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Dream Interpretation: Pregnant 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pregnant? Discover the significance of seeing a Pregnant in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pregnant appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream suggests that there is something in your life worth focusing on and nurturing. It also indicates the development of new ideas and ventures. Your mind is preparing you for what is about to enter your life.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

You may find yourself surrounded by new experiences, whether in your personal or professional life. Remember that preparation is key. Don't panic when faced with unexplored territory, but instead work on preparing yourself for this new venture.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being pregnant can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring feelings of anticipation, excitement, and hope for the future. It can also trigger anxiety, uncertainty, and a sense of responsibility. This dream symbolizes the potential for growth, new beginnings, and the creation of something meaningful. It may reflect the desire for change or the need to nurture and care for something or someone. Overall, the dream of being pregnant carries a range of emotions that are deeply personal and can vary depending on the individual's circumstances and mindset.





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Dreams of users containing the word Pregnant

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18 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Baby boy


In the year of 2020, I had a dream that the US was nuked, and we had to go into underground bunkers. However, the bunker that I was in only had one other person, a man that I didn’t know. In this dream, the man sexually assaulted me repeatedly, until I ended up pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. I don’t remember much else of the dream other than that.

18 Jul 2024



i had a dream where i was pregnant; didn’t know who the father was; and am a virgin

16 Jul 2024



There was a women possibility she was with me but she was sick she had some sort of destiny to die early yet she was pregnant with triplets and I was thinking if she was was going to be able to give birth and how it might kill her bc it all the energy it would take

15 Jul 2024



I was pregnant wearing all white in a white courtyard walking towards the middle. There were white peacocks on both sides of me walking with me and a smaller bird flying around my head singing a pretty song. I was very calm and peaceful. I was aware that I was pregnant with a boy.

14 Jul 2024



In the dream I had a connection to different planets and gemstones. I was over joyed and excited. It made me felt peace and happiness. I used the connection to figure out things in life and for healing. I felt so complete. I am watching a dog for someone I am no longer friends with. A male figure I felt was my father told me he brought the dog to pet store or community and she may be pregnant. I was trying to decide if I want to return his dog to keep it. The dog was happy running around and full of life. I had a feeling that owner of the dog asked me to watch her because he went someone where with my ex for the weekend. His intention were to have me watch his dog while he is hooking up with my ex. I am on a bus with a lot of people and we are driving somewhere. The interior felt and looked like a school bus. I have a journal I felt belong to the old friend who’s dog I am babysitting. I had a thought to go through the journal to see what I can discover, so I did. The pages seemed to be like a magazine with half of some of the pages ripped out. Other pages had nudity of men. I felt entertained and intrigued by the pages. The bus now seem to changed. Instead of rows of seats, we are sitting at tables and preparing to eat. I was focused on the need for hot sauce. I walked up to another male figure on the bus because I saw him with hot sauce. It seems too may people where around and the closer I get to him the more things made it difficult. A female figure and another male figure who I am friends with decided we are getting off the bus to find hot sauce. The female figure went to the bathroom, so my male figure friend and I went search for the sauce. We walked up to a male figure to ask him. He seemed interested in my female friend. My male figure friend seemed jealous so he was making the guy feel like she isn’t interest. The male figure wanted to hang with us anyway. I didn’t care and my male friend reluctantly didn’t make a big deal out of it. As we are walking down the street we stop someone to ask about this hot sauce. They pointed to a place where we can go.

14 Jul 2024



A dystopian world where only boys were born and girls had to be made/constrcuted outside of the womb. Also, falling in love didn't exist. But a boy fell in love with his mom's friend's daughter and he also prophecied or predicted that his mom's friend was pregnant with a girl. They were already running away because he had fallen in love so he had resigned himself to never seeing his mother again and was treating the mother of the girl he loved as his true mother. The mother of the girl he loved told him it was impossible, she couldn't be pregnant with a girl since girls could only be made, not born. But she did end up having a baby girl... It was a miracle

13 Jul 2024



I was about to give birth. I taught my old friends to study vagina examination. I was so excited, I lost blood, but it was like I didn’t know if I really was pregnant, I wanted to believe it. I went to the hospital and saw a guy I had sex with speaking about my cervix. I was really healthy. Surrounded. Wanted to call the other parent, my ex, tu surround me during this time

