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Dream Interpretation: Needle 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Needle? Discover the significance of seeing a Needle in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Needle appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Depending on the type of symbol, this can have two meanings. If it is a needle-pulling thread, this can symbolize that there are parts of your life that need mending through careful confrontation. You will have to penetrate the fabric of who you are in order to repair the wounds you have received. If it is a needle for injections, this will symbolize either toxic habits and addictions or your need for specific and direct confrontation to remedy the problems you are facing.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Take action to heal and mend the problems you are currently facing. There is a tear in the fabric of who you are, and this needs direct attention and care, and this needs to be done swiftly. This may have gotten to the point where the corrective action will be painful, but it must be done. Notice what toxic habits or addictions you are engaging in and let them go.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a needle can evoke a sense of vulnerability and discomfort. It may symbolize a fear of pain or being pricked by something sharp. This dream could also represent a need for precision or attention to detail in a particular situation. Overall, the feelings associated with this dream may include anxiety, caution, and a desire for protection.





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16 Jul 2024



I was on my grandma's bed and apparently I thought I was sick or I was sick and so I had a needle in my hand. I'm guessing it was filled with medicine and I started poking it in my leg and for some reason I kept missing the spot apparently and I just kept poking it into different parts of my leg. My uncle walked in. For some reason he wasn't scared or like mad. All he said was you have blood on the floor. While I was walking to the bathroom because he told me to, I guess he told me to go to the bathroom because to wash it off. I don't remember him saying anything. He just told me to go to the bathroom and when I walked in there I saw a very very thick candle. It was pinkish. It was like a thick candle like a Mexican candle. It didn't have any stick in it like it was just like a tower and it was so melted it wasn't even in a glass and for some reason it had a perfect trail of wax leading away from it the candel was locatec in a part of my grandma's bathroom that I've never even seen before but when I saw the big candel my dream ended

6 Jul 2024

Love Interest
Many People


I had a dream that I had to go to work in a different city and I really didn’t want to go so first when I got there I opened up I I was having nice interactions with the customers and things then my grandma called me and told me that they was there too and I wanted to see them before I left but I was at work so I chose to leave and I got to them with no problem and then when I remembered that I was like to work alll my times say x so I’m ridding with my cousin but I can’t figure out how to get back there then some how I got there but when I got there the time said 8:45 it was so many different people there and I felt horrible bc I just left my whole shift yeah so the people was being mean to me but I was not having it I met somebody named chris( I think I met Christ as a love interest in a lot of my dreams) then my boss was outside and he was really really mad at me so we had it out and my other boss was texting me trying to ask me what was wrong if I had been suppressing my grievances but i was ignoring him and my baby brother popped up out of no where and now I have to keep him safe as well but I kept forgetting that he was with me and as I was trying to leave and I could not remember how to get back to my family when I remember that Landon was with me I saw I black jeep out side and when I looked I saw Landon sitting in there but I forgot again and I ordered an Uber anyways while I’m in the Uber I realized that I ordered the Uber back to work and on the way back I remember that Landon was with me but I seen him in a black jeep before and the black jeep was still there I was looking and I was still arguing with my boss and when I get in the car I see my baby sister too there is a man driving and a woman telling me how much she wants to help and that she could take me to my family I asked for her phone but I was still distracted with my boss that I didn’t even think about the jeep moving then remember thinking we are not safe and I’m trying to take Rylee out the seat and bring her closer to me and I see the lady in the passenger seer trying to stab me with a needle but she was going soo slow so I just threw it out the window but then she looked at my brother and he was talking about how unwanted sexual pleasure felt so good then I woke up I did not wanna stay in that dream

