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Dream Interpretation: Bakery 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bakery? Discover the significance of seeing a Bakery in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bakery appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a bakery symbolizes abundance, prosperity, and satisfaction. It may indicate that you are enjoying the fruits of your labor and that your hard work is paying off. Alternatively, it may suggest that you need to take a break and indulge in some self-care.

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🧭 Direction


This dream may be a sign that you need to reward yourself for your hard work. Take some time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Alternatively, it may be a reminder to take care of yourself and indulge in some self-care. Make sure to take breaks and prioritize your well-being.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bakery evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, and satisfaction. It symbolizes nourishment, both physical and emotional, as well as the joy of indulging in life's simple pleasures. The aroma of freshly baked goods fills the air, creating a sense of contentment and nostalgia. This dream may also represent creativity and the ability to transform raw ingredients into something delightful. It brings forth a sense of community and connection, as bakeries often serve as gathering places. Overall, the dream of a bakery elicits positive emotions and a desire for fulfillment and enjoyment in life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bakery

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10 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Blonde hair


I was in a new place with my mom. My mom took me to meetup with a friend and slipped me some cash not knowing if I needed it. It was all the cash she had. Supposedly the bakery place I met my friend at was really good. I got some banana bread slices and a cinnamon roll like my friend did. I remember the price for the banana bread being $35. I hadn’t realized my mom gave me extra money until I pulled the cash out of my pocket. I did my best not to use the money she gave me. I remember having a bunch of 20 dollar bills and some 10 dollar bills and some 1 dollar bills. The money my mom gave me was a few of each while the cash I initially had was a bit more than that. After that my mom had me and my friend in the car with her while she drove to an abandoned apartment complex. She got inside this bin that looked like a giant blue post office box. I was initially going to get out until my friend told me not to as it’s a place to go to when you need to cry. The next thing I knew is that a stranger with blonde hair came and pressed a button and the giant door then started sealing as it began to work like a garbage truck. I raced out of the car fearful my mom was in danger, crying as I wanted to make sure my mom was okay. As I opened the door and the guard behind the door was slowly pushing my mom further in, she yelled at me to close the door. I was crying hysterically as I was beginning to realize that’d be the last time I’d hear her voice. I woke up after that

16 Mar 2024



there was this huge supermarket like thing with east asian snacks and foods and everything is for free and then theres this huge cafeteria with an open bakery with cute japanese and korean good on the side. everything is for free and this place is massive. theres a lot of tables and it's pretty full and you can even see some k-pop idols there. in the back there is this beauty competition-like thing where heidi klum and another woman judge you and it starts off with washing your hair so they see how everyone truly looks. i'm there with a friend (that doesn't exist in real life). later i get dressed and let my very very long hair (it's the same in real life) open and put on a sweet light blue and white flowy but short dress. then i enter that massive cafeteria where i see my favourite kpop idol looking at me and we eventually start talking.

28 Feb 2024

New Job


We were living in a small village,the place where we used to live when we were just got married. My husband is a doctor so he need to go to a remote place before he started his carreer. The remote island where some earth quake are often happened. But it's kinda different than what happened in my waking life, the place was so different. There were a new mining place that was quite been objected by the villagers there because it's dangerous and could trigger a higher scale of earth quake, but the mining still going. The mining company also do some city developments, but the building they made seems fragile. Every body knows it but just keep the mining going becouse they needed the city development. I remembered walking arround the whole village and met my aunt's family. They're poor and in bad financian situation in my waking life, but not here. They even had 2 pharmacies and 1 bakery shop. That's impressed me oddly. I was having a terrible headache, that my husband bring me to the ER. The ER room were so narrow, they said it's just on a renovation. They located near a place looking like a mosque, but it connected to a villager's house which had a pharmacy. They said the villager's pharmacy were a strong building since the mining company didn't build them. Since the hospital's door were connected there, some of the employee often pass through there when they go home. Back to my own headache at the ER. When I recovered already, I thanked all the nurses and doctors, which is all my husband's friend there. They're about to close the ER for a while. I'm heading home with my husband, we went by the villager's pharmacy place I've mentioned before. Suddenly a great earth quake occurs. The ER and hospital building were shook so hard that all the people go out side, while the villager's pharmacy didn't shook at all. The ER employees went there to see us, we suggested them to just close the hospital immediately and just go pass the villager's pharmacy becouse it's saver. They insisted to go again inside the hospital building. We finnaly left the villager's pharmacy, the owner were so kind and friendly. When we just left that place, suddenly the hospital and the ER building collapsed. My husband shocked, then suddenly the villager's pharmacy were collapsed also. We cried immediately, remembering our friends are trapped there. Then we go as far as we can, we didn't find any vehicles to use so we went quickly, walking. We passed through some new avenues, builded by the mining company. There were some shops and a lot more, a business and trading center. They seem still operating even a terrible earth quake had collased half of the city. My husband then said he need to come inside one of the shop, andI just wait outside. Then suddenly another earth quake hitting again. I yelled at my husband to hurry up and get away from the building. But the building suddenly collapsed before my husband even came out. I shocked and cried a lot. I run everywhere looking for help. But even all my friends there are missing. I cried so hard. Then I wake up.

