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Dream Interpretation: Pineapple 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pineapple? Discover the significance of seeing a Pineapple in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pineapple appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Pineapple in a dream symbolizes success, wealth, and prosperity. It may also represent your desire for exotic and luxurious things in life. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for self-care and indulgence.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current goals and aspirations. Are you working towards achieving success and wealth? If not, it may be time to start taking steps towards your desired future. Additionally, consider taking some time for self-care and indulgence to recharge and rejuvenate yourself.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a pineapple may evoke feelings of curiosity and intrigue. It symbolizes a sense of adventure and exploration, as well as a desire for something exotic and unique. The vibrant and tropical nature of the pineapple may also elicit feelings of joy and happiness. Additionally, the dream may signify a need for nourishment and vitality in one's life. Overall, the dream of a pineapple brings a sense of excitement and a longing for new experiences.





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27 May 2024

New Home


I was looking at houses because I was ready to get a new home. I found a home that I thought I liked but when I got closer to it I didn’t like it as much. It was too round and short and didn’t seem big enough for all of my children. It looked like a pineapple. There were other strange looking homes in the neighborhood and they were getting smaller as I sent down the street. Some looked like a grill and only big enough for one person to live in. Some were completely glass and shaped like a purse and maybe a small person could fit in. I didn’t like any of the houses once I looked at the whole neighborhood.

11 Mar 2024



It started when mama and Dave went out to buy rice, and I was left in Dave's house. Idk what happened but I went to get CJ and together we went outside. There was a white van and we get into it. I only have 10 php money, so Idk what will happen. Then we travelled to Phillips. I saw the houses and the driver was bringing the passengers to their respective houses. Then we suddenly crashed on the pineapple field, but luckily were not injured. I asked the driver to stop at the gasoline station. I gave him the 10 php and apologize as I don't have any money left. The driver sighed but luckily let us go since he didn't have a choice. There were lots of people at the gas station. I carried CJ and started walking towards our home in Damilag. While walking away, I looked back and saw Gio, wearing an orange shirt. I was surprised and said "you're here again?!" He walked towards me and smiled. I then said to CJ "say hello to tito Gio". And we walked together. I forgot what we talked about but he went home first cause there house is a few blocks from us. Before he went inside their house, he kissed my hand. And then went on and I woke up.

23 Jan 2024

Make up


I went to a friends place and they had a tarantula and all of their decor was spider themed. They said, "I like spiders so fucking deal with it. We're also ordering olive and pineapple pizza." I almost cried. I made up an excuse to go get bubble tea for us but the place was closed. Then I had to go back to their errifying house with their awful pizza. The pizza had alfredo sauce.

23 Nov 2023

Giving Birth


Strat a man a woman and there kid the kid was on a merry go round in a car the car went out Control the man and woman left him they go home and then they was talking the kid came back with out Control car but it was on fire I left that place because the kid leave a hole on the house I was in a room with lady’s sitting around the table I never see them before I want a sack I look around I see cookies and a fridge raider I grab the cookie and I ate it but I want a different type of sack I go in the fridge raider I see a pineapple in a plastic cups container and different snacks I did not want so I ate one of pineapple in a plastic cup container but I want more but the fridge Raiders disappeared on me and the lady was taking another lady away and strap me down the table I was feeling like they want me to give birth but I don’t want do that right now so I left out I play cards with some strangers I never see them before so I left and I go in the car I was trying to change the dream but I it’s sort of work I make the older brother hold younger brother but they disappeared my grandma was called on the FaceTime when I click the button it show her but didn’t show me it show my die cousin I ask him why do you don’t change your hairstyle when you is die he said I can’t change my hairstyle I see his background is White but with my grandma background is inside her home I try to get the chips but it was glitching but I ate it too I laugh little bit to

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