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Dream Interpretation: Work 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Work? Discover the significance of seeing a Work in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Work appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This indicates your purpose, determination, contribution, and value. It suggests that you are very determined and will not give up on challenges easily. It also means that there are some things in life that you are striving to achieve.

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🧭 Direction


Make a note of all the goals you have set for yourself. Use your determination to get what you want, and remember to pursue the things you have chosen for yourself a little more, and you will see the light. Be prepared as new opportunities will soon arrive.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about work may evoke feelings of stress, pressure, and responsibility. It could also bring up emotions of frustration, exhaustion, and a sense of being overwhelmed. Additionally, there may be a feeling of monotony or dissatisfaction with the current job situation.





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Dreams of users containing the word Work

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18 Jul 2024



I was with my dad, brother and sister as my sister was returning her ex-husband’s belongings. The address began with the number 27. I was going to be late for work so I told my sister I was calling an Uber. She accused me of not wanting to spend time with the family. I said of course I didn’t want to spend time with the family: I wanted to work and earn money. My dad and brother told me they’d take me home so I could get ready. We happened upon a carnival opposite Millstone in Niantic. My dad and brother insisted we get out and at least explore. I mentioned to my dad I wanted to go to a carnival again like when I was a kid. My brother was taking his time and I was growing frustrated: I wasn’t going to make it to work on time. I opened my phone to call an Uber and my dad showed me a small straw hat with “7 Marvins” on it. I couldn’t correctly type in the address where I was to get a ride. The only driver in the area had bad reviews about how he assaulted a passenger. My brother flippantly said he didn’t care if I made it to work on time. My dad was a bit more sympathetic but still didn’t understand the urgency.

18 Jul 2024



I dreamed that my mother turned into a kitty cat, and she was meowing, and it turned into English, and it was like, why did you leave me like that? I am your only mother kitty. I'm not giving any attention to all those other kitty cats, even those mean, some of those mean Spanish kitty cats. So, I turned into a kitty cat as well, and then we went to some kind of Trump rally, and the Donald Trump kitty cat was injured, and he started crying real bad. He was like, meow, meow, meow, and then all of a sudden the, what is it, the BLM guy was telling me I should move in, and go back to FedEx ground.

16 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


Was at an old house renovating it. Had a lot of bugs and insects investing it including wasps. Tried to find wasp killer but couldn't. Then I had a feast with some family members and friends. We had beer and rotisserie chicken. We were still doing renovation on the house as we also had breakfast food. Then it was a half hour before three, so I left and wandered the city and suburbs. I then went to Jersey Mike's. The sandwich came an hour late. I then went on the highway to make it to work. At work, I was an hour and a half late. I was also two days shy of getting a free day (extra vacation) as well. Work also had feasts of rotisserie chicken.

