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Dream Interpretation: Knife 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Knife? Discover the significance of seeing a Knife in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Knife appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes the ability to cut through things, both literally and figuratively. It can represent the ability to get to the heart of a matter, as well as the ability to make tough decisions. This can also signify violence or aggression, so it's possible that you were feeling threatened or unsafe in your dream. Alternatively, it can also represent a painful experience or difficult decision.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

What chaos do you need to cut through? Are you feeling threatened? Remember, be encouraged, be bold and feel empowered. The same knife that threatens you in your dream is YOUR knife that you can use to cut through the chaos that surrounds you. Be decisive and make a move; you got this!

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a knife can evoke a range of emotions, depending on the context and individual experiences. It may bring feelings of fear, vulnerability, or danger, as a knife is often associated with violence or harm. On the other hand, it can also symbolize empowerment, protection, or the need to cut ties with something or someone. The emotions tied to this dream can be intense and unsettling, as it represents a potential threat or the need for decisive action.





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17 Jul 2024



I was at a huge church. I was in the kitchen and there was two other staff members. I was rushing her because we had to cut the turkey or meat and serve the congregation. One lady was arguing with me so I gave her the knife so she could do it. She grabbed it and didn't realize the blade was sharp and it surprised her. She cut the meat and I served the gravy after that into little cups onto the plates. I then rushed the food to the crowd.

13 Jul 2024

Rumah terbengkalai
Masa Depan


Death of Nasfi I was exploring with Danish and nasfi, my best friends, we were exploring a few abandoned buildings, In a high building on a certain floor we saw a corpse, we then quickly run downstairs, we didn't cancel our exploration though, In fact, I and nasfi is separating with Danish, Danish goes to the building and Nasfi, Me are going to the abandoned office, in the office we found yet another obese corpse, it is still fresh though, which means it was killed recently, then I saw it, a goth girl killed my bestfriend nasfi with knife, she stabs him a lot of times, Apparently I was scared so I ran out side the office, and then I saw my aunt HikHik who saw everything call the police, when the police came, I told them everything I know, I went home weight hearted with danish. Then I visited nasfi's funeral, I met nasfi's grandma, she is briefing, and her parents are sobbing too. Nasfi's grandma called down and told me a lot about nasfi and nasfi's past, she also showed me his weird scribbles that were actually depictions of a country or place called golania or Russia, Nasfi really wants to go to Russia Siberia. The fact is that nasfi and his grandma actually came from russia. Then in the future I met nasfi's killer, "Celicia gothica", with the leader of the butter chameleon kingdom, Queen " Aellysa", Me and Aellysa defeated celicia, Celicia did horrible stuff and killed a lot of people, but we decided to forgive her.

12 Jul 2024



It starts off at a school wi ddint know and I was holding a baby flamingo, after that I was reffing a weirdly shaped football field and it was smaller age kids I left after halftime and found one of my best friends Cassidy, after me and get where hanging out at the football game a guy approached me and her and he had an interest in me, he was extremely tall, I had to look up to see his face, he was handsome. Never seen him before. Well he took us to his house or garage area it was down a long gravel road and his place was secluded in trees. We get there and me and her get an eerie feeling. He ended up having a bunch of guys over and they wouldn’t let us leave. Cassidy had her phone on her and hide in a closet beside us while I distracted then guys. She called her boyfriend Conner, and our softball team. They end up arriving but can’t get past the fence. So me and Cassidy make a run for it when the guys where distracted. We go across the fence to find Connor and my entire softball team, one of the guys followed us and had drawn a knife on us so I rushed forward because I had a knife as well I stabbed him and took his knife.

12 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I’ve had this kind of dream before a couple of times the past couple weeks. But a little bit of a different senario. It started off with me standing in the living room with my friend Max wnd Mauricio. We were talking and wished we had some booze. Then me and Mauricio looked at eachother because he had already showed me. Anyways then we proceeded to fake die, then press a button and we would “die” and blood would shoot out of our head. Then you open your eyes in this different dimension almost? Then Max was very confused. We explained to him how we go into the sketchy building. Collect some things from there, then go to the store in the same building to sell it and buy booze. But there is a demon or something in there that tries to kill you for being there. You can only carry 4 things and you have to make it out alive. If you die in there someone has to sell something to get a like green ping pong ball that will bring you back to the normal dimension. Then we go in and are looking around. Mauricio walks through a door and gets taken by a demon. Then me and Max bolt the other way. I’m grabbing loot as I run and max is behind me freaking out because we are being chased. We then run into a room that has stairs down it and I see a knife sitting on the floor to the left of the staircase. I then jump over the railing (roughly 8 ft drop) and grab the knife. I turn around to see the demon killing Max. Then it looks at me and lunches. I watch it coming at me and when it gets to me I proceed to side step and stab it, then I pretty much fight it while it’s coming at me getting another stab in here and there. After about 6 times it finally dies. I then drop 2 things and leave to go to the shop. Sell my knife and what seemed like a golden hand mirror and get two lime green ping pong balls. Then as I go lay back down holding the two balls Max and Mauricio show up in the normal world. Max looks at me and says “what the actual fuck just happened” and I turned to him and said “don’t worry. I got your reboot card” then my alarm woke me up.

