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Dream Interpretation: Words ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Words? Discover the significance of seeing a Words in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Words appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Words in dreams often represent communication, expression, and the power of language. The meaning of the dream depends on the context and emotions associated with the words. Positive words may indicate encouragement and support, while negative words may indicate criticism or conflict.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the words that were spoken in your dream and how they made you feel. Are there any important conversations or messages that you need to communicate in your waking life? Consider the tone and intention behind the words and how they may relate to your relationships and interactions with others. Use the power of language to express yourself and communicate effectively.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream interpretation application evokes a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It offers the opportunity to delve into the mysterious realm of dreams, providing insights and understanding. Users may feel a mix of excitement and anticipation as they seek to unravel the hidden meanings behind their dreams. The application promises to unlock the subconscious, offering a glimpse into the inner workings of the mind. It instills a sense of wonder and fascination, as users embark on a journey of self-discovery through the interpretation of their dreams.





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15 Jul 2024



I had a dream that my autistic nonverbal little brother Alex was talking and that surprised me because he canโ€™t talk yet

6 May 2024



flying over a green forest and rivers I can control my body looking around, people asking me how to do it I try to teach them but I can't explain with words, usually those dreams are consecutive after wake up for a bit keeps going right when I fall asleep

8 Apr 2024



Two or three months after my grandfather passed away in 2021 of November, I had, well, his family was in town, and his wake, his funeral, everything, them basically destroying my house and taking my home from us was horrible after he passed away, and a family friend of ours that is very close to me, she has special gifts, she hugged my aunt, that is my grandfather's sister, and she said she felt darkness, she felt cold when she hugged her, and it kind of shocked her, and then after that, after hearing that, I don't know if it was the night of or the following night, after they all left town, his whole family left town, I had a night terror, I was in my old bedroom, laying on my bed, I felt like I was awake, actually, a black cat came into my room, which is odd, because I don't have a cat, so, that was pretty odd, because it literally felt like I was awake, like I was just, you know, my whole room looked exactly the way it was, like I felt like I was in my bed watching TV, black cat came into my room, then weirdly transformed, and then I ended up with a woman sitting on my lap in a white gown with dark, long black hair, her black hair was covering her face, so I did not know what she looked like, she was sitting on my lap, I sleep on my back, when I'm sleeping, so she was sitting on me, I remember vividly shouting, yelling, screaming at her, get off me, what are you, why are you on me, but then I realized, I cannot open my mouth, my mouth would not open, I am screaming, trying to get the words out, but it's just in my head, I'm screaming in my head, God, get her off me, get her off me, who is she, get this demon off me, Lord, I don't know what to do, I can't speak, get her off me, I'm freaking out, I am so freaking out, and then I remember wanting to move, but I could not move, it was like I was frozen, my arms would not move, nothing would move, it felt like my eyes were open, and I was screaming in my head, because my mouth would not move, nothing was happening, she was still sitting on me, and then I remember waking up, waking up from the dream, which felt like it was going on forever, and I remember after waking up from my dream, I could not move, I could not speak, for a whole 20 minutes, after the 20 minutes I could finally move my body, and I just started crying, uncontrollable crying, I was shaking, I was trembling, like my anxiety, and my, I basically had a nervous breakdown, because it was so scary, I was so paralyzed with fear, and crying, because I did not feel safe anymore in my house after this, it was horrible, it was absolutely horrible.

