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Dream Interpretation: Waves 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Waves? Discover the significance of seeing a Waves in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Waves appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

It often symbolize your emotional fluctuations. It suggests that too many things are going on in your waking life, and you have very little control over them. These dreams also act like a warning symbol that signifies that the problems may enter your life and leave just like the waves.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Life is full of trials and tribulations. Ups and downs are part of it; learn to accept both. Move out of the comfort zone you have set; change is inevitable. And every change brings with itself some new challenges, which you can easily surpass with confidence and belief.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of waves can evoke a sense of tranquility and calmness, as well as a feeling of being in harmony with nature. It may also bring about a sense of awe and wonder, as waves symbolize the immense power and vastness of the ocean. Additionally, waves can represent the ebb and flow of emotions, suggesting a need to go with the flow and adapt to changes in life. Overall, this dream may leave one with a sense of serenity and a reminder to embrace the natural rhythms of life.





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6 Jul 2024



being drown in a dark sea with massive waves

27 Jun 2024



I was hanging out at a friend's house but I was dealing with the voices in my head and I ended up staying up all night. I found myself pacing around her house looking for my phone and backpack. Then her younger sister throws a football through her glass door as zombies were outside then they disappeared and I used her landline to call someone in Anchorage because my friend lived out near Wasilla. I said that I needed a taxi to Anchorage but I found myself in the front driver's seat in a black car and I veered off into the ocean. With the phone in my hand, I was floating on the surface and a boat with some of my friends from high school were in it they just laughed as they sped off. Some friends they are. Then the waves were getting bigger but they were pushing me towards land so I used their momentum to swim faster. Then I found myself swimming with sharks. It was like a video game underwater. I had to navigate myself and my brothers though the sharks. Come to find out, the woman I was on the phone with was a Alaskan Native Elder and her and her family saved us before the sharks ate us. Then I was shaking her hand and she had freckles on her face just like I do. She had me meet her kids and gave me a pendant that said, "Seeking the sky castle" on it. Then she said that I had to pay for the pendant. They gave me a backpack that had a bunch of loose bills in it so I paid her for the pendant. Then I woke up.

24 Jun 2024



I had this dream where there were a bunch of us trying to stop ✨something✨ from getting out of containment. We had all sensed a powerful evil attempting to enter the world and went in to stop it. We had already tried something and it didnt work. So now my cousin Allayah was on charge of the project. While she was planning and getting things together she didn’t give me very many tasks and at first I was a little upset about it. Because I was pretty highly ranked and very good at the protection setup. I was able to work through it on my own with the support of some of my other peers and as it turns out I was actually going to be the final battle point. As I was roaming the area looking down below because I could fly I noticed something harassing out people. It was a henchman coming for our most powerful device. It was what o was to operate as the final battle defense. I had the sense this device, it was a small lumpy circular shaped with glowing blue lines throughout, was very powerful and could blow up and destroy everything. So I made a sneak move and was able to grab it when somebody dropped it without being noticed. While I was getting away I ran into Allayah who said β€œgreat everything is in place now.” That’s when i realized my role in this. I saw it as a clear vision. I was standing on the side of this smaller mountain looking out at the scene below and it zoomed out and as the scene zoomed out I saw the device detonate and send out massive blue waves that looked almost like a gel like substance. I flashed back to the current moment and went up the mountain after she told me to guard this with my life. I didn’t understand what the real intention was until I dropped the device when I got into position. When I dropped the device as I went to pick it up i realized where there device touched life grew. It started as little clovers that grew into Flowers. I realized what I had been given to safe guard. It was life itself. And here I was thinking it was a device for destruction when really it was the only thing that could return life to the land if we failed. And then I woke up at 3:21am

20 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was in the ocean with some friends. But as we were getting out of the water we noticed there was a huge wall of water between us and the actual shore. For almost a mile there was nothing but sand. We initially started moving toward the wall but soon we noticed it was beginning to slowly collapse from the top. We started running the other way back to the water, knowing we had to get as far as possible for the eventual waves that would come. We ran for at least 15 minutes until we saw more people in the water. We looked back frequently to see the top of the wall was slowly sloping off. We met a man who told us how to survive - that we had to draw a U shape in the sand facing away from the wall and squat down - when the waves came (big and dangerous) we did this and we’re able to avoid being swept away. A few people did this and survived. I realized there were tons of people in the water and many were people I knew. Eventually all the wall collapsed and the water returned to normal. We were able to go to shore. When we did my two friends and I walked to a house near the beach and I noticed they were not looking or talking to me much at all. I woke up in that dream into another dream but I can’t remember what happened there.

5 Jun 2024



A place with a house on a mountain... all around the mountain was waves and beautiful water. It was in the morning, and it looked like it was a time from one of the old movies, the ones that are from a long time ago..

3 Jun 2024



I was walking around a city was 2 cities put together. I was withing a bunch of people I didn't recognize but I clearly knew them. We were running around looking drugs but I never heard of the drug before. People were chasing us but I felt no anxiety. We ended up near water in a completely different town. We were swimming and the water got real deep and waves started getting bigger and bigger... it was getting hard to stay at the surface I was going under and I was sinking..then I woke up and was taking a huge breath in like i was really holding my breath

2 Jun 2024



On a blow-up boat in the sea with 3 friend. 2 guys 1 girl. We come to a small floating Beacon. It had a concrete base. We tried to hold on to it because we noticed the sea was getting a little rough. We watched as the waves got bigger and bigger. I knew/hoped after a few waves the sea would becomes calm again. The boat capsizes. I rememberd it was only a dream, I could make myself breath underwater. I turned myself into a mermaid so I could dive down into the water and pull out the boat and 2 of my friends who were sinking. I pull them all up and ask them to climb onto the boat.

29 May 2024

Black women


I was on a huge beach like colleg le reunion style. I was in the water comfortably. It was mostly black women. Some i recognized some I didn’t. I was observing how much older we all looked. Some better than others but for the most part we were all looking very young, and happy and bright. The water had calm fun waves. I didnt have the confidence to say hello to some people alone but i eventually did greet people. It was a fun dream.

25 May 2024



Tsunamis and I’m always with my mother protecting her from waves crashing into our hotel room

15 May 2024

Killer whales


I had a dream when I was younger that I was in a hotel being chased by a person in a killer whale mascot costume. I was having to jump over cardboard waves and walls to get away from this killer whale that was chasing me. The mascot for my swim team in real life was a killer whale.

14 May 2024

End of world


Dreamt it was the end of the world. I wad in a caravan on the edge of a cliff, right by the sea. There were lots of people in the sea and around the caravan. We were all waiting for the wave to hit us. The sea was gradually making bigger and bigger waves. I was in the caravan trying not to look out of the window. In the end I let myself out of the caravan and got in a car with 2 female strangers to drive away from the wave. The car was full of their belongings and I was sat in the backseat. Panic was spread throughout the town.

13 May 2024



I was swimming in a fish bowl and the water is dirty and hallow, and as I am swimming I feel content but I keep swimming up to the top for air but the waves are too strong and I swim back down in the bowl and I see other fish around me looking at me and smiling as I’m struggling to swim at the top

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