11 Jul 2024



There was someone in the school who once a week comes in and hunts one student and I had to hide in a bathroom stall until the hunter got the student, and at the end of the dream the hunter stabs the student with a knife a bunch of times.

10 Jul 2024



I'm in a single room house that is covered in blueish, glowing crystalized ice, a single door behind me, and a man sitting in the middle of the room. He has long brown hair, is wearing a long dark trenchcoat, and I can hear him whittling away at something in his hands. I grow curious and approach him to look over his shoulder. He's carving a lion figurine that's lying down with it's head turned. I'm impressed by the detail and craftsmanship of the carving. It looks realistic to the point of being lifelike. When all of a sudden, I get a sense of dread come over me. Almost as if I'm not supposed to be there in that place, let alone behind this man. I take a single step back and the ice below my foot melts under me, causing me to slip and fall on my back with a hard thud. This causes the man to lift his head, but he doesn't look at me. It seems like he's aware of me at this point, if he wasn't aware of me the entire time. In a panic, I scramble to get to my feet and run for the door, which evaporates in front of me the moment I get close. Frustrated, I pound a closed fist on the wall left behind where the door used to be. At this point, I turn around and the man is standing five feet away from me, knife in his right hand, aimed at the floor. He's staring at me curiously with soft blue eyes, but makes no movement towards me. He has a long beard to match his long brown hair, and is wearing a white robe while being completely barefoot. As I stare back, I feel an overwhelming sense of fear as I look at him. However, I can't rationally explain why I am afraid of him. I only know that I am afraid of him enough to cause my lip to quiver as I press my body against the wall. At that moment, the man begins to approach me, gripping the knife tighter. The sense of fear is too much for me to handle and I drop to my hands and knees in front of the man. "Please, have mercy!" I cry out, causing the man to stop. I'm near fully genuflecting to this stranger crying my eyes out in front of him. "I didn't mean to be nosy! I'm so sorry! Please... please, have mercy on me! I am begging you!" At this point, I'm questioning why I should be afraid of this man. He had thus far presented no threat towards me. It like I'm ashamed of my behavior even though I feel justified for feeling afraid. As I try to compose myself, I feel the flat side of the blade rest on the bottom of my chin. My body lightly trembles at the touch of the cold steel, as my mind races. "This is it," I say to myself. "This is how I'm going to die. This stranger is going to kill me." To my surprise... he doesn't. He simply uses the knife to raise my head until it levels out. The edge of the blade rests and presses gently on my throat once my head comes to rest. My eyes are closed due to my fears and I'm still trembling. After a few seconds of the man not doing anything else, I somehow summon up my courage and open my eyes. The stranger is staring back at me, bending his right knee with his left land resting on his left knee. Something about his face seems kind as my breathing hastens at first. However, after some time, my breathing stabilizes and the sense of fear goes away. Finally, the man does something after what feels like a solid minute of us staring each other down. He glides the blade from right to left across my throat. My lip quivers once more and my brow furrows as I reach for my throat the moment the knife is removed. He calmly sets the blade down immediately after I clutch my neck. To my continued surprise, there's no cut. No blood coming out. I remove my hand and there's no blood there either. After realizing this, I look back at the stranger and he gracefully smiles at me. He stands up, reaches out with his left hand towards me, and says, "Rise, my child." Without much thought, I feel compelled to reach out to him and he helps me back on my feet. It's at this point I notice a hole in his hand as I grasp it. He leads me by the hand like a parent guiding a child, bends down to pick up the lion carving, then gives it to me. "The Leo will show you the way." He says as I admire the figurine. I look up to tell him thank you, but he is nowhere in sight. As I'm looking for him, I turn to see the door that had evaporated before has now returned. As I faze upon it, it opens, a bright white light shines through, and I can hear a lion's roar.

