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Dream Interpretation: Key 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Key? Discover the significance of seeing a Key in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Key appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It symbolizes wisdom, solution, knowledge, and discovery. It suggests that a new change, a new beginning, will soon arrive in your life. Things that didn't make any sense before will soon fall into their places, and you will be able to manage your problems efficiently and quickly.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Look into your mind; it stores all the solutions to your problems. You have gained the wisdom that will help you rise and go beyond the issues of life, hold and utilize it. Make full use of any new ideas that are coming to you; they will lead you to a happy and brighter future.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a key can evoke a sense of curiosity and anticipation. It symbolizes opportunities, access, and the potential for unlocking hidden aspects of ourselves or our lives. It may also bring feelings of empowerment, as holding a key implies having control or authority. However, the dream's emotions can vary depending on the context and the individual's personal associations with keys. Overall, this dream often leaves a lingering sense of intrigue and the desire to explore new possibilities.





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Dreams of users containing the word Key

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15 Jul 2024



I was standing in total darkness even though I couldn't see a floor it looked like a total black abyss. Everywhere i look just darkness. I see a man approaching me he's dressed in a white robe with a sash. The man had shoulder length brown hair and not a hair on his head was misplaced it was so perfect. He had brown eyes and they looked so kind and full of grace. The way he looked at me was like he had always known me. He looked so familiar almost like we could be related. Like I knew him from somewhere even though we've never met in real life. He had on a white robe with a sash around his waste. He held out his hand and in his right hand there was a key. And he said, "I hold the key to life and death." And he walked away. And then I woke up.

11 Jul 2024



My dad was driving me to a Retail park, there was a brand new blockbuster store that I wanted to go and see, but my dad said no. There was a medical centre we went in about feet. There were loads of people waiting. We left and walked back to the car, it was raining and my dad handed me the car keys. I was so tired that I lay down and couldn't get back up. He told me to wait and he walked to get the car. The ground was wet and there were puddles.

5 Jul 2024



My husband and I are in a repair shop. My car has a dent and is being repaired. I am not wearing a top but rather a vest. It does not close. There are a lot of people in the waiting room. I recognize one as a teacher I used to work with a long time ago. She is wearing pants with a bikini top. She looks like she has lost a lot of weight. She and I start talking about exercise and she tells me she is doing Pilates. My husband gets called out to pick up and pay for the car. The teacher and I talk for a bit more. She gets called out as well, as she is leaving my husband is coming back. I tell him to say hello to Nicole, because he met her once. He looks very confused and is looking around. She tells him hello and he still looks confused. I walk over and take off my vest which just leaves me without a top. It’s ok to be topless, but nobody else is. A lot of people are staring at me as we move into a large room filled with cars. We walk around looking for our car, and there are still a lot of people staring. I slip my vest back on. We find our car but refer us a lot of stuff around which will make it difficult to get it out. Th we e are some ladies close by who are selling items and I go to them to ask them if they might move their table. I also want to invite them to hear about my business, but I don’t actually talk to them, they are busy talking to other people. My husband becomes very sleepy and wants to take a nap in the busy garage. I am very thirsty and want to leave. We have a large empty 5 gallon container of water so I carry it out and head home. I know I won’t be able to fill it with water and carry home because it is too heavy. Walking down the street there are three people sitting in a front yard talking about a band they want to see. I hear the name of the band I like and listen to find out where they are playing. The 3 people are watching me and I’m worried hey are going g to take my water jug and wonder if they are looking at my best. I keep walking. There is a small amount of water in the jug. I left the keys with my husband so he could drive and then realize I need the key to get in my house. In another dream I am in a crowded room doing Pilates. It is hot in the room and the instructor is seating a lit. She is not wearing the traditional instructor attire but she is wearing shorts. When she demonstrates a move I see her panties and wonder if anyone else does. I continue to do the exercises and they are difficult. My leg become tired. I am in the middle of the crowded room and everyone else is on the perimeter. I get up to use the restroom when I see that the restroom does not have walls but only curtains. I try to move the curtains around but they aren’t long enough. I cannot wait and sit in the toilet trying to be discreet. Some children ride up in a bike and stare at me. I coke them for staring and tell them to go away. A lady is close by and agrees that me scolding the children was the right thing to do. I get up and am going to leave when I see a lady waiting in line after me. When she comes in I am other ladies to help me shield the woman from an audience. We hold up large rugs to help cover her space while she goes to the bathroom.

