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Dream Interpretation: Mirror 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Mirror? Discover the significance of seeing a Mirror in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Mirror appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol indicates a new awareness of your identity and self-reflection. It suggests that it is time to take a closer look at yourself and observe how others see you and what hidden parts of yourself have escaped your awareness, particularly those parts that have been repressed and unexpressed.

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🧭 Direction


Utilize this time to explore yourself; access your inner feelings and thoughts you have about your life. Reflect on the ways others see you, and self discover your true potential and worth. Let the parts of you that you have well-hidden be exposed and shine.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a mirror can evoke a range of emotions. It may bring feelings of self-reflection, as the mirror represents introspection and self-awareness. It can also elicit curiosity, as we may wonder what the mirror is reflecting back to us. Additionally, the dream of a mirror may evoke feelings of vanity or self-consciousness, as we may be concerned about our appearance or how others perceive us. Overall, the dream of a mirror can evoke a mix of emotions, from introspection to self-consciousness, as we explore our inner selves and contemplate our outer image.





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Dreams of users containing the word Mirror

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18 Jul 2024

Lucid Dreaming


Last night I had a lucid dream. In the dream, I woke up with my head on the dirt ground. I noticed it was raining and plants were just beginning to sprout from the dirt that I was laying on there. They were sprouting all around me. I recognized that I was at the farm of my previous dream. The farm was owned by my Brazilian relatives and they had called it the farm of love. I remembered it because in my previous dream I was helping them fix a glass sliding door. after recognizing where I was And noticing it was raining, I decided to get up and get indoors. when I got up I saw a building next to me and decided to go into it. Although it was raining and I wanted to get inside from the rain, I noticed that my black sweatshirt i was wearing wasn’t getting wet, just a little bit if my hair. It was when I got into the building I realized I was dreaming in the dream, then became lucid. I turn the corner, and saw a Clay female manikin start walking from around the corner towards me. I thought to myself how it's pretty cool this manikin is walking, but I didn't interact with it. as I walked passed it I looked over to the right and saw a column that had a mirror. I was able to see my reflection and decided to go towards my reflection. As I walked toward the mirror, I saw my reflection and looked into my eyes and gave myself a smile before jumping in into the mirror. on the other side i ended up in a black abyss not sure what I was gonna see next, just waiting. I started feeling a little afraid and all of a sudden a black energy attempted to suck itself into my stomach or third chakra. as it began to happen I stopped it, and I woke up from the dream

15 Jul 2024



There was a coach that was in town and I was going to go back to his town for a conference. I decided to ride up there with him and ride back with another coach. When we got there, we were in the country on a farm. We had to go through the backyard to get to where we're going to watch the movie. There were a bunch of snakes all over the ground and he told me it was a good thing I had boots and jeans on. I should step firmly on the snakes walking through the backyard and they wouldn't bite me I wasn't feeling comfortable with that, so the guy carryied me through the yard past the snakes and then put me on the ground so I could walk the rest of the way Once we got to the Campground site, there was a little building there for us to watch rhe movie. I sat in the front row. if you sat in the front row you couldn't really see the movie screen because the screen was like right above the front row. They had a mirror on the wall and two whiteboards to reflect the movie so the people in the front row could actually watch it on the temporary whiteboard.

12 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Light (Not Dark)