15 Jul 2024



I had the strangest dream. First I was at home with my boyfriend but we were sharing the apartment, my apartment which I bought, with three people, two boys and a girl. They used to live with my boyfriend like they were his flatmate, flatmates, and then all of a sudden they ended up living with me and at first I was fine with it and it was a mess. They would eat our food in the fridge but my boyfriend was like okay with it, always smiling and I was complaining and I didn't feel listened to. He wasn't listening to me, taking into account my feelings. And then I remember there was a problem. I was at my partner's mother's place and we had some kind of problem. I had to go to work in the evening because I was doing the night shift and I was so worried because I had to go to work. But, I don't know, there was this problem with the apartment. I don't know, it was being flooded, something like that. I don't remember what kind of problem it was. But, I don't know, I was so anxious and worried and I had to go to work and I didn't know what to do. Then we would go on the moped with my boyfriend, but it was raining so we couldn't and I was desperate. And then, I don't know, he said, OK, I know what to do. And we were going to a weird place, like it looked like a fairy tale, like there were ponies. And, I don't know, we... We were there, and they gave me some kind of white cloth made of silk, and I was, I don't know, worried. My boyfriend, he was so peaceful, he was okay, he knew everything was going to be fine, and I was worried. And I told him, I have to go to work, I have to go to work, and I would burst into tears because I had to go to work. And I didn't know what we were doing there, and I was worried. And he was so okay, so in peace, like, okay, don't worry, wait, they're fixing our problem, we're just staying here, give us some time to be together. And I remember me wanting to be intimate with him, but then all of a sudden, my father pops up, and other people, and my friends, and everyone, and I was losing time, I had to go to work, and it was late, it was late. And in the end, in the end I was in my car with another person and a kid, maybe that kid was my son, I don't know, but I had to really rush to work, but I, the time, it was too late. I started at 10 p.m. and it was late and I needed to text my boss that I was going to be late and I would take the wrong route and I was driving, it was so hard to get to work and then, I don't know, we kind of, it was weird and I never made it to work. And there was another part of the dream where I was laying on the grass with a bunch of high school friends And two of them were like talking about finals like they were studying for them preparing for them But like we were 30 like we are so I was like I don't know why you're doing this because I sometimes I Kind of usually dream of still being in high school and having to do my finals But then I realized while in high school that I don't need to go there anymore because I have a degree I went to college and also I have a job. I go to work every day So why am I what am I still doing here? I've already done all of this stuff and I Find someone to complain to it to explain myself to but then I never The dream ends before I can do that. So I was telling these two friends like what are you doing? We already have a high school degree. We don't need to do this. You don't need to do that I'm not doing that. I'm not at all and they were like well But we may have some problems in the future because maybe it wasn't a lot for what we did maybe it was I don't know they were saying a bunch of bullshit and I didn't care because I I Mean I didn't I really didn't care

14 Jul 2024

Little girl


I was at work my boss asked me did I need anything and I said paper so she brought be some so later on she asked me did I need anything again and I said I need paper so later I went to a vending machine a tried to get some sprite but when I selected sprite I got some pink lemonade keto drink and I was made and all of a sudden my bosses sister that I used to go to school with she was a little girl in my dream and she came to work with us and I was training her and I wanted to get away from work for an hr and she was with me so we eneded up going to a church library to watch a movie so we watched the movie and before we knew it was six a clock and we get off work at 4pm we stayed over the time we were supposed to and my boss will be looking for her sister after work so while we where at the library watching the movie my sister walks in and says hey u not home yet and I was like oh what time is it and she said it’s 6:30pm and I rushed to get my bosses sister out so we can go back to work but I was also wondering how will I explain this and keep my job and as I was wondering that the dream ended. And I work up breathing hard

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream that there was a fox at my work and one of my co-workers trapped it in a box but the box had an opening on the top which provided the fox an opportunity for escape. while attempting to figure out a better container to keep the fox so that it wouldn’t leave. I was designated to put my foot over the opening to ensure the fox wouldn’t jump through and escape. The dream then transitioned to a guy named Bruno who was a sword smith and was making a really nice sword.

10 Jul 2024



I went apartment hunting and found an apartment of interest. This man told me that I can look inside the apartment. When I got there there was someone else with a roommate that was already living in it but they were kind to let me see the rooms. I saw an old friend from middle school in the apartment. We cried and hugged. I asked about her parents and siblings but she didn’t tell me her sister had passed away which I already knew of from Facebook. The apartment was odd shaped, there was a play room for their pets which was shaped funny. Walking on the carpet I stepped into a hole which wasn’t visible. I removed my food and kept walking. Next thing I know I was at work and this office assistant was going around giving us things like fancy pens, desk toys to play with that someone had donated to our workplace. I found a fancy pen and the office assistant said something acknowledging that she wanted it. I said ok you can have it I have fancy pens at home.

