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Dream Interpretation: Drugs 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Drugs? Discover the significance of seeing a Drugs in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Drugs appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol indicates bad habits, cravings, and addiction. However, they also symbolize your earnest efforts to find a way out of the things that harm you. Unfortunately, they also suggest that you have either entered or will soon enter into an emergency phase of your life, and getting out of that situation will be pretty tricky.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Don't let unhealthy desires or obsessions take control over you. Exercise self-control and restraint against all your addictions and other bad habits. If you are already surrounded by any of these addictions, remember there is a solution; just pay attention around you.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of drugs may evoke a range of emotions, such as curiosity, confusion, fear, or even excitement. It could symbolize a desire for escape or a need for altered states of consciousness. The feelings associated with this dream may vary depending on personal experiences and beliefs surrounding drugs.





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Dreams of users containing the word Drugs

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18 Jul 2024



I am at a school. There is a male figure selling drugs to students. I am tempted and bought some. I am walking all over the campus trying to find a bathroom stall to use. The entire time I am walking around I am hiding the pipe in my pocket so no one would noticed. Every few moments I would notice the tip of the pipe is poking out my pocket and my hands isn’t in my pocket to cover it. I would panic and hide it again with my hands. Every bathroom I go to is either full or doesn’t have a stall. I tried to enter a female bathroom but there was females in every one of them. I finally found one but the walls was glass. I see people walking by but no one notice me in there. I take the pipe out my pocket but instead of using I end up destroying it and flushing it down the toilet. At some point, in the search for a bathroom, I am searching for a car. I see a teacher and a student in the parking lot talking. I know who they are. I had this feeling the teacher would be in trouble for doing that as it seemed like fraternization. I walked away. I am in the principle office. The female figure principle notice the teacher and the student through a window. I told the principle the student was struggle with school work and the teacher is trying to help the student. The principle seem to accept my response. Another incident happened while looking for privacy in the bathroom. As I am search for an empty bathroom, a male figure teacher approach me. The conversation seem very flirtatious. The male figure teacher was smiling and touching me in a way that felt obvious he wanted me. I was attracted to him, too. After our conversation we went out separate ways. I am walking around but the scene is no longer a school or it was still the school but had a building with many doors. When I walked in there was a stage and what seemed like a theater. Lots of people were everywhere. I am sitting down listening to someone on stage. I felt a know the person speaking. The female figure was talking about someone as if they are sharing a meaningful memory they have. I hear a female figure who felt like my mom making a negative comment about the length of the speech and people laughing. Another female figure is now on stage sharing her memory of the person. It didn’t fell like a funeral. The energy was joyful and happiness. Throughout the dream certain decisions I made set the scene red or blue. I know why it changed between the two colors because before bed I did a guided meditation with blue sodalite crystal. During the meditation the guide said red was for emotional response and blue was logical response. I felt I integrated the mediation into my dream. In another dream I am setting next to what felt like a male figure. He was an angel. I looked to my right where he is sitting and asked if he want me to bring him to earth or stay where he is. I also was sexually attracted to him and felt myself wanting to make a move. I woke up before I received an answer.

18 Jul 2024



I was at a busy bar at night with my innocent friend. A young man started hanging with us and he told me to smoke meth and drink vodka. I knew I didn't want to do those things but I knew he would do something bad to us if I didn't. My innocent friend didn't want me to do it either but I had to do it without telling her why I did the drugs

15 Jul 2024

High School


So this nightmare seem to take place when I was in high school. It seemed I was with a boyfriend that I obviously didn’t know very well or didn’t feel very safe with and we stopped at his friend’s house and we all went inside. him and his friends went into a bedroom And I noticed what I’m assuming is his friends little sister was getting ready to leave. She asked her mom for some money and the keys to the car and I thought that was going to be my way out of there. as she’s getting into the car, she has a couple friends with her, and I just jump into the backseat, I say please take me home. I will give you $10 and she says OK no problem. We start to drive away and we’re in the car for a little while and I noticed that we’re not heading towards my house. she asks me for my wallet and I just tried to give her the $10 and she starts laughing at me, she grabs my wallet out of my hands and takes all the money out of it and throws the wallet back at me and it lands on the floor. I just grab it and put it back into my purse. I’m trying to tell them the directions to my house, but they’re not listening, they are young. They’re out to have a good time and it seems like they’re out to mess with me. They end up going to some kind of drive-through amusement park. I don’t know how to explain it. but as we drive up, they pay the lady in the booth with the money from my wallet for us to drive through this Amusement park. I’m getting nervous because they are drinking and they are doing drugs and I know that I somehow someway have to get out of this car. I’m making the decision that as we are exiting the amusement park I’ll jump out at the ticket booth and just ask that lady to use the phone to call my parents to come and get me, And that’s exactly what I do. I jump out of the car and the kids just keep on driving and laughing as they go. I asked the lady to use her phone and she lets me into the ticket booth, but the phone is like nothing I’ve ever used before and she’s trying to explain it to me, how to dial the rotary phone but there’s no actual numbers on it and I’m begging her to please just put in the number please. I just wanna call my parents to come get me and she starts laughing very sinisterly and I know once again that I’m in trouble. That she also does not want to see me get home safely. so there is another car pulling up to this amusement park to go through it and she looks at me and she says. oh my God, it’s my boss and he’s not a good man we’ve got to run so I start running with her into some kind of fielded wooded area and I am following pretty close by her but then she gets a lead on me. I can see her circle back towards the ticket booth and in front of me I see that there is a camp of homeless men Around a fire and I feel like that might be even more trouble because it’s in a scary wooded area where there’s no other people. so I circle around and follow the girl back to the ticket booth area, which is at least on the street, even though it’s in the bad side of town. However, instead of following her to the ticket booth, I start running towards the downtown area. The car that had pulled up to the ticket booth prior, before we had started running from It, had two men in it. There was one guy talking to the girl at the ticket booth, and the other guy had his eyes on me, the guy at the ticket booth yells to his friend no she ain’t worth it, Leave her alone and let her go. when I get to the downtown area. It is dead. All the businesses are closed and I am scared. I have no idea how I’m gonna get home and then I’ll wake up.

