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Dream Interpretation: Hostage ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hostage? Discover the significance of seeing a Hostage in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hostage appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes feeling trapped or powerless in a situation. It may also represent a fear of losing something or someone important to you. It could indicate a need for help or support in a difficult situation.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about what or who you feel trapped by in your waking life. Are there any situations or relationships that are causing you stress or anxiety? Consider seeking help or support from others to help you navigate these challenges. Remember that you have the power to make changes in your life and take control of your situation.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of being a hostage can evoke a range of intense emotions. It may instill fear, helplessness, and vulnerability as one's freedom is taken away. The feeling of being trapped and controlled by others can lead to anxiety and a sense of powerlessness. The dreamer may experience frustration and desperation, longing for escape and independence. The emotional impact of this dream can be overwhelming, leaving a lingering sense of unease and a desire for liberation.





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Dreams of users containing the word Hostage

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9 Jul 2024



First thing I remember is noticing me and my brother coming home from work and noticing my bedroom window is open and the screen has been cut the we hear noses coming from the house the some random guy walks in and holds us hostage for something the some lady does the same thing I grabbed something to try and defend myself but she grabbed a knife and the she kills my brother and hurts me Iโ€™m almost dead but I call my mom to let her know I figured out one name somehow and I tell her and let her now I love her and Iโ€™m sorry then I woke up

18 Jun 2024



I was in a nerf war but except it felt like we were in real combat and everyone took it seriously that way. The only part I remember was when I grabbed one of the enemies and tried to hold him as a hostage

15 Jun 2024



In my dream I was flying in the air with my dad wrapped around me from behind. We flew over a football field and I said I want my son to be a football player when he grows up and my atheist father said that that I up to God. I found it odd that he would say that cause he doesnโ€™t believe in God in real life. Then we dropped down at a church and I ran off property and a thief with a knife took me hostage by wrapping his body around me from behind and we started flying in the air and through traffic.

26 May 2024



My dream was so weird, like, first it starts off like me and three friends are going on dates but we go on the dates one at a time. One friend was first, I was second, and another one was third, then, you know, I ended up getting a boyfriend and then the dream shifts to me going to work, making my rounds to all five posts, checking to see if the alarms work for the emergency numbers. The first post emergency number ended in 2222, the second one ended in 3333, the fourth one ended up in 4444, the third one ended up in 5555, wait, so it was just four posts, nevermind. And then, you know, I ended up going to work at another job at a bakery, we were making cakes for the church and all that stuff I made one cake that had a lot of figures on it and a lot of art on it for one of my autistic friends at church and he didn't seem too impressed with it and I said to him I made this cake just for you and he had his arms folded, and I remember one of my co-workers was holding a banker, like, hostage to do, like, I think like to get money or make the cake a certain type of way, I don't remember, but then I fast forward to another part of the dream where I'm praise dancing with my praise dance group and then that's all I remember.

17 May 2024



I was being held hostage. I was wearing a military unifor. Then the a man approaches me. Then he looks in my bag and finds a mannequin. It looks like the man who sexually abused me as a child. Then he says something along the lines of "they want him" and "if we give him to them they will let you go". I hesitate for a moment and then let him go with the mannequin. He then leaves. A minutes later I am set free.

17 May 2024



People were being held hostage behind us and we was looking for a place to look we were going up and down the elevator until I decided 11th foot but that floor was scary and I wanted to go back down but there was 2 Ailen looking things short and fate blue and purple and they started freaking out bc I could see them then I was sitting at Lizaโ€™s house and we wrote sitting and talking at first then somebody came and interrupted to see where she was going she started crying and was just screaming sorry the lady came back and said that it was time for me to go

10 Apr 2024



I was out shopping for a new truck and I couldn't decide if I wanted another badic white Jeep Gadiator or if I wanted a white Nissan truck. The Jeep was basic, while the Nissan truck was fully loaded with the sound system subwoofer and everything and it cost a little bit less, $499/month. She had me trlest drive the Nissan in the building. I was onlay able to drive it forward, turn around and park it in reverse. I still want the Jeep and wanted to look at a model fully loaded. The saleswoman took me on a tour of the car dealership trying to locate some different Jeeps. She had to walk me through a restricted construction zone area. She couldn't find the Jeeps. As we were walking back it was near closing time so the saleswoman just gave me a business card and said I would have to come back another day. She appeared to be in a rush to leave for some reason. We got locked inside of the dealership and we were trying to figure out how to get out. We had to around the construction zone again and we had to avoid stepping into the wet concert on the floor and the staircase. We had to hang climb on steel bars above our heads ro reach the steel staircase rail without touching the wet cement. Someone returned to finish locking up the building and we were able to get out. We were in a different city and people were looking for us in the other city. We were un a Witness Protection Program or something like that. A motorcycle gang was riding and looking for us. The saleswoman was walking on the sidewalk. She could hear the motorcycle gang riding further down the steet she was on. She attempted to hide by walking up a driveway and entering a stranger's house by press the outside wall and a secret door opened for her to get inside. Two men and a lady were attempting to hold us hostage. The leader left the house. Then the second man and the woman ended up having sex by the front door. Towards the end theur sex, they were exhausted and were beginning to drift off to sleep. The woman was laying closer to the front door. I could see her vagina. We were able to side step them to get around them. The second guy who was a bodybuilder realized that we were trying to escape. He was going to get up and come get us. I took the naked lady and turned her so her head was away from the door and we elevated her hips a little bit so he he could see her vagina. That was enough for him to get distracted. He wanted to have sex with her again and then we escaped out of the front door.

