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Dream Interpretation: Alcohol 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Alcohol? Discover the significance of seeing a Alcohol in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Alcohol appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol representing success and celebration, suggesting that hard work is over and it's time to sit and relax. However, it is also a warning not to forsake the hard work of self-development. It represents that something monumental happened in your life, and it's time to celebrate your success. However, this is a commonly abused substance and sometimes only represents your desire.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Your dream is telling you to celebrate your success but not to avoid the hard work of self-development. You can celebrate all you want but be careful of addictions that will distract you from your purpose. Often those who are chronic alcoholics will dream of drinking alcohol when they are trying to stay sober.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about alcohol may evoke feelings of indulgence, liberation, and escapism. It could symbolize a desire for relaxation, socializing, or a need to let loose. This dream may also reflect a sense of rebellion or a longing for a temporary escape from reality. The emotions associated with this dream could range from excitement and pleasure to guilt or regret, depending on the context and personal experiences with alcohol.





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Dreams of users containing the word Alcohol

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12 Jul 2024



I was in third person, but following the story of Deadpool, but as if Deadpool was also me? I was looking into my first lair, and then I bought my first box full of cans of this alcohol lemonade? Or spiked soda. Then I was helping out with a daughter and her packing meals to deliver to her school. I completed that. I called Peter Parker, and was going to ask him for a favor, when he says he was going to ask the same. Peter’s girlfriend is giving him hell, and he needs somewhere safe for him and his mother to live. And I said, “tell you what, I won’t kill your girlfriend, I’ll offer you my house as sanctuary. You deliver these meals to my daughter’s school. Deal?” We agree, explore the city, falling but catching myself unharmed picking up more alcohol and Peter and his mom. There’s at some point a dramatic shift in days, ballpark, and such. We find out Peter’s mother is dead…and Peter is grieving. I am (as Deadpool) aching for his pain, but I will grab a can of alcohol…and head out to fight who killed Peter’s mom. On a mission, enraged.

12 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I’ve had this kind of dream before a couple of times the past couple weeks. But a little bit of a different senario. It started off with me standing in the living room with my friend Max wnd Mauricio. We were talking and wished we had some booze. Then me and Mauricio looked at eachother because he had already showed me. Anyways then we proceeded to fake die, then press a button and we would “die” and blood would shoot out of our head. Then you open your eyes in this different dimension almost? Then Max was very confused. We explained to him how we go into the sketchy building. Collect some things from there, then go to the store in the same building to sell it and buy booze. But there is a demon or something in there that tries to kill you for being there. You can only carry 4 things and you have to make it out alive. If you die in there someone has to sell something to get a like green ping pong ball that will bring you back to the normal dimension. Then we go in and are looking around. Mauricio walks through a door and gets taken by a demon. Then me and Max bolt the other way. I’m grabbing loot as I run and max is behind me freaking out because we are being chased. We then run into a room that has stairs down it and I see a knife sitting on the floor to the left of the staircase. I then jump over the railing (roughly 8 ft drop) and grab the knife. I turn around to see the demon killing Max. Then it looks at me and lunches. I watch it coming at me and when it gets to me I proceed to side step and stab it, then I pretty much fight it while it’s coming at me getting another stab in here and there. After about 6 times it finally dies. I then drop 2 things and leave to go to the shop. Sell my knife and what seemed like a golden hand mirror and get two lime green ping pong balls. Then as I go lay back down holding the two balls Max and Mauricio show up in the normal world. Max looks at me and says “what the actual fuck just happened” and I turned to him and said “don’t worry. I got your reboot card” then my alarm woke me up.

7 Jul 2024

Little Brother


I had a dream about my little brother. He and his friends told me a story. I saw their story unfold. It was about his friend. In the story they were at his friend Nick’s house. Nicole went to talk to his mom and found she had died (related to alcohol somehow). My brother and his friends found Nick at his moms side. It was so sad. I asked my brother if Nick was ok. He said that Nick had sold his moms house and moved to some rural part of New York and hadn’t spoken to anyone in a while. I saw the house he moved to. He was making a movie about his life. I woke up. I saw this friend in real life in passing the day before the dream and hours after it happened, neither time planned.

