Dream interpretation about Addiction, Anxiety, Friends, Car, Driving, Water, Abroad, Animal Attack, Being Lost
I went to bali. We were in a very popular place. We got attacked. I was the ice man. Kept freezing the attacker. He spit into 100s of droplets of water and effected alot of people. They all became him. My friend and I jumped in the car and drove away. He jumped in a ton of cars and started racing us. My friend didn't realize we were getting smashed by the same person. I was driving a skyline around. I just got some weed and was going to sell some. I seen my friend doing some awesome kite surfing. So I wentnto meet him at the store. My skyline was driving all over the place. I had no control. It end up in the river. I was stuck with no way out. So I woke up.
Dream date:
30 Aug 2024
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