29 Jun 2024



I had a hotel room booked for a few days. I don’t know the specific reason. I did plan on seeing my brother quickly before I left though (like on my way out). Some of my family decided that my suite was the place to meetup (I didn’t really agree to this). My mom wanted to go back to the stadium as she thought she forgot something. I thought she took my car so I was looking out the windows to see if my car was still in the parking lot (I couldn’t tell with the amount of cars in the lot and how they’re parked). I vented to someone and it turned out my mom was behind the door and what I said apparently hurt her. Next thing I know is that I’m packing all of my stuff up to prepare to leave as I think I exceeded my time of renting the suite. I thought I lost a spare key and someone offered theirs saying they (hotel staff) wouldn’t know the difference. I declined it. In the midst of my frantic packing, I saw familiar blankets that I hadn’t brought with me as well as cat litter (flooded in a laundry basket (idk how that fits but it was in my dream)). A cat was also running through as it had peed or made a mess on the floor. I don’t think it was my cat. That’s all I remember

22 Jun 2024



I dreamt that I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and there was a person that took off all the people's heads and turned them into statues and then I went into her castle and she was asleep. All of a sudden I tiptoed and there was a man with the key and I opened one door without the key and I found glasses in an empty opening mirror door so I took them put them on and walked up the steps. It was so quiet. All of a sudden there were chickens and the man that gave me the glasses said be quiet. These chickens are laying eggs and they're switching places. They were guarding the gate that we needed to get through. So we got a flashlight and shined it on the chickens and they went berserk. So we got the key into the gate and it opened. So we went into the gate of the building, shut the gate quietly and locked it and the chickens didn't enter. We quickly entered towards her room. The guys that gave me the keys said I cannot come up. It's way too dangerous for me. I went up to her desk / room more pictures of my family on my dad's side even my cousins Chris, Kirsten, Louis and Brandy which was on her desk was pictures of me when I was young pictures of my father and his father my father died So did his father, which makes it my grandpa. So it was weird to see them. Well, not see them, but see pictures of them with me. It was different and cool at the same time.

21 Jun 2024



Me and a few people (Bart was there) got locked in a house/building that was supposed to be a sleepover type event for grown people and ended up having to escape . We had to steal the keys and run away . Bart almost didn’t come with me it was like he was under the girls spell. But he ended up coming . The girl tried to track us down. Then I woke up. And had the same dream again.

13 Jun 2024

Kill Someone
Three People


I dreamt I killed three men, i didn't know why i did it but i knew that by taking those people's lives away i had thrown away my own life and my future, i felt immense guilt and shame and i truly couldn't understand why i'd done it. i revived the men and brought them back to life yet i still felt the need to turn myself into the police because i figured they'd already be coming for me soon. i was covered in blood the entire time and no matter how hard i tried i couldn't wash it away. i had no malice in my heart when i'd slain the three men, a part of me felt like i did it out of self preservation or defense and the men knew this as well so they said they would stand trial with me as my witnesses to plea for my freedom and forgiveness. but i knew my life was over and i wasn't sure i deserved to be forgiven anyways. i thought i'd be lucky if they only decided to put me away in a mental institution rather than a prison, but in order to be able to have the men stand as my witnesses i had to overcome many obstacles to obtain a key to unlock a chest containing a security camera footage. the obstacles nearly killed me and i lost two of my witnesses along the way so i knew that their disappearances would be blamed on me and i would certainly be put to jail

