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Dream Interpretation: Smoking 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Smoking? Discover the significance of seeing a Smoking in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Smoking appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This signifies stress, fear, and anxiousness. It also suggests that you struggle to trust others to help you during this difficult time and instead turn toward addictions. These addictions may be your unhealthy habits, thinking patterns, or relationships that cause you more harm than comfort.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Though times are difficult, you have what it takes within you to overcome these obstacles. However, that does not mean that you should fight it alone. Instead, find friends and relationships that you can trust and who support you. Your fear of trust will cause you to self-destruct unless you start accepting help from the other.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of smoking may evoke a sense of relaxation, indulgence, and escape. It can symbolize a desire for stress relief or a need to cope with difficult emotions. This dream may also reflect a sense of rebellion or a need for independence. However, it can also bring feelings of guilt, addiction, or health concerns. Overall, the dream of smoking may elicit a mix of pleasure, guilt, and a longing for freedom.





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Dreams of users containing the word Smoking

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14 Jul 2024



i was with my 3 close girl friends, the building area looks like the middle school i went when i was in indonesia. i was waiting for them by a small store. i got a text from one of them that they’re inside. it happened that we were at a church bathroom and the 4 of use were smoking weed and playing music. after a while we decided to go but not at the same time. i left first and when i was walking out and down the stairs i heard my name but i continued to walked away and pretend i didn’t hear it.

9 Jul 2024

Waking up


I had a dream that a friend was over, someone I had never seen before. She had red, curly hair in a messy bun. I forgot what exactly she was doing there, but then she started just….snorting cocaine for some reason. I don’t approve of it so I say “oh I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette outside” to find a chance to call the police. She notices and grabs my hand, and starts injecting something into it. My heartbeat starts going really fast and I feel like I’m dying, and I begin to feel worried about what will my gf feel like when she finds me. Then I woke up

8 Jul 2024



I spent Fourth of July weekend with John. It was four days and four nights spent with him at his apartment. We started by smoking, he asked me to stay after he hadn’t talked to me for the past week. I stayed the night and told him no sex and that he was going to have to wait to do that again and he was very understanding of that. In bed he told me he missed me, that he loved my eyes being blue and greyish and when I opened my eyes to look up at him both of us smiled wider. When we woke up we went to see some of his friends who I only know some of them. Then we went to Jill’s parents house to go swimming and I met more people with him. We stayed and drank all day. I overheated and almost passed out, I got dizzy and felt nauseous so I went to the bathroom for a while before even getting in the pool. Everyone ate without me while I drank in the floatie to cool off. Going back to John’s apartment we watched tv and smoked before going back to bed. We woke up and went to run errands, ended up driving around in his tow truck all day towing other cars and doing a bunch of stuff for his work. We saw his friends to drink for a while and then went back to his apartment to sleep. We woke up and that’s when we had sex before getting out of bed. We saw his friends again, I was learning their names more. We went to one of their houses for a BBQ and they played baseball while everyone was drinking. I ate that time, we smoked some and then we left to go back home. Some of them came to his apartment and hung out while I sat there. I found it was hard to talk because I felt that I’d get yelled at or reprimanded later on like Cristian used to always do to me. They left, John and I went to bed together. There was no sex that night just holding each other. Waking up we ran some errands then saw Ian for a while and went drinking before going back to the apartment. We met another friend of John’s to smoke before I went home. But getting my stuff from John’s room I saw a dress in his closet that I know belongs to his ex girlfriend even though he told me she already came to get her stuff out.

2 Jul 2024



I dreamt a memory of when I was a small child, living in a two bedroom apartment with my mom and her husband (my stepdad). My mother was screaming at me because she had left her smoking pipe on the living room table and I had picked it up. I started crying because I didn’t understand what I had done wrong and then my stepdad tried telling my mother to calm down and she turned around and hit him in the face saying “don’t fucking tell me how to parent my kid” in response my stepdad said “Okay Shannon” and started to walk away, but my mother picked up a big potted plant we kept next to the couch and threw it in the direction he was in, which was also where I had moved too, to get away from her, so the pot that was almost as big as I was, filled with dirt and some plant with big leaves, landed right next to me, dirt and pieces of the pot went in my face and eyes and I somehow had gotten a deep cut on my hand, my mother was screaming at me again for getting hurt this time because it was my fault for the fight in the first place she said if I hadn’t been in the living room and had stayed in my room like she said then none of that would have happened. She spanked me with a belt and put gauze and duct tape on my hand and sent me back to my room, but this time she locked the padlock on the outside of the door so I couldn’t get out until she came back to open it. I cried myself to sleep in my bed, and then I woke up

2 Jul 2024



Stealing a packet of cigarettes and smoking one, curious is smoking one cigarette a day would cause any harm.

