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Dream Interpretation: Bully 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bully? Discover the significance of seeing a Bully in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bully appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

There is a part of your identity that is stifling and suppressing another part of your identity. This dream will often happen as compensation for an overly meek and mild personality, demonstrating that your people-pleasing and adherence to rules is keeping you from expressing your true self.

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🧭 Direction


Do not let rules, shame, and people-pleasing tendencies keep you from expressing your true self. Your emotions, desires, and identity deserve to be authentically expressed. Take steps and actions to allow these parts of yourself to be revealed.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of being bullied can evoke a range of negative emotions such as fear, helplessness, and insecurity. It may leave one feeling vulnerable, anxious, and even traumatized. The experience of being targeted by a bully in a dream can trigger a sense of powerlessness and a lack of control over one's own life. These emotions may stem from real-life experiences of being bullied or from a deeper fear of confrontation and conflict. Overall, this dream can leave a person feeling distressed and unsettled, highlighting the need to address any underlying issues related to self-esteem and assertiveness.





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16 Jul 2024



An insight into my dreams I had . Never had a choice to leave school, it wasn’t an option. I had to return and be in close quarters with threats (bullies) they bullied me in person and online which probably felt like I couldn’t escape feeling unsafe (tigers, lions outside) because I still had threats coming in via phone. My abusive marriage has a similar themeβ€” irrationally felt that I had no choice but to stay- feel stuck- even though there are periods of intermittent positive reinforcement. I believe that I truly will never be able to let him go and not be in love with him for the rest of my life. These two variables cross into a distorted dream version of my reality. I am always trying to collect my things and escape but I can never retrieve all of my belongings (heavy grief is associated with the feeling of leaving important items behind) and even when I do get out to a vehicle with my stuff I can’t carry it and the car never works/comes to get me.

11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now I’m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji I’m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once we’re done and get out, we’re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as they’re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

5 Jul 2024



I was at a Harvard science fair. Id made my project and everyone was there but suddenly I noticed it was lots of kids I’d grown up with. They were all normal and I got whatever reason was weird and abnormal. They started bullying me for my weird behavior told me I’d never be able to achieve my dream of going to Harvard or even have a chance of winning the science fair bcs I was too weird

30 Jun 2024



i had a dream that a girl that bullied me was in, and she was transferring back to our school

20 Jun 2024



My mom and stepfather took us to the neighbors house for a party, it started off great but as time passed the kids started to bully each other and tried to hurt me and my siblings and my old step siblings as well, they chased us with knives, pushed us into the pool, and put a voodoo curse on us. My mom and stepfather went home leaving us there and the parents started to drink and they kids got worse. My little sister Zori snuck home and after I noticed what they were doing I snuck out. My siblings all of them snuck out and we were not supposed to be at home so we snuck in but I was talking to my sister as my other siblings ate food, we never got to eat and we knew my mom wasn't trying to poison us and I threw plates on top of the china cabinet and me and my other siblings heads cause if my mom stormed upstairs saying β€œIf I catch anyone in there I'm locking them in that room until I come back.” my younger stepsibling from the past head in the dining room and my mom saw him picked him up and threw him in the room but never locked the door then she walked to the closet door and had me and my sister come out and said β€œI’m not locking you in there but I’m going to ask you one question I’m not going to force you do you want to come?” And I said no and she left and the dream faded to black.

18 Jun 2024



My daughter had a dream that I was driving her to school, but that I didn't know that the school was evil We arrived and Annabelle said, I don't think this is a good idea, but I said it looked like a good school, but I was wrong. The teacher took her to the class and she seemed nice, and when she brought her to the class, the children were looking at her mean because they didn't like new students. Two of the girls, one of them had green eyes and blonde hair, and the other had brown eyes and brown hair. They were especially mean. The two girls put thumbtacks on their seats. She sat next to them. She had one friend who liked her and they went to recess. It was a boy with green eyes and blonde hair. He said that he would be right back and while Annabelle was on the play structure the two girls approached her and pushed her down and she broke her leg. She fell into the deep sleep, and when she woke up, I looked up and saw a glowing tree. She glanced the other direction and when she turned back the tree was gone.

