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Dream Interpretation: Motorcycle 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Motorcycle? Discover the significance of seeing a Motorcycle in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Motorcycle appears in your dream ✅

Motorcycle symbol
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💡Possible meaning

It indicates freedom, rebellion, and an adventurous spirit. It signifies that by releasing yourself from rules and conventions, you will find joy and happiness. It also represents your desire to act freely and the joy that comes from it. It also indicates some challenges that may find their way into your life. However, you will have fun dealing with them.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Find your own path and learn to be more flexible in your waking life. You crave freedom and control, but this will only come through pushing against the expectations of others and learning to set your own course. Though times may feel difficult, don't give up. You will soon make progress and feel the freedom and independence that you seek.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a motorcycle evokes a sense of freedom, adventure, and excitement. It symbolizes a desire for independence and the need to break free from constraints. Riding a motorcycle in a dream can also represent a sense of control and power, as well as a willingness to take risks. This dream may reflect a longing for a thrilling and exhilarating experience in life. It may also suggest a need for speed and a desire to explore new territories. Overall, the dream of a motorcycle elicits feelings of liberation, thrill, and the pursuit of personal freedom.





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Dreams of users containing the word Motorcycle

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6 Sep 2024

Getting Hurt
Old Man


I was riding on a motorcycle at night through a city and I needed to buy a helmet and gear cause I didn’t have any. The first store I went to was run by an old man and sold furry costumes for some reason. The store didn’t have the helmet so the old man said that I should go to another store then come back to him. I look online and see that the store with a specific helmet (which was Halloween themed for some reading) was expensive but I could manage it. I drive away to the store but I never actually get there and I am worried that my mom would be mad at me for driving without protection. I am also worried about falling off and getting hurt. That’s really all there was to the dream.

29 Aug 2024



I was going around Tampa, but for some reason I didn’t have a car, and was getting around on a makeshift motorbike that was very low to the ground, as if I was in Mario kart… I only remember bits and pieces of the beginning.. i believe i was sort of bar hopping one moment, and then in some sort of 420 friendly seance room where we ate and smoked and had spiritual conversation. I don’t remember leaving but ultimately when I did, I missed an exit and took an exit to a super long bridge that was getting backed by traffic, and the only way around was to u-turn where I was, or suffer through the hours of traffic. As I decided that I wasn’t going to wait, a car in front of me caught fire, only giving me more reason to get out of there. But other cars had the same idea, and ultimately, trying to escape the hoards of other cars, I crashed by bike, and it had landed on top of a dirt path that I could barely get It down from. I had to run and over around the ramps to push my bike down, and once I did get it down, it slid down to where I couldn’t even find it. I called my ex, instead of the guy I’m currently with. And when he answered he was quiet, preoccupied, and seemingly laughing at me. Once I’d explained that I was hurt in a crash, he asked the friend that he was with for a favor, but I’m unsure if the favor was to save me or not.. as the dream ends there.

14 Aug 2024

Haunted house


I had a nightmare that I was being haunted by an evil presence. In some of the dream I was in my childhood home and I was trying to rest so that I could go to work and live my life but the ghost wouldn't stop scaring me and I was at breaking point because I didn't know what to do about it. In another part of the dream I was in a huge abandoned structure that was on an island that was extremely beautiful and there was even a swimming pool there that people were swimming in even though the structure didn't have a roof and was open. The ghost was also in the abandoned structure and was being even more sinister and scary. It would take other people's form and pretend to be them. There was one part where there was someone who I knew and they had a baby and the ghost took their baby and dismantled the baby like in a horror movie. There was another part of the dream where I was trying to ride a motorcycle through fields and hiking trails to get away from a group of people that were chasing me but I kept falling off. I was then at a petrol station trying to fill the motorcycle tank up with petrol and it kept leaking out and then somehow my biological father was there at the petrol station even though I haven't spoken to him in years in real life. In the last part of the dream I was back in my childhood home with my mum and we were trying to figure out how to get rid of the ghost but we never did because I woke up.

