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Dream Interpretation: Fish 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fish? Discover the significance of seeing a Fish in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fish appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes good luck and progress. It also represents a payoff for your hard work and patience. It suggests a period of fulfillment of desires and goals. You will manifest your deepest desires and reach the goals for which you have been working hard.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Dreaming about this symbol shows that you will reap the rewards for your efforts through patience with an emotional change. Keep your emotions in check, and use your intuition and wisdom to allow positive changes to enter your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of fish can evoke a sense of curiosity and wonder. It may bring feelings of tranquility and peace, as fish are often associated with water and the calming nature of aquatic environments. This dream could also elicit a sense of mystery and fascination, as fish are known to inhabit a world that is largely hidden from our view. Overall, the dream of fish may leave one with a sense of intrigue and a desire to explore the depths of their subconscious mind.





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18 Jul 2024



It started with me hanging out in my yard, and there were these two huge owls in our trees, they were flying around and landing on branches and I kept trying to get a picture cause I was like "Wow owls are big" cause these things were like the size of an eagle and they were our during the day so I could get a good shot, and at one point I saw a huge dead fish in the trees too (bigger that the owls), but I figured the owls took it from the lake, then after a while of watching the owls I found some people in our yard, it was these two girls who were sisters and a boy and the boy was making jokes about the sisters so I stepped in and started joking about him and then eventually he picked me up and I acted all like I didn't want to go where they he was bringing me, playing it up for laughs, he opened the door to the motor home in my yard and there was more giant dead fish hanging on the walls which was gross, he threw me in and blocked the door, and then I went to the front and joked "Oh no, how will I ever get out of the motor home that MY family owns" and then I started to drive it around the yard but I was having a lot of difficulty mostly with the breaks, so then I managed to park it back where it goes but it was like three chunks where one was the camper part, one was a storage part, and then there was the drive part and the parts had detached in the yard so I had to go get the other parts and hook them back up before I got in trouble, at the end of the day the boy and two girls wanted to be friends so we all exchanged names and then I found a crystal and my uncle said that it needed to go to the top of a mountain and a couple people came with me, a couple of friends who weren't the ones I just met, but we were traveling up this mountains for days and eventually we got to the top and put the crystal in, and then I woke up in this weird village, and I turned to my travel partners and asked if they remember what happened or how we got there, and then there was something about rock shops and then we started going up another mountain and it was a different material that the other one, and them we found a rock shop on the mountain and I got a necklace of four elements and my friend said it was fitting because I could bend all four elements and then I remembered my uncle who could bend water like it was fire (like how Iroh from Avatar will use other elements techniques in his bending) and then I thought I woke up and my friend Amber was in a sleeping bag next to my bed and she said "sorry I had a weird dream about you, I don't want to make you uncomfortable" and I was like "you didn't make me uncomfortable in my dream you were cool" and then I started trying to describe the mountain dream to her and then realized I needed to go back further and then as I was describing the owls I saw a hawk with a really big beak sitting eye level with me on a towel rack on my bedroom wall and when it opened its beak to make a noise I actually woke up.

18 Jul 2024



I also had a #dream about having a tiny #home_pound, but the #fishes, frog and #plants in it died, I went to buy some more, the pet #shop owner told me #cats aren't good for #pets and most of them leave their #houses, I told him that my #cat, #Jin, never left me, his #daughter came, she gave me some #fruits that she wanted to give me for #years and it was completely a #compost now, I told her I stopped using organic #compost but took it.

15 Jul 2024



I was in the woods with some people it was sunset and I was following a creek that kinda wrapped around where we lived I was following it then all of a sudden it turned pitch black out and now it was super dark so I started walking back following the creek but I stopped and try to catch fish in the creek by hand but that didn’t work so I kept on going and saw a fish that was stuck on a part of the creek that was to low for it to live so I kicked it into a good part of the creek and then it swam off I kept following the creek and eventually got pretty close the our houses so I walked away from the creek and towards my house but then all of a sudden I knew that something was stalking me trying to get me so I got on all 4s and crawled toward my house and right when I made it the front of my door I heard a loud scream that sounded like a bobcat, it was a bobcat that was stalking me I ran into my room and looked through the window and there it was a house cat that tried to get me. That all I remember

10 Jul 2024



My coworker and I flying around in an airplane. He was showing me around and how to do airplane maneuvers. He accidentally dropped me in the ocean by a whale chasing some fish. Then we ended up meeting his fisherman friend he told me about.

