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Dream Interpretation: God 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a God? Discover the significance of seeing a God in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a God appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of God symbolizes your spiritual beliefs, faith, and connection to a higher power. It may also represent your desire for guidance, protection, and support. This dream may indicate a need for you to seek answers to your questions and find meaning in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your spiritual beliefs and how they influence your daily life. Consider seeking guidance or support from a religious or spiritual community. This dream may also be a reminder to trust in a higher power and have faith in the universe's plan for you.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about god can evoke feelings of awe, reverence, and spirituality. It may bring a sense of comfort, guidance, and protection. This dream can also elicit feelings of faith, hope, and a connection to something greater than oneself. It may inspire feelings of peace, love, and a deep sense of purpose.





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16 Jul 2024



witches were coming to get me and i woke up praying to God as i hear knocking on the door

12 Jul 2024

Car accident


Me being hit by a car and flying over 2 parallel walls and before hitting the ground I asked god for help and I slowly fell to the ground I saw this guy and he was someone I liked and he left one day and didn’t say anything and then there was a fight on a bridge and people were pushed and we kidnapped a girl

11 Jul 2024



Zeus struck god with his lightning bolt and it backfired on him.

8 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I went to the hospital to see if I was sick before I went on a trip. To my surprise the doctor checked my lymph nodes and saw they were hugely inflamed. She seemed extra concerned. Then my tongue started falling out in pieces. She asked me to show her my tongue which was abnormal looking. Then the doctor explained to me that deep inside my lung was something known as a “Goin”. A cancerous wound that leaks infection into my lymph nodes. The only way for to have a chance was to have an expensive surgery. Just then the rest of my tongue falls out. The doctor continues to explain that even if the surgery won’t save me it will save others. Then as I am waiting on my surgery people from my school begin to tell me that this is the results of me turning my back on God and I had been visited by a banshee informing me of my impending death and eternity spent in hell. I threatened to push them down the stairs and kill them since I was going to hell soon anyways.

6 Jul 2024



My dream was we went to a tribal place where they believed in god a lot. Very spiritual people. They were going to help me be able to have kids again, even though I told them I had a partial hysterectomy. The leader said he could still make it happen. I had to put some device in my vagina to start with. It felt like a toothpick and hurt, but I believed what he was saying and kept it in. They had me do a test. I held a long drum stick and was blind folded. I had to hit the wall behind me. It was gold plated and right in the middle was a round picture of Jesus. I hit it every time and it made a beautiful sound and got the people of the tribe talking. At one time I accidentally burped out loud and one of the tribal ladies punched me in the face. She said it’s not lady like and that’s the punishment, so I let her do it. One of my little brothers was there with me and he did something wrong. I was able to get him to come down from a boat they had nearby. The punishment for what he did was to punch him in the chest and stomach. I said be ready for it, but I didn’t get to see it happen in my dream. My step mom was with me through this whole dream as well. We were on a mission to get to the end of the very long boat we were on. There was a mermaid looking woman who would hold her breath for so long under water that she would die, but come back to life. Everyone thought it was so great that she could do that and god would let her come back to life. She reminded me of a serpant or Medusa by the way she looked and acted. Close to the end I was meditating and I said someone has had a baby. The leader said how do you know and what’s the gender. I said I could feel it. I was in water and meditating. It’s a boy I said. He then said lead us to the baby. So I started walking towards a pool they had for what looked like seahorses, but bigger like small dog sized ones. There was a baby, I lifted it and said it’s a boy. The tribe cheered. The leader then said it’s time for you to be able to have kids again. He showed me to a woman who had tools and what looked like pieces of cloth. She was going to reach up inside of me and rebuild my cervix and tubes, so I could bear children again. Once it was done I could make love to my husband with some kind of plant they had and would have another child like god intended. I said no this is wrong. You said I could do it naturally, god would make it happen. I’m not letting her do that to me. The leader said god is upset that you did what you did. I told him it was for medical reasons and he is fine with my decision. I woke up before anything else happened

6 Jul 2024



My dream was me in my room and then I went out my window and from my veranda a beautiful tree sprouted with pink blossoms and golden light everywhere it was like heavens tree that god let me see

28 Jun 2024



The dream felt really real. I could actually feel. The devil and god asked me to choose a side for war. I chose the devil's side cause I thought it would be cool he grabbed my hand and it started to bleed the hand turned into a red evil looking hand qith black claws, I had this overpowering feeling of dred even though he would give me everything I wanted. The world started to burn and turn red. I felt my soul dying and I had this overpowering feeling of evilness. I screamed to god for help and I changes my kind I repented. Then god took my hand and pulled me up. I then had this feeling of calm and peace. His hand was shiny and calming. He pulled me through the roof and into the clouds and felt at peace

26 Jun 2024

Red Eyes


I had a dream of god telling me if I don’t stop what I’m doing I’m going to end up dead. But I didn't listen I kept drinking and popping pills and doing weed and one day I passed out and I ran towards a glowy white door. I seen god but he didn't look at me and my heart broke as I tried running to the golden-covered gate surrounded by white clouds a trap door opens and I slide down going to a gate. Its surrounded by fire a red, orange and yellow firey gate with 2 gargoyles smirking up me with their red eyes saying welcome and I sighed as the gate opens and I walk in as my dream fades to black

26 Jun 2024



I had a dream of god telling me if I don’t stop what I’m doing I’m going to end up dead. But I didn't listen I kept drinking and popping pills and doing weed and one day I passed out and I ran turns the white door. I seen god but he didn't look at me and my heart broke as I tried running to the golden-covered gate surrounded by white clouds a trap door opens and I slide down going to a gate. Its surrounded by fire a red, orange and yellow firey gate with 2 gargoyles smirking up me with their red eyes saying welcome and I sighed as the gate opens and I walk in as my dream fades to black

26 Jun 2024



I went to 3 parties of my friends and got kidnapped at all 3. They all had demands of just apologizing and to stop doing wrong. I stop going to parties and went to Job Corp and got kidnapped there where they tortured me and I had to leave Job Corp. I went home and started partying and my boyfriend broke up with me and I started popping pills and smoking weed and drinking myself to death, I ended up in the hospital because of alcohol poisoning and I had a dream of god telling me if I don’t stop what I’m doing I’m going to end up dead. But I didn't listen I kept drinking and popping pills and doing weed and one day I passed out and I ran towards the white door. I seen god but he didn't look at me and my heart broke as I tried running to the golden-covered gate surrounded by white clouds a trap door opens and I slide down going to a gate. Its surrounded by fire a red, orange and yellow firey gate with 2 gargoyles smirking up me with their red eyes saying welcome and I sighed as the gate opens and I walk in as my dream fades to black.

22 Jun 2024



Last time, I had a very vivid dream... I was inside the house... In my bed.. I was looking at the wall... On my left side..I saw shadows and figurines on the wall....then..they suddenly moved! This other figure is aiming to attack with a sharp thing In hand.. and as if it killed the opponent... My heart rises at that point and I try to calm down and to get up and pray.. but I couldn't move! So I try to think of Father/God and I finally wake up...

17 Jun 2024



I feel everyone is leaving me but God That i have left that i went home

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