I'm back in the single room house I've been dreaming about before. The walls are still covered with the bluish glowing crystal. It starts with me kneeling on the ground in the center of the room. In front of me is the realistic lion carving the man with the long brown hair and beard gave me. I'm not sure what comes over me, but I reach out and pet the figurine like it's a cat. Of course, I get no response because it's an inanimate object, but I proceed to pet it anyway. Curious, I look behind me briefly. The doorway out from before is there, only now it is slightly ajar with the white light pouring in from it. Knowing it is there, I turn back and notice something new catching my eye. It's a vanity desk with a single mirror made of a brightly colored brown wood. Sitting on it is a new realistically crafted figurine. My curiosity gets the better of me and I stand up, intending to go give it a better look to see what it is. However, something gives me pause and I look down at the lion figurine. I almost feel like I'm seeking it's permission to go see it, but I don't sense any response. My mind then rationalizes it's because it's not living and therefore seeking it's permission is a silly, fruitless endeavor, so I proceed to walk forward. However, partway there, I stop. Suddenly, something comes over me almost as if to tell me not to approach the vanity or the figurine. Instinctively, I turn back towards the lion figurine once more in the center of the room. It feels like this sense of warning is coming from it, but it's pose has not changed nor it's expression. Hesitating, I look briefly between the two figurines and decide to keep going but to tread cautiously, to honor the warning the lion gave me. At least, I wanted to believe I was honoring it. However, the feeling of warning grows stronger with every step forward, almost as if the lion is screaming at me to turn back. I do not. I make it to the vanity desk and get a good look at the little wooden figurine sitting on it. It's a lamb in a prancing pose with it's mouth open and an almost happy expression on it's face. At this point, I am confused. What could be so dangerous about an innocent little lamb figurine? I reach out to grab it with my right hand, only to have my wrist violently grabbed by something to the right of me. It forcibly spins me around to face it and I am mortified by what I see. The creature before me is completely naked, and it has both a set of male reproductive organs, as well as a set of female reproductive organs. A true hermaphrodite. It's body looks completely anatomically correct with both male and female characteristics. However, it has a long demon tail that sharpens to an arrowhead tip, and creepiest of all... it has no facial characteristics. No eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, not even hair is on its face. It's just a smooth surface from forehead to chin with a pair of ears on either side. Naturally, due to the lack of features on what could be considered as little more than a walking mannequin, I shouldn't be able to read it's emotions. However, I can see plain as day that his thing was enjoying my fear. It wasn’t even angry I tried to take the lamb figurine, it was just enjoying the fact that I was scared of it. I attempt to pull away from it, but it yanks me back towards itself, until my nose is inches away from its smooth surface. In another desperate attempt to get away, I put my free hand on it's shoulder and use the leverage to push off away from it, successfully freeing myself, but acquiring a bruise from the harsh grip it had on my wrist. This creature doesn't seem to appreciate me getting away, so it takes the lamb figurine off the vanity, and it turns into a sword in it's hand that it holds out towards me threateningly. The hilt is black like a dark-colored iron and the blade seems to made out of a glowing brightly-colored steel. At this point, I panic. I attempt to run back towards the lion, but the creature doesn't let me get far and it runs the sword through my left shoulder, missing my vital organs seemingly on purpose. I scream out in agony, especially when the creature pulls the sword out. I grip the wound trying to stop the bleeding, however it feels like nothing I can do will ever stop the bleeding. The creature turns me to face it in my daze, and it runs me through again. This time, it punctures through the arm I'm gripping my wound with and all the way through my sternum and out my back. At this point, I'm coughing up blood and spitting it on the ground. The creature removes the sword again and stabs me through my right shoulder. Any attempt to scream is now quieter. The stab wound through my sternum nicked both my lungs and I'm having too much trouble breathing to cry out too loudly. I know if I overexert myself, I'll suffocate. The creature seems to be enjoying my plight as it pulls the sword out once more. At this point, I'm standing there hugging myself and holding my wounds trying not to bleed to death. However, I can't find my breath and I'm beginning to shiver as my body starts getting cold. I look at the creature and notice it's beginning to grow a mouth, and this mouth had such a sick, twisted grin, that I swallow nervously and take a step back. The creature doesn't let me go and it makes another attack, slicing my throat open in a left to right motion. At this point, I fall back onto the floor as blood fills my throat. I can no longer talk, scream, or cry. I spit up as much blood as I can to make every effort to do so, but it's in vain. I'm a bloody mess and this thing is enjoying torturing me. Adding insult to injury, it stabs me in the abdomen as I try to process what's happening to me. I don't even understand how I'm not dead yet. While it missed my vital organs at first, it was now making otherwise lethal blows, yet I somehow wasn't dead. Now this creature was laughing at me, as it points the sword at my chest where my heart is, but doesn't run me through. Instead, it seems to be pushing me back, and I crawl backwards trying to get away from the blade. That seems to be what it wants, as it's laughter turns more sinister, and it repeats this motion until I'm back in the center of the room lying next to the lion figurine. At this point, the creature seems to have had it's fun and presses it's foot down on my right leg to keep me from running, as it points the sword at my chest. Immediately, I knew what it was saying to me. It had spoken now words, only cackled at my plight, but knew exactly what it was saying to me. It had given me a chance to escape, but I was too weak to make it due to all the damage it did to me. It was showing me how weak it saw me, and now it was going to prove it. It uses the tip of the sword to press my body completely flat on the floor. My eyes glance at the bloodsoaked blade as it rests there, then I look back at the creature. The smile on it's face fades and turns into an evil frown that growls menacingly as it retracts the blade for a final blow. I don't know what came over me, but my hand instinctively reaches for the lion figurine to my left, and I give it one last stroke down it's back to pet it. Just then, the lion figurine rolls over, takes a pouncing stance as it grows into a living breathing lion, and attacks the creature. It bites it's sword wielding arm and rips it off, throwing both away. The sword turns back into a lamb figurine and the arm itself evaporates into thin air. After seeing that, I sit up enough and watch this now living lion tear apart the true hermaphrodite. Every piece the animal rips from its body evaporating the moment it separates. However, like me, the lion doesn't give the creature a chance to scream our for help, hut it didn't toy with it either. The lion just killed the creature, tearing it apart until there was nothing left. Once the creature was completely gone, I smile at the animal and lie down, almost waiting to die myself. With how badly I was torn apart myself, I almost expected to. However, as I lie there resting, I feel someone grab my head and rest me on their lap gently. I open my eyes and look up, rolling over slightly so not to strain my eyes or neck too much to see who it is. It's the man with the soft blue eyes, long brown hair and long beard, wearing his white robe and once again barefoot. My blood stains his robe and I try to move away to prevent it from becoming completely ruined, but he encourages me to rest on his lap and strokes my side to calm me down. Unable to fight back, I obey and just rest my head on his lap like a pillow. If anything is going through my head, it's gratitude that I won't be alone when I die. He strokes his left hand down my neck, and I can feel the hole in his hand as it moves across my skin. Suddenly, I find myself able to breathe easier and I am no longer drinking my own blood. I put my hand to my neck and discover he healed the wound inflicted on me by the creature. Now, the man puts his hands on both my shoulders, and those wounds are healed. Soon after, he gently rotates my body so I'm lying across his lap like a child. He puts his left hand on my sternum and his right on my stomach. Both of those wounds close completely and just like every other place he's healed, no scar is left behind. Something I only just realize as I double check trying to feel for any. The only reason I thought to check at that moment of all times, was because I finally saw that no scar was left behind when he healed the wound on my abdomen. The other places I couldn't see very well, but I could feel them, and this man wasn't leaving any scars. As I look myself over, he gently grabs my bruised right wrist, and strokes it until the bruise is gone. At last, after all of that, he strokes my right arm further down where the creature ran it through and closes the final wound. I gaze at him and realize his entire robe has turned red from my blood. This makes me sad knowing it's stained and no longer white.

