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Dream Interpretation: Gun 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gun? Discover the significance of seeing a Gun in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gun appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes power, knowledge, and self-confidence. It suggests that you will soon receive some powerful information that will significantly impact your life. It also signifies that you have the power and confidence to defend yourself against the world.

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🧭 Direction


Be open and accepting of any information that comes your way. You never know which knowledge can help you where. Make a note of all the things you think hold power over you and deal with them tactfully. Trust your expertise as it will help you defend yourself in any given situation.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a gun can evoke a range of intense emotions. It may instill fear, anxiety, or a sense of danger. The presence of a gun in a dream often signifies power, control, or aggression. It can also symbolize a need for protection or a desire to defend oneself. The feelings associated with this dream can vary depending on the context and the individual's personal experiences and beliefs.





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Dreams of users containing the word Gun

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18 Jul 2024



I was at some kind of hall with my Mom and her husband. On the way out a man tried to rob me. I would not let him have a ring that was special to me. I ended up taking his gun from him he was trying to get out and shooting him. It gave us enough time to escape. We got in the car and I ended up driving because I was better at it. We escaped.

16 Jul 2024



i was a professional killer infiltrated in a base and i killed everyone without missing a shot

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

13 Jul 2024



I had a dream i was at like an event with my sister and we were on stage and cheering - then like P-Diddy came on stage and everyone went quiet and my sister was like sighing or whatever, anyways. The event went weird and P-Diddy ended up pulling a gun, then me and my sister started running downstairs and he started following us. He was shooting at my sister and my sister was shooting back, anyways we ended up losing him because i found a back route. We ended up walking out and blending into the crowd, but then my friend Zarine called and she was telling me about my ex - JOSH! saying they met and she had sex with him! saying she loves him and all that. I was pretending to be happy for her but deep down it hurt, it felt so real. I was like “oh—“ saying she went to his house and they were happy. I was like ah, must be nice. It hurt. Then me and my sister went to a restaurant and then the family was rude to us and we were served Sausage Roll and chips and beans - we didn’t eat any because we were talking. But yeah that’s what happened.

9 Jul 2024



I was in a war with this guy that wanted to erase his daughters memory and everyone else's. He sends out goons trying to stop me, I took them down fast, and I stole his memory remote. He decided to hypnotize my mother into giving me donuts outside. I ate them and it became suspecious. I ran away and then saw a mysterious guy sitting at a desk that told me why he wants to erase his daughters memory. I was all due to a Christmas event that traumatized her. When the stranger disappeared, goons came along and tried to get me. I grabbed a gun from one of them, I shot, I missed them, but I think I shot the father or the daughter.

9 Jul 2024



The most horrific dream of my life. There was a family next door that abused there children I caught the husband and wife trying to murder there kids The Mother was holding the older child under water in a flood was happening and strangling him I tried to fight her off and the husband attacked I grabbed the other kids they had and rang and called the police The boy revived and the police eventually came and because the boy was afraid they said they had no cause for concern When they were leaving The husband wispered he was coming for me and my family. Later that night they did After there children came running to me. Prior I was looking for self defensive anything and in the garage I found garden tools and a gun but no bullets. I gave every one something to try and defend themselves from as much distance they would have as I could find . We ran to hide in another home When she found us first I was having a hard time fighting her off And one of the kids gave me a pitch fork Which I stabbed her with multiple times as she wouldn't stop coming at me. Finally she died Then we ran to another home and hid then The kids wanted to get there pets and I was grabbing mine and when I had them hidden I was still outside when the husband got me I had a single long took you pull weeds out of the ground And wasn't doing so good fighting him off It took a lot and was able to finally overcome him and it was the final stab thru the throat that killed him The police finally got there and I woke up The most horrific dream of my life

