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Dream Interpretation: Dinner 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Dinner? Discover the significance of seeing a Dinner in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Dinner appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This represents that forgiveness will soon take place. You will either forgive someone or be forgiven soon, allowing you to be at peace with those at the table. This peace will nourish you and give you strength for your journey. However, this could also be a literal symbol that you were hungry during your sleep.

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🧭 Direction


Think about those at the table with you and attempt to make peace with them—either forgiving them or receiving their forgiveness. This does not mean you need to make yourself vulnerable and allow them to hurt you again but give yourself a chance to move beyond the bitter past and pain you received from them. Open yourself to receive the nourishment and care that is available for you today.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of having dinner can evoke feelings of satisfaction, nourishment, and connection. It symbolizes fulfillment, both physically and emotionally, as it represents the act of coming together with loved ones or even oneself to share a meal. This dream may bring about a sense of comfort, warmth, and contentment, as it signifies a time of relaxation and indulgence. It can also symbolize the importance of nourishing oneself, not just in terms of food but also in terms of emotional and social needs. Overall, the dream of dinner elicits positive emotions and a sense of fulfillment.





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16 Jul 2024

Baby boy


I was with my ex husband in my family’s house. We were having dinnner and then a saw my child who lost due to a miscarriage. He was alive and I was a good mother to him. My exhusband was taking care of him, my child looked like me but was white as his father. We were so happy.

16 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i picked up a substitute teaching job at a provate school near my house. When i accepted the job i lesrned that i had to be there by 8am for community breakfast. Also the school was located next to a set of food stands that give donation based meals. It could be free it I didn’t have the money or a small donation of whatever i had it was a lot of good food so i was excited to get lunch. I was notified that one thing i had to be comfortable with was that at some point we take the kids on a horse and buggy ride in carriages that say “whites only”- the carriages were old and didnt want to destroy the buggies for that alone. I said i was comfortable just so i could get the job and take pictures and expose the school. When i got to the school it was a really easy schedule. Lunch was in a dinning room. I have been to this school in my previous dreams. Its 6 mins from my house on the otherside of a park. This geography only exists in my dreams. I do take the buggy ride and its so fast and ichave to secure the children i dont have the opportunity to take a picture of the “whites only” sign. I get to the school and i find we are going to have a short day because there is a meeting fornthe teachers then a dinner party at a nice restaurant. When we arrive at the buggy rides i find out we are having a private meet and greet with Taylor swift. The studnets are super excited snd we escort them in groups to meet her. She looks very tired. However she keeps a good sport smile on and meets everyone with enthusiasm even tho shes very tired. I cheer her up. We make small talk and i even make her laugh. When she had a break me and a supervisor wanted to make sure she remembered us. He had me place his name stitched to a hat he would give her. I rhinestoned my name into a book she was reading with the school group. She leaves before we can give her the hat or the book. My day is from 8am to 1:30. I want to work here again. But they dont have any jobs to pick up the next day

15 Jul 2024



what the fuck is my dream recording okay so I said that tonight I went out with a friend to have dinner and it happened to be the night of the soccer game and we met this guy named Alex but he was friend with another guy named Kenny and Kenny was a fucking weirdo and he tried to get with me all night he kept saying oh I'm attracted to her I'm attracted to her aka me but like my friend had an a-line silhouette skirt and she was so cute and I was wearing like a sweatpants and a crop top and anyways he was like had eyes on her all night and At the end of the night, when we had to go home like 4 or 5 a.m., he didn't pay for our Uber and I honestly expected that behavior because I heard from his friend that he was unemployed. So, honestly, I'm not surprised. But my friend, she was like, oh, I didn't expect that behavior, like he was trying to take care of us all night, even against weirdos. I was like girl you look like a baddie right now and I'm like so mid and he obviously is looking at you all night but okay you don't you don't see that so I get that but anyway so he didn't pay for uber so I had to pay like 130 to go home he didn't pay for it and I was like you're a fucking loser and I blocked him