8 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was on a field trip to a museum and I told the room about the situation with my family and had them raise their hand to show if they believe no matter what drug is in the house, it's not a house for kids. Before I could finish people kept shuffling in and out. Before the question we were outside making a strategy for foot ball, it was 4 or us and like 6 of them. After the question, 72 people believed and the rest didn't. The rest was the majority, but I realized I needed to ask someone closer to me. Then I saw people rehearsing for a dance recital it was very hip, but I saw someone in a hat like Jj Evans from good times. I knew it had to be my friend that doesn't give me the time of day anymore, Kyte. I watched in awe, but as it became clearer that it was Kyte. Then Kyte stepped up next to me. So it wasn't her. We needed to get out of that place, so we went through the dunking donuts window. The cash Register needed to be restarted then Kyte realized she didn't know the password. I said "try dunk" and it worked! She asked me if she could borrow my m and ms until she saw me again. I said sure. She said but that won't happen will it? I said no I'm never getting those back it's fine. Then I asked if I could ask something weird, but she said yes. I was trying to figure out how to ask "does she dream about me" when I was pulled out of the dream. The next and very short part of the dream was that a kid was on a beam over the sea and some kind of dark figure was slowly eating at his soul. We, me and some guy, promised to save him in the afterlife. Strange one huh? I will say I can see what's coming over from reality, like in real life I watched good times and jj Evans is on there and a few other things. But weird dream right? Thanks for listening

8 Jul 2024

Evil spirits


I dreamed that my younger sister and I had found out that the government was keeping a secret about the weather, particularly a hurricane. We proved it by sharing photos to the world about a lie that was being covered up. For an unexplainable reason my older sister started accusing us of lying about it. She started sending me photos claiming that the shadow government had manipulated the images we took. My younger sister and I knew the images that we took had not been manipulated but my oldest sister was desperate to prove we were lying. She was sending harassing messages to my phone that were clearly crazy. I sent her a message back and told her to get help and that she must be on drugs. Right then I felt something attempt to remove my voice from my body. The words inside me were “you’re trying to take my future” but whatever the evil entity was that tried to steal my voice was not successful at taking it from me.

4 Jul 2024

My crush


I only remember pieces of this dream. I was in some soft of cabin that seemed to be owned by my mentors Sheila and Toni. There were dogs and wild animals roaming free in the cabin. It seemed to be a gathering place for folks too. There was a guy there I have had a crush on that was talking with me. He made me feel safe. My highschool boyfriend was there and seemed like he was on drugs and was kind of following me around. I think there was more to the dream but I don't remember. I woke up with a stomach ache.

27 Jun 2024

High School


I had a dream that I was waking up on the couch and I was laying down with Jorge but in reality I had fallen asleep here with Edward and when in my dream when I woken up Edward was staring at me and he was very angry that I was laying there with Jorge and I really did not recall laying down with Jorge and so I was very upset that he was upset. I was very upset and I was also trying not to wake Jorge up for some reason but his phone started ringing and he ended up waking up and upon waking he told me to get dressed and get in the car. When I went outside I saw him selling drugs to my next door neighbor. I asked him not to do that because I didn't want my neighbors knowing about any illegal drug use. He told me that the neighbors are not stupid and he's been selling them drugs for a long time. I got in the back of a car it was like a station wagon type car that he had in my dream and I got in the backseat because I was a little bit upset and he was driving and I saw a girl in the car and he tried to tell me that there was no girl in the car even though I saw a girl in the car but he just continued to lie to me and say there wasn't one and then he drove to my old high school and tried to turn on to an area that was like a walking path and I told him you can't drive down that part it's not a road And he turned around, but there were several people outside and I was embarrassed. We then parked the car and proceeded to get out of the car. And he wanted me to follow him into this building. It seemed like it was some sort of rave or party for high school kids. And when we were in there, I got separated from him and I couldn't find him. I ended up walking out and taking a walk and then I ended And I kept asking them how much they wanted for certain items, like I wanted to buy them. But instead of telling me how much they wanted for them, they just kept telling me about these investment opportunities and about this company called Blackstone.up somehow in somebody's house. It was a house of somebody that I know from Lathrop, but it wasn't actually their house. But there was all these drug addicts I knew in there, but I don't really, they're not real people except for one of them. The lady's name is Cookie and she's not a good person. But I never saw her in the dream, but they just said that that was her house. There was all these like brand new items and stuff and expensive furniture and things inside the house. And it turned out that she was getting them from some company called Blackstone, which is like an evil company that owns most of the big companies in the world. They had some cool stuff, so I continued asking them, how much do you want for certain things? And they just continued to try to get me to invest with this evil company, and I didn't really care about the history of it, but they just kept telling me about it. I then relocated with Jorge as he came into the house and then I woke up.

