wax museum in either Texas or Arizona. I was walking through and ended up getting distracted by the time. They closed the doors and h the figures came alive. I swarmed. Something happened and my soul was taken. I was put on this display as a Native American woman. I was up on a shelf and I was told if I wanted to get my soul back that Iโ€™d have to serve for the museum and work to earn it back. I was also told that if I go to sleep I will die because my body has no soul. I believed that I could work to get it back and so I worked really hard until one of the wax people snuck up to my exhibit and told me that I was never going to get my soul back and they were just trapping me here so they could have a new exciting exibit to get them more money. At that my shelf that I was sitting on broke and I fell. There was a big commotion of people and I ran. I ran until I got home and tried to get back to normal life. I went to my work and people treated me strange. I told them I was fine and that they shouldnโ€™t worry about me. I was just there to work and go home. They shrugged but seemed very disturbed. I had gone home and Mom and Brian acted like I was normal so I believed the people at work were just being rude to me. Brian said he needed to go to the Home Depot and get some things for my momโ€™s garden and asked if I could come along to help load stuff in and out of the truck. So I went and got in the passenger side of the truck. Brian was already in the drivers seat but once I buckled in he quickly got out and locked me in. I couldnโ€™t get out and I asked what the hell was wrong with him and he said that I wasnโ€™t Christina. He didnโ€™t know what I was but I wasnโ€™t Christina and he was going to make sure that I was gone. This made me very sad but I couldnโ€™t wake up. I only woke up when my mom came home and woke me up.

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