Dream interpretation about Friends, Buffet
There was a specific part of my dream, i was out to eat with some friends, it was kinda like a buffet style where you had to go up to order and i offered to do it for everyone. When i got to the cashier i ordered but it was hard for me to remember the meals my friends wanted and i had to look at the menu to remember. My friends also wanted drinks so i got those for us too. Vodka cranberry. Then the food was partially brought to the table and the appetizer was for some reason outside and they forgot to give the pita with the spinach artichoke dip. I went back out and it wa she only thing the staff had left and they had been snacking on it cuz they thought it was a mistake order or something. I asked them about it and they were gonna make fresh stuff for me but then for some reason my dad showed up and took the pita they were snacking on to bring to the table. There wasn’t much left so it was weird. I had barely sat down to eat with my friends because i was so busy running around and playing server. We were out to eat so im not sure why i was the one doing so much work.
Dream date:
4 Nov 2024
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