9 Jul 2024



I was renting a room from my current boss to stay the night with my ex. It starts out normal with my ex and I having sex in our room when I notice my boss listening to us from outside of the room which felt creepy. I tried to tell my ex we should be quieter but he doesn't want to so we argue with each other. And my boss sees and hears us fighting. Then when I'm going to leave my room my coworker needs help with dishes so I lend her a hand and try to go out to the beach with everyone else when my boss tries to give me work to do first

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I worked as a spokesperson for Supercut doing commercials and that I was at an event for the California Lottery which I think I also worked for too and in the dream they were drawing numbers and I realized if I would have played my regular numbers I would have won the lottery that day. I just remember being so irritated and so upset. There was a woman there who worked for a GPS mapping company manually finding out how to do locations from one place to another and inputting the data into the computer. This woman looks like me, but older, and a lot of people would mistake us for one another. She did end up winning the lottery that night. Because she also worked for the California Lottery. I was wondering if that would be valid or if she would even be able to claim her money. In this dream there was a man who was also working on the commercials for Supercuts and for some reason he disappeared and we could not get ahold of him. Now that I think about it I am not really sure if it was me who worked for Supercuts or the California lottery, and maybe the woman who resembled me. I wonder if this woman somehow represented another version of me or some part of me due to the fact that she resembled me only older, and the dream was very much fixated on her. Also I think it’s a strange parallel how she won the lottery and how I was so upset that I didn’t win and would have if I played the numbers.

7 Jul 2024



I was at work and a gang broke in stole money and kidnapped me sliced my throat told me I was one of them now and I was able to escape them go to the hospital and report to the police later I was healed and at home they broke into my house while I was taking a bath and shot at me they missed no one helped me I woke up feelings hurt and crying

6 Jul 2024

Love Interest
Many People


I had a dream that I had to go to work in a different city and I really didn’t want to go so first when I got there I opened up I I was having nice interactions with the customers and things then my grandma called me and told me that they was there too and I wanted to see them before I left but I was at work so I chose to leave and I got to them with no problem and then when I remembered that I was like to work alll my times say x so I’m ridding with my cousin but I can’t figure out how to get back there then some how I got there but when I got there the time said 8:45 it was so many different people there and I felt horrible bc I just left my whole shift yeah so the people was being mean to me but I was not having it I met somebody named chris( I think I met Christ as a love interest in a lot of my dreams) then my boss was outside and he was really really mad at me so we had it out and my other boss was texting me trying to ask me what was wrong if I had been suppressing my grievances but i was ignoring him and my baby brother popped up out of no where and now I have to keep him safe as well but I kept forgetting that he was with me and as I was trying to leave and I could not remember how to get back to my family when I remember that Landon was with me I saw I black jeep out side and when I looked I saw Landon sitting in there but I forgot again and I ordered an Uber anyways while I’m in the Uber I realized that I ordered the Uber back to work and on the way back I remember that Landon was with me but I seen him in a black jeep before and the black jeep was still there I was looking and I was still arguing with my boss and when I get in the car I see my baby sister too there is a man driving and a woman telling me how much she wants to help and that she could take me to my family I asked for her phone but I was still distracted with my boss that I didn’t even think about the jeep moving then remember thinking we are not safe and I’m trying to take Rylee out the seat and bring her closer to me and I see the lady in the passenger seer trying to stab me with a needle but she was going soo slow so I just threw it out the window but then she looked at my brother and he was talking about how unwanted sexual pleasure felt so good then I woke up I did not wanna stay in that dream

5 Jul 2024



I was in my childhood basement, it used to creep me out as a child when I would watch TV at night. There was bunch of random stuff stored there, old furniture, childhood paintings, water damage from storms of the past. Accurate to what the basement really looks like. I saw too shadowy figures come from out the corner and spook me, then I looked at them a bit closer and was like “are you an Anderson brother” they said “yeah sure jokingly” then I looked closer and was like wait a minute… you’re a Marrone. Followed them to the laundry room and turned the drawstring light on it was my friend Mike Marrone who I work with, and his northern Nic who I’ve met once, nic looked like he did 10 years ago not now. I said “oh hi you spooked me glad it’s just you” then we had conversations about manifesting intentions time three, and fear isn’t scary when familiar.

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