12 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I’ve had this kind of dream before a couple of times the past couple weeks. But a little bit of a different senario. It started off with me standing in the living room with my friend Max wnd Mauricio. We were talking and wished we had some booze. Then me and Mauricio looked at eachother because he had already showed me. Anyways then we proceeded to fake die, then press a button and we would “die” and blood would shoot out of our head. Then you open your eyes in this different dimension almost? Then Max was very confused. We explained to him how we go into the sketchy building. Collect some things from there, then go to the store in the same building to sell it and buy booze. But there is a demon or something in there that tries to kill you for being there. You can only carry 4 things and you have to make it out alive. If you die in there someone has to sell something to get a like green ping pong ball that will bring you back to the normal dimension. Then we go in and are looking around. Mauricio walks through a door and gets taken by a demon. Then me and Max bolt the other way. I’m grabbing loot as I run and max is behind me freaking out because we are being chased. We then run into a room that has stairs down it and I see a knife sitting on the floor to the left of the staircase. I then jump over the railing (roughly 8 ft drop) and grab the knife. I turn around to see the demon killing Max. Then it looks at me and lunches. I watch it coming at me and when it gets to me I proceed to side step and stab it, then I pretty much fight it while it’s coming at me getting another stab in here and there. After about 6 times it finally dies. I then drop 2 things and leave to go to the shop. Sell my knife and what seemed like a golden hand mirror and get two lime green ping pong balls. Then as I go lay back down holding the two balls Max and Mauricio show up in the normal world. Max looks at me and says “what the actual fuck just happened” and I turned to him and said “don’t worry. I got your reboot card” then my alarm woke me up.