4 Apr 2024

Dead body


I was working at an escape room place at the front desk. (Iโ€™ve never been to an escape room before) One day I went for a walk up a hill near where I lived in the dream and I had someone with me, but I canโ€™t remember who it was, but we ended up sitting down on a picnic table at the top of the hill with a big tree next to the table. while we were sitting there I turned around towards the path up the hill, and there was a small girl in a purple dress with white mesh over it making her look ghostly. Her head was hidden from view behind a big branch so she looked headless, I screamed. But then her parents came up behind her and she came forward so I could now see her head she looked to be about 3 years old. They sat down at the table and we started talking, the little girl was running around and ended up smacking into the table. I went to check on her, but she was completely fine, she jumped back up and started running around again. As I made my way back to sit down my foot sunk into the ground next to the tree, when I pulled back from the hole the mother of the little girl came up and reached into the hole. She pulled up the dead body of the little girl that was running around. The mother pushed the dead child back into the hole and told me not to let the little girl see it, just then the little girl ran up to us and fell into the hole! I grab the girl and pulled her back up as quickly as I could and gave her to her father. We buried the dead body again and I found out the the little girlโ€™s parents were her adopted parents and that they found her somewhere, it was all extremely strange. When I went back to work they next day I told my coworkers what had happened the day before on the hill and while I was telling them I realized that there was also a 4 year old boy that was there playing with the 3 year old girl. I then questioned myself if I dreamed the whole thing, but didnโ€™t say that to my coworkers. After the day was over I was about to lock up when I heard people talking in one of the escape rooms and I got I strong feeling of danger and an urge to leave immediately, but I ignored it and went back to the desk and continued to tidy up before I closed for the day. A few seconds later three teenaged boys came out from one of the rooms and kidnapped me. One of the boys were my age 17 and the other two were younger than me, I did not feel threatened at all. I ended up talking to them and said that I would โ€œneverโ€ run away (I totally would) the boy that was my age told me I couldnโ€™t banish anyone either. As if I ever had that kind of power, and I told him as much that I canโ€™t banish anyone. Just then another kidnapper showed up this one was big and mean he was older then all of us, I then said that if I could banish someone it would be the big mean one, all the other boys agreed. After a few hours two other girls were kidnapped and then that night I took them and escaped we ran down a hill, we then came across a house with a lot of windows. Through the windows on the bottom floor we could see a mother dancing with her daughters, she saw us running by and came up to the window held up her hand making then sign for phone with her hand and mouthed the words 9-1-1. We immediately agree one of the girls started crying with relief, I felt like crying to and I repeated back to the mother โ€œyes 9-1-1โ€ she called them and went back farther inside and me and the two other girls continued running, we ended up getting caught again but rescued soon after by the police showing up because of the mother calling them. Iโ€™m pretty sure I fell in love with the boy that was my age even while being captive even though he was my kidnapper..

4 Apr 2024

Running away
Stolen car


I had a dream that at a house all the random people were there females and a couple of males. My niece and my sister and my mom were there. And my niece and sister were harassing me and provoking me. And so were the random females I didnโ€™t of the females we were arguing I was trying to get her to understand that my sister is abusove to our mother thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m extra territorial and protective of her. I donโ€™t trust anyone. Not only that but you donโ€™t know what people go through I told the women for you to act like Iโ€™m a bad person or to attack off of listening to someone else falesified made up story about me. Then I called her a cunt.I was attacking everyone with my words, body language and imtimidation. I was protecting myself. I kept trying to call my ex Steven who is an animal control officer to come pick the frogs up from a container that was in the house. There was a huge long container of frogs. They gre they were babies got huge and started eating each other. Only a couple were left that made it. After that my sister came up to me and tried to intimidate me I started fighting her and everybody tried to run away. I caught them at their house hiding in random places and rooms. I busted the door down and found a couple of them and fought them and swooped their behind. Then me and this guy finally went out to eat. I had to write my name on a card for some reason. Then my niece call me and I did her a favor with my car then I told her to get out because I donโ€™t trust her and I know she was using me for my car. It was a red convertible. Her mom and her stole my car. This women who helped me was able to get my license plate they removed and a photo of the new license plate they put in my car. I saw Mike so guy I speak to pretty regularly too. We we were in a room sleeping than it got flooded he used my water vaccum to vaccum all the water. Then he spilled the water out the vaccum by opening the vaccum the wrong way. I then was on some types of bridge I had to walk down slowly and gently and it kept moving so I had to jump I was scared but I did it and landed it.

2 Apr 2024

Make Out


Me and my ex best friend (same one from the second to last dream) ended up at a narcotics anonymous meeting. Honestly didn't know where we were until I found opiates and we decided to take them, had a quick shag and then ate some hot dogs. Later I was alone setting up a bedroom, in particular I was trying to paint this very exorbitantly long pillow I was using as a decoration. I was trying to plan out how to space the letters and what words I wanted on there. Then I was just going through the room. It was really full of stuff. There was one of those beds that fold into the wall and other compartments that fold into the wall but the only one folded into the wall was the bed because there was stuff on all the other ones. I found a soap dish made out of one of my work buddies soap dishes made from his deceased (and completely fictional as far as I know) dog so I wanted to get it back to him because I thought he'd miss that. Then my mamaw and I went to some sort of store for art supplies and other things (I think) and when we went to check out there was nobody there so I went to look for someone to check us out and I saw a beefy looking dude amd a gallon of doctor pepper. I exclaimed to the dude that that was the biggest doctor pepper I had ever seen. Then behind me came a woman who was definitely considerably older than me (I knew immediately the dr pepper was hers though nobody ever said it) she was pretty with dark features and a tan and slightly wrinkled complexion. There was more but my memory of the dream kinda disintegrates after that.

1 Apr 2024



I was babysitting a dog, however this dog was intelligent. After a while I could teach it phrases and actions like a parrot and I could have it repeat English words back to me.

