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Dream Interpretation: Baby 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Baby? Discover the significance of seeing a Baby in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Baby appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes your pure, uncorrupted nature. It may represent a fresh start or personal growth and your need to be more in tune with your inner child. However, it also suggests some vulnerable parts of you, which you are hiding from the others.

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🧭 Direction


Look for the parts of you that need care. You are afraid of something and are doing your best to hide it; however, remember this will not resolve any issues. Cater to your needs, keep your inner child alive and stay away from stress and worry.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a baby can evoke a range of emotions. It may bring feelings of tenderness, nurturing, and innocence. It could also elicit a sense of responsibility, protection, and joy. Additionally, the dream might stir up emotions of vulnerability, fear, or uncertainty, as babies are often associated with new beginnings and the unknown. Overall, the dream about a baby can elicit a mix of positive and challenging emotions, reflecting the complexities of parenthood and the journey of life.





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18 Jul 2024



I had a baby

17 Jul 2024



I was holding a squirming baby boy and walking down a residential street. I saw a cellphone on a stand playing a video and some teenage kids across the street playing. I grabbed the phone off the stand and hid it between me and the baby and started power walking back .

16 Jul 2024



i don't remember much, but i remember that my auntie who was working abroad went back at our country, and while me and my friends is just talking, like there was kind of celebration— she went up there where we are, with a baby, and like I was wow so cute, and she gave the baby to me, saying they were twins, and I better take care of this one, and that her daughter is on a flight to here, while the other is still just booking and so I did try to. take care of the baby, and when my aunt went down to the other floor, my dog, dolly? or something looking similar to her lunged at the baby, taking it from me, the crying baby stopped crying, and I was like panicking but also calming myself down, and a few moments later, I separated the dog to the baby, with so much force it whined, and when I looked at the baby it wasn't mauled, but looking dead, and plasticky, like when you touch it, it feels like deeping your finger in a slime, and overall, the baby looked dead. I was kind of grieving, and hating the dog as I went down to the 3rd floor to second floor, still not sure how to break it down to her, but when I went to the ground floor, she just got back, with the other baby who looked like they have grown a bit, and she took the baby who was attacked by the dog, and said 'she's dead.' As she made me hold the other baby. (anyways that's as much as I remember :))

15 Jul 2024

Old boss


I was sitting outside near a park. I see my friend drive up in a red car. I said hey Jason and he went to get a baby out of his car. Then he came to sit at the park. And some girl came up to meet him. I realized he wasn't there to see me, he was there to meet her. I suddenly felt like I was on the outside, burning with jealousy. I desired to be with him. Then I went inside the store and saw my old boss, by was hiding from her.

14 Jul 2024

Panic Attack


I was up early so I decided to take a walk. It was dark outside even all of a sudden I heard the wind howl. The dark clouds and then suddenly the towns shelter in place alarm. All I could think about was getting back to wake up my baby. I start running as fast as I can. I see the black in the sky.i imagine I can outrun the tornado coming.I see children running towards the church. I tell a man I have to get my baby. He says we all know who she is. I get back to the house and try to wake up my mom and Dad by screaming. I see my cats litter box and I can tell hes been having diarrhea because he's scared. I grab my cat in one arm and try to tuck him under my jacket. I grab my daughter from her crib and I take off towards to church running. I'm panicking, scared, and high anxiety/stress.

14 Jul 2024



I was dreaming that my middle sister had a baby and child services was coming to her house for a house check

13 Jul 2024



I am hanging out with Patrick and Brittany Mahomes and Travis Kelce. My son Blake is there. I tell Brittany and Patrick congratulations on their new baby.

