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Dream Interpretation: Legs 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Legs? Discover the significance of seeing a Legs in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Legs appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents progress, growth, and development and a foundation upon which all of these are built. This symbol also suggests that you need to be aware of the progress that is taking place around you. It can also be interpreted as a symbol of sexuality and your sexual pursuits.

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🧭 Direction


Think about where you have been and where you are going. The dream meaning can differ based on the way you feel about things in your dream. Sometimes we can be afraid of someone else's legs as we fear their plans will harm us. Sometimes we can also fear the loss of our legs, indicating that we need to take steps to keep our forward momentum going. Other than this, notice if these truths are present in a sexual context for you.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about legs can evoke feelings of mobility, freedom, and strength. It may symbolize the ability to move forward in life, explore new opportunities, and overcome obstacles. This dream can also bring a sense of confidence and independence, as legs represent our ability to stand on our own two feet and take control of our own path. Additionally, the dream may elicit feelings of vulnerability or insecurity if the legs appear weak or injured, reflecting a fear of being unable to move forward or feeling unsupported in one's endeavors.





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14 Jul 2024



I was trying to walk to church but kept going in the wrong direction and having to correct myself. At certain pointe my legs would not work and I had to drag myself using a chain-link fence. I arrived at a family’s apartment and kept dodging the family members, trying to conceal my presence until I could enter the church. Eventually I was found and it was like one of those choose your own adventure video games. I chose to become the family’s “maid,” though the husband made it clear an affair with him was part of my employment. They had two turtles-one large, one small, a snake and two cats. The husband came home while I was folding blankets and securing them with tape. He ordered Florence, one of the daughters to hold Mary, the other so he could have sex with her. The wife called me into a sitting room and told me to take a he turtles out. I was concerned because the snake moving about the apartment freely and I wanted to protect the smaller turtle. The wife said not to worry and to play Telestrations with her. I refused, trying to secure the snake in its habitat, using a rock to keep the glass on top, but couldn’t manage to place it correctly as the wife kept yelling at me. I was scared of the snake-it had tried to bite me when I picked it up. I realized there was a small gap where the snake could get through and out of its own accord.

23 Jun 2024



i keep having recurring dreams about being in places where i can’t pick myself up. the location is sometimes at a school my mind makes up but it’s always about me not being able to hold my own weight to walk. my legs just don’t work in these dreams. i have to pull or drag myself to get where i need to go. or when i go to pick my backpack up i fall straight to the ground as if i have no strength.

13 Jun 2024



Had tattoos all over my legs, they were in black ink. I was taking my child swimming and got changed and walked to the pool but slipped and fell in. I remember thinking I don't want to make a fuss so I'll walk slowly and just get in the pool. When I slipped and fell in, the life guard blew his whistle and everyone turned around to look! I was embarrassed and passed it off as I was fine. The swimming pool was quite busy but was clean and nice to swim in.

22 May 2024



I went to the jail with my parents we were in a conference room waiting to talk to a relative. We walked through a couple hallways and got to this old style house my legs fell through the floors because I was too heavy. We went all the way back to the conference room to get my baby she was sleeping. We walked outside and I became drunk suddenly walking in a shallow pool. People were laughing at me.

18 May 2024



I thought I was awake and laying in bed, and an invisible being grabbed me by my hair bunched at the top of my head and lifted me to the ceiling and then forcefully pulled me backwards until I was pressed against the wall and I couldn’t get free. I reached up to feel what was holding me but all I could feel was my hair. It felt all bunched up really tight, as though us was being held in a giant fist. My sister came into the room and I asked her to help me get down and the being dropped me to the ground. I tried to stand up and walk, but my legs were uncontrollable and kept extending out to the side of my body in the air. My knees were very shaky and would dislocate without warning at the slightest touch. I was again grabbed by the hair and pulled to the ceiling and backwards two more times. My dad and brothers entered the room as my sister tried to calm me once I had been dropped to the ground again. One of them began tickling my armpits as if to try and cheer me up but it was extremely painful. I told them to stop and they began tickling my feet and it felt like I was being stabbed by pins and needles. I cried out in pain and yelled for them to stop but they thought I was joking at first. I again tried to walk but couldn’t control my legs and I remember saying I didn’t want to continue to live if this was going to be my life now and I couldn’t dance anymore. Eventually I woke up and realized it had only been a dream.