4 Jul 2024



i was roller skating in a pretty forest/ park thing and came across a 2 headed stag deer one head was disfigured but the deer came up to me and was very affectionate and nice , i wasn’t afraid of the disfigured head , the deer was letting me pet and cuddle it and was very nice and loving . after this interaction i went out of the forest and was on a street where a big muscular girl then punched me for not wanting to give her girlfriend one of my dresses . i then woke up in real life went back to sleep and found myself in the exact same forest this time there was a rave going on and i met 2 girls who were nice to me, during the rave i said the music was bad and the music stopped and the crowd started shouting at me and so did the 2 girls and then i left the forest and was back on the same street as before but this time there was a man who told me he sold me on the black market and tried to stab me with a needle to sedate me , it didn’t work because i was wearing a thick dressing gown and i managed to prick him with it but in the end he managed to prick me back and then started screaming for help and all the women on the street where mocking me in a different language then i blacked out and woke up in real life

11 Jun 2024



I wrote this dream down in 2019, it was another MONO dream. So, my dream last night seemed like a combo of The Simpsons, Lost, Pokemon, and the Disney app game because I was on an animated island inside of a game. I was a part of a clan and seemingly nobody thought there were others on the island except for us. They were wrong and I was right. I was inside these buildings running around in a panic and all of a sudden I saw someone that was not part of my people and he was taking notes on me. Then I went to the land And it all looked like an amusement park mixed with Whoville. There was a Pokemon Adoption Center for old and retired Pokemon. The entrance was like the Cat in the Hat ride at Universal Studios. Then I went on an elevator down and I went to a Pokemon creation center where you could create your own Pokemon. While I was down there, some boys approached me and I had to fight, but they sprayed gas in my face and drugged me. Then I was running around my clan and telling them that we were not the only ones on the island. Nobody believed me, and so I went looking for the people. All the meanwhile, I was dealing with many shipments of small houses for small animals that were all in a room. I stumbled across the land that was animated by a big tree with a bunch of flowers surrounding it. It was pretty. I didn't know that I was being watched. Then I was taken. I woke up in a doctor room where they shot me with a needle right into my side boob armpit region because they missed my arm and it hurt because they didn't get all the air out of the tube before they shot it in me. They handed me like 20 pills in different sizes and colors and ordered me to swallow them. I kept asking what they were. Some were cut and some were huge like half of a pinky finger. For some reason, I started taking them and I was walking around the office when I stumbled across Krusty the Clown and Homer Simpson and they were arguing. Homer Simpson was also my husband and he was trying to convince Krusty that he could dress up like Krusty so Homer could do the surgery and not hurt me instead of Krusty because Krusty would hurt me. Krusty agreed because he couldn't take hurting more people with the surgery. I still didn't know what the surgery was. I stumbled across the main dude who was behind it all and tried to convince him not to do the surgery. I was whining and crying and losing my mind because I was on drugs. He said, nope, we're doing it. And Homer dressed up as Krusty gave me a wink while I was on the table. Then the main dude walks in, I jump off the table disoriented because of drugs and he says that we can't do the surgery today. Then he says, hopefully I won't die today anyway because all the pills I had to take. Homer and I stumbled out of the door and I tumbled down a hill. The people that surround sprayed gas in my face found me. I woke up scared and punching from the drugs in the doctor room. They told me to be quiet because my people were walking by and I started screaming. Then, I was back in the room of small animals living in tiny dollhouses. I was trying to keep the bad mice out from the good mice. Eventually, the people believed me that there were others on the island trying to do harm to us.

25 May 2024

Storm gray clouds


i was living a happy life and then weird stuff began happening around me and my pets, the water in the ocean around my house turned red and the fishies couldn’t see and the animals became diseased and dyed red. the sky used to be bright and blue but from that point it was cloudy and dark despite it still being day time, it looked like a thunderstorm but there was no thunder and no rain. then i come home one day and see that my 2 pet giraffes are buried in the sand with only their heads sticking out. i try really hard to dig them out but the waves keep levelling the sand, undoing my progress and making it 10x harder to dig them out. its raining by that point and im sobbing and screaming because i think i cant take them out because they’re too heavy but eventually i managed to take the first giraffe out and then i just barely was able to get the second giraffe out. then im in my room with my boyfriend and i notice that there’s 2 needles on my wall. i come closer to take a look and there’s popcorn pierced through the needles and stuck to my wall, 1 needle for each giraffe that was buried. one of the popcorn pieces was starshaped. in the dream im filled with overwhelming dread and i try to find answers as to what this means but i find nothing.