2 Jul 2024

Family Members


Had a dream that I was smoking weed with my brother and guardians, my grandparents came so I hid behind my brother, later on in the hours they figured it out and said they were disappointed and other stuff.

30 Jun 2024



Had a dream I drove far to look at a home that I can move to and my dad said be careful because I had to go to work the next morning and I went and they were showing me the home and showed me where the home was defected and that their was a rat following me and the image in my dream was dark then the person showing me the community home I am going to stay ask for references and if I lived in a community home before and I said yes and said the the old community’s name I used to be in the past and they looked them up and for some reason I thought they were in the wrong website and then I wanted them to get off the website because I didn’t want the old community know I was looking them up because I am not the best friends with them anymore and old talk to one of them and that one person entered the dream and I also so the creator of the website in my dream who I used to know that I guess you can say I am cool with too but we were never close close and I was hanging out with that one person in my dream and we were talk and she was smoking weed and she offered and I said no thank you then I went to a room where there were two girls getting people ready in long

29 Jun 2024



I don’t remember as much of my dream. But I remember I was staying in this attic like place with my abusive ex. I went to a hospital-like place I was seemingly working there. I was looking for another job which I think would be my third job. I was wearing an outfit that I think was nice. And my co-worker and friend who I don’t recognize in real life but seemingly was my friend in the dream told me you look good girl and told me I needed to take a picture. He snapped a few photos of me and I remember I started to feel really good about myself. I realized I didn’t want to go home cause that’s where my ex is at. And he probably was doing nothing at home. Maybe playing video games and being depressed which he typically did. When we were together in real life he played a lot of video games and he suffered with severe depression and suicidal ideation. I often felt obligated to him. Anywho my friend encouraged me that I should leave him because I’m taking care of him and me even willing to take a 3rd job while he did nothing. Which is true IRL except I only had 2 jobs. I went back to the attic-like place we were living in ready to let him know I was unhappy being and living with him and he needs to leave. The next dream I remembered was logging into my full-time job on a weekend for a meeting. I was in this warehouse type place. A lot of executive folks were in the meeting. And I joined the virtual meeting but I was completely naked. I spent most of the meeting thinking the other people in the meeting didn’t realize I was naked because I didn’t look at the screen of myself at some point of the meeting I looked at the screen and I was completely naked. I rushed to turn off my camera and put a robe on. I didn’t think anyone noticed because no one said anything in the meeting. Then at some point towards the end of the meeting one of the executive leaders said they were going to speak to me and felt I was going to get in trouble. Then the next thing I remembered was me being in a room with this US white female military officer who I knew somehow. She was working closely with this commanding officer at another country’s there was an operation that went badly and she sensed the US was covering up what happened that day and blamed the other country so she started working with the foreign commanding officer to get to the bottom of it. At some point this commanding officer became a Black woman and I was speaking to her and I told her you need to let this go because you and your family is in jeopardy if you keep snooping around on US operations that they want to keep secret. Also working with a foreign commanding officer is also putting her in jeopardy. I also asked her what if the US isn’t lying and you find out they were telling the truth and the foreign officer is lying. I think you would’ve invested time on something that would’ve disappointed you. She told me she would be fine her son who I think is a teenager just started dating someone and he’s happy. And she wouldn’t let anything drive her away from where she lives today. We both got really emotional about her son dating someone and the fact that he’s growing up. Then I connected with this other guy who is in his her team who told me he was nervous of all the time she’s spending with the foreign officer to uncover this truth. Because he has a deep crush on her and now he’s worried he lost his chance because of all the time she’s investing with this foreign officer maybe now they’re falling for each other. I think I told him I will find out for him. At some point we all went outside and we were living in this very cold city. Very city-like, like where I was born and raised in Boston and cold and snowy. We decided to go for a quick walk and one of the team members I was also friends with was going really slow and the other ones went faster than her. They all smoked cigarettes but she’s the one that smoked the less but was the slowest. When we got back I told her you need to do more exercise; she needs to walk at least 2 miles a day rain or shine to get her momentum up. All the other team members agreed. We sat down at this outside coffee shop and decided to order food. It was really cold and I think it was snowing but we still decided to eat outside. I had very little money in my spending account for the week until I get paid again and I think I already had lunch so wasn’t that hungry so I decided to only get a hot drink. One of my friends there sat with us and then told us she’s gonna go in to work, so she worked there. She rattled off the specials and told us she will be back to take our orders. I re-arranged where I was sitting. I noticed the red lobster near us was closed down. My last dream was me being walking to the city bus station. I was again in this very city-like place unlike where I live now and looked more like my hometown of Boston. I walked past this building I thought was beautiful and where I wanted to live next. I get to the Bus station and a lot of the buses that came were taking a break. I remembered it was really late like past mid-night but the station is still pretty crowded. Several of us went through this bus to get to the other side. I was behind someone and the bus driver put this sign on the door after some people went through the bus to get to the other side and close the door before the person in front of me was able to cross through. I decided to go around and eventually I noticed the bus driver reopened the door and let the person in front of me cross through and he was leaving the door the open so I can do the same. I can’t remember if I went back to cross through or if I kept on going around but I did make it to the other side. And I was waiting for the next bus.