6 Jul 2024



I had a really weird dream. I had a dream that I had been out with some friends and we were going to this place to relax and we went in this place and we went downstairs to like where the cellar was and it was all kind of relaxed there and there was a guy and he said what you've got to do is come in, sit down, relax. So everybody went and put their bags and stuff on benches around the side, took their shoes off and everybody sat down relaxing, it was almost like meditation or something and we're all doing that and then they said oh we've got some people coming in today, they're now going to come and sit with you. So we sat there and various people came in and sat with people and these people had learning disabilities and they were sat there chatting and it was nice and it was relaxed and then the guy that was sat with me started putting his hands on me and I kept trying to move away and he kept doing it and I was like I don't want you to do that and he kept doing it so then I shouted, shouted that I didn't want him to do it and I shouted to leave me alone and I screamed and I ran out and he started chasing me and I ran outside and I was screaming and screaming and the police came and they said what's happened and I told them and we all went back in the building and the people that worked there were saying well it's not his fault, it's not his fault he's got learning disabilities and I said but I said no and they said but he doesn't understand and I said well I wasn't expecting him to come and do this, we came here to relax and we basically talked through everything that happened and they were saying how it never happened before and they weren't expecting it and they brought the guy back in and as soon as the guy walked in he made a beeline for me and I started screaming and I said I don't want this and they said oh we don't know why this has happened, it's not happened before and I said I don't care I just don't want this to happen and they started saying oh it's not happened before we tell people when they come in to be relaxed and not go out the night before and don't drink alcohol or anything and I said I didn't do any of those things and they said well we're not really sure because it doesn't usually happen so we don't know why it's happened this time but I was really scared and I was just like I don't care why it's happened but I don't want to be in the same room as him now so get him to leave.

3 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was back in school again and but this time it was PE and i went to my old PE teacher mister bane, and he told us to go to rocall and we did but we just had to pick a random number I was with my friends and some girls I knew but weren’t friends with, so later I see my old crush there, but anyways there was a Lot of people falling? Idk but I fell but I don’t remember falling, when you fall the bricks told you who helped you up or stoped you from falling, and so my bricks said “chris, Christian, and some other one anyways I stood up and a girl next to me told me that we were gonna have to run all over but the thing is that this isn’t PE class anymore it was my house? My backyard is pretty big so I’m I guess we’re using that anyways mr babe come and tells a girl to get ready because she’s gonna get timed so she got ready on the wall and than I don’t know how I was waiting in my living room and I was next and I put on a movie for my friend Naomi and the boy I liked a movie later I was confused how o was gonna run with black sandals on so I put black socks on to help ig and he calls me over to get ready I tells me to get along the walk and to get ready and woosh off I go but in my dream I’m running and I’m jumping as if I’m doing parkour, I jumped over my plant and I was in the sky and quickly I ran back inside to get my time and I was saying actually it wasn’t even that back it was kinda fun! And he said I got 15 minutes I was I bit like okay whatever 🙄 but anyways he went off somewhere and there was alcohol and my and my friend were thinking to get drunk and I just drank wine the smell of alcohol was to strong but I was drinking a lot and than we did footies to make our feet glow?like anyways he comes back and tell Naomi to get ready and I ask if I can run with her he said okay so we are waiting outside he he’s about to show her where to get ready and run but she stranded there nervously and says I need to pe so she runs to go pee and like maybe 5 minutes later she comes out and Chris my crush went back on the couch to sit and watch the movie I had put on black socks again and she comes out and whispered to me “I was bad. I saw what? “My Period was really bad chris had to help me” and I don’t remember every thing else but we didn’t run anyways we were back inside the house and family came over I said hello to everyone and I seen someone I never knew she was very fat her face was very big and round and I was shaking her hand she just looked at me she was pale with dark brown eyes, and her hair back in a ponytail wat looked either dark down or black and she was just smiling at me snacking my hand I was confused buy anyway we went to drink some more and my cousin who drinks a lot comes over and sees us and I walk up to her and hug her and say hi, she says well your drunk. Personally I don’t feel dunk but my friend is and she has the wine in her hands and I was scared she was gonna tell my mom as I’m under age and she says “can I record you guys I was like “ what the fuck” I knew maybe that she was gonan try and get me to look drunk and show my mom but I don’t know why I said yes. Later I try not to act drunk and I she put a filter on and recorded us we were all there on the phone and I see McDonald’s? And I’m hiding behind her t to not show my face than I remember I didn’t have lashes on this whole time and I was like bruh🤦‍♀️🙄 because I feel more pretty with lashes and than I remembered chris my crush saw me without them on and that we never even ran and where was mister Ban? and my friend said well I got at least a 10 minutes she says chuckling i laughed as mister van didn’t even time us or that she didn’t even run she maids up her own time anyways THATS IT