13 May 2024



My 10year old went missing I knew where she was. I ran down this long street but my legs wouldnt move fast enough. I ran past My daughter’d girl scout group and asked if someone seen her they said no. I kept running, my mom pulled at my arm to stop me and said “I know baby”. I got to the door who I believe had my daughter. A cop I knee was at the door with a crowd of people demanding the man to open the door. I pulled out my gun and cocked it. The cop held up a jug of juice and asked me if it was my daughter’s. The man was peeking out the door and finally opened it as I approached. I seen my daughter sleeping on his couch. I woke up screaming.

8 May 2024



I wasn’t myself, the dream was as though I was reliving someone else’s memory. It was at night and it was cloudy and I was on an old fashioned train platform and then the next second I was in front of this old train staring into the blinding light from its headlight and hearing its horn. The next thing I knew I was looking at the wheels of the train and the undercarriage and I felt like my legs were being severed from my body and when I awoke I kept having to check to see if my legs were still there. It seriously felt like they had been cut off about mid thigh!

4 May 2024



I had a dream that I liked this girls nails and I said that it looks pretty and I had asked my coach if I worked on my legs if it would help since I am a long distance runner

10 Apr 2024



4/9/24 Tonight I dreamt that I got my cat Moaders back, I was really happy everything looked normal. She looked healthy but parts of her body especially her legs we shaved due to her treatment but I didn't care because I loved her anyway. In my dream it was night time and I was heading off tho bed, Moaders fell asleep on my chest as she usually did as I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later I feel this tight squeeze like a hug and at first I think nothing of it until I open my eyes, Moaders was gone and instead there is a tall dark figure with bright greyish white over me squeezing neck. They looked really angry and most definitely wanted to kill me but I stayed calm and since I couldn't talk in my head I said "in the name of Jesus" and they were ripped away and disappeared

8 Apr 2024



I'm in my childhood home and playing the Sims computer game in the dark. I needed to shower but I felt that getting in a shower would be too much work so I just lather myself with soap and clean up using the sink. Everything is in the dark except I have a little light coming from a wall plug in. While I'm washing up, my brother and dad are downstairs watching tv. As soon as I finish washing my face, I go to my bedroom to dry off and get changed. I hear a lot of commotion downstairs and outside. So I go to my window to see that the local university is having a victory parade on the street and people are having a good time but some are starting to run but I can't see why, so I go to the top of the stairs to look down into the family living room and I found my dad and brother scrambling around with the couch up on its side and it appears that a leg on the couch is broken. I asked what happened and they said that some kids stole a gun out of my dad's truck and they tried to chase them so now they barricaded themselves in the house in case they tried to come in and started shooting. So I come downstairs to try and help and I asked them what the person looked like and they just said tall with wings. So I go outside because I don't care what happens to me. And I try to see if I can spot the person or people they are talking about and it is still chaotic out in the street. I end up finding them and it's a group of teens or younger adults that were traveling together by holding onto each other's legs and cartwheeling. They each also had wings and could fly. I attracted them to come back to the house by throwing 2 liters of sodas. They come back and I confronted them about stealing guns (which is highly unusual because I do not like guns and I do not like conflict or confrontation) and then I found the one that had the gun that my dad and brother described. He turned around to fly away from me. I said something else and he landed and then pointed the gun towards me and I woke up in a panic.

7 Apr 2024



In a giant superstore, walking around with friends and a trolley to do shopping. However, it got sorta of glitchy and some of the other shoppers would lag or the cheese would glitch. It then went silent and empty. Completely dark with just me walking through the aisles before I started running until my legs gave out and I collapsed on floor, crying. Then everything was back to normal. The aisles full and people back to shopping.

6 Apr 2024



i was on a trampoline and i tried to jump but my legs crossed before i could fully jump and i fell and woke up

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