7 May 2024



I had this terrifying dream. I was hanging out with my dad like I was little again when I was about eight and she went for a drive and we were just hanging out going camping and then it’s like 15 years ago by almost but I’m like 14 now all I know is , my dad brought me to some clinic to get a haircut done while all I know is they stick a needle in my head because I said I had bad scalp and they stepped a needle in me and I felt really weird and they said there you go that’s supposed to help but they never even cut my hair and then all I know is leaving and I feel super light so I told my dad I don’t think this is right then as we’re walking out, the guy said I hope you have fun. We just laced you with a bunch of fentanyl, motherfucker, and terrified the crap out of me and all I know is I felt like I was dying in my dream

2 May 2024



I had a dream that I was doing needles before work

30 Mar 2024



Kittens that were injured as I got closer to inspect them. The grey kittens were in pain. They were cut bleeding and one of the kittens swallowed needles and had needles inside them. I was panicking to get them all off. I could hear the kittens cries.

29 Mar 2024

Dead body


There I was. Impaled through my stomach and out by back by one of the needles that was sitting at the bottom of this abyss I was knocked into that now has my blood dripping on it covering it in my blood. My limbs are twitching as I'm stuck around the needle point as my body is unable to go further down towards the bottom. My eyes pour blood the same time my mouth is throwing it up. I saw from a different perspective this time. This time I'm looking up at myself. But as bad as it is it couldn't possibly get any worse. That was a lie. Sooner than later I see a train falling right above me. And at the right moment, I woke up. I rose up quickly dripping in sweat and tears looking like I just been baptized. I found myself clenching my pajama shirt in between my stomach and my chest where there was excruciating pain. But it was only a nightmare. So why am I having this pain? This feeling was familiar to me… could this be another one of my prophetic dreams? If it was than I need to figure out what it means. Quickly. I laid back down questioning myself. How did I end up in that situation? Well let me tell you. I'm standing in front of an abyss. In between this large rigid train track that goes across this petrifying hole that leads to another side. I tried to run to the other side of this abyss but I gave up to the thought that it wasn't going to end. I closed my eyes and I somehow ended up in the same spot to begin with. “this place seems scarcely familiar..” I whispered to myself afraid that I would attract unwanted attention. I examine the place trying to look for certain things that could possibly ring a bell so that I can remember where I am and how to escape. And this is what I see. I looked in front of me and there is a train track that has no support holding it up above or below. I looked down and I saw a corpse lying on the train track where its ‘used to be’ head was. When I looked over to where the rest of its rotted head has been scattered to, I get startled to the sight and jerked backwards falling having tripped on the boards of the track. My hands start to shake like they were having a seizure and my heart was already starting to beat up against my ribs trying to escape and leave me making my breathing pattern irregular. Soon I get up and back away quickly from it and turn around ready to run away from this place like a headless chicken. But alas I am stopped by a brick wall that was infinity high. I immediately run to get around it but the deeper I got thee more ominous that place got. I started to feel my tear ducks fill with salty water as I become frustrated and terrified I was with this place. I close my eyes to release the tears and found myself right back in the middle of the train tracks. I continued to keep looking around and I eventually see an old abandoned gas station with one street light flickering and shining over a figure that would sometimes appear under the light and a sign written in blood, ‘Only the true special ones make it home this way’. I tensed up at the sign as another dead corpse lying on the side of the sign. I felt offended by the sign saying ‘only the special ones’ due to my narcissistic side. It was like it was taunting me saying I wasn't. But I am special! “What makes me different from the people that survived?” the next thing I knew, I see a train coming right for me on the tracks right when I began to start hoping on the boards. Still on land I watch as the train speeds my way as I stood there as numb as a block of wood. But right as it seemed it was about to hit me, I stupidly cross my arms in front my face and lower myself into a stance ready to accept my fate. My eyes teared at the thought, ‘Maybe I'm not special…?’