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Dream Interpretation: Kidnapping 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Kidnapping? Discover the significance of seeing a Kidnapping in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Kidnapping appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol indicates insecurity, anxiety, and vulnerability. It suggests that your life is out of your control, and all this makes you anxious and weary. It also symbolizes that you are putting yourself into an emotional trap by always doing things that please others.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Is there anything in your life that is making you anxious? Worry will not help you in any situation. It is your commitment to others and your people-pleasing attitude that is causing you to lose personal control and making you anxious. Take back the lost control, and work towards your own betterment.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of kidnapping evokes feelings of fear, vulnerability, and powerlessness. It signifies a loss of control and a sense of being trapped or held against one's will. This dream may reflect deep-seated anxieties or a fear of being taken advantage of. It can also symbolize a desire for freedom or a need to assert oneself in waking life. The emotions associated with this dream are often intense and unsettling, leaving a lingering sense of unease upon waking.





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Dreams of users containing the word Kidnapping

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18 Jul 2024



This dream I had when I was about 10 years old. (4 Years ago) But I still vividly remember all the details. It started with me wandering this street. The buildings felt like tall, cement blocks with doors. The night darkened the mood. The yellow streaks lining the walls illuminated. For a segment of the dream, it is a bit fuzzy. Then, the next thing I see is my old bedroom surrounding me. It wasn't the entire house, only the bedroom. I was practically stuck to the bed and in a panic. My first instinct was to escape. So after 5 minutes (estimate), I bolt out of the room and find the front door of my old house. But when I walk out, it's the same outside as before. The cement world. I run and run and run down the way until a car-garage-looking building catches my eye. I turn into there, hoping to hide from whatever brought me to my old house. I go inside and find a friend from my elementary school. She was the sweetest girl ever, and I cared about her a lot. Now that I think about her, I believe she had a crush on me at the time. I tell her that I was running from whatever it was, and she offers me water from the sink. Nothing else significant happens before I see a car searching for me. I once again try to run away. I try to escape this lady. But she catches me and forces me into her van. She says, "I told you couldn't run away. Do not try again." And she swiftly drives me back to my old bedroom. For the next couple segments, I'm stuck lying in bed for a while. At one point, I'm on my tablet watching one of my favourite YouTubers. And then one of the most significant moments in the dream, the lady who had kidnapped me pulled me to the edge of the bed. Her long fingers trace a line just above my knee. She watches my expression carefully. "Once this is all over, I'll cut your leg off right here. Does that sound good?" She threatens. After that, there is a big blur. Then the final scene I see before I wake up is me and the lady scavenging through a janitor's closet. She says something along the lines of "You're dad has a secret." And when I ask her what she means, the dream is cut short.

12 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Parking Lot


I have a recurring where this dude kidnapped me in his house with other people and we found out he was sexually assaulting this little girl so we got this orb he’s been hiding and trying to convince us to use and we finally use it and in in this old town with a version of my gf in an apartment we lived in and I just spawned into this universe I was on this parking lot roof and we got stuck there I ran down and met my gf we tried to go back to our apartment but we couldn’t the town was hiding and leaving while it was abt to get robbed and looted and I remember looking at my gfs hand and feeling genuine love and connection and ik maybe we will survive it but I needed to stay there

12 Jul 2024

Car accident


Me being hit by a car and flying over 2 parallel walls and before hitting the ground I asked god for help and I slowly fell to the ground I saw this guy and he was someone I liked and he left one day and didn’t say anything and then there was a fight on a bridge and people were pushed and we kidnapped a girl