31 Mar 2024



Iโ€™m supposed to go to church but this church is supposed to have a spirit in it. There is a mum who is practicing with the parishioners to say the right words. If we say the wrong words it might provoke the spirit . The church is old and a little run down. There are two words that we must say that are hard to remember. I feel anxious and donโ€™t want to mess up the words for fear of bringing in the bad spirit

29 Mar 2024



Keala and I were having a busy weekend as usual. I remember having to drive his truck and going somewhere but I came back and we got ready and I found us already at my high school I graduated from. There were a pack lions there, and a white male tiger. We started in a field. Like a baseball field I believe, we donโ€™t have a baseball field at that school, itโ€™s somewhere else so that was odd. Then I changed from slippers to shoes and the track meet was about to start. Keala and I were waiting around a bit and we had walked pass the runners as they were stretching on the side. I recognized some of the girls, I had gone to school with them but I wasnโ€™t close friends with them. I remember their faces but canโ€™t seem to remember their names. At one point I was by the two girls and their moms and they finished stretching when I heard my name from one of the girls. I wasnโ€™t sure if they remembered me but was a bit shocked when they did. We exchanged some words, cordially greeting each other and then the announcement went off that the meet was about to start. I found Keala and asked if we could stay, but we both noticed how dark it was getting, the clouds were in circle like rings, kind of like a tornado but not really, it was like rings. There were 3 circle like shapes in the sky. It was about to storm, hard. Keala mentioned that the meet probably would get called off and we began to leave. He reached into this metal like filing cabinet and pulled out empty Pringle like containers, about 3 of them. As he was grabbing those containers one of the moms of the two girls I recognized had asked me if I had the snacks for the runners, and I said no. Keala and I then began to walk back to his truck. We were walking through a bit of grass and a bunch of fine dirt, we were kicking the Pringleโ€™s containers like a soccer ball. I remember making the conscious decision to kick it like how I would with a soccer ball. When we got to the driveway area, I noticed the lions fighting and further out onto the main driveway, I saw a bus full of kids waiting. We were all waiting. Keala somehow found a white tiger stuffed animal and we were in a corner holding our stuff and waiting for the lions to stop. We were in their territory. Around the corner comes a white tiger. The male white tiger sees me with the stuffed animal and tries to take it. Eventually keala and I get it back before alerting the lions.

28 Mar 2024



Had a dream this morning about wasps infesting the dining room because grandma broke the bottom half of the front door so they started swarming in. Some got into momโ€™s room so me and chaela were spraying a specific kind of bug soray to kill them. i forgot that my pet bird was out and on their dresser, so when we were spraying them because they were above their TV, a lot of the spray got on him too and he started losing feathers. So, after we killed the wasps, i grabbed him and tried to wash the liquid off of him, and he slowly started talking to me, like he was saying actual words. I donโ€™t remember what he said though. But i just held him close to me after cleaning him up and he lost a lot of feathers, he had big bald patches on his back and wings.

28 Mar 2024



I had a dream where I had gone back to an old nostalgic house with my mother. I started asking questions and she answered them but it was very vague. There were random doors and a dog and one cat that I've never seen before. And there would be some bears representing my mother and father. There would be dragons surrounding us and there was tension between them both. they were fighting but was surrounded by everything I want. Food, games and a new house. While they were still fighting, they were transformed into bears and it looked almost like a cartoon but my mother's words and gestures seemed serious. She seemed to be trapped and held captive, As if she was trying to leave. But she snapped and told my father she didn't want him along with how she felt. He broke down and when the cartoon atmosphere faded away, my mother broke free. She seemed to be tired and Layed down next to a window. A bear which was my dad tried to cuddle her but she had sternly told him to go away and he walked away whining. A night passed at that house and I was trying to ask questions but it seemed like they were dismissed by my mother. She was in a rush and went to work while I was left alone. The more I roamed and looked into the house, there were more mysterious things and my curiosity grew bigger. I saw my ex sleeping in a room and I saw a child with their parent. I got scared and hid for a while until my mother came home. She didn't seem to care about these people in the house and starting engaging with them. Later me and my mother went to a concert of my favorite artist and it was too silly and fun to be real. It had a cartoon vibe to it and was really fun.

26 Mar 2024



I woke up in a hotel room with my ex boyfriend and we just sat on our beds talking but than all of a sudden we started fighting but than we were kissing and hugging and doing more intimate things together. I felt the guilt in my dream of cheating on my partner but I couldnโ€™t stop and in my dream I wanted to but I also wanted to stop. I enjoyed it but also felt repulsed by my actions. I got dressed and just sat on the edge of the bed crying. Than my partner walked in and I thought I was going to be yelled at. I looked back to look at my ex but he was gone. No trace. My partner walked up and sat beside me and comforted me and as much as I tried to tell him what I did I couldnโ€™t get the words out. Like something was physically stopping me from saying it. My partner hugged me and comforted me. I woke up feeling really bad.

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