. I closed my eyes tight enough it felt like my eyes were being pushed in by the lids of them. I stood there and opened my eyes hesitantly expecting a harsh impact, I felt nothing but strong wind. I stayed in that position for another half a second before fully opening my eyes with confusion. I could see the train around me as I went through it. “ghost train..?” I asked quietly before falling to my knees as the winds stopped holding me up. After another second I stand up again from my knees regaining my confidence despite this ungodly place and ignoring the fact that something was waiting for me on the other side. I begin hoping on the boards risking my life with each hop. It wasn't until I get to the middle of the huge abyss where I missed a step and fell in between the boards. I immediate reflex was to hold on to something so I don't fall in. I grasped onto one of the boards that was thankfully not far away. I couldn't bring myself back up due to the many trains that were passing by and possibly knocking me off the track, so I had to reach to the next board like I was playing on monkey bars. Once I finally reached the end of the abyss, I climbed up onto the land and unlike the other side I felt grass in the ground so I knew I was making ok progress. Still being the darkest, gloomiest and most ominous place I've ever seen in my life, I am still cautious to this new sight. I stood up facing a forest with very tall thin grayish brown trees with dull grass. As I stood up as silent as a white rabbit hiding from its prey, I observed the forest regretting having gone over here. Until I heard a faint whisper and rustling leaves behind me. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I tuned around to see if I've gotten far from whatever that was, but it turned out I didn't get far at all. I stopped trying to run and stood looking behind me. Nothing. I figured I could continue finding my way through this forest but as soon as I turned around I meet this thing with a safe for a head wrapped in thorns and an apron covered in dirt and blood along with its hammer covered in mud blood and other disgusting fluids you could ever think of. It already had its weapon held up high as I stood there and before I could process the moment, he swung his hammer and I fell in the abyss. I'm falling and paralyzed and afraid. This is where I've met my wits end. Even though I can not move or scream and cry bloody murder for help, I can still feel this pain that has impacted me. It felt like someone dropped a wreaking ball wrapped in sharp wires cutting open my skin while releasing its disease through my sore body. It felt like someone injected a poison in me that also had small crystals inside of the killing substance just to tear me apart on the inside as much as it is on the outside. As I'm falling the river of tears, blood, and a black tar like substance flow out of my eyes, nose and mouth. I see all the lost souls, dead bodies, blood, and organs spread out everywhere. My perspective changed in this dream changed so that I could see myself falling from a distance. I see that as I fall I managed to turn over facing the ground. The perspective changed again and now I see that my face has gone pale and I could feel my heart giving up and my eyes changing to a cloudy gray. And there I was. Impaled through my stomach and out by back by one of the sharpest infectious needles that was sitting at the bottom of this abyss I was knocked into. My limbs are twitching as I'm stuck around the needle point as my body is unable to go further down towards the bottom. My eyes pour blood the same time my mouth is throwing it up. I could still see from a different perspective this time. This time I'm looking up at myself and the train falling right over me behind me. The fastest second went by and the train finally fell on me. Scattering my insides out. Squirting all the fluids out my body. And splitting me in half due to the pressure put on my body while still on the needle like a kebab.