12 Jul 2024



In this dream i was looking in the mirror and saw my face to be youthful and balanced. But for some reason i felt the need to get surgery on right side of my face, near my nose. After the surgey it healed nicely but then my face when i looked up close was unbalanced. The are icwas trying to fix ended up making one nostril smaller than the other. As well as one side of my lip smaller than the other. I wanted to go back to fix it, i don’t know what could be done, but i needed to go back to the surgeon. Then my dream jumps to me being at a university on the top of a snowy cold mountain. When i arrived at the top i see a large train station and a large cafeteria. I go inside and find my students from 2016. They are in their senior year of college and graduating in a few days. I see mostly my Muslim female students sadia and nadia. Im also sitting next to my high school friend Michael cantillo. They explain that there is only one train for the night to leave campus. I say my goodbyes and head for the station. I have to go througg many old style coridoors and hallways to get to the station. When i get to the plaform it’s packed with students all wanting to take the last train off the mountain. I run through crowd and get to the front of the heard and secure my place on the train

9 Jul 2024



I was in my house and had a really bad headache. I started to feel my head and felt holes bored into my skull but the skin was intact. I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror to find that my head looked like Swiss cheese.

8 Jul 2024



My dream was of a soccer match where Italy was playing England in Italy. The game was going back-and-forth, the Italian friends were chanting like crazy but the game ended up in a tie. Either way the but fans seemed to enjoy the game. After the game finished, there was a finale performance, the stadium transformed into a tall house and me and many of the other fans were in this big living room. as the performance was going on there was a point where the the lady performing turned into this big gorilla that had a bunch of bananas and selected me to be the special guest by putting a banana in my mouth. as the banana was in my mouth, the gorilla/performer was asking me questions that I wasn’t able to answer because the bananas in my mouth and so I would just be making noises and everyone would be laughing and I was fine with that. Gradually, the questions again began to become more serious, asking me personal questions about my relationship with myself. They were asking me questions about if I was holding anything back from myself. Anything that I was keeping inside myself that I wasn’t allowing to be expressed outwardly, and honestly I couldn’t think of anything. I don’t think I have anything that I’m holding within me that I should be releasing out. The performing gorilla asked me if there’s anything scary about myself that I found that I want to share and yet again, I honestly couldn’t find anything. dream transition to me looking at myself in the mirror. As I begin looking at myself in the mirror, I started to split from myself, so it was as the awareness of myself removed itself from my body and what was left was that awareness looking at my body in the reflection. My awareness was being touched by my physical body, and then my physical body trying to attack my awareness by sucking itself into me. I was stronger than my physical body and pinned my physical body down my. in the dream I was confused because I didn’t know which part of me was the good Jantzen. The good Jantzen which was the awareness or was it the body I was pinning down. I was conflicted and I didn’t like having to fight myself.

