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Dream Interpretation: Obstacle 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Obstacle? Discover the significance of seeing a Obstacle in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Obstacle appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents challenges and difficulties that you may be facing in your waking life. It could also indicate a feeling of being stuck or blocked in achieving your goals. It is important to identify the specific obstacle in your dream and relate it to your current situation.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on the obstacles you are facing in your waking life. Are they external or internal? What steps can you take to overcome them? Remember that obstacles can be opportunities for growth and learning. Don't give up, keep pushing forward and find creative solutions to overcome any challenges that come your way.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of encountering an obstacle may evoke feelings of frustration, disappointment, and a sense of being stuck or hindered. It may also bring about a sense of challenge or the need to find alternative solutions.





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Dreams of users containing the word Obstacle

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29 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was parking in a parking garage with a friend and two men came up to us to rob us with stun guns. It was a groundhog day situation where ut kept happening and I had to figure out ways to defeat them. I lost everytimw until we finally grabbed their weapon and fought them. The next level of my dream was like a video game. A different friend was now in a wheel chair and I wheeled her out of the garage into an elevator. We end up in some temple run style obstacle course where we had to jump the wheelchair over a gap in a bridge.

17 Jun 2024



The third dream of the night was with my eldest son whom is now a man but was a teen in my dream . I was trying to protect him and he was running away to go home we were at a school we missed the bus ride home and he ran off and I chased after him . I had finally caught up to him and we were trying to get home together but kept running into obstacles. Then convader belts were everywhere and we had to keep riding through them and they were never ending.

16 Apr 2024



I don’t remember specific details, I just know I had a stressful dream. I call most of my dreams “stressful” dreams because they’re generally not good dreams or nightmares. I’m usually in some kind of intense situation and I have to solve it. Whether I’m fighting for my own life, or someone else’s, or the world. It feels like I’m running a never ending obstacle course where the rules keep changing. The only thing I know for sure is that there is always another obstacle no matter what I do. Therefore, it’s stressful.

8 Apr 2024



I was dating two men, one was a policeman very attractive black guy and one a very attractive white man, I arranged a day for both of them ti come to my house which was a place I used to live years ago, my best friend crashed her car outside my house into another friends green car, they where arguing, the white guy was in my house as the other guy turned up, I told my house mate to keep him in the house as I went out to see the other guy, and take him away from the house, I was dressed in an old shirt and nothing else, I was walking the through lots of shops with him to get us out of sight and we ended up in a cocktail bar and he asked me where my friend got her car from as he had seen it at his work and knew it was a stollen car? I said I didn’t know. We ordered cocktails and then I was trying to climb some really steep steps to go to the toilet, but there was obsticles everywhere, I finally found a toilet that was tiny, like that for a child, and it was really dirty! I just wanted to text the other guy so he could go home and I would call him later as something had come up! - I wanted to go home with the policeman to bed after we had cocktails. But didn’t want to cut the other guy off completely.

27 Mar 2024



I dreamt I was hosting a party at my house with my roommates, but it was modeled after my childhood best friend’s Home. there were lots of children at this party, but also many tall adults. guests started showing up. my childhood friend, whose house it was showed up, but as a child in a yellow frilly dress and accompanied by her mother. Her mom didn’t like what was happening at the party so they left pretty much immediately, and as they were about to leave, the whole room was filled with very tall adults. Then, one of the male guests we had invited instigated a game with the children that involved some sort of obstacle course he had set up and kind of a hide and seek style. The game started in the basement, and I was participating as well. The game started, and I tried to crawl up the stairs, but the opening in the stairs have been made too low for me to be able to get up the stairs. I kept trying to go up the stairs, but I didn’t fit. I ripped the tape and cardboard that was keeping the stairs to narrow went upstairs, and realized that the game was bad for some reason. The man was bad. I started trying to get him to leave telling him to leave my house repeatedly. He pulled a gun on me, but cooperated as I started driving him out of the house. I started beating him to try and get him out of the house sooner, but when I got to the threshold and continued beating him, looked down and realized I was actually beating my closest friend. I was supposed to keep beating them to get the evil man out, but I starting being gentler.