8 Jul 2024



This dream started in my home country, but in a different house on the same street. Now, in real life, I really value my phone because that's where I have my music ideas and demos. For some reason, my phone falls in the dream, and I get upset as it cracked a little on the back. I then leave my house to go to where my parents live, which is my actual house in real life. When I get there, a musician friend is standing outside and asking me to record something for our track. Then he drops my phone, which completely smashes the front screen. Again I get really upset, but this time even more. And I once again recall the fact that in real life I have recently gotten a new phone. This was a result of falling and smashing my phone so bad, it broke. Back to the dream, some old band mates of mine came to find me. I don't really speak to them often, but we were having a great time. Then, this fellow musician friend disappears and so do the band mates. My friends come to see me and I'm happy that they're here. But suddenly, I'm invisible. There's a man that has a gun that comes to the house and my parents are scared. I hear my friends saying they need to call me to let me know I need to hide and be safe. However, I'm right there. But the man with the gun doesn't see me, nor my friends. But my friends see each other and not me. I run to check for a safe place my friends and I can go to. But I find more armed men. Some men were running, but they were able to run in such a manner, that they would flash before your eyes. I see one of them, so I run round the corner. And then, there are lots of them. Some of them running and some of them in bicycles. But all armed. I sat there as I knew it was game over, however, I felt a little hope inside me. One of the men shoots me, I feel nothing. But I fall anyway, pretending I am dead. He goes away, but I don't think he believed I was dead because I was still breathing. So he shoots me again and this time it was real and I woke from the shot.

6 Jul 2024

Two People


I was in my parents back yard with my mom on the other side of the yard. I saw two men from a distance go up on our porch, they didn't know I was there but they saw my mom. One of the men looked like he was going to shoot my mom but he hesitated. So I took a pistol gun and shot the man who was going to shoot my mom. I lined up my shot with my other fingers and got a direct hit. The other man started quickly walking my direction. I tried shooting at the other man but I missed every time. I tried to keep hiding in the bushes but he was getting closer. He saw me and made fun of my finger aiming so I tried to stop. The next thing I know is that I got to restart and shoot the first man again before he went to shoot my mom but instead of killing him like before this time I only wounded him

6 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was in class and my mom was volunteering and we had to go to a weird Christian thing because of a necklace? I think I was crying too. I had to watch some performance thing at my outside recess then. Then I was in a house and a gun pointed at me so I hid in a closet. Then I went to the kitchen which was very crowded, and found a few things and washed my hands and felt the water. Then I looked around a bit and we just teleported to my school but this time my mom wasn’t there, it was the 2 strangers whose house I was in. Then I watched the dumb Christian thing but saw my dad. I ran up and hugged him and the dream ended. So basically I was kidnapped, but didn’t feel like I was.

6 Jul 2024



Basically family hunger games, where one whole family has to fight a bunch of other families to the death… the setting was a three story prison. I mostly stayed inside as a sniper, while the rest of my family went out at fought. Until there was just my family and one other family left. There was a speaker that told us that children were the first targets. My younger brother hid inside our cell with me, basically me sitting on him as I stay there. I hear a bunch of fighting and eventually my brother falls asleep, I take off my favorite windbreaker and put it onto him to his him better. As soon as I do my uncle runs in telling me the other family has moved from guns to grenades, and that they’ve gone deaf and can’t fight no more, so I sent him to guard my brother as I got out where I saw the other family cowering in fear aside from the father walking over to our side throwing grenades, I use a pipe to hit them away like a bat w/ a baseball. The bald man came up to me and start fighting me, I threw a grenade of my own into their family’s cell as a guy dropped one at my feet, I panicked and threw the man off the edge of the balcony, making him fall two stories and then I kicked the grenade as far as I could before it exploded then I looked over at my brother worriedly, noticing my uncle wasn’t in there with him, I woke up just before the grande exploded.

4 Jul 2024



Snakes are a gun

3 Jul 2024



I had a dream about me being in a car and a guy in a bike came up to the car and pulled out a pistol and aimed at the car. I was the only one with a gun in the car and I could not shot at the guy in the bike but I was too afraid

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