8 Jul 2024



My dream was of a soccer match where Italy was playing England in Italy. The game was going back-and-forth, the Italian friends were chanting like crazy but the game ended up in a tie. Either way the but fans seemed to enjoy the game. After the game finished, there was a finale performance, the stadium transformed into a tall house and me and many of the other fans were in this big living room. as the performance was going on there was a point where the the lady performing turned into this big gorilla that had a bunch of bananas and selected me to be the special guest by putting a banana in my mouth. as the banana was in my mouth, the gorilla/performer was asking me questions that I wasn’t able to answer because the bananas in my mouth and so I would just be making noises and everyone would be laughing and I was fine with that. Gradually, the questions again began to become more serious, asking me personal questions about my relationship with myself. They were asking me questions about if I was holding anything back from myself. Anything that I was keeping inside myself that I wasn’t allowing to be expressed outwardly, and honestly I couldn’t think of anything. I don’t think I have anything that I’m holding within me that I should be releasing out. The performing gorilla asked me if there’s anything scary about myself that I found that I want to share and yet again, I honestly couldn’t find anything. dream transition to me looking at myself in the mirror. As I begin looking at myself in the mirror, I started to split from myself, so it was as the awareness of myself removed itself from my body and what was left was that awareness looking at my body in the reflection. My awareness was being touched by my physical body, and then my physical body trying to attack my awareness by sucking itself into me. I was stronger than my physical body and pinned my physical body down my. in the dream I was confused because I didn’t know which part of me was the good Jantzen. The good Jantzen which was the awareness or was it the body I was pinning down. I was conflicted and I didn’t like having to fight myself.

7 Jul 2024



In the beginning it was me and my mom and younger siblings wanted to go shopping but my stepdad was like no he and her would go or something like that so i just went to go run bath water so i’m using the bathroom talking to my younger sister and it’s so weird because the window inside the bathroom was actually an ocean so we’re looking outside of it like ok it’s cool my younger sister starts to get inside my bath water so i’m like lol why you in it but i just got in with her thinking maybe she just wanted to spend time and be annoying i’m seeing like broken 1950s old barbie dolls and three snakes but ther are spiraling instead of actually swimming like regular snakes in the ocean window we have then i l farther and see a younger indian man cutting something off then two older men come out the blue looking inside so im like “tiauna do you see them” she sssying they cannot see us and stuff but the one of the men eventually tooo their hand and grabbed me so ima trying to cover myself with the shower curtain and i yell to tiauna to go get help from someone she’s just kindve frozen but she’s by the bathroom door so i’m kinda just like yelling her to hurry. The man who grabs me drops me and i’m falling but the settings changes to like a still loading gaming city like roblox when you first join and things ain’t loading it but like i just see gray and one red block that’s like supposed to be city buildings so i’m falling i start clicking fast on my apple watch button then i eventually fall onto my bed but it’s almost like a mirror is in front of me cause i just look and see me but i don’t look like me i look very animated but broken and scary

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me in a pool with a girl and i had on sweat pants and i jumped in the pool and busted my face and died i was in heaven and I climb to the top of the tree of life and I had a typing thingy and It talked and said where would you like to go and I typed my family and I was instantly sent to a unknown house with Quan and ej and cam there and I had to sneak in my house and they seen me and freaked out and cam had fixed my vape and said be very careful and I was and then I seen the girl turns out she was my girlfriend of a long time and she was crying so heavy and it felt as if she truly loved me and that was all I’ve ever wanted true love and I was messing with the lights with my supernatural abilities and the next day me,her,my mom,my brother wynston, and my sister Emma all went to dicks sporting goods and we played around and broke shit and I said mom I’m already dead when she said the cameras can see me but eventually I walked by a mirror and seen my arm and 2 syringes were sticking out my shoulder and I freaked out and my mom said Aiden your already dead and I said yea but I still hate needles she said true and they came to terms with my death I was looking over at my brother cuz I said where’s Winnie and he I never realized it but he was older my sister was older I was older my mom still the young hipness she had but I could tell she was older and my heart dropped knowing that it could’ve been a prediction and me and my girl were talking and she was crying about holidays and I said hey I’m always there in spirit as a joke but then I cried to knowing that what she had with me wasn’t normal and I woke up

30 Jun 2024



I was looking in a mirror and my dream husband was there and he was playing a game he looked at me said I was hot and was making me feel sexy then I told him I’m not on birth control and we did the nasty