30 Mar 2024



I was playing this game that was set in California. It started with you walking into a hotel, there were lots of scorpions and wildcats outside. I did a few rounds before I realized the only way to win was not to get out of the hostage situation and to play through it. It had something to do with the drug trade. There was a guy who was a super dynamic actor, he kind of looked like Barry Pepper. But his name was something weird, like Glumor. I looked him up online and saw that he was only a couple years older than me, homeless, a traveler and known for being a little weird. But he also was in the same town I was staying in, so I decided to go look for him. He was trying to get work at this old ladyโ€™s house. She said no so he started walking away. I followed him and started asking him questions. He finally turned around and asked if I want to be with him. I hesitantly said yes. I assured him that I wasnโ€™t trying to get him and that I would be nice to him. He was still cute but somewhat jealous and intimidating. Eventually he turned downright cruel, stole my favorite stuffed animal and buried it under water, mud and eventually tons of goose feathers. I managed to dig it up but I knew I couldnโ€™t take it to the airport. So I brought it to a lawyer I trust, and she agreed to keep it safe. There was a battle on the water, he apparently had water superpowers. He died but I felt conflicted about the whole thing, I still kind of liked him. They wrote a bunch of news articles about it but they also were weirdly nonchalant about the abuse and water powers, because they apparently were huge fans of the stuffed animal company who wanted to downplay it. Mom wouldnโ€™t quit bothering me about the details, I started trying to write things down, and I told her she was making things worse. They asked if I had cheated with Sterling even emotionally. I explained that heโ€™s dead.

19 Mar 2024



I think I was back at my college campus but it wasnโ€™t my actual college campus. I think some of my current friends were there with me - it seemed like it was them but not sure. We were outside and going to the cafeteria and we heard about some cave. We did some investigating and realized one of the big leaders of the college was holding girls hostage in the cave. But we were the only ones that knew. We went back to our room and started watching a movie. There were huge windows in our room from floor to ceiling. The ceilings were very high. We heard a weird noise on the window so we decided to close the curtains. The curtains were exstravagant. Huge heavy drapes and hard to close. We finally got them closed and then we heard a voice say, โ€œit would be in your best interest to stay up and watch movies all night. Donโ€™t fall asleep because someone is coming for youโ€ We continued to watch the movie and a lady with dark curly hair and a purple suit and tie comes in to raid our room. They knew we knew about the cave. I donโ€™t remember what she was actually doing to us but almost some form of tourture. She finally left. The next day we were walking around campus trying to tell people that we knew something was up. The lady in the purple suit was there watching us in public. We found a video of the cave and confirmed what was going on. There was a girl tied to the bed with chains. She was pale. Trying to move around. When she was moving around her blanket came off of her and there was another girl in the bed but she had died already. I could see her body in my dream and she was laying face down and almost deteriorating like she was a wet sand castle. I saw the leader guy in public and he looked me the eye asked if I wanted to go to the cave and I said no and quickly got away. I think I was attending my graduation in my dream and when I saw the lady in the purple suite agin I told I had every intention of leaving as soon that day. She said good luck with that. Me and one other person went back to our room to hurry and pack our bags. We didnโ€™t have a lot but we needed to gather our things. The hallway back was very dark. And the lights in our room were dark. I had a feeling someone would be waiting for us in the room so when we got there I kicked the door in. The room was pitch black and I wouldnโ€™t enter. I stood at the doorway and sure enough the leader guy was waiting for us in the dark. I ran through the hallways in the dark as fast as I could. I was running fast in my dream and was able to out run him. As soon as I got into the light I started screaming help help! This man is chasing me and I know everything about the cave. I was out of breathe and it was like no one was listening to me.

22 Feb 2024



I was held hostage by my husband and mother-in-law at my old childhood home. They were scheming my fate. When I walked out of a room, there was writing all over the floor, and objects that I didn't recognize. By the door, my mother-in-law had laid out letters and gifts that my grandmother had mailed to our house, but I never seen them. I decided to escape, I ran out of the house and onto the street, seeing more strangers. I called my husband, begging for help. He only said "Mom, she's running away." I ran into the yard where trees and bushes were to hide in. I tried going into one, but a red dot sniper had come out of one of them and threatened to kill me. I stopped, and put my hands up.

22 Feb 2024

Running away


I was out with my family going to a party at the park where all of sudden there was a lot of altercations going on. A group of people held us down and used us to shield them, putting our life at risk and yelling at us. From there I woke up in my dream at a house party with the same people that held us hostage. I was trying to confort myself in talking to people. Seeing a man coming my way and he was scary and had a gun on him, he was with me at all times and tried to talk a bit. But he was aggressive, I was then on the phone with my boyfriend but I donโ€™t remember what we were talking about. The scary man overheard and walked away. From that point I was talking to the ladies who seemed sweet to feel better after going through that intense moment. The scary man came back again and was forcing me to go with him. Dragging me to the room where he want to have sex. I told him no, I havenโ€™t even had sex with my boyfriend that I canโ€™t do this. And putting back on my hoodies to prevent him getting me naked. The door was wide open, and I saw my sister come out of the bathroom. I yelled and screamed for help till she noticed and ran away. I yelled for help but nobody did anything till my boyfriend appeared running to me. I remembered the man had a gun and tried to stop my boyfriend from getting killed. Willing to risk it for a traumatic moment in order to prevent my boyfriend from getting hurt. I donโ€™t remember what happened there. Next thing that happened was boyfriend was asking me to marry him with a gorgeous big heart chocolate cake till the scary man knocked his cake and wanted to fight him. I was scared because the man had a gun. In the end, my boyfriend proposed again and i cried with the overwhelming feeling that happened in my dream. I said yes, and my heart was too heavy with the scary stuff

19 Feb 2024



I invent a bubble sphere that floats but can move fast. I am trying to replace the car but instead I get the idea to blow up all the electrical substations and hold the US hostage. The military goes after me but I use my laser to defeat them and Ransome the US for billions of dollars.

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