21 Feb 2024



okay so I had a dream that I was driving which not to mention I'm not old enough to drive so I was driving to this bakery and I placed the order for my friend so I went in and I was like oh I have an order for I think her name was whoopah I think her order name was whoopah so I'm like I got an order for whoopah and the guy looked at me and he's like oh you're really pretty I didn't expect you to look like that and I'm like um it's for my friend my name is Kai so my friend whoopah came in I don't even know this girl in real life like I really don't know this girl in real life but she was really nice she reminds me of one of my old friends um so yeah I gave the order to her and then he was like hey can I talk to you no I was like yeah so then we walked over to like a place more private he started to get to know me and this boy like he resembles my boyfriend but he doesn't look like him like he's darker he has the same hairstyle he's a little shorter but he had his nose his face shape he talks like him too but yeah then I woke up

6 Feb 2024



I was in an RV that was apparently mine after class (I was in college in this dream) with a guy who was apparently my boyfriend. I held him in my arms while he was talking about something while in his phone, but I was too busy planting kisses all over his face to listen. Then I subconsciously answered him, making a reference that I apparently wasn’t supposed to know. He pulled away from me to question me, I shrug, telling him that I have no idea what I even said, he eventually dropped it and he crawled back into my arms, snuggling up against me. About 10 minutes later, his alarm went off and he left my RV, I got dressed and followed behind him, then suddenly we were in a bakery, and he starts picking out desserts, I look around curiously, since I’ve never been here before, and while looking at some mini cakes I ask my boyfriend what is his favorite type of icing was, he said chocolate ganache, I smile and tell him mine was whipped icing, but then baker started talking to me about icing and I panic for some reason and hide behind my boyfriend. He elbowed me away, which hurt a little. I watched him pick out several desserts, I asked them who they’re for and he brushed me off. I walk off again to find some desserts to buy (it was a freakishly big bakery) but then my boyfriend suddenly yelled at me and as I look up we’re suddenly in class, my clothes keep “flashing” one moment I’m naked, the next I’m fully clothed, and only my boyfriend notices, I have a panic attack and I run off to get in my RV, once I get inside, I turn to see my boyfriend there, laying on “me” as if it were third person, then suddenly I’m back in my body and it looks exactly how it did at the beginning of the dream, he’s in my arms, I’m kissing his face, etc.

30 Jan 2024



Last night, I had a dream I was at my place of work which is a nursery. My preschool children were pretending to be monsters and one of them ended up turning into the hulk and smashed down the nursery. Later that day, I went to a bakery and saw this child again making cakes in this bakery and selling them to parents.

5 Jan 2024



I was driving a golf cart around some sidewalks in a fenced area. I needed to leave the fenced area so I returned the golf cart to where i found it. On the way I had trouble getting it up some stairs. When I returned the golf cart I waved goodbye to the people there and smiled. Then I started walking. A big four legged animal came up to me and started licking me on the face. I kept walking. I saw a bakery display case with a lot of baked goods in it. I couldn’t decide between the cake and the cookie but I wanted something with caramel. I chose the cookie with the caramel. Then I was having sex with a guy I’m dating. He heard something and got up and said there was someone there. He walked out of the room. Then I woke up