7 Jul 2024



I got kidnapped an escaped and then shot a girl an got kidnapped again

30 Jun 2024



Had two drams in one and they were both scary The first. I saw a mom who moved into a house and the place had a ghost in it, a tall skinny man dressed in black with a bowl hot on his head. The house looks like a two story house, but when climbing the first stairs, just before taking the second stairs, there's a room on the right hand side, which is where the son's room is in. In the dream, the little boy has been telling his mom there's something in the house and it's not pleasant, but the mom always brushed it off; until one day she heard shuffles on the second floor, and then heavy steps, so the mom decided to truly pay attention. As the steps are moving toward the stairs, so was the mom. I could feel what she felt, fear; fear that this thing had finally decided to take her child, so she made a b line for the stairs and got to her son before the thing and that's when she saw the thing. She ran outside with him. In the same dream I saw another bad man who befriends people with kids in the same area the lady lives in, and what that bad man does is kidnapping the kids and sell them to rich people. I saw myself as the kid's protector and jumped in the car and saved one child, but that had guy wasn't working alone; he and his accomplice had each stolen a child, I saved one, but the cops were looking for the other child. I then saw me looking through the eyes of the chief of police investigating the kidnapping, at the same time I was a by standard. The chief of police was analyzing which route the kidnapper could have taken; he thought there were only two routes that end up connecting with the main route a good distance from where the kid was abducted, only to find out that there was another dirt road that is not traveled much, one can't see it if you're not looking for it. This route is also connected to the main route miles away from the abduction and the my dream changed as the chief was thinking about which route the kidnapper might have taken In my second dream, I saw me watching a photoshoot. This photoshoot was of a wedding dress. The designer, a dark skinned woman, who is well known for her beautiful wedding dresses had just came out with a new wedding and was introducing it to the world on one of those big fashion magazines. The photographer, Asian , also a woman, also well known for her work. In the dream, it seems the fashion designer and the photographer were good friends, for it felt like they have been working together for a very long time. The photographer was popular for her water pictures; she had a big and large tub like pool, but it was more like a non-slip pad, but also a tub. The pad/tub was red on the outside and black on the inside and was filled with water; the black color made a perfect contrast to the white dress when the models lay in the pad/tub to be photographed. The scene was ethereal, it was as though the dress was floating and yet flying. The designer was dressed in a red cocktail silk gown that was off the shoulders, wrapped at the waist and revealed a whole lot of leg. The designer looked happy, but it was a surface happiness. I saw me telling her about my designs and she was a bit dismissive when I was explaining some of my sketches to her. Then she was doing a speech, like she was having a big reveal of her new wedding dress; a party of sort. At the beginning of the speech, she was fine, then it took a turn quick, she started talking about her son who had passed away. In the dream, the boy had died young, he wasn't older than eight or nine and wasn't younger than six or seven. I couldn't determine the boy's correct age, what I knew for sure was that he had died extremely young. As she was talking about the boy, she started saying "I see him mama. He's here". Her mom thought her daughter had started to lose it, but didn't say anything because she didn't want people to think that she thinks her daughter was going crazy. And the designer said that "he took my boy to hell with him" she was crying in a mournful and yet angry way. That's when I understood that the boy had died by his father's hand, he had burned the boy and himself as well. As the designer was crying, she started saying "let him go" like the boy's father had kept him in hell with him as leverage; for if he kept the innocent soul, he wouldn't suffer as much in hell as he should. And I saw the party had turned into a church and they started praying for the mom to let go of her child because her anger could open the door for her child to possess her, and for the child's sould to leave hell before it gets corrupted and I woke up with the song on my lips