16 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


A former best friend (we have drifted apart) had told me last minute during a conversation in a supermarket that she was moving to Australia, and when I asked her when she was moving, she said in two weeks, I was then angry with her for not telling me sooner, and walked away in a huff. Then the scene changed to my childhood home back in Singapore - 7 Jalan Remis - where there was an alien spaceship hovering above. It was trying to monitor people inside their homes through the window and there were herring lights on the spaceship. I close the curtains to try and stop it from observing us. Then it sent an orb down into the house and it was very keen on my baby and I put obstacles in the orb’s way so it wouldn’t get to the baby.

28 Feb 2024



I was walking to a place that looked like somewhere between the farmhouse at Seafield and the crofthouse at Dunrossness. It was a white building with a red door. It was night time, and apparently my auntie and cousins lived in that house. I walked right up to the house and looked up at the sky. The sky and moon was a beautiful lavender purple colour, which faded into black, where yellow stars shone. I was in awe at how pretty it was and I just stared at the sky with an open mouth for ages. I felt like I was in a magical world. I eventually stopped looking at the sky and wandered into the field next to the house. I opened the gate and as I stepped in the field, I ended up in this random bedroom that was seperate from the house, and anytime I tried to wander in the field, I couldn't, because this room just spawned around me instead. I went to sit on the bed, but then I got scared that someone was hiding under the covers, so I stood up. Apparently it was my cousin Bryden and his girlfriends bedroom. I went out of the room and into the main house. There was a warm yellow glow coming from the house windows. Then my cousins Bryden and Liam and Auntie Vivien came back and we all talked to each other. Before this, me, my auntie and my cousins were in some kind of game show set that Claudia Winkleman was hosting. We had to jump over these mulit-coloured soft leather blocks and do a bunch of obstacle courses in a set amount of time. I don't know who won but everyone was cheering and Claudia was congratulating us. Then we left the game show and were waving goodbye to everyone and Claudia waved goodbye to us along with all the production crew

22 Feb 2024



I was in a department store with my sisters. As I was looking in one section, trying to help a friend I noticed my sister's were no where to be found. When I look across the store I see one of them in a beautiful wedding dress, so flowy. I was confused, cause aren't I the one that's getting married? But then I thought it might be a surprise. When I started to walk toward here, my other sister stopped me and had on a beautiful whit wedding dress with red accents. I said, "where are y'all getting these wedding dresses from?" She said "at the front, aren't they beautiful?" I didn't mention the part about me getting married because I didn't want to make it about me. I ran into some obstacles on my way to the front of the store where the dresses were. When I finally got there, all the dresses were gone. My sister's looked at me with sadness and pity and said " I'm so sorry Jacq" but in my disappointment I was trying to stay positive.

19 Feb 2024



Teenagers are going against each other, fighting to prove themselves we’re outside by some trees on the side of the road . There was a dummy doll also on the sidewalk we had to pass, but you had to live in order to pass him. He Gives you a series of obstacles by throwing stuff at you like knives and he wielded a giant tree and jabbing it trying to kill people. Then when we passed, we were able to keep going my best friend Brittany was with me I found out that she stole somebody else phone. She kept saying it was hers but found out it was a teen boys phone. She gave it back to him and then took somebody else’s phone.

16 Feb 2024



My mom was a teacher or a care taker of kids and it was Halloween so all the kids were dressed up. I was there assisting my mom for the night. While we were all trick or treating together at night, we all look up the the sky and see in the clouds was a red LED reflection of a monster rawring. The towns people were superstitious about it and everyone was trying to quickly get back home. Later that night all the kids were tucked in their beds and mom and I were trying to get into bed as well. Then a cat of ours jumped out of no where and gave us a little scare in the dark. In a sort of separate dream but same place with my mom and the kids. My mom, dad and I were setting up these water obstacles for the kids. Mom asked to be go through one of the obstacles to get to the other side and set up tiki lights. I entered the obstacle confidently diving into it and I immediately felt stuck. My whole body was constricted and I was trying to back up to get out and to let my parents know that