13 Jul 2024



I was a baby again takin into a tribe out in the open and I grew up and I was in my mid twenties by this time and I had learn archery and the cheif was sick in bed and had been for a couple of days and a monster came onto our land and I chased it with a bunch of other people and took 3 arrows really quick and killed it and the chief was better and he brought me up these stone stairs inside a giant rock awarded me and showed me through a hole in the giant rock up the stairs the open lands and it was beautiful

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was pregnant but I didn’t have sex. It was a dream mainly about the birth and afterbirth of TRIPLETS. I forgot their names but there was 2 boys and 1 girl I know that I wanted to name the girl Rosa because I thought it was beautiful. They were very healthy babies and I had a home birth. The last baby to be born had small complications, my mom had to help me get the baby out because it was stuck so I was naked without any pants or underwear on giving birth (ON MY MOMS BED) to a baby in my dream. The baby came out happy and healthy. My mom, Erika, Kailen, Michael, my grandpa, MY DAD, and 2 random guys idk were in the dream btw. I even asked Erika to use her baby stuff for my kids because she didn’t have Adam at the moment. I also hugged my mom in the bathroom and asked how she felt being a grandma at 14 (implying cuz I’m 14) she said she never thought this would happen. I kept making comments about how I was a young mom and I wondered how certain people would react. In the bathroom with my mom I asked her if she thinks my boobs were filling up with milk and she said eh a little but not a lot so I popped my tits out there were stretch marks and bruises everywhere like it looked like I got beat tf up. The babies were all neatly asleep in turquoise pajama’s with little hats. I don’t know why I had this dream but it genuinely scared me.😭

12 Jul 2024



It starts off at a school wi ddint know and I was holding a baby flamingo, after that I was reffing a weirdly shaped football field and it was smaller age kids I left after halftime and found one of my best friends Cassidy, after me and get where hanging out at the football game a guy approached me and her and he had an interest in me, he was extremely tall, I had to look up to see his face, he was handsome. Never seen him before. Well he took us to his house or garage area it was down a long gravel road and his place was secluded in trees. We get there and me and her get an eerie feeling. He ended up having a bunch of guys over and they wouldn’t let us leave. Cassidy had her phone on her and hide in a closet beside us while I distracted then guys. She called her boyfriend Conner, and our softball team. They end up arriving but can’t get past the fence. So me and Cassidy make a run for it when the guys where distracted. We go across the fence to find Connor and my entire softball team, one of the guys followed us and had drawn a knife on us so I rushed forward because I had a knife as well I stabbed him and took his knife.

11 Jul 2024



Last night, I had a dream that a woman that I had a lot of problems with when I was living with her and my fiancé’s family , came to the house that I’m living at right now while everybody was having a get-together party and me and my fiancé went to sleep and my baby was asleep in the crib next to us and the girl came in there and started taking pictures of my baby, so I grabbed her once I noticed and I tried to beat her up, but I couldn’t get any damage on her. I was just continuously getting exhausted. my fiancé’s mom grabbed me and told me that it’s not worth it and that I should leave her alone, but I continued to try to beat the woman up. She ran into a closet, and I pulled her out by the hair of her head and told her to talk to me and face me, and she just continuously started smiling and laughing at me then she laid out a whole bunch of apers and pictures of my baby and I took them and I started ripping them up and she just kept laying more out and I was getting so frustrated and I started taking things and throwing them against the wall and just getting so exhausted because I was so upset And then I turned back around and she has walked out the back door so I tried following her and she gets into this little minivan and two people come out of the minivan and are asking what is going on so I tell them that it’s a lot of drama between me and her and they say OK will come with us and they get onto a golf cart and my fiancé’s mom comes out as well and is driving the golf cart and I’m is my fiancé and they keep saying he’s in the house with my baby. He will be OK. We just need to leave. But we are leaving I looked down the road and there is a half horse half man walking up to us down a trail and I start screaming and asking what is that what is that and they just say to be quiet and stay still because if he sees you or hears you then he will kill you, but they told me that he comes by every year and goes into the house next to us and takes food or whatever he needs and just walks back out and we don’t see him for the rest of the year and I was very confused but my fiancé mom had her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet and as soon as the half horse half man left out of the house and went back down the road, I started crying and then the dream ended

9 Jul 2024

Roller coaster


I had a dream my cousin had a baby and then we went on a roller coaster

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