27 Jun 2024



I just had a horrible nightmare about my dead aunt and my dead grandmother. My aunt had just brought home, my grandmother from the hospital who had been ill, and my aunt decided that my grandmother could lay down in her bedroom instead of me taking her home. I wanted to take my grandma home because my aunt was having a huge party with drugs and alcohol, I knew that the party would be crazy and that my grandmother could not get any rest. I did not want to be around all the people and the drugs and the alcohol and try and take care of my grandmother while she’s ill. So I’m trying to ask my aunt, if she would just drive me and my grandmother to my grandmother‘s house. She is being nasty and basically won’t allow it. My aunt hides my purse and she hides my suitcase and there is no way I can get out of the house with my grandmother. so I look at my aunt dead in her face, and I say if you wanna be this nasty, I can be even nastier because I learned from the best and she took that as a threat. she ends up, taking my grandmother home somehow without my knowledge, and when she gets back to the party she says grandma is at home but you can’t go down there to be with her. I have guards standing at her house and if you do, you’ll regret it. it’s raining outside and It’s cold. She has taken away my purse all my clothing. I don’t know what to do except for possibly walk to the police station, my thought is if I tell them about all the drugs and alcohol that are going on at this party right now that maybe I can get to my grandmother and make sure she’s OK. Then I wake up.

26 Jun 2024



I went to 3 parties of my friends and got kidnapped at all 3. They all had demands of just apologizing and to stop doing wrong. I stop going to parties and went to Job Corp and got kidnapped there where they tortured me and I had to leave Job Corp. I went home and started partying and my boyfriend broke up with me and I started popping pills and smoking weed and drinking myself to death, I ended up in the hospital because of alcohol poisoning and I had a dream of god telling me if I don’t stop what I’m doing I’m going to end up dead. But I didn't listen I kept drinking and popping pills and doing weed and one day I passed out and I ran towards the white door. I seen god but he didn't look at me and my heart broke as I tried running to the golden-covered gate surrounded by white clouds a trap door opens and I slide down going to a gate. Its surrounded by fire a red, orange and yellow firey gate with 2 gargoyles smirking up me with their red eyes saying welcome and I sighed as the gate opens and I walk in as my dream fades to black.

21 Jun 2024



Me and some of people i knew went to shop. I had like 30 cents and I couldn't find or choose something to buy. Then one of my person took whole pack of beer and started running. The cashier couldn't catch him but soon he got back. I don't know why he did that. Well then I said it's okay I don't really want anything and we went out. Outside was a bit crowd. I saw a car and there was some man. I saw that he was holding so something. It was a needle full of heroin. I started screaming "why would you do that why are you doing it here". Everybody heart it. He drove off. Then somehow I managed to get in some hospital or foster care. That man from The car accident was there. We were roomates. I saw him using drug everyday. And I didnt said anything. But Then one day I asked him if he could Share it with me. He did. I woke up

20 Jun 2024



I had a dream where it looked like I was in my partners bedroom, (It was not my partner in real life though). I was getting ready for a wedding until someone whom I do not know interrupted my process by asking me questions, something along the lines of “do you really want to do this?” In my dream it made me think about my partner and how the relationship effected me. I felt like I had lost memory which started between the time I started dating them all the way up to the wedding, in my dream I immediately assumed I was on drugs which lead me to forget. The room started to look messy and I began to change my mind and the person who originally questioned me brought up another different person who likes me who arranged a secret wedding to take my hand instead which I started to quickly rush to get ready for, scouring my room to find any rose themed accessories. I assume I knew the person who arranged the secret wedding.

15 Jun 2024



Someone says that Walmart is the best place, and that they go there to get supplies and then let their kids pick out something for dinner. I say that I live above a Walmart and doesn’t that sound convenient. Next I am in a semi truck, in the back, while two people are smoking crystal meth in the front. Someone is trying to have sex with me but I don’t know who it is.

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