12 Aug 2024



The dream starts with my sister, mom and my grandma were going somewhere and I didn't wanna go cause I wanted to stay by myself so I stayed home and said I'll order myself some food I got myself some food that I really liked but the delivery guy was into me I just tried to ignore him then I gave him the money and he stayed there just staring at me for a second then he left in a hurry and embarrassment I ignored him and I just went in and ate my food not all or most of it like a bite or two maybe then my mom, grandma and sister came back I was in my bedroom in my bra only so I ran to get myself some shirt I closed the breast upper bra part with a zipper...then wore my clothes and then they came in talking with me then my sister sat with me and my mom and grandma went to the kitchen and my sister told me "hey el da7ee7 will make two events today/tonight" I said "REALLY!!?" She said yes and showed me the posters and then one of the posters played the explanation of the first show but Didn't explain the second one so I just said I will go so we left the house and went on a motorcycle with side seats I sat in one of the side seats and the I looked behind me to find that delivery guy again he was looking at me as he drives he was also driving a motorcycle so I kind of tried ignoring him again till I went to the event place but I went to the restaurant in there cause the event didn't start yet so I just sat there and decided to play Minecraft I opened my phone and and started playing then the delivery guy joined me then I kicked him after a while or something like that then I continued playing then somehow I suddenly was at my house literally out of nowhere I became in my house on my bed in my bedroom and my sister was sitting on her bed next to my bed anyway I continued on playing till I suddenly saw Markiplier has joined me in the game!! I was shocked , excited and happy at the same time he went running and jumping around for a while then he asked me in a note "Do you want McDonald's?" I was like "no thank you" in the game then I sent him on discord thanking him and refusing his offer trying to seem polite or something then he saw it on discord then I went back to Minecraft he wasn't in the game I got confused but I thought that he's a busy man so I said "yea he's probably busy or something he'll play later" then out of NOWHERE he rejoins the game I was going running towards him then he started throwing blue bomb fire balls at me till I died I was shocked then I rejoined again and then I found a note saying "Do you want McDonald's?" I ignored it then I saw another note right behind it saying "YOU WILL GET MCDONALD'S AND EAT IT" I saw mark put some McDonald's food in a box then looked at me and ran away I looked inside the book and I found some mc'burgers and mc'chicken burgers and some fries,drinks, Sundays and some chicken nuggets I decided to take a chicken nugget then Mark said "TAKE A SAUCE" I took one randomly then he said "DIP THE NUGGET IN THE SAUCE AND EAT IT." I said "but I don't like barbeque sauce..." He then came to me took the barbeque sauce and asked what sauce do I want I said ketchup then he gave me some ketchup and left again I dipped the chicken nugget in the ketchup then ate it Mark was happy that I ate the food he bought me! Then I woke up....I wanted to continue the dream:(

9 Aug 2024



First we went outside on the home on he stairs .  Many kids were playibg there,  my cousin and i were too.  Some minutrs after,  kids came with soem food,  chocolate.  They were fast so i could only grab some.  I ate them.  Some kids wanted to go downstairs but they were scared of a cat.  The cat and some cats were stuck there and they were somehow afraid of the kids just as they were but then i saw a kitten which was about to fall.  I told the kids to mive far as they can so the car can survive.  The cats went down and they finally went down also after few moments.  I followed a gut who was holding a plastic and the guy  went to my mom and offered her some button phones,  i decided to go pick one and it had many games and an art game? There were many art and normal games.  And the art games had x at the end of it or just said no and....THE GUY DESTROYED THE FUCKING PHONE I WAS HOLDING (I swear its the type of guy who breaks iphones for vids) and the phone was my fevourite :< I woke up on another dream, i went outside and ride a motorcycle (since what year i learned to drive this?) .i put my phone out and watched two youtube short. First one was, how to deal with a break up(i have never been on a break up. Forget that, i have never been on relationship either 💀).so i scrolled and the next vid was basically, someone's ex following her(she was lesbian and she was on a relationship with her ex who is also a girl) and then they decided to be on relationship again(my brain is not braining anymore) While driving, i put my phone down (bro how did you not went on a accident???) i was on bridge driving.