1 Jul 2024



My uncle is having a going away party for Madonna. I am really excited to meet her. I decide to give up my 30 days of sobriety and I’m drinking a margarita. I drink it quickly and am waiting to feel the effects of the alcohol. I am excited to be a part of everything and am walking around the room taking selfies with everyone

28 Jun 2024



My friend was pregnant and we were calling it cute and she played softball. I was at a family dinner with my whole family and was drinking alcohol with my dad and then he was married to Angelina Jolie and I had to sit cramped in the backseat with my mom in his truck.

27 Jun 2024



I just had a horrible nightmare about my dead aunt and my dead grandmother. My aunt had just brought home, my grandmother from the hospital who had been ill, and my aunt decided that my grandmother could lay down in her bedroom instead of me taking her home. I wanted to take my grandma home because my aunt was having a huge party with drugs and alcohol, I knew that the party would be crazy and that my grandmother could not get any rest. I did not want to be around all the people and the drugs and the alcohol and try and take care of my grandmother while she’s ill. So I’m trying to ask my aunt, if she would just drive me and my grandmother to my grandmother‘s house. She is being nasty and basically won’t allow it. My aunt hides my purse and she hides my suitcase and there is no way I can get out of the house with my grandmother. so I look at my aunt dead in her face, and I say if you wanna be this nasty, I can be even nastier because I learned from the best and she took that as a threat. she ends up, taking my grandmother home somehow without my knowledge, and when she gets back to the party she says grandma is at home but you can’t go down there to be with her. I have guards standing at her house and if you do, you’ll regret it. it’s raining outside and It’s cold. She has taken away my purse all my clothing. I don’t know what to do except for possibly walk to the police station, my thought is if I tell them about all the drugs and alcohol that are going on at this party right now that maybe I can get to my grandmother and make sure she’s OK. Then I wake up.

26 Jun 2024



I went to 3 parties of my friends and got kidnapped at all 3. They all had demands of just apologizing and to stop doing wrong. I stop going to parties and went to Job Corp and got kidnapped there where they tortured me and I had to leave Job Corp. I went home and started partying and my boyfriend broke up with me and I started popping pills and smoking weed and drinking myself to death, I ended up in the hospital because of alcohol poisoning and I had a dream of god telling me if I don’t stop what I’m doing I’m going to end up dead. But I didn't listen I kept drinking and popping pills and doing weed and one day I passed out and I ran towards the white door. I seen god but he didn't look at me and my heart broke as I tried running to the golden-covered gate surrounded by white clouds a trap door opens and I slide down going to a gate. Its surrounded by fire a red, orange and yellow firey gate with 2 gargoyles smirking up me with their red eyes saying welcome and I sighed as the gate opens and I walk in as my dream fades to black.

19 Jun 2024

Tarot cards


I was at a work function like a happy hour having fun with my new team These aren’t oriole I work with in real life but in the dream it made sense We were playing board games and enjoying drinks and then it turned into a book event where folks from the tarot community voted on and shared their favorite books I have authored two books so in the dream one of my books was highlighted and someone brought the book for me to sign The book was a hard copy whereas in real life mine was soft cover and it had mini reels on the cover which was fun It had lookup tables like mine but it focused so much on tarot that I didn’t recognize it No one at my office table couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge my book nor my fan that came out of their way for me to sign it I played it off nicely but it really hurt my feelings Then I woke up

17 Jun 2024



I was at a BBQ and I found a expensive bottle of liquor. I opened it and put it up to my mouth but then realized in waking life I’m actually 120 days sober. I put the cap back on and put the bottle down.

14 Jun 2024



I was hanging out a motorcycle gang looking for an ex from a long time past. There was booze and drugs all over the place. I went into the building that the party was outside of and I saw my old club I worked at. The music was the same, the clientele the same, and the pour system the same. But outside and inside had polar opposite people. Outside all white, inside was all black. And yet nowhere did I find Robert.

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