9 Jul 2024

My crush


I am very focus on connecting 3 gemstones to do something in the spiritual world. My sister introduced me to her crush. He seemed extremely younger than her. I am sitting in the middle of beautiful garden. It was nighttime with lights everywhere. The grass was lushly green. Breathtaking! My dog was watching me while I am working. They disappeared and I had a feeling they were missing. I am having dinner with loved ones. I am in a car driving with a female figure. The vehicle was flying. I am in a lab and the subject is dying. I couldn’t save them because they slapped me. I am having dinner with a male figure. He pours himself white wine. I held my glass cup and he begin to pour wine into mine but didn’t stop as the wine overflowed out the glass cup. I am to get married but I canceled the wedding. Everyone was upset. I am sitting with my dad talking to him. I am telling him I can control my emotions now. I am in a space ship flying to a hospital. It’s night and I am outside of a building. The spaceship is behind me. Someone comes out and hands me a form. The form is a digitial device shaped like a mini spaceship. As I am choosing the answer to the questions being asked, the mini spaceship is flying me around. I am not sure if I was flying in circles or randomly.

6 Jul 2024



my boyfriend dreamt me and him were at dinner together, then the purge began and two men took me and dragged me to a supermarket, he said they kept going on about how pretty i was and he tried to take me back from them but they wouldn't let go so he brutally killed them with a bat

5 Jul 2024

Blonde hair


I was at a salon getting my hair cut from long to a short pixie cut and dyed blonde. I really liked the style and it suited me. There was a woman who dropped her dinner all over the floor, she didn't clean it up straight away and I wondered why she just left it.

2 Jul 2024

School Bus


I was helping the youth wrestling club I resign from with their fundraiser. They were trying to decide what to do so we had them sale girl scout cookies. They had to sell at least five boxes in order to make money to cover their registration fee for the tournament. I was on the yellow school bus talking with them and had to leave in order to I get home on time for the dinner date with my wife and her family. I attempted to call my wife on my cell phone to let her know I would be late but my cell phone was not working correctly so I had to turn off and reset it. When I got home I was at my old Boys Town job working as a youth care worker in a residential group home. When I arrived some of the kids were outside to greet me. There were desserts and other food dishes in the mailbox from our family and friends. I took those things inside. Christie's step and an uncle followed me inside. Then when I was about ready to leave one of the kids began to act out and I had to do a teaching her action with the kid and the kid and some consequences. Instead of the kid responding positively to the teacher interaction he escalated his behaviors to the point where I had to call a timeout with the other kids so I could work with him one on one. And I could tell he was trying to draw out our action so I would be late for the family gathering. As we work through that problem, there were other obstacles that were happening with the other kids. The kids kept delaying leaving the house to go to the neighbors house I tried my best to deal with each situation as I encountered them. We moved from the dining room to interaction in the garage. I was closer to getting them to leave. At one point I even apologize to the one youth for losing control of my own emotions and rushing through the teaching interaction with two big consequences instead of a big one followed by a small one. This would have made its less hopeless for the kid and would have allowed him to see some light at the end of the tunnel by issuing the big consequence followed by the small consequence before going to a larger consequence. Eventually there was an assistant youth care worker that came to the home to help so I could leave. By that time I got my phone working again and my wife was upset that I had missed the celebration for us. I tried to explain to her that my actions were not intentional. I ran into some issues with the youth I could not leave them while they were misbehaving. She did not believe me and she was hurt by my absence

2 Jul 2024



I was either climbing into another room or climbing out of a room through a window with the old school blinds hanging down. Rather than walking through the door or raising the blinds up, I went straight through not really thinking. I sat down on a seat waiting for my friends. I saw this girl on the right and she was going to talk to me but I kind of ignored her and just minded my own business as more of my friends started to enter the room. When there was at least five people, a mother figure starts walking in and telling my friend an embarrassing story. When the story was finished, I followed the mom figure, tried to confront her, but decided to close the door because I couldn't see her. In the mean time, while we waiting for other friends to arrive, one of the friends in the room suggested we try out this new game. We loaded into this virtual reality world but we all were babies. We could fast travel in this virtual world and do whatever we want. However, there was this one friend who thought it was funny to pull a prank on me and a sort of initiation. Another person thought this was outright mean and prevented it. I shook the man's hand and thanked him in real life. We loaded back into another virtual game but this time there was many world. I decided to try a fairly easy zombie world. I immediately got overrunned and killed inside the game. The game was over for everyone apparently. Then at the door, we noticed that our last two friends have arrived. We started packing up our gear and heading out the door for dinner I think.

