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Dream Interpretation: Cocaine 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cocaine? Discover the significance of seeing a Cocaine in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cocaine appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of cocaine symbolizes a desire for pleasure and instant gratification. It may also represent a need for escape from reality or a desire to feel more confident and powerful. However, it can also indicate a warning of addiction or self-destructive behavior.

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🧭 Direction


Take a closer look at your current lifestyle and habits. Are you engaging in any activities that may be harmful to your physical or mental health? It's important to address any underlying issues that may be causing you to seek out instant gratification or escape. Seek support from loved ones or a professional if needed.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about cocaine may evoke a mix of intense emotions. It could bring feelings of excitement, euphoria, and a sense of invincibility. However, it may also trigger anxiety, guilt, and a fear of losing control. This dream may symbolize a desire for escape, a need for stimulation, or a reflection of inner conflicts and temptations.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cocaine

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9 Jul 2024

Waking up


I had a dream that a friend was over, someone I had never seen before. She had red, curly hair in a messy bun. I forgot what exactly she was doing there, but then she started just….snorting cocaine for some reason. I don’t approve of it so I say “oh I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette outside” to find a chance to call the police. She notices and grabs my hand, and starts injecting something into it. My heartbeat starts going really fast and I feel like I’m dying, and I begin to feel worried about what will my gf feel like when she finds me. Then I woke up

5 Jul 2024



David (my husband) and I have a flight to span to catch. But there are a lot of friends over at our house doing cocaine so I am afraid we’re going to be late. Webb did a lot of cocaine and is acting very strangely. I am upset that we’re going to miss our flight and am yelling at David about this

24 May 2024



Sitting at a long rectangular dinner table. The only person I remember being there is my mother. I look around and see a smaller table with a lot of cocaine on it. At the smaller table I believe there were 2 others. One of them a man that looked familiar from another recent dream. I sit at the table for a minute. My mom is crying and asking what I am doing. I tell her it’s ok I just wanted to see what they were doing. The aroma of the cocaine was so strong and overwhelming. I was so tempted and excited to do it. I sat there a minute and my mom continued crying and telling me not to do it. I told the man sorry I couldn’t do it because my mom was watching.

16 May 2024



I was working at the restaurant I work at except it looked a lot different. I remember talking about what I do for my tables with a coworker and then her telling me to be careful what I say in front of certain people because they gossip a lot and can’t be trusted. My manager from the bar was in it to, he had come to visit me. I remember him asking me for his tab. There was someone’s dad who was a drunk and would get naked and we all had to take care of him whenever he would strip all his clothes off. I remember putting him in the shower at one point. There was also a time I was in the pretty much destroyed basement and I asked for help and then someone just started sprinkling cocaine through the hole in the floor. There were a lot of dumb college students coming in and sitting at the tables. It was all over the place.

12 May 2024

Red Eyes


So a couple of my friends asked if I wanted to go to the bar in town and I said yes. So we went to the bar and just outside that’s bar was this guy selling cocaine. One of my best buddies bought some off him. That didn’t sit well with me at all. But we get into the bar and after a couple hours we are all drinking and feeling good but all of a sudden one of my friends jump scared me then grabbed and dragged me to the spare bedroom at the bar and said “Your going to fuck me like you’ve never fucked before”. While she said this she had a crazy look in her eyes. Her eyes were red and her nose had cocaine on it and I weirdly kinda enjoyed it.

29 Apr 2024



I had a dream about a dream where something pulled me out of bed then raised me in the air and started moving me around my bedroom. Then the dream shifted and I was at a party and my mom was there but some girls peer pressured me into doing cocaine

4 Feb 2024



I dreamt about becoming addicted to snorting drugs then a few months later I actually became addicted to heroin and cocaine. Just like In the dream I was snorting. Could it have been a warning ?

29 Jan 2024

My House


this kid went to my house, rung the doorbell, and asked to be his valentine. I have a boyfriend, so i had to say no, but his mom tried bribing me with cocaine

26 Jan 2024

Running away


I had a dream where me and my friend worked at this barn type place and I got locked in the closet and she got high off cocaine. Then I went back to delete the camera footage and this big goat was guarding it and tried to kill me. Then it cut to a drama play type thing in a house my mum was there, the house was haunted for real and I was carrying a kid around and running away from the ghost like figure that was being very loud. I ended up saving the kid and the dog and it cut to the play performance at a school theatre and everyone kept getting mad at me cause I kept messing up.

