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Dream Interpretation: Pin 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pin? Discover the significance of seeing a Pin in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pin appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A pin in a dream can represent a minor annoyance or discomfort. It may also symbolize a need to be cautious or pay attention to small details. Alternatively, it could indicate a desire to hold something or someone in place.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what the pin was being used for in your dream. Were you trying to hold something together or keep something in place? This could be a sign that you need to pay closer attention to the details in your waking life. Alternatively, if the pin was causing you discomfort, it may be a sign that you need to address a minor annoyance or issue that you have been ignoring.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a pin may evoke feelings of vulnerability and caution. It symbolizes the need to be careful and attentive in your waking life. This dream may also bring about a sense of pricking or discomfort, representing potential pain or annoyance. It could indicate a need to pay attention to small details or be cautious of potential harm. Overall, the dream of a pin may leave you with a sense of fragility and the importance of being mindful in your actions.





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8 Apr 2024



I had a really sad dream that actually made me cry when I woke up. My dream was that I was at my university, and they were having a festival of some sort and all the students and staff were in attendance. I was with my two best guy friends, and we were walking through this gift shop area where I decided to try to call my husband to let him know we were waiting for him. I told my guy friends to start walking ahead of me and I would catch up to them when my phone call was done, but the phone kept ringing and he never picked up. Suddenly, I heard a gut-wretching scream and then multiple gun shots and looked behind me to see people running away from a man in a long black trench coat holding a huge semi-automatic rifle. I could feel the guns vibrations in my body while hearing the "flop" noise of bodies falling on the ground. The fear in me had me pinned the ground until I finally started running into a back room and found a couple people hiding back there. I asked them if anyone had seen my two best friends, but no one had seen them. I could still hear the shooting outside as it slowly grew louder towards the door. I told everyone to either run to another room or hide in the cabinets of this room we were in. I found a tiny cabinet that I could barely fit into to hide, where I took out my phone and kept dialing 911. The operator told me that the police would not save us because it was too dangerous for them. I kept texting my guy friends to see if they made it out safely or were hiding in a safe place - they never answered. In the meantime, I kept texting and calling my husband to try to warn him to not enter the building or at least run out if he was inside - he never answered. Finally, the gun shots ceased and someone knocked on my cabinet door to let me know the police came in and killed the shooter. When I got out of my cabinet, a guy I don't know looked me in the eyes and told me they found my guy friends, but they didn't survive. I didn't believe them so I ran from room to room until I finally found them.. on the ground, holding hands... dead. All my Korean friends were dead. All my classmates that I had been in classes since freshman year were all dead on the ground around me. I started screaming and wailing. I knew I had to look for my husband. I begged every single person that passed me whether they saw my husband or not - no one did. I called him over and over, and he still never answered. I never found him.

31 Mar 2024



I visited my grandparents and they found out I was taking testosterone. My grandma got livid angry and tried to call doctors, asking them to get blood flowing to my brain. I got angry, told her my brain was working just fine and pinned her to the wall. She continued to say something was messed up about me, and I may actually need to get lobotomized.

30 Mar 2024



Kittens that were injured as I got closer to inspect them. The grey kittens were in pain. They were cut bleeding and one of the kittens swallowed needles and had needles inside them. I was panicking to get them all off. I could hear the kittens cries.

29 Mar 2024



a bunch of people getting murdered in brutal ways. a man getting stabbed with desk bells. and my mom getting crushed with a cender block and pinned to a wall with knives.

28 Mar 2024

Old Man


I had a nightmare that I was pinned to the ground and couldn’t move. There was an old man standing over me with a machete like blade. I couldn’t see most of his face but he looked to have a grey beard and he was wearing a dark raincoat. The old man took the knife and slashed my left thigh, giving me either 3 or 5 gashes. Then the old man backed up and a ginormous neon green megalotarantula crawls over me, it turns around, squats, and lays is slimy eggs in my cuts and I screamed and woke up screaming.

14 Mar 2024



I just had a dream that I was at my 35th class reunion, it was the first one I had gone to and it was horrible. I feel like I was forced to go but yet there was nobody there forcing me. when I was there there were girls and guys coming up to me telling me how much I had hurt them the horrible things that I’d said to them, or did to them that broke their hearts , I feel like I was really in disbelief that I made such a negative impact on so many people in my life, however, there was this one guy who came up to me and he grabbed me from behind and forced me and pinned me to the wall face first and he said, do you know who I am and in front of my face, he shows me this bottle of cologne, and I knew exactly who he was and he said into my ear you broke my heart. I turned around and he let me and I told him I got you that bottle of cologne, and I know exactly who you are and I apologized and he was the only one that night that accepted my apology, and then I woke up.

11 Mar 2024

My crush


For some reason I was in my childhood neighborhood with my ex crush billy who is now dating my cousin who kinda just hates me and I don't even know why she just one day told me I was crazy and not good enough to be her friend so billy and I were hanging out I had to go to work soon but we had stopped to say hi to my family and then we came back out and walked into the yard and our cars were gone and they were Luke sportcars but they just disappeared and my mom walks out but she doesn't look like my mother she looks more taken car of and she goes those goddammit neighbors are at it again well ur gonna have to either run other there or call the police so we run over there and they boys and the father had left but the mother was still there blocking the doorway and them billy held her against a wall and moved her out of my way and we get the cars and then I'm driving to work the dream shifts to the next day and I'm at a blue and gold event for boyscouts and my cousin and billy are there and she starts to make rude comments about me so I pin her to the ground and tell her that if she has a problem with me she can just tell me what it is cause I'm tired of the fucking games with you and it's either u want me around or you want to fucking hate me and I don't understand why ur so wishy washy but u can hate me I don't care but don't try to embarrass me in public cause I will not tolerate it its not my fault u ruined our friendship we were literally best friends and u fucked that up