10 Jun 2024

My crush


Dreamed I was back in school. We were having some kind of special day. Kind of like a job day, but not really. At first I didn't know what was going on, and I was trying to help set up. Everyone knew exactly what they were doing and I was getting in the way. I saw a girl with a huge training dog and wanted to touch it but I didn't, and went the other way. First I went and talked with another girl and asked her what she was planning on going to college for and she sao music. I told her that I was planning on doing something art wise or music too, but that I was too afraid Id be a starving artist. She tells me I'm being too hard on myself and that I'll never know if I don't try. I then start wandering around and find a woman standing next to a kitten. I turn to the kitten and crouch down and pet it for a good long while and it seems to be really liking it. Later, after everything is done, I'm lagging behind but I'm worried about a guy I have a crush on because I haven't seen him all day. Theres this black kid who's been known to bully him and I ask politely where he is. The guy is so mean he takes out special cleaning supplies and burns straight through my backpack that I was wearing. I'm mad now, and I turn towards some girls and they tell me "you don't have anything, your backpack was ruined along with everything in it." Now I'm mad and worried. I go to the black kid and I slam him into a locker and keep the door closed so he's stuck in the locker and at this point I'm yelling and asking for the name of the guy I like and where he is. Finally the guy goes "I locked him in the emergency tube!" I let him out but grab him by the throat and slam him again at the lockers and tell him that if he doe it again I'LL be the one to put him there. I turn and start running toward the emergency tube. I pass the kitten but I don't go to it like I want to. It gets startled and hides under something. I run to the guy I like and he is in the emergency tube. Its like where someone goes I'd they broke a bone or got sick, but I had been told that if you're fine, it acts like you're not and basically hurts your body and tries to do surgery on you. I see the guy I like and he goes "You have to get me out quick! It hasn't kicked on, but usually you get to me before I'm in here. I don't know whats going to happen." Just as I turn to the computer that tells the tube what to do, he doubles over in pain and IRS like looking through his skull from an xray. I start fiddling with the tube to see if I can find the way to open it filled with anxiety and then I wake up.

1 Jun 2024



I dream of that day when my little cousin brother put his body in a big gold piece and covered the body and threw it in the drainage system. Near my house there is a drainage. I threw the body inside and I feel guilty after killing him. I dream that I met my friend. She was younger than me. I went to her house and met her mother. Her mother was very sweet. I tried to be very friendly with her and spend a lot of time with her. In my dream I saw she was getting bullied by some people in my auto. She was thrown out of the auto and she was sad. I made up my mind to tell her that it's not good to fight and those people are bad. That's all. We were near the mall in our house. Then I saw my little cousin brother detective. He was alive. I don't know how he was alive till now. I opened the bag on my own. I was not drowned in the drainage system. After knowing that I helped him and started crying a lot. I really liked my little cousin brother and started crying. Then I met some of my old friends near the mall. I met my friend's mother again and we talked a little bit. That's all.

25 May 2024



Had a dream someone took my marijuana and ketamine nose spray Then these FBI paintball people shot someone that used to bully me Then someone gave me their bag to watch over before they deployed

17 May 2024

New Job
Old boss


My old boss that got fired was hired back on. She asked me how work was without her there and I told her it was way better. She was incredulous. She asked me how that could be possible and I told her that the new director is able to listen to opinions other than her own, she comes up with solutions that actually make sense and when she helps us out it actually helps instead of just stressing us out more. She told me I was being a bully and just trying to make her look bad. I told her she didn’t need any help looking bad. She told me even thought she was my boss now she could let it go and start fresh. I told her there was no need and I quit.

21 Apr 2024



Dream 3 dream πŸ’­ Daniel McCormick was talking to me and My friends on a steep hill with many lawns and in the neighborhoods I was ok πŸ‘ but startled he was my former bully at Pepin Academy 6th grade he put me in a headlock back then and called me names. Also had some funny parts to him. He wasn’t mad in the dream he was like hey nodding off and saying good to see you Jeff for a short moment and we were saying hey what’s up. He said also he never hated me while we were in detention at Pepin in real life he never hated me we just misunderstood each others emotions and I forgive all of my bullies I do.

18 Apr 2024



I was back in school, but I was more adult. I had a bully but I stood up to him. My girlfriend was a voodoo doll and whatever pain enacted on her he felt and there was sexual energy between me and my girlfriend.

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