25 Mar 2024



I was driving in my husbands 2021 Chevy truck in a random state I had never been and missed my turn. Did a loop and pulled off to this random empty parking lot, it was behind a hobby lobby or old run down target department store with tons of open parking and no one around... I took Emory, my 18month old daughter out of the truck with me and we took the trash from our trip to a nearby dumpster. As I’m walking the trash bag starts to rip. Trash trails behind me, I put my daughter on the ground and off of my hip to start picking up behind myself. From what seems like all four side of me, surrounding me 3 males and 1 female all ranging in ages from 25-34 started laughing and making comments about the trash. How is belonged to the street and I was being too nice. I get to a cement median dividing the parking lot and sit down with my daughter, I’m exhausted and just trying to get to Kurt’s parents house-(Kurt is my husband). I take off my book bag and start to pull out more trash from accidental spill and by this time all four-(what looked like homeless hungry possibly jail community service members ) were hovering overtop of me digging through my trash and wanting to eat anything I had left over, Maybe a sip left of Apple Juice- Week old fries it didn’t matter. I start handing out food scraps not realizing this one young man- possibly about 26, tall (6”1) skinny white dude with dirty blonde hair comes angrily speed walking up behind me, I turn around towards starting to stand up to him. He grabs my writs so tight and in his left hand I see a small sized needle. Before I can throw him off, he stabs my Flexor Pollicis Brevis and I immediately feel a numbness all throughout my hand. He then goes behind me and stabs me with another needle in my upper left shoulder blade. I run back towards Emory whom I find sitting on the older woman’s lap- Emory is crying and foaming a blue color at the mouth. Shes not crying so I assumed the women shoved a drug pill down her mouth. I YANKED EMORY out of her arms and start smacking her on the back to get her airway unblocked. I TRY TO YELL AT THE WOMEN AND MY THROAT JUST BECOMES SO SORE AND CLOSED. We run to the truck and leave. I finally make it to the in-laws place and give Emory water to clean whatever she had in her mouth out. My right hand starts to bubble and blister. Starts bleeding. I immediately call 911 and they send cops over to start asking questions even though all I wanted was an ambulance. The whole family is sitting on the back deck of the second level of the house talking to cops when out of the left corner of the side of the house I see the guy who stabbed me with a needle with a gun running up on us all. I quickly grab Emory and run inside. Then I wake up.

20 Mar 2024



Dreamed I was going on a hike with friends to a magical waterfall. When arrived at the beautiful large waterfall there was a spirit that tested anyone who swam in the water fall to face their deepest fears. I had a disbelief attitude and said let’s try it. There where rules to not look at anyone while swimming in the water and etc. I thought it was weird and when I jumped into the water I began to break all the “waterfall rules” and was instantly shot with 2 pink darts with needles that held a pink liquid. It instantly made me pass out into a sleep in the water. If no one was there I would have drowned while facing my fears in the instant sleep the darts gave me. When I was pulled out the water by a friend I started to wake up from the forced fear dream, not feeling or remembering I saw much in that unconscious moment. I did feel shocked about the idea I was forced to sleep in waters that could have drowned me. However I jumped in the water and did it again and again until I woke up in life. Felt no fear.

19 Mar 2024



I’m in this room of an academy and I felt like there was something off, but I ignored it. Then there was a door and a woman was at the door and she asked a boy to go and get the best workers from a nearby orphanage so in the morning the kids can go to this academy too. There was two girls that got roomed with me, one was a black girl with two puff balls on her head, the other girl looked strangely like the woman who ran the school, she had a sharp nose , blue eyes, blonde hair, but unlike the headmistress she had blue, pink, and red stripes of color in her hair. She was really kind and when I first went into the room she hugged me, but when she hugged me I could feel all of her emotions flooding into my soul. Weirdly any time I touched or hugged someone I could feel every feeling they had being leached from their bones and swim into mine. The woman was nice at first, but one time I walked into the room and she had the blonde girl by the hair. And she told her that she better focus on her studies instead of drawing. The girl pushed the headmistress away and into a wall. As the headmistress leaned against the wall I hit her with a rock. Thinking it was the girl she yelled do you think that you can hit me. So I responded by saying no she doesn’t but I do. And I ran at her and jumped on her back. She tree me off, an grabbed a needle from my desk. So in response I grabbed a pair of rusty scissors. I grab the girl and we run downstairs together trying to escape. But at the bottom of the stairs there looked to be a purple mist. Then I saw a phone with a text on it from the headmistress that said getthem. I knew that the fog was designed to make us fall asleep. But me and the girl ran through it like it wasn’t there. But I could hear singing. As we got to the edge of the property we started to run even faster because a woman was running after us. Still we kept running until we got to a nearby town. It felt like we’ve been to this town before though.

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