8 Jun 2024



I was in some kind of party, with alot of people most of whom were women I knew, like my mom, my school's principal, some of my teachers. I particularly remember the principal applauding me for something and then leaving for the "main show" with a basket on her head, just like all the other women. One of them, Kalliopi was her name, who wore an orange dress, was for some reason and in some way familiar, though I had never seen her before. When I went to do my duties for the "main show" too, I went from another entrance and ended up in my house. It was like a screenshot of my house in the waking world, but with no people. I saw a key on the desk. For some reason, I knew that this might be the first, but it's not the last key, as I need to find exactly 6 more. I had found 1 already, and I also knew that there was another inside one of the drawers. There was. Then my dad appeared all of a sudden, and my first guess was that he followed me. We didn't talk much, but we found a strange phone-like device which had a cool look and was filled with numbers. We figured it contains yet another key, so we tried some codes that might be required to open it. Really, my dad tried them all. Most of those codes looked odd to me, because, although they were numbers, the screen above them could clearly form a message with letters. I remember reading the messages and thinking to myself that it's weird, but nothing more than that. We did manage to get the key out of the device and then I remember nothing but that I was alone again and I knew that I had all the keys. I'm not sure what happened after that, but I probably used all the keys to the door in front of me, and one of them was the right one. Then, thinking that this was some kind of maze set up as a joke, i proudly walked out, only to find myself inside the same room. The only difference, was that there was something, an object, so weird-looking I don't even know how to describe it to you. What most mattered, was that it was white, but had an orange light (or glow) everywhere on it. I then remembered the woman in the orange dress and knew that she had set this all up as a trap for me. I had no idea why. I woke up after that.

31 May 2024



I had a dream I was on this big alien ship. The inside kinda resemble what I assume a large alien mall would look like. Yet very clean. There were plants and stuff growing normally on board too. Anyways this lady with bright red (super) curly hair dropped me off on earth saying I must save god. This was either the beginning or end times of earth. I’m not sure but earth looked like a frozen tundra with visible blue like energy flowing between the snow blanketed trees. It was Ethereal. I’m not gonna lie to you dream notes, I kinda wish I could see it irl. It was so pretty yet kinda spooky cause there weren’t any creatures seeming to inhabit the plant. I felt things there but very few in my witchy perception. In the very center of there earth, I found a white glowing coffin where I assumed god layed. I didn’t actually see his face but I knew instinctively what he looked like. His hair was Snow White and quite long. Not like a girls hair but definitely longer giving him an elf like effect. Very tall and slender I think. A guy. The coffin was locked and I needed to find the key yet I had no idea where to look or if that’s even what I was supposed to do. There was this massive hellhound guarding him though. The beast was kinda scary and growly but as soon as I approached the coffin it layed at my feet all cute like. What a confusing creature. I remember thinking “You should really make up your mind if u wanna eat or cuddle” The silly thing got me a stick and had me throw it for him 💀it was pretty wholesome tho. The massive black creepy dog bounding toward me with a mini stick in its mouth. Its head was like the size of my body. I remember the lady said only I could save him, Only I had the key but I just could not figure out what that was supposed to mean? Earth had looked like a frozen grave yard in the dream.

29 May 2024



Last night I dreamt that my husband and I lived in a beautiful estate. I bought him a solid gold watch and it's what he used as a security key to open our home.

17 May 2024



I had a dream I was with my wife in an old creepy house. She was sitting in a chair and I was standing . To our right there was two women who were tied together. There was a creepy man who I could not to see but was there. He went to women and said he would electrocute them. He then did and they collapsed onto the floor. I escaped into the kitchen however there was a pack of fierce dogs that were barking and biting my feet and legs. I managed to escape into the garden and my wife was back with me. The garden was big and there were two ladies with dogs and the ladies just stared at me. There was a large space between me and my wife and I shouted at her that I’d always wanted to slit her throat. I ran at her and hit her in the neck with a key. She hit me back. We then back in the house and the electrocuted ladies were gone and I could sense the man was not there so we escaped, we were running down a hill and crossed over a road, we were then running up a hill and got to a car. My daughter was there and there was a car I used to own, we needed to escape but my wife would not get in the car. I sat in the front and she finally sat in the back. My daughter was driving but the car would not start, a van pulled up beside us and dropped off some sand. The car eventually started and we got away.

8 May 2024



There was a table, and a key opens a door to the table. Inside there was a drowned cat but was revived. There was also hair being wrapped in paper, and a sack of toys.

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