28 Jun 2024

Car accident
Black man


In waking life I haven’t worked in over a month due to a car accident that fractured my spine. I work at a restaurant. In this dream I was at work. I had ordered food to go for myself. My order was mistakenly taken out to a table. We were able to retrieve the order. The food was a lot more than what I ordered. Next as I was leaving I went to a section in the restaurant where I ran into an old classmate and his dad. I do not know these people in waking life. They had several yellow labs with them. I was so excited I was petting the dogs and they were licking me. I felt so happy and the dogs looked very happy. Next I left but on my way home I had to cross like a track and field type area. Before crossing I ran into this black man. I do not know him in waking life but I knew him in the dream. He pulled out several marijuana filled cigars and gave me some. He left and said he would meet with me later. I tried to smoke them. After finishing one I found that more marijuana debris was getting into my mouth than actual smoke. I didn’t feel much so I continued to the next cigar and the same thing happened. The field I had to cross was very dark, almost black, and it had a huge fence I had to cross.

28 Jun 2024

Locked Door


So this was a kind of strange dream. I dreamt that a large group of people, including me, were at some kind of concert. And we had VIP tickets. The way I knew this was because we also had the chance after the concert to hang out with the band or the performing artists. So what I remember after this is that I was very excited to hang out with the artists, but I was waiting in the red room and I looked very stiff. The dream skipped away. I was in another room where the three artists, the performing artists, they were all men. They were quite a bit older than me and my excitement seemed to drain as the time goes by because these three men, they started drinking and smoking and getting high and it made me feel uncomfortable. When I wanted to leave, the door was also locked and the red color of the room also started to irritate me and make me feel anxious. I couldn't get out of the room and as time passed, the lead singer, I think, of the band started making me more uncomfortable by touching me and being very invasive in my space. The next thing I knew, my father was there and he kept shouting at me, why am I with these people? What would my husband think? Everybody knows that the main singer is gay. Look at you, daughter, you can even make people change gender because you're such a bad person, slut. He called me bad, awful names and stuff like that. So, yeah, that was the dream.

27 Jun 2024



It started out with my boyfriend who had brought his old hookup into the house and we’re going to smoke a blunt, I got so angry she was in the house that I ripped up the blunt and started screaming “I don’t want her in my fucking house” so my boyfriend got irritated with me and asked her where the rest of her things were that she came to the house to pick up. Next thing I know we are all outside and we’re playing the game Red Rover, and all the kids have no eyes, then I see my old foster brother Ben and I run up to him and jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist and he starts carrying me around and telling me that I’ll be okay and then I woke up

25 Jun 2024

Video Game


I was playing a virtual reality game, I was a tan girl with long brown hair Orange shirt and a long green winter coat in a dentist office. In there I was playing a video game called "533490" . With three older lady's. Then I asked them to write down the game title on a sticky note. One did and stick it to my chest. I busses fo Walmart to get it. These kids distracted the employees and I got the game and left. Then outside the store employees asked for my I'd and I gave them my wallet. Then i we t to buy smokes and couldn't find my debit card and they chased after me. One of the girls working hard a lisp .

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