8 Mar 2024



I had a dream about mortar a guy who my current partner wad jealous of, we were in my room, the door was slightly open and I could hear my family chatting downstairs. I was hanging out with him normally until we got close, we were hugging alot and I looked at him. He looked at me and we both leaned in for a kiss I remember moving away and saying I'm so sorry while he also moved away saying oh my god, he's a taken man. I panicked and left my room to my mom's room to use their bathroom and take a shower, the shower was weirdly placed, there was a bar on the middle of it and it woukd divide the water in two, the water was spilling out the area of the shower and would soak the Matt, I moved it away and continued to shower, used some baby shampoo and finished. When I got to my room I was in my towel and mortar was too, I looked away and told him I'm sorey about earlier and that it won't happen again but he approached me and told me its whatever, he pulled me to the bed and with his whole body pinned me, at this point I just let it happen and I remember he flipped our position, I was now on top of him but laying down. My towel fell on my chest area and my chest started pressing agaisnt his, I was blushed and nervous. He caressed my back and then sponned me on the side, i was confused and i felt his boner covered by either a blanket on his towel rubbing agaisnt me. I was just letting it happen, he said we were already too far gone and wanted to have sex with me. I didnt deny it and felt him agaisnt me. Then i woke up

5 Mar 2024

My crush


I was living as a pregnant women I went to dc with a friend from my real life Troy that I know from school but I don’t really talk to him in real life but I’ve always has a crush on him. We were going to a baby shower at like a bar. While I’m at the bar these girls let me use the bathroom when they were in line because I was pregnant. Some time goes by and I decide to leave the baby shower cause my car was in dc and I didn’t really wanna go to the shower I just basically used the ride to dc to the shower as a excuse to get to dc. I left to look for my car, Troy was really worried cause he said once he left he was coming back and he didn’t want me to be stranded in dc with no ride home pregnant but I told him I had family there and I’d get home. It’s like I was lying about EVERYTHING. I even ended up realizing that I was lying about be pregnant and I was only use pushing my stomach out. Idk why I was lying about it but I kept on lying and pushing my stomach out as I looked for my car. I ended up running into the girls who let me use the bathroom and I don’t think I was pushing my stomach out as much when they saw me so they realized I was lying and they took it as I was faking just to use the bathroom first and they were furious!! I didn’t realize them until they were close up so I decided push it back out and at the top of their lungs they started yelling “your fèaking, you aren’t pregnant, you just wanted to cut the bathroom! You b****” and I was scared trying to tell them I wasn’t lying and i was trying to get them off me because they were shoving me and hitting me. I kept screaming to bystander to help lying telling them I’m pregnant but no one seemed to believe me or care. I’m crying cause it’s almost like I actually believed I was really pregnant because I was crying thinking the baby. I fought back a while till they eventually got me tired and they pinned me down and starting stabbing my stomach and I cried and kept telling “my babbbbbby nooo” and I think I bleed to death and died but it’s like I died and then came back to life in another situation and it’s like people were after me again and I end up getting chased by wolves, they finally got a hold of me and killed me and I came backs to life in another situation. It’s like I just kept coming back into situations just to get killed and come back to life in another situation.

26 Feb 2024

Sleep paralysis


I was with one of my friends drinking at a pub we were at last weekend then a couple male and female at the beer garden table across from us had both deformed faces but as if they had a accident in their life not being born with it. Then the dream suddenly changes to me laying in my bed but always feeling pinned to the bed and trying to wake up with only my head and neck twitching as it’s my only movement I have and deep panic breathes All of these dreams I’m having I am aware I’m dreaming but still feel as if I have no control over them like a mix of sleep paralysis and hypnotic hallucinations

14 Feb 2024

Dark Room


I had a very stressful dream. I was on shoulders of two guys, who where trying to get me out of the dark room through the door. At the same time we were on a rolling pin. On the curved suface of the rolling pin there was a black line made of pencil on which we we behind the line and these two guys were trying bring me ahead of the line carrying me on their shoulders. I was not in condition to stand by myself and I was conscious. Somehow my mind said coming out of room and coming in front of the line happened same time and were same event.

12 Feb 2024



I had a dream I was at school then suddenly there was a fire alarm and everyone had to grab their stuff and leave and I was the last one out. And then once we got out we just stood at the entrance of the building with our things because it wasn’t actually a fire it was a shooting (even though I go to a private school in Scotland). Afterwards we all go out in groups and my group is with a bunch of people I don’t talk to except a girl in my class called Sophie. The leader of my group was one of the lunch ladies. She has a Russian accent in real life but in my dream she had an American one. She has to go to the math building to call someone and she tells us to stay outside and if anyone approaches us we don’t say anything except that ‘we’re tired’ and we’re ’bad At school’. So she goes off to the math building and we are left by a statue. A bald man with a bunch of military equipment runs over and ties to start talking to us. My friend, Sophie, turns around and doesn’t say anything. I however turn around and face plant. Sophie then tried to entertain the man by telling him that we were left stranded because we were bad students. The man tells her to come over and he hands her a grenade he tells her to place it on the ground and pull the pin. Sophie only places it on the ground. I thought she already pulled it so I start running but then he tells me to come back. All of a sudden you hear the lynch lady in the call and she’s talking really loudly. Me and Sophie, say that it was a girl called masie (a girl who doesn’t like me in real life) to make it sound like the lynch lady was a student. The man walks over to the math building and ‘masie’ finish the call and walks over to him and starts trying to negotiate things. All of a sudden I wake up with a fast heart beat.

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