30 Jun 2024

Old friend


I was walking around and my old friend who I’ve had sex with before shows up at the store and wonders who I am. I avoid him at all cost because he has kids. I go to the back of the store because I was supposed to meet my uncle for dinner. The whole time I’m avoiding my old friend. I’ll just go see him finally but after that I’m moving. Such melodramatic moments. I end up wanting to be with him after finally seeing him.

28 Jun 2024



Riding on/flying along a coastal railway line at night It looks like a mix of Izu and some region in Touhoku, and there’s bioluminescence in the sea I’m in the train trying to remain incognito while it stops at every little stations The line gets narrow, sewing through the residential area and streets of a small Japanese rural seaside town There are railroad crossings, seagulls, the weather and the sky is strange like it’s just after the sunset and it’s toppled into night just then, people are talking about dinner, the shopping streets are bustling I’m switch perspectives to myself grapple gunning straight out of the train like spider-man and diving into the sea, wading in the water Now I can see the coastlines Rumor has it that a teacher went missing on his way to America, and right now I’m near some mix of Hokkaido, Tohoku and Kamchatka region so I track his trace by flying over the sea and in it I get to a town that looks like somewhere in the Shonan region(Kanagawa coastal areas) and I sneak back onto the land and start my search There’s a university right close to the shorelines and I walk into it It looks a bit like a mix of urbanized city streets in Rome and some streets in Tokyo like Harajuku, Shibuya or Yoyogi where the street cultures and the youngsters are at I sneak into a facility that happens to be doing something theater related for their clubs, meet a girl who’s a member of the thing The girl gets super attached with me to the point of being a little uncomfortable for me so I run away There’s another girl in the abandoned sector of the school buildings, the room is sorta left the way they were when they were in use, there’s spray paints on the wall and doodles on the chalkboard When I parcour my way in through a window I meet a girl, she has a long white hair, wears a white slip-on dress, kinda ethereal She says she wants out, but she can’t do it alone because the campus’ guards and teachers who want her locked in here in the first place would put her back here I piggyback her out of the window, hopping around the campus ground And as expected a teacher, likely in some frantic deranged state and a non-human in disguise, comes to chase us I use the fences, my jumping, and lastly the signs and the electric poles as I get closer to the entrance of the uni and the way out into the outside common roads while sometimes carrying the ethereal(likely a ghost) on my back and other times tugging her along and such

27 Jun 2024



My cousin Autumn, nana, and great aunts and I met my elementary school friend Kayari and her family out for dinner. We all sat together and Kayari took a seat on one side of me, and Autumn on the other. We started to show eachother pictures of our other cousins and Kayari lays down her phone. I decide to pick up my phone and accidentally pick up hers because it's the same color. She shoves me and tells me not to touch her shit. I apologize and say I thought it was mine. She kept carrying on about how I'm not on the level to touch her phone and if I do it again I will get smacked. We sit there awkwardly for a moment until I decide to break the silence and show more pictures. Then I fly to Paris again and rejoin the abroad program for the last week and I bring my two dogs. One day while exploring the city alone, however, I lose them and report it to the director. She thanks me for letting her know and pulls some strings. Then within an hour my puppy is in the lobby and I embrace her in my arms

22 Jun 2024



I was going to cook dinner for friends and purchased a lobster. When I got home to take out the groceries I put the lobster out n a table and noticed that the head on the lobster looked very human. I told my dinner guests that I didn’t feel right cooking the lobster because of the way it looked. The lobsters eyes were wide and would follow me as I walked around the kitchen. My guests assured me that it would be ok that I just had to throw it in the pot of water. I told them that I did not want to boil it alive. One of my guests told me to cut off its head and then boil it but I told them that I could not bring myself to cut the head off because of the way it looked. I was so torn because I did not know what to do with this lobster, and did not know what to feed my guests

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