29 Jun 2024



I was kidnapped and made apart of this cult that kills people that have abused them. Torture them. And then when a member of the cult dies they string them up and burn them, dancing around them to send them off. Even insulting them to try to lighten the mood. It was like a big fucked up family. They were monsters but the love and comradey was real. They loved each other in a way I didn’t think was possible. And there was this dark haired man there. Was kinda like a ninja. He was obsessed or well in love with another member and kinda bullied them for attention. But secretly they’d kill anyone who hurt the. They watch them while they slept and studied anything they liked just so they could relate to them more. He was so desperate for this persons attention he was almost driving himself crazy tho everyone in the dream already seemed a bit crazy. There was a mentor lady that everyone loved. She reminded me of Miss Hoffman. She was so smart and wise and the day she died, the ceremony they performed was so very different from there usual. They did this dance were they summoned forth every element including lighting. And when they pushed over her burial- instead of insulting her like what was natural, they all ran forward and cried at the base of her shrine. Praying for her. Wishing her every good thing and to just be able to see her once last time. She was like a hero to these souls. She gathered cruel beings, killers, bad guys. And she’d find redemption in them. She’s give loveless people a family and purpose. They loved her on a way I’m not sure I could comprehend as I don’t ever really feel loved. She was extremely powerful and No one saw her death coming. Like she “gave up” her life for something. I saw a bunch of messy love stories within the dream. The final one being, a great love between a human Witch and a great Titan Prince. He was deathly sick to the point he couldn’t open his eyes or move. His family kept tryna feed him the human. Maybe to give him strength or something but he refused each time. Literally crying. The human was terrified of him cause he was so big. She was like the size of his cheek. But she did her best to relax against his skin because he was normally completely unconscious holding her in his fist. Everytime she’s tense a little his grip on her would tight painfully. She ended up realizing that he was protective of her unconsciously and didn’t realize was was the biggest threat when he squeezed her. If she wasn’t freaking out or his brothers threatening to feed her too him- She and the giant slept like kittens. When they both slept, the Titan didn’t look so scary and monsterious anymore. More like a younger kid holding on to his only life line. And sometimes, quite rarely, she almost seemed to cuddle into his face. To get closer to his warm. 800 or so years later the Titan wakes again and this time the witch girl is the one protecting them. She put a youth spell on herself so she can try to stay with the Titan because he’s like close to immortal and she was only meant to live a human life. But she can’t hold on much longer. The Titan doesn’t say anything as he’s basically just a little kid waking from a long nap. He doesn’t get angry as he can feel how weak her energy is. All he does is try to protect and persevere what little energy she has left. But he too is weak from 800 years of a coma like sleep. Not really eating or moving. Though he’s still extremely powerful. As soon as he awaking tribes start trying to hunt the two (for some reason 🤷‍♀️) as he brings her back to the mortal realm in hopes of giving her soul a lighter existence. He feels this despair, like no matter what he does he can’t save her. And it kills him because if she goes he knows he will not smile again. People are attacking left and right and she’s visually getting weaker and weaker. Her old age catching up to her now that he’s awake and refraining his strength. He knows she will die. Now I didn’t see this next part in the dream but here’s what I think happened. I think he cast some kinda forbidden spell or something to tie there souls together and force her into reincarnation. He would find her again and when he did he’d be a man, not a child. He’d keep her for real. Now to only find and convince her of that as there old situation wasn’t exactly a friendly one and he’s not sure if he even has a likable personality. She only knew him asleep. Also a lot of the monsters in the dreams. When they died, they’d be locked in these night cages and they’d be sad and lonely till random spirits would visit then they’d get all happy and dance around in there cages. Also the Titan had a grimoire of summoning to all his old friends real selves. Kinda like in fate stay night were you could summoning forth a champion but he was strong enough to summon as many as he wanted whenever he wanted. And the human he was facing casually summoned a copy version of stalker guy from earlier in the dream. He got kinda smirky and summoned the real original that easily kicked the humans ass. It was kinda funny to watch. I was the human in the dream that hadn’t died yet. Also the Titan at first looked like this massive scary pig man with tusks and shit. But later in the dream it was like he just turned into a really large young adult guy. Considered a young child amongst his species and hers. He had long, light orange like hair and light sun kissed skin. He looked like he was surrounded by sunlight light later on. Like really pretty

27 Jun 2024



I was a bodyguard for Joe and Jill Biden as they attended events at a mall and a school. A young woman kept trying to kidnap Joe Biden and he commented that he only wanted me as his bodyguard as I would do whatever was needed to save his life.

24 Jun 2024



In my dream I was saving these babies from some foreign people I overheard banging on the door saying if you have babies were coming to take them so I opened the door and looked at my aunt trying to put clothes on them I told her that it isn’t anytime for that they have to go now so I grabbed the babies myself and broke my window down and put the babies out and said do you remember where aunt niecey live they said yes I told them to run until they get there don’t stop for nobody and stay together and my Annie comes in and say and she already be getting touched on I don’t know why she hadn’t told us earlier and I was like who she was like tinky and tinky wasn’t even there but the people told her I kidnapped them by letting them go and I asked my aunt do you feel I just kidnapped them or let them free and saved their lives she said saved them the Foreigners said we missed out on them because we don’t know where they’re going in we were only supposed to do this building of taking peoples kids