30 Jun 2024



The dreaming had started where I was with a younger version of my brother. It was dead of winter cold and dark outside. Before us was a burger King I specifically remembered that it was a burger King because of the purple burger King bags. It was snowy and my brother Clay and I where outside the burger King completely naked and young. We saw a ritual pond. The pond wasn't very deep with water but had a large layer of ice built up from the snow on the ground. I was so cold in the dream I started picking up snow from the ground and packing it on my body to try and retain a little bit of heat until the snow melted. Suddenly as I stepped into the ritual pond some of the ice broke. I fell in the shallow water on my back and the water was warm. Like a bath. I started to splash around yelling at my young brother that it was warm he should get in. I decided in the dream that I should make a snowboard out of the snow that had built up on various steps in this pond. I began trying to mold a snow board made of ice and snow but to no avail. I then decided to jump down a hill behind the burger King, down the hill was a harbor and on that harbor was a massive ship port. I jumped in humanly down the hill and landed near two guards. Those guards had dirt bikes. I began stealing one. I started to ride off after the guard hit me a few times. After pulling off the bike started pulling to the right. But I didn't crash my brother started running and cheering me on as the guards gave chase waving thier swords. I kept driving the sputtering of the motor from the bike was loud and snow bellowed up from each side of the wheels as I rode which splashed some of the cold up into my face. I reached a dead end which was a loading area to another level. I doubled past the guards which had belived I went through the portal to the other level and met up with my brother who had kept cheering me on about me running. Suddenly a darkness and anxiety washed over me. We rode the bike a bit more but realized the only way we could leave the area was through the portal to the next area. We didn't want to leave our bike behind and it disappointed us, my brother then found a small hole in a fence which looked to defy the laws of this worlds physics but it had a large text over it that told us to enter it. My brother looked at me and then smiled and walked through. When he did a lump in my throat formed as I knew that what he just entered lead to the same place as the other portal and no matter what choices we made as young children we still had to go to the next place in this dream world. I accepted my fate even though I wanted to stay I knew it wouldn't last forever. I walked through the secret passage. I then was transported to a large yellow walled building with checkers floors and I was standing infront of a large mirror with my brother Clay. We suddenly started changing in to deformed amalgamations of discusting creatures. I became as round as a ball with a large eye in the middle of my body and my limbs where all streached out and large and hairy. I wasn't able to see my brother but my soul was screaming. I then awoke To my mother. I was 25 years old and with my mom and my brother Noah and my wife. I had the most terrible nightmare. I began trying to explain and relive my dream telling my mom about my dream. She kept trying to stop me from discussing it as it was just a dream. I was shocked and sad nobody wanted to listen to my dream and help me find the meaning. I started trying to explain again each time I began explaining the dream I had got more foggy and unreliable. My mom started to explain to me that my brother from the dream was now coming to visit. My brother from the dream was also now calling himself a woman and dresses like a woman. I started to become frantic with anxiety. Upon arrival of my brother who came home from the army with all his stuff he showed up and I was supposed to spend the day with him. Trying to relive my dream. I began trying to choke him by putting him in a head lock and seemingly unphased by my attacks. He made remakes on my techniques and even criticized me on my abilities to attack him even though he is a woman. I began to grow frustrated trying harder and harder until I gave up. From that point I started to yell at him and cast him out but nothing that I did could get him to leave me be and leave me alone. I began to realize around this time that I was in some wierd dream scape again. An extremely odd world with was filled with bizarre wonders and physics defying buildings and structures. I started to sob. Clay showing me all his stuff his cloths, talking about mom. He began to unpack having a normal one sided conversation. He pulled out big boxes and inside them he had plastic bags filled with booklets of his personal drawings and art he made. I remember from this dream seeing them each one was crude like a young boy had drawn them. They where good drawing impressive for a 12-13 year old. I started flipping through the pages of some of the booklets and saw little pokemon and characters he had drawn along side a name and type. Even the hand writing was child like. Seeing the drawings sitting there seeing this child like stuff then made me feel overwhelmed with sadness for my brother. I didn't feel sad for myself or sad for him but this melancholy feeling began to make me writhe with the most overwhelming sadness that I have ever felt for another person in directly. I looked down at clays drawings and but at Clay who was closely watching my body language checking to see if I had approved of the art. My face remand blank but I had felt so incredibly sad and melancholy. I then woke up feeling frantic and scared.

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