30 Dec 2023



I was hanging out with my family and Dena, my older sister was there. She was in her first trimester of her pregnancy and I felt happy I was there with all of my sisters. We were walking around and window shopping. It seems like I’ve been to this shopping area before. Dena and I seperate from our younger sisters and mom for a bit and go into one store. It seems like I want to take my time shopping but Dena then suddenly leaves the store, crosses the street, and is walking off without me. I get frustrated and it’s as if I won’t ever catch up behind her. I’m weaving through people, calling out her name. The streets clear and at one point I can see her. I start yelling at her, cussing her out and saying how rude it was to leave me behind like that. All the sudden I see grandpa Joe across the street just hovering… he had an empty looking face but you can tell he was surprised that Dena and I would even talk to each other like that. He then disappears but Mom, and my stepdad Kyle reappear with our younger siblings and our mom starts berating us on why we would make a fool of ourselves in front of other people and family, more specifically Dena for leaving me behind. At this point I completely start defending Dena. I laugh it off like it was some “sister” thing we do. We argue all the time but we always find our way back to each other. Kyle also then states his dissatisfaction too. Me and Dena then wonder off into an art museum. Dena wonders off again but with Genna this time. And Maria and I look around this tucked away home in the city. It looked small on the outside but on the inside it’s HUGE!! Carefully picked out and functional art in every room that’s beautiful. Maria encourages me to talk to new people and even leaves me alone at some points to talk to this new guy I meet. I started changing the way he looked with my mind somehow to someone I’d be more attracted to. We started to connect and really bond but then something happens to where the home/ art museum is disrupted and everyone starts disappearing. I closed my eyes and I pop back up in a different part of this world with Maria and Genna. We’re gliding over these beautiful waters across a lake to this huge and beautiful building. It’s overgrown with plants, the sky looks so blue… the glass windows are just shining and reflecting the sun. I blink and then end up at the rooftop of the building with Genna and Maria. We walk into the building and it seems like we aren’t supposed to be there since everyone is staring at us…. Everyone in the building is quiet, looking at us instead of the art. My sisters and I walk around and we’re having fun, all of us just taking in the art we’re seeing. It’s like a furniture store but every single room is a beautifully designed and unique room that had furniture out of this world. I kept thinking to myself “I wish Dena were here, she’d love to look at all of these designs”. We open a door that eventually leads to the exit of that building. We’re still all in awe of everything we just saw. Up ahead there’s tucked away cafes, restaurants. Everything from the outside looks like a ghost town until you enter each building to find it full of life with unique foods, or decor. My sisters and I state how we’re really hungry so we head over to this bakery I somehow know is there. Again, it’s like I’ve been to this world before and I’m slowly remembering everything. People around us overhear me talking to my sisters about how good this place is. They have different flavored puddings, mini cakes, pancakes, the coolest desserts you could think of. I remember checking my bank account on my phone to make sure I had enough money to cover my sisters and I. I do, or I at least think I do but when we head into the store I’m greeted warmly with a “welcome back!” It was a young white woman with a red cap on. It didn’t have a store brand or anything but she started going over the sample board I could buy of all their desserts. Mini pancakes with all different flavors and banana pudding. I go to pay but my wallet and my phone are not in my pockets. I nervously step aside and I say I’ll come back in just a moment. I start looking through my pockets again and I get disappointed that I won’t be able to get us any sweet treats. Maria suddenly pops up behind me with the sweet treats sample board and says “here, let’s snack on these until you find yours” I’m unfortunately not able to find my phone or money to get myself something or them more things, but we leave the shop and bump into Mom and Dena again. The end

30 Dec 2023



I ordered a coffee cake at a cute little bakery stand, but before I got my snack two guys came up behind me. I started to dance with one of them around this packed cafe, the people around were uncomfortable with our suggestive dancing and handed out signs to point and stop us. The coffee cake lady decided she didn’t want to sell me the pop anymore, and I blew up on her. So much so that I got reprimanded and 86’d. We were around Roasters and the rave scene. Roasters first, I was working in a bee bopper and g way was across the street. I wanted so bad to be behind the bar, I wasn’t getting customers in my bee bopper, so I went to gway to try and work but they wouldn’t let me. I think I got upset with them too. At the rave I had hurt my arm, with aidan Pollick we went to a first aid guy, fuzzy like Dr bronzers, but he was all out. Elizabeth chase was around, trying to go to the rave with us, we were all beached before the show. I kept trying to get a shuttle to the rave from the camp, but they just led us into vendors and back to where we started. Eventually we got into the Walgreens van and passed by Carmen. I woke up when we got to the rave I hope.