19 Jan 2024



I was snorting cocain

28 Nov 2023



So I had a weird dream. I was out somewhere, and I saw this Russian girl who looked familiar. She was standing with two grown men and she was messing with her nose like she had just done cocaine or something. Turns out she was a girl I went to high school with . I said hi to her and I gave her my phone number. The two guys that were with her were acting funny like I could tell they were dangerous like in a mob or something they were acting like I couldn’t give her my number. She eventually went off to the side, and I wrote my number on a piece of paper and gave it to her. Later on, I ended up at the mansion where she was staying. I guess she was like the arm candy for the mob boss. I was there to try to help her escape, but it was obvious that she was in trouble for me even being there. I learned her life story About how after she graduated high school she became a model and that’s how she got discovered by this guy. He offered her a contract for modeling, but it turned out. He just wanted her to be his personal escort for all his mob buddies and he was sex trafficking her. the mob boss offered me all this information which I thought was weird. her. Mom was also there, and was very quiet and complicit but I could tell us because she was scared. Something didn’t feel right and I could tell that my friend was going to be in trouble and it wasn’t gonna be good, but it was like the mob boss. Would it be to witness it because it was a warning to me. We were upstairs for some reason as we were walking back down I tapped the mom on the shoulder and told her to take my number. I had a brief thought in this moment like Kamirah you can’t save people. But I just wanted to try because it wasn’t right. My boss was giving multiple monologues very stereotypical of movies. And eventually he shot my friend and I was terrified because I thought he was going to shoot me. It seemed like he was going to shoot me as well that was the scary thing, he had a big dude who had a gun and they kept looking at me. Isn’t helped that especially white ones are racist towards Black people. After my friend got shot, her mom was distraught and I just wanted her to stop crying because I thought they were gonna shoot her too. I don’t remember if they did but I think they did end up shooting her in a different room. I think the mob boss tried to tell me that I needed to take my friends place and I was not going to do that. Somehow I got away, but that was a horrible dream.

28 Nov 2023

My crush
New Job


Tonight I had a dream that I was living in a house with a lot of people. It was some people that I knew and some people that I didn't know. There was a big backyard and front yard in this house. And there was two people that I knew and one was my colleague that I have a crush on Lucas And there was also his friend a guy friend I don't didn't know him So we were planning to go on a trip somewhere. and in the beginning of the day I went to Mannheim. Mannheim is a city that is the home of Lukas Or it's where he was born. He now lives in the same city as me. My sister was also in this dream and she was always going where I was going. So when I was in Mannheim, I was there with my sister and I went to fix the keys. The keys that I had were very weird. They were like plastic and I had problems with using them to open the door. so I decided that I will fix it so I gave it to the guy and my sister skis as well that he produces new ones from metal He said it will take a day and I should come back tomorrow so I drove back and went back to the house where there was a lot of people When I got there, there was a party at this house. And outside of the house, in the backyard, there was people from weird Middle Eastern countries. and they were using their key and it was not a key that I had anything to do with but they were using their keys and putting it inside of this powder It was a powder that was from a pharmacy because it had a prescription stick to it. And when I asked what it was we're like it will get you high I considered for a second because sometimes I want to have some cocaine but in this case I decided I will not take this weird powder I don't even know what it is And I should restrain from taking any drugs. So I went past them and went into the house One of the girls that took the drugs went inside as well And then she said to another girl after a few minutes that she doesn't feel good, so it's a good decision not to take the drugs I thought what they might have been taking is this laxative which actually completely messes up your stomach and is going to spend the rest of her night in the bathroom I was happy I didn't take it and then I met Lucas he was inside as well I told him what I saw outside and he asked if I took any as a joke. It was sad that he had such a bad opinion of me. But it was just a joke, so I laughed it off and said of course not, I don't do such things. I then asked him if he wants to go to this gym which is in Mannheim tomorrow because it just takes one hour and a half to drive there. and I wanted to drive there with my car but I knew that he would want to drive with his because it's a little bigger but mine has a lot more power and it's more fun The car that I had in the dream was the same one that I have now. It's a car that I really like. It was my black Audi And I really love driving and wanted to show off my skills to Lucas we then got in the car and started driving and Lukas was sitting in the back together with his friend and we were starting to go to the gym I forgot one thing before we went to the gym. I decided to put on some of my gym clothes and my gym clothes I look really good in so I was feeling really confident and when my sister saw me she said I look really cool And my sister in this dream was younger than she is now and she was also muscular and had a really nice butt. I told her that, and she says she goes to the gym every day. And I thought, maybe I should focus on doing more exercising in my life now. so we started driving towards the gym and it was fun and this is where the dream ended

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