5 Aug 2024



晚上,我從一個聚會要騎車回家。我的包包好像很多個,我光是要把包包安全的掛在摩托車上就花了一些時間。 我跟著一個身體不舒服的同學(皓婷)一起騎。同學順利的騎回去,和我分道揚鑣,但沒想到騎到我不認的路,而且導航也壞掉,一直沒有辦法定位。我想著先想辦法回到台中火車站,因為我知道從火車站到租屋處的路,這樣不用導航也沒有關係。 好像是下雨了,讓我的視線更加模糊。我不斷想辦法騎回火車站、不斷繞路。 不知道怎麼的,我代替一個女生接到一個任務。我覺得接這個任務可以幫助我回家,所以我偷偷接下本來是這個女生應該接的電話,獲得任務的資訊,不讓人發現。 這個任務似乎就是要回到台中火車站做一些事情。我根據電話指示,找到一個抽屜,裡面似乎放著可以幫助我回到車站的工具。 但其實我只是想要回到車站後回家,根本沒有想要執行任務。如果執行任務或者被任務中的人看見的話,我似乎就會被發現我是該組織之前逃脫的特務。 我似乎歷經千辛萬苦終於到了車站,但是也被發現我是冒名頂替另一個女特務,所以有一些人在追趕我。 一路上十分緊張驚險,但是我做著我該做的事情,不斷解決困難然後往前。 我一心想著我要從車站裡逃出來,然後回到我的租屋處。 為了躲避追捕我的人,過程中我還在難以移動的土色泥漿溫泉中游泳,他在這裡似乎是看不到的,總之我小心翼翼地在泥漿中移動,終於離開了泥漿溫泉。 我騎上我的摩托車,準備回程。儘管仍有組織的人在追捕我、儘管我騎出去之後路還是不熟悉,但是我不管,我相信我只要往前騎,我就可以回到我的租屋處、我的家。 這時已經是白天了。 路上還經過一些摩托車十分難騎的地方,追捕我的人甚至不相信我會通過,但是我仍然通過了。 我繼續往前騎,終於騎到我熟悉的路上,我想說不定回到租屋處之後也會被抓起來,但是我不在意、也變得不害怕,我想著追捕我的人可能也變得認可我的決定、而放棄追捕我。我只想要騎回到我的家。

13 Jul 2024



I owned a drugstore in the middle of an outdoor mall. We sold stuff for dreaming and other things likenthat but they were illegal. I had a partner who was an older man. I would see my person I'm the dream which was not me, it was some big guy taller and heavier. He would get angry some times for seemingly no reason. We were sitting outside at night when the mall was closed a guy came walking up at night and wanted something from the shop and I helped him out. It the cut to another scene like in a movie where I saw some woman on a motorcycle communicating over an earpiece with some guy. They were foming to get us for some reason. She was aware of where and what we were doing like she was psychic or had some form of remote viewing. It reverted back to my shop but I was watching from 3rd person. My character got angry out of nowhere, I think the guy I was helping maybe said something he didn't like or something and my character punched the computer which was an old big glass monitor and broke it and busted his hand uo and was bloody.

12 Jul 2024



Me and another guy were I'm a giant industrial hanger area with gas tanks and explosive stuff all over the place. It was midday. We needed information or something from some girl that was on this land and she wouldn't give it up. She was threatening to blow everything up and I was trying to think how do we get this info without getting blown up. I then told the other guy to cut off her leg or something so she couldn't get away or something. He was hesitant. We were then transported somewhere else. I think we were in the desert with dunes and motorcycles. After a while of riding around we were transported back, I had a nice red shirt on that was short sleeve button up and we needed to leave quick because the girl had no choice but to blow up herself and everything else at the hanger. I quickly grabbed another really nice red shirt that was hanging there and ran. As I ran I found myself in my dad's houses backyard and looked back at the hanger yard which is where my dad's house would be and it exploded in a massive and realistic burst. I was amazed at how intense and powerful the destruction was. I then thought, darn, I should have called my dad to let him know about the explosion because he would have loved to see it. I knew he was at my aunts old house which could see this area from far away so he was safe. I headed back up near the neighbors house and an old friend from school was riding up on a Harley motorcycle and asked about the explosion. I was about to tell him how cool it was but woke up.

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