9 Jul 2024



First thing I remember is noticing me and my brother coming home from work and noticing my bedroom window is open and the screen has been cut the we hear noses coming from the house the some random guy walks in and holds us hostage for something the some lady does the same thing I grabbed something to try and defend myself but she grabbed a knife and the she kills my brother and hurts me I’m almost dead but I call my mom to let her know I figured out one name somehow and I tell her and let her now I love her and I’m sorry then I woke up

7 Jul 2024



I was being chased by a man who wanted to kill me I was running through the city and passed by a knife store and grabbed a knife and kept running but he also grabbed a knife it was super hard for me to run but somehow I would run in burst as I was running through the city I was in a mall and he was no longer behind me but I knew he still wanted to kill me so I kept running through the mall and then ran out of the mall and there he was with his truck I try to run back to the mall and scream for help but notice that the mall seemed to be destroyed and everyone inside was panicking and running I assume a bomb hit, so I was screwed because no one would help me because of this other event going on so I had to face the man I turned around he didn’t have a knife he had a syringe full of poison as soon as he stab me with the syringe and injected it I also stabbed him in his side but we both fell down like we died and then I woke up

6 Jul 2024



I was in the back left seat of a black Chevrolet as we were driving on a desert plain. I looked out the window of the other cars driving and I see two tesla trucks heading in the opposite direction. When came up to this big warehouse and the driver starts to tell a joke about me. I just ignored it while the rest of the car laughed. We pulled right up to the facility and I can see a actual gundam being built. I was amazed. We head into the top secret facility. Time passed. It was now dark outside. I started walking back to the black Chevrolet with a high authority man and another secret service agent like myself. I opened the drivers seat and just when I was about to sit, I asked the high authority man for his opinion on where he thinks we should sit (as it felt like this was our first time with someone so important). He stated that there should always be one person siting next to him in the back. So I told the colleague to come drive instead while I sit in the back. We started to leave the facility when we noticed a big crowd of people forming at the gate. They were a bunch of protestors. As we were leaving, a crazy lady had broken through security and thrown a curved stainless steel blade. It punctured the window, almost striking the driver. We mad eour escape for now. Time has passed once again. Now on the road and right when we think we were safe, another attacked has happened. This time however, our driver took a hit and was bleeding near the neck area. I tried my best to stop the bleeding but was unsuccessful. I grabbed the vip and we ditched the car at a local mall.

2 Jul 2024

Mother dying


my mum brought out a knife and tried to stab herself saying that she wants to die and when i tried to stop her she helf the knife next to my head

2 Jul 2024

Old Man


My girlfriend and I were rented out our house to someone for a night. A younger man rented the room we got everything set up for him then went back to our bedroom to sleep. We heard him leave to go get something out of his car. A few minutes later a girl was sitting in our bed. I looked at her for a few minutes and said Anna didn’t we have a boy staying with us? And Anna said yes. All three of us walked out the room when I saw the front door open and the man had a gun. The lady strangled me and brought me into the quest bedroom. Anna was there too. I got this lady pinned down but could only stab her a small amount with a pencil. I went to grab a knife from the kitchen. I came back to the room to see the girl now had two small knives. I kept trying to stab her in the stomach by my knife was too wobbly and I could only saw on her a little bit. I tried calling 911 while Anna was looking for a gun but didn’t make it in time. Somehow I was transported into scenery where I was watching tv with Anna her 23 year old daughter and a Mexican lady I didn’t know. I went to get a snack and the fridge was filled with beautiful treats. Anna came to get me and we noticed an old white man following us I was transported again to a kinda house part with a really strange vibe. A few minutes went past and I saw two men dragging a girl into the house. It was the same girl who was trying to strangle me. I left and when I did I noticed everyone else had already gone except for a military man and his son. This man was so nice to me as I told him why I was afraid of the girl and wanted to leave I asked him to get my keys for me cause I left them inside. He gave me a few badges that made me smile and then went inside. When he came back out both of our cars where gone and we noticed them getting towed we chased the tow man down the interstate and when he finally stopped we had to climb through an insane amount of mud on a hill. It cut out after that

1 Jul 2024



I was at a lake with my 2 of my friends. Suddenly, 3 cute guys appear next to us. They asked us if we wanted to go to Florida. We all agreed. My two friends and 2 of the guys entered a car and drove off. Me and the other guy entered his car and started to drive off as well. I fell asleep in his car. When I woke up, I was still in his car, and he was still driving. I looked around and noticed we were in the middle of a dense pine tree forest. “This doesn’t look like Florida,” I thought to myself. The guy pulled up to a clearing in the forest. There was an old trailer, with tons of trash surrounding it. He parked the car outside the trailer, then asked me to come inside the trailer. I agreed and went with him. When we entered, I asked if we were still going to Florida. He told me no. He said that him and his grandma were going to eat me! He tied me up and put me in a chair by the trailer’s oven. I watched as his grandma prepared knifes and forks to skewer me. Then he untied me to put me into the oven. I pushed him away and ran out of the trailer. Suddenly, the car was gone. I grabbed a Swifer wet jet mop, and rode it like a Segway out of there! I rode the mop all the way to a park my friends and I used to hang out that. By then it was the middle of the night. My mop had broken and the guy was chasing after me in his car. I ran into a cop and begged the cop to help me. Just then, the guy appeared next to me. He told the cop that I was his crazy girlfriend and to not listen to me. The cop wouldn’t help me, and agreed with the guy. The cop handcuffed me and put in the guy’s car.

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