25 Oct 2023

High School


okay so I kind of have three dreams but I don't fully remember the first one and the two second ones kind of blended together. So in the first one, I was out in some sort of nature area, reserve, forest, something like that, and I don't recall if I got lost or if there was some sort of issue out there. There was some kind of problem that had to be solved. Afterwards, I dreamt that I was in school. It was with my old high school class and I think it was around two minutes before the class would begin. my father had put or given me a sausage roll one of my favorite ones from 7-eleven, it was one of the extra large versions which I really like. We had asked our old teacher, Maria, if we could go to the canteen to buy some food and she had said something like, then you really have to hurry. so we get down there and I'm like oh no I already have this like French hot dog in my left hand and the sausage roll in my bag that my dad bought for me So I went back into the class and then my good friend ran down there instead. I don't remember the connection or why but the teacher Maria had been really nice to me so I just went up to her gave her a hug and said thank you. And she like glanced down at me looking all like ‘what the fuck’, but i didn’t care. then I sat back down with a friend. this friend is someone who used to be my childhood friend who I stopped seeing after switching schools as a kid, so it's a bit strange seeing her in my dream. but we sat back down and she explained to me what we had to do. my friend who'd gone to the canteen came back and the class started and I had to like analyze language and such based on these like elastic strings. it was really weird Or it might have been spaghetti strings, like pasta. in my awake time I'd had spaghetti for dinner the evening before so that might have been the explanation to that one. I was really confused about what I had to do because it made no sense how was I supposed to analyze spaghetti strings and we were somehow suddenly in my kitchen, my parents kitchen, I don't live at home anymore, and I had to like pull out the top drawer next to the stove to get these spaghetti strings from the drawer. It was next to all the cutlery. I like swiped or turned to the next page kind of thing in the side of this drawer I saw they were like pencils and they were like really hard and tough and they had like different symbols and patterns on them. they were like all different lengths and had different patterns and logos and numbers when you turn them around and stuff and I somehow had to calculate something to do with all of this. Then suddenly I was sitting in the living room and I was sitting there with again this friend from earlier who was my childhood friend and her grandmother came back from the bathroom and said that she was really ill and really sick. My friend asked if that meant that she had to get an old hairdo back, which I don't really understand, that was very confusing. It was apparently for the grandmother's sake and the grandmother said yes. In retrospect, yesterday in my awake time, I visited with my sister her old apartment, and we met her old neighbour, she's an old lady, and she said that she was still sick, so maybe that's where the correlation is. going back to the dream, I then asked my friend if she still had this old turtle ring that I had given her, which in real life I don't think I ever gave this to her. it was a mood-changing ring that I just owned and I haven't seen for many years. but I asked her if she still had it. because it apparently gave good luck. she said that she didn't have it and I was like what it's like 10 years ago 10 plus years ago that I gave this to you even though in reality I never gave it to her. and lastly I dreamt that I think I was in some sort of school and we had to collect some money, save up some money. So I went out with my friends and firstly we came past the store which I think was a cake shop But I don't know for sure. it might have been a store but at least somewhere that had cakes and then suddenly the shop was like oh no we just had like a cancellation or something we need five cakes. It was really beautiful cakes and I was like, you know what? We got this. I don't remember the name of the boss lady who was there, but I used to remember it, but it's gone now, but it was a woman. my friends and I went out to I think make this cake or eat it I think it was make it and the shapes for the cake were like squares and it was sticking up in weird ways it was very confusing. We decorated them and they became really pretty, and then I had to do something after making the first two or three cakes, and then when I came back, all 5 of them were finished. we handed them in and we wouldn't get paid until they'd been like judged and stuff and then there's a timeskip. Then we like check on this app and it says that we got either 5.5 out of 6 or 6.5 out of 7 stars. So I was like, you know, we're only missing half a star. So I was like, okay, they really liked these cakes, so we're probably gonna get a really good pay from it, too. So we go up to the caste register. The woman is gone now, down there's a boy. And we all queue up with one of my friends in front of me. A friend of mine was apparently also there, and she asked like how much a chicken cost, like fried chicken or something like that. And it was apparently 30 kroner, so that's that. And this was apparently also a bakery. our attention was now directed up to this screen behind the cashier which had something to do with showing the value of coins or something and we were basically told that we wouldn't be paid for these cakes. We were like, we've gotten all these stars and we need to be paid. This is really unacceptable and we were getting mad and angry. We basically asked for this boss woman to come out and see us, and she didn't. We just got like a passive-aggressive smile, like, yeah, hmm, too bad, you're not getting paid. Um, and we never really got to solve this issue because then I woke up.

20 Oct 2023

New Job


I had a dream I was at FedEx a job that I quit this week. Irl I quit because I had two coworkers/friends commit suicide. I’ve mentioned them in previous dreams. In the dream I went to another sort center different from the one I worked at. I went to the vain line that loads packages and I asked a worker where the manager was and they brought me to them. I asked him where he needed help and he told me he didn’t and I wasn’t on the schedule. We had a back and fourth and he said he would like to work with me. I saw one of the trainers from the previous sort center I worked at and I said hi. Then I saw one of the managers as well and he asked me if I can take the scanner cart to the front to be cleaned. I went into the room to clean scanners then it was like I walked into a portal. My other job hyvee was in that room and it was the dish pit. A little fyi the dish pit is the name we gave to the wash room for the dishes. I saw a worked in there washing dishes and I was confused because they work in the bakery and they were in the kitchen. I asked if they needed help they said they were almost done and thanked me for asking and said I am helpful. I left the scanners with her and went about my day and woke up.

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