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Dream Interpretation: Oil 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Oil? Discover the significance of seeing a Oil in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Oil appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents wealth and things going smoothly in your life. However, this also represents your fear of losing your wealth; this can be monetary or talent that makes you unique. This also suggests that you will find some positive growth in your life and some current opportunities that you need to capitalize on.

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🧭 Direction


Notice the details of your dream and act upon them quickly to save yourself from anxiety, stress, and poverty. By noticing the details of the dream, you will gain insight into how to make things go smoothly and capitalize on the wealth your mind is making you aware of. Evaluate your situation and carefully take steps to make it run smoothly.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about oil may evoke feelings of abundance, prosperity, and success. It symbolizes wealth, power, and the potential for growth and expansion. This dream may also bring a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, as oil represents the ability to fuel and sustain one's desires and ambitions. It signifies the presence of resources and opportunities that can lead to a prosperous and fulfilling life. Overall, the dream about oil elicits positive emotions and a sense of potential for achieving one's goals and aspirations.





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13 Jun 2024



my car was making a weird winding noise and it smelled like carbon and in real life my dad said if the oil gets low then the engine can blow and in my dream the oil was not moving so i knew the engine was gonna blow but to shut off my car called my mom and then turned it back on and it was working i was scared to drive it but i did a little

6 Jun 2024



December 2,2021 * I dreamed that we still lived at the house and I ordered 16 things from a site * But for some reason all these 16 things came with a car * So every time A package I ordered came someone dropped it off in one of the company cars then they walked away idk why that is * So I put my neighbor Charlamagne tha god (from MTV) on the site so he can get a car * And charlamagne told my cousin Tarron * Tarron about the facts that if you order you will get a car with your item that you need to return like within 3 days * So Tarron ordered something * He got a car and I’m guessing he went all night long driving it and drained some oil out of the car while driving it too long * So when Tarron and Charlemagne came back from their driving all night long they noticed I had one of my cars * And they drained some oil from one of my cars in a double sized hair unclogger bootle that said Ajax and I took it from them and I went through the side door of the house and told aunt Tracy (Tarron’s mom) and she looked exactly like Mawmaw (her mom, my grandmother) * she was cooking chicken when I told her what happened she started crying and she grabbed the broom and she went to go Handel it (she beat him with the broom) * This was at the house I grew up in Dream ended

11 May 2024



It started with my girlfriend and I in the car with our dogs, when we saw a stray dog covered in oil. She stopped the car and went to go get help for the dog. While she was gone, two more stray dogs ran over. Then the dream transitioned into us at a natatoroium for some kind of event. After that was over, we had to drive home. It was a really long drive, so my parents got us a hotel room for the night. I remember I was wanting to hurry up and get home, but my girlfriend kept telling me to relax and that there was no hurry.

6 Apr 2024



I was in a high rise building. I saw something like a tornado coming… it was soil mixed with something and very very big. It was high all the way up yo thr highest high rise. It came suddenly and swallowed us up. Then another scene… my youngest son Noah was dipping in the lake it was a very dirty body of water almost like oil water… everyone was doing some kind of race/event… there was a guy with a mic saying ready set go! And everyone went swimming out in this water very casually. Noah was only 2 years old. He’s actually 13 but in my dream he was a cute toddler again. We were up on like a hill over the lake watching Noah and these people below. I see other older kids swimming in, no problem. But Noah dipped in the water smiling having a good time, then he went swimming as well… and suddenly something swallowed him up in there. I went and got him somehow, but he swallowed a lot if water. The ladies who work at the event said this happens a lot? & just told me to plop him on my thighs head towards me, and rub his chest. They were praying very casually like this happens a lot. They weren’t worried at all. But he didn’t make it. They were surprised. I think I had another dream about the weird earth tornado disaster too again.

25 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


I was in a temple and I had just been initiated as an Egyptian goddess by the goddess Isis and Bastet themselves. There was Egyptian ceremonial music playing in the background, smells of different oils and herbs. Dimly lit with Torches along the wall. The men served us and worshipped us. Day and night they stood guard with those torches. We never slept and neither did they. There was magical auras and energies floating everywhere. It was beautiful. I was there to learn but no words were spoken , I looked deeply into Bastets Green eyes and began energetically absorbing the knowledge. I can’t wait to dream again. It feels like just the beginning

24 Mar 2024



After I failed to put oil in the pump in the jacuzzi, which burnt up, all of the family got into the jacuzzi with water and was happy. However, my son-in-law was very upset that it burnt up.

24 Mar 2024



Had surgery was angry at myself for not checking the oil in the jacuzzi I burnt up the motor

23 Mar 2024



I was out of church at a work event. A former coworker, Mandy, was there and was talking to me. I went to go leave and as I was walking to my car, Mandy called me and was talking and invited me to go hang out. I got in my car started backing out of the driveway, then turned to start driving on the road , and two weird girls dressed in black walked out in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes. I was still talking to Mandy and she was telling me I could come watch her play softball in October, but that it might be when I’m on my two week vacation, so I might not make it. I pass a playground that is huge and there’s kids everywhere. She sends me a text message with pictures of her playing with her kids on the big huge playground and I tell her that I’m just going to go home because I am exhausted. The scene then cuts to me cooking And measuring olive oil. As I am in a kitchen, Sam comes in, and I turn around and start practicing fight moves on him. As I do a round kick, he catches my leg and sweeps me to the ground.

