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Dream Interpretation: Addiction 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Addiction? Discover the significance of seeing a Addiction in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Addiction appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a dependency on something or someone that is not healthy for you. It may be a sign that you are feeling trapped or powerless in your waking life. It could also indicate a need for escape or a desire to numb your emotions.

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🧭 Direction


Take a step back and evaluate your habits and relationships. Are there any that are causing harm or holding you back? It may be time to seek help or make changes to break free from the addiction. Focus on finding healthy coping mechanisms and building a support system to help you overcome this challenge.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of addiction may evoke feelings of helplessness, frustration, and a sense of being trapped. It may also bring about feelings of guilt, shame, and a lack of control. The dreamer may experience a deep longing for freedom and a desire to break free from the grips of their addiction. There may be a sense of fear and anxiety about the consequences of their addictive behavior. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer feeling overwhelmed and desperate for change.





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Dreams of users containing the word Addiction

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3 Jul 2024



I’m in a public health class. It doesn’t quite work for me, though during the class we go down a river and someone like chase Romero tells me to leave my mouth open while swimming. I’m worried about dirty water but then I realize no different than air. I do. In another class and the teacher is wondering if a kid in the class is drinking or something. I ask him. He says no-using needles and smack. A guy comes by early evening n the morning he says and they do a little to help him through the day. I feel a little shook. the teacher’s husband wants her in rehab cause she sees visions. I say at least stay with someone. I believe you are okay though. You’re not mentally ill. The classroom has no windows. We are putting our names on list. To go back and join with the other class that I originally came from. I need a student there who I knew from before and we are going to work together. I’m excited.

1 Jul 2024



My uncle is having a going away party for Madonna. I am really excited to meet her. I decide to give up my 30 days of sobriety and I’m drinking a margarita. I drink it quickly and am waiting to feel the effects of the alcohol. I am excited to be a part of everything and am walking around the room taking selfies with everyone

23 Jun 2024



I saw a unicorn again in my dream, he said he didn’t hate me even though I was raped. He said if I needed a friend I could call for him in my dream. That’s unicorns could still like me even though I’m impure. Though he said he thought I was pretty pure I was at a camp, with kids of all age ranges. I felt like the only adult though. It felt like Camp Shamina but there was like weapons lining the walls, armory’s, open fires, people fighting/yelling, and like war horses? Interesting fucking camp. I started off hangin with Rose, but then she turned into Olivia and she wanted to introduce me to her Blonde guy friend. He kept staring at me with this interesting expression? Like he wanted to know something about me. He had really pretty blue eyes I wanted to take a picture. Me and Olivia shared a waffle with strawberries and whip cream 😋 it was so freakin good Anyways I met another guy He had a dark aura about him, actually trying to recall him is next to impossible, like I can see his face but it’s all shadowy I can’t remember any features. He seemed real Gruff and stoic? Possessive? Dominant? Yet he kinda went along with anything I wanted so it wasn’t really that intimidating in my opinion. Ima skip past the beginning and just yeet myself over to my time with him. I’m not sure how it started but he said he was my stalker. He said a lot of things really but all I could really focus on was his body. And then he started touching me. Kissing and licking and it felt so good I sorta just melted into him. All I could think about was how badly I wanted him. He was a bigger guy- super muscular and maybe scary looking? He didn’t seem that way to me though. I actually liked his personality quite a bit. He was rough and all I could think was I wanted more. I was out with Olivia and her guy friend. It was this tall blonde guy with glasses. Home bro crashed it and was like I’m taking Brianna home. One thing lead to another and we were having sex. I just wanted more, more more. It wasn’t enough, I felt addicted. He had a bit of a rough personality but compared to most people in my dreams, he seemed to actually respect me, and my body. I have no idea what he was thinking as he was fucking me but he seemed to think that once was enough. But as I dragged him upstairs into the duck bathroom I assured him I needed him to keep fucking me. I wanted it raw. And as he lifted me into his arms, his cum dripping down my ass from when he pulled out. It seemed like he was ready to give that too me. I was really embarrassed though. I worried he thought I was gross. Though when I had the thought it was like he could hear it and it shocked him. 🤷‍♀️ I can’t remember how he replied to me but I think it was something like “You crazy girl.”

23 Jun 2024



Picking up my used drug needles in front of dad

30 May 2024



I keep having dreams of my stepfather who passed away 7 years ago in my dreams he is still alive and he keeps telling me how proud he is of me and how I'm doing good at overcoming my drug addiction

7 May 2024



Dreaming about talking about addiction. Im talking about how peoples dopamine receptors are shot and that’s why its so difficult for people to become sober. So when you meet someone who recovered its almost like a miracle

15 Apr 2024

Waking up


I had a dream that i was a celebrity. It started out with me playing this cup game. But I was exceptionally bad at the game. So i quit. I had an instagram account. Apparently I was addicted to drugs. I seen myself. I looked ugly. I had low likes, low followers, and bad reviews. I was in a celebrity group and they wanted to kick me out so I would be alone. But Ive had a chance to try again. I took it, and rebranded myself. I created an account. I got so much fame. I looked way better. My reviews followers and likes are trane dously better. In the group, I felt that I was instantly the move maker. Someone to be talked about. It was confortable. I ate and my sandwhich fell apart and i got a mess. But everything ended up with me being told to sue fedex because of a laser in my eye. I told them it wasnt the job, it was just my old ADT job due to it being a technology job, so i sue then instead. Then I woke up

2 Mar 2024

New Job


I had a dream I worked in a restaurant. I was a server and sous chef. I helped make onion soup from scratch. It was a very tedious and long process but the chef wanted to teach me how to make it. He said that people that replace their drug addiction with a new healthy one is a huge sign of healing. The restaurant also had a live band and dancing that didn't serve alcohol. I felt very happy and connected in my dream. I felt somewhat sad when I woke up, only because I missed the dream.

17 Feb 2024



A woman I didn’t recognize was struggling with a heroin addiction. I wasn’t directly involved in the dream I was more like observing it in third person. A woman I work with allowed the woman with the addiction to stay in her home to attempt to get clean. She kept relapsing but slowly began to make steps in the right direction.

3 Feb 2024



Massive massive nightmare that im finally getting out of which is good cus i may have testicular cancer but im not sure whether thats true or not; however, i DID just beat my addiction and i love myself so much

1 Feb 2024



A reoccurring dream. Meeting up with my favourite singer after his concert having the most amazing & kinky sex and both felt a very strong intimate emotional attraction between us also realizing as we both struggle with mental health & addiction. He keeps coming back to me and he feels like my soulmate but always leaves me before I wake up

3 Dec 2023



I had a dream last night, I haven't beenhaving very many lately. But this one wasn't one I'd forget immediately, it does require some background. I had a dream that my ex crush max came to my door and wouldn't leave until I told him what was wrong and why I wouldn't talk to him. Recently I made it clear I didn't want to talk to him anymore because I'm trying to get over my addiction to him. He texted me yesterday just asking why I don't want to talk. My boyfriend told me not to talk to him. I promised him I wouldn't max isn't just a friend he was my comfort and someone I really cared about but it ended up hurting me and my boyfriend in the long run. In the dream max my old crush knocked on my door, I didn't want to answer but I did eventually, hugging him and saying "I'm sorry" and just crying, it felt so real, almost like he was in the dream with me. I felt so bad and I just wanted for him not to feel bad. Did I do something wrong? I'm just following my boyfriends request. I was told by a friend that it was also for the best, to get rid of him entirely in hopes my feelings for him wouldn't come back.

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