30 Jun 2024

Roller coaster


• Entered Loch’s car…their car was a Jeep/SUV • We arrived down a road similar to a rollercoaster going downwards • The road went into a car wash/aquarium? • We drove into the water as water flooded the area around us as we went deeper • Loch’s car despite my visceral reaction, wasn’t flooded and remained room temp and dry • Orange Gold fish passed by my face and windows • Swaying sea life and seaweed • The water was blue and easy to see through, clean and well • There was a Hafgufa (Giant flying jellyfish) floating upwards gracefully, singing the Songs of the Sands. • Only its song…cultivated to the wellbeing of the water and sea life around us as we drove through on a track

27 Jun 2024



I remember going on a certain mission through nature, but I forgot what the mission was for, and I came across this pond with streams of water. There was a lot of animals, like fish, and there was tiny, tiny turtles, and I remember wanting to grab the tiny turtles to take home as a pet, and when I did, I jumped in and a bigger fish got a hold of my leg and wouldn't let go. But I did remain very calm, and I had to use force, and eventually I got the fish off of me, and then I woke up.

26 Jun 2024



Well Satan, me, and my stuff elephant son Harold were fishing and Satan told me and Harold that we are going to catch fish and I caught some and the ones that I can remember are they have scales reading Strong and Powerful with red lettering as if it was bleeding. Satan told me that I must continue with this exercise to help myself and others since he sense that I can’t trust myself and others.

26 Jun 2024



Pufferfish was going to eat it but set it free

23 Jun 2024

Holding hands


I had a dream i was dating this guy, he was south asian with dark skin, he was handsome. I was comfortable with him and was at his parents very large home, me and his parents got along well, with them even buying me coffee - an iced latte. I was cuddling and holding hands with my boyfriend, he was definitely loving all of me, including my personality. It was then time for me to go to work and he, his parents all took me to my job, it was a complete new building for my job but with the same co-workers, we ended up going out for some drinks, hanging with my work bestie, it was very nice. However, it was close to starting the shift! so i left my work bestie in the bar and rushed past my manager, who was saying it was 7:55 or 7:45 and my shift started at 8pm then it was time to start working, it was me and my other work bestie, we were walking up and down the new building that had like 3/4 floors downstairs, it was like an extreme basement - anyways each way down, there was animals and like the levels, with plastic toy models, in blue and yellow - i got to the lowest level and saw fish was one of the lowest animals, i picked up the toy and it was cute, i loved it. However, looking at the time when walking up from the levels and getting back to the shop floor my manager looked at the watch saying it’s 8:18pm, im late and my work bestie who was at the bar was also late, even though i was already working and was getting stock from downstairs. I then woke up

22 Jun 2024

Swimming Pool


I dreamt that I was going to the cherry festival in Ohio. I was wearing a dress, at first. I was working at a table and had gathered up citrus peels. I walked over to the mill pond, and walked into the pond to toss the peels in it. I wondered if three peels would hurt the fish in the pond. The peels were on the bottom left side from whereI stood. I then walked out of the pond but then I was wearing a tank top and shorts, and the pond turned into a swimming pool with steps to get out. I looked back into the water and it was clear blue like a pool would be. My tank top was stretched out because of the water and I pulled it down to cover my fat belly.

20 Jun 2024



i was a beach and there was a baby playing with a fish

16 Jun 2024



I was at the park with family and friends celebrating my daughter’s 4th birthday. She slipped down the slide and hurt her wrist. I rushed down to pick her up and saw a small cut, but also that her entire hand was turning dark, as if it were completely bruised. I carry her to my family and there was a school nurse there. I showed him and he looked worried. He had me bring her across the street the my old elementary school to help. Inside, he’s pulling out needles. I ask him if he knows what’s wrong with bed wrist and hand, and he tells me yes, along with some medical terms. He has her put her injured hand flat, and begins inserting needles, extracting blood from each one. I’m beginning to panic, thinking her hand is bleeding internally. I think he noticed because he starts asking me silly questions as if to take my mind off of what he’s doing. A few moments pass and he tells me that she has to be cryogenically frozen for one week until he can do anything else. I begin panicking even more, but he tries to assure me that it’s for the best. For some reason, my daughter had morphed into some kind of fish. My dream kind of shifted after that.

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