20 Mar 2024



Me and Lilyana Kayla Emma we’re on the water, and we were drowning, in an underwater cave, and me, Lilyana, Kayla, and Emma rescued and then we went to the oil rigs and they were bad guys on the oil rigs the end

5 Mar 2024



I had a dream that i drove to kansas with my dog (he turned into a poodle at some point) to watch a movie and go to an event. We got there and it was great but a lady picked a fight with me. Thanfully someone stood up for me and that made it easier to soeak up for myself. The lady took my bank cards so i took something of hers. We went through this path that waa pretty at first then turnes into a horrendous landscape with spikes cocered the trees and ground. I made it out and also made up with the lady. We gave each other our things then i decided to enjoy the many pools in the dog parks they had with my pet. There was one pool that was so murky and dirty but when we made our way back around the resort to that small pool it was cleaner and i allowed my dog to swim in it. There was a bigger longer olympic type poil and that one had crystal clear water the whole time but wasnt fenced in like the other one. I found my keys and was ready to drive three hours home.

29 Feb 2024

New Job


I was un a new house that was unfamiliar to me. It was 2 story house with all hardwood floors. It was nearly impossible to walk quietly in that house. My bedroom was on the second floor by the stairs. I had my dog, Hermes, but he looked different than in real life. I'd invited my friend Jessica over to hangout. We'd been talking in my room for a bit, i don't remember about what. She'd gotten a call and my mom was calling me to come help her with something, so I left Jess in the room by herself. I went downstairs to help my mom with groceries but she didn't look like my mom. My mom looked like a black woman and I realized I was a black man, but I knew I wasn't really. I helped my mom with the groceries then went back up to my room. When I looked at my hands I was back to normal. Jess was nowhere in sight, but I had a feeling she was in the bathroom. I sat down in bed and put mu legs under the covers. I picked up an odd instrument from under my bed. It was like a synthesizer and a mandolin combined. I started playing a pretty little tune that I'd just made up as Jess came out if the bathroom. She looked really upset and it was obvious she'd been crying. She sat on the bed next to me and I asked her what was wrong. She told me her sister had told her that their mom did something horrible to her. Apparently her mom and sister got into a fight and her mom hit her sister. Jess was crying because she never thought her mom would do something like that. I offered a hug as consolation, but Jess got under the covers with me and pulled me in to cuddle. I layed my head on her chest and wrapped my arm around her torso. My hand accidentally brushed her shirt up and I felt her warm skin on my hand. I was about to readjust, but she put both her arms around me and held me in place. It felt so nice to lay with her like this. I briefly allowed myself to imagine how nice it would be if we could cuddle like this all the time and how I wanted to kiss her but know I couldn't. I kept glancing at my bedroom door that was open ajar and hoped that nobody in my family cam in to disturb us. I also didn't want any questions as to why we were cuddling because I had a husband. I looked up at her and was about to ask her a question when one of my brothers, Noah, walked in asking if I'd take a trip with him. He didn't ask or say anything about Jess and I cuddling but he gave me a knowing look that said it all. I rolled my eyes at him and said yes but to give me a bit to get ready. He said okay then left, leaving my door open. I turned back to Jess and apologized for the interruption and having to leave on short notice. I really wanted to kiss her and I could tell she was feeling the same way, but we both knew it was better if we didn't. We got out of bed and I hugged her goodbye and promised to talk more later and to hangout again once I got back. Then the dream shifted and I was on the trip with my brother. We were in a little town I was unfamiliar with, but it was an oil town and very old-fashioned. I don't know exactly how we'd gotten there but I think it was by bus. We were trying to figure out how to get home when I spotted a pink convertable Cadillac in the lot of a mechanic shop. The top was down, exposing the white leather seats. The shop was closed and there was nobody on the streets so my brother and I shared a mischievous look and decided to steal it. He hopped into the driver's seat amd I hopped into the passenger seat. I opened the glove box and found the keys, then handed them to my brother. With a quick prayer he turned them in the ignition and the car sputtered to life. We both cheered then sped off, heading towards home. We sped down the highway that went thought the forest and hoped to not get caught. I decided to rip off the license plate at the next stop to hopefully cover our tracks a bit. After filling up we made our way again but now I knew that people were onto us and after us. As we drove, suddenly the road turned into railroad tracks that wound and twisted like a roller coaster. We were trying to get off the tracks but the car was stuck on them and we had to just keep driving. Eventually I saw that the tracks were coming to an end and there was a barricade at the end. I told my brother we'd have to bail out, tuck and roll. So we jumped out of the car before it crashed into the barricade. We quickly ran into the train station that was nearby and laughed in our victory. We agreed to buy tickets and take the train home. The dream shifted again and I was back home, in my backyard with my dog. I was on the phone with Jess, telling her what happened, when I heard my mom pulling into the driveway. I panicked because I didn't know if she knew what happened yet and I didn't want to get in trouble, so I bolted inside and up the stairs, trying to be quiet. I'd made it quietly into my room and was about to shut my door when Hermes bounded up the stairs after me, his nails clacking loudly on the wood floors. I quietly ushered him into the room and shut the door, praying that mom didn't notice or hear. I watched the door anxiously and listened for her. After a few moments of silence, I relaxed and was glad we got away with everything. Then I woke up.

29 Feb 2024



I was on a boat, a passenger boat like an ocean liner. I didn't get along with the boat crew -- they wanted me quiet and out of the way, basically they wanted me confined to my stateroom the entire journey. All I really remember of that time was applying hair oils and conditioners to my hair, to protect it from the sea. When we were getting ready to leave one of the ports, I and my group jumped overboard to swim to shore in order to escape the domineering crew.

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