22 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was dealing with my husband, who I've been estranged for for a long time. Probably because today is our 15 year anniversary. He also took my child when he was three months old and kidnapped him and took him out of state and off the grid. And I didn't see him again until he was seven years old. In my dream we had two small sons. I think one of them was the same one that we already have. but there was also a new one and Every time I would put her in the bath she would somehow get out or take things in there that weren't supposed to be in there or let the water out and or the water would get too hot or too cold and something would happen. My grandma tried to help me get her to take a bath and it still didn't Eventually I grabbed some sort of trunk and I don't know why but when I opened it all these nasty cocoons and spider webs and spiders kept falling out and there was a chrysalis between my toes and it was just so disgusting and I had somebody else some girl I used to work with she something had fallen into the bathtub a prescription of amoxicillin or something and water had gotten in the medicine container and she drank all the water out of it to save the amoxicillin from getting ruinedwork.we were fighting for custody over them but he was in town visiting and we just could I found this trunk. I'm not sure I think she kept throwing something that was in the trunk inside of the bath, just like she kept throwing all other things in the bathtub that weren't supposed to be in there. She threw like paper plates and paper cutlery in there and also there was a bottle of amoxicillin, a brand new prescription of antibiotics that she threw in there and this girl that I used to work with at the KidZone, she grabbed it out of there and she drank the water out of the bottle so that she could save the prescription for me. not get along which is strange because we normally do get along anyway in my dream also my grandma was still alive and I kept trying to get my daughter Annabelle who is nine but in my dream she was about two I kept trying to get her to take a bath and I could not get her into the bathwater Also there was a big old heavy trunk and I lifted it up and when it opened there was all kinds of nasty spiders and spiderwebs and cocoons and stuff and bugs and I got a chrysalis stuck in between my toes that fell out of the trunk that I had lifted above my head. It was disgusting and my grandma was trying to help me get all the bugs and stuff out of there. No matter how hard we tried to get her in the bath something would always happen either she'd throw something in there that didn't belong in there or or the water get too hot or too cold or it would drain or she would somehow get out and I just could not get her to take a bath and I was getting to the point of Real anger and I was about to hit her My grandma mentioned that the spiders were fake, and I told her that they were not, but she said that she's seen one of my cousins who is not related to her. It's on my other side of my family, but we have a lot of issues and we do not get along, even though we used to be best friends, but there's a lot of anger and resentment there. She said that she was throwing spiders around and that they were fake. In the midst of all this, my husband was present in the same house, and he had a girlfriend that came to visit, but I also had a boyfriend there that I used to be with, but I'm not anymore. And it was just really weird and awkward, and we were fighting over these boys, these two little boys, one of which I believe is our current son when he was younger, and another was a brand new baby that I never did have. He was threatening to leave with both babies, and I was trying to figure out a way to keep them both. When I went outside with my grandma, I realized that we were actually in a house that was right near this little cabin that I spent a lot of time in growing up. It was the cabin of my grandma's sister, and it was a special and happy place that I would be taken to in a time where a lot of bad things were going on in my life. when I walked outside, I saw that we were there in the mountains and right across the street. Was my other aunts and uncles’s cabin with a whole bunch of my extended family members outside wanted me to come over for some sort of party. I looked to the left, and there was the little cabin that I spent time in when I was young, only it was blue instead of just regular brown wood, but it still looked the same nice and small and quaint and comfortable and wonderful and beautiful to look at the only thing holding me up from going, there was that my daughter was dirty and would not let me give her a bath. My grandmother came in to help me get her clean and still, she kept doing things like training, the bathwater or the bathwater be too hot and she’d be crying or she would jump out of the bathtub and it was so frustrating that I was at the point where I was gonna really hit her or something I was getting extremely angry. I just wanted to go to that party and look normal and be with my family and my grandma and have a good time, but instead, I ended up with dirty spiders and cocoons between my toes.

17 Jun 2024



I had a dream that i was shopping in a grocery store with my 3 younger siblings. In my waking life i barely spend time with my siblings, we barely talk or see eachother. In my dream i was holding one of my youngest siblings hands while we walked through the grocery store aisles, but me and my siblings were being followed a stranger. The stranger looked like a big tall man with an unrecognizable face. The big tall man started to grab my youngest siblings arm away from me, the man was trying to kidnap my sibling. But i wouldnt let go of my sibling, i wouldnt let the man take my sibling away from me.

10 Jun 2024



I was in a shopping mall and a man kidnapped my baby daughter and killed her. I was searching for her and a man confused to killing her and putting her body in a trash bag. I feel sick.

9 Jun 2024



A ghost in the walls was a man with yellow eyes. Was after me and wouldn't let me sleep. In my closet coming out. Moving my stuff. In the walls when I was in the restroom. Then I was saving these kittens in the basement where the ghost lived at my old house as a child. My mom was like “There are kittens” and I've had to pick them all up. But they kept coming more. Then a crazy girl broke in/man at some point. He was a guy with a sharp object. In my house, my mom ran outside for help. And I did too. My dad showed up to help but it turned into a girl in her 30’s and she was mentally insane. She was kidnapping us. I asked her about the yellow-eyed man on the wall. Because she also lived in the wall and came from out the wall. My father said, “Don't talk to her you don't want to trigger her, she will kill us.” my father said, “Sorry about that.” after that was weird. Later woke up and heard a little boy on my bed or a voice and felt a hand touch me. I had Fear and panic. and fell back to sleep to more of the ghost with yellow eyes. Then woke up to hear the little boy's voice. I said “Hello? JJ?” I woke up and my brain was thinking has to be JJ's voice, it's a little kid? But it was not his voice. More a fearful voice and the scary voice of an innocent devil.

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