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was pregnant but I didn’t have sex. It was a dream mainly about the birth and afterbirth of TRIPLETS. I forgot their names but there was 2 boys and 1 girl I know that I wanted to name the girl Rosa because I thought it was beautiful. They were very healthy babies and I had a home birth. The last baby to be born had small complications, my mom had to help me get the baby out because it was stuck so I was naked without any pants or underwear on giving birth (ON MY MOMS BED) to a baby in my dream. The baby came out happy and healthy. My mom, Erika, Kailen, Michael, my grandpa, MY DAD, and 2 random guys idk were in the dream btw. I even asked Erika to use her baby stuff for my kids because she didn’t have Adam at the moment. I also hugged my mom in the bathroom and asked how she felt being a grandma at 14 (implying cuz I’m 14) she said she never thought this would happen. I kept making comments about how I was a young mom and I wondered how certain people would react. In the bathroom with my mom I asked her if she thinks my boobs were filling up with milk and she said eh a little but not a lot so I popped my tits out there were stretch marks and bruises everywhere like it looked like I got beat tf up. The babies were all neatly asleep in turquoise pajama’s with little hats. I don’t know why I had this dream but it genuinely scared me.😭

11 Jul 2024

Breaking up


A nightmare my boyfriend left me stranded somewhere I was begging him come get me he was being a asshole and I was pregnant and he knew it . I just kept calling him beggin him telling him to come get me he kept lying saying he was , but then I will call back he kept saying he’s not coming and he’s throwing everything out I own out the house he was breaking up with me like he left me on purpose stranded

11 Jul 2024

Baby girl
Old Home


I was getting ready in the morning and took a pregnany test and it came out positive. I was freaked out, but also a little happy and excited. I went to the store and bought a white onesie and put it in a plastic gift bag with tissue paper around to to hid it a bit. My boyfriend came home and I left the bag on the counter he asked what it is and I told him it’s something for him. He looks in the bag and states confused, he pulled out the onesie and aks “are you serious” and smiles, I say and and we hug each other. It then changes to us being in the hospital getting ready to have the baby and everything went perfect. My mom and sister came to help and my boyfriend was absolutely amazing the whole time and helped the entire time. I felt safe, calm, happy, and excited. I had a baby girl and I held her and melted like a Carmel due to how In love I was with her. Then it jumped to later on and I couldn’t find her I didn’t know where I placed her and I was in my grandparents old house that I grew up going to all the time. My steal dad and sister then pulls up, my sister is in the passenger seat, but now I’m at my old house I lived at when I was a teenager and she tells me to calm down and that she has my baby. She then passes me my baby through the car window and I wake up from the dream

9 Jul 2024



Dreamt that I was having period problems, heavy bleeding, and was concerned enough to go to the doctor. I’m at the gynecologist office and sent to use the restroom to take a pregnancy test. It comes back positive. I am both in shock and excited. The doctor confirms and I leave the office with paperwork stating I’m 5 weeks along. I think back to all of the junk food I’ve been eating recently and vow to do better from now on for my baby. I look at my side profile, see how heavy I am, and wish that I’d lost more weight before getting pregnant. I wonder how to safely lose weight during pregnancy. I take the positive test home with me and show my mom. She’s in disbelief/excited for me too and wants me to show Grandma. I show Grandma and she’s excited too. I don’t get the chance to tell my husband before I wake up.

9 Jul 2024



So in my dream it was like I was part of an ice kingdom and Aaron my bf was part of the fire kingdom. (I am pregnant right now with his child in real life) but the kingdoms could not have us together and with child to protect the two kingdoms so they separated us from each other and the school I was going to with the ice kingdom was like a highschool that had my highschool ex in it Noah who they were trying to make sure we had the child together instead of Aaron. But somehow in my dream and my mind and heart I already knew my child was here with Aaron and coming bc I was very pregnant already in my dream too and the people that were my friends wanted me to unite the kingdoms with our child but staged it to keep going along with Noah to protect my safety and he thought it was his child but wasn’t but I felt sorry for him and was having feelings for him too since being away forced away from Aaron but i knew it was wrong and my feelings could not last especially since it wasn’t his child but I did feel bad. When sentence came up and the truth was revealed that Noah was not the father the we were planning for a revolution he was furious and tried killing Aaron but it just started more of a war. And then I woke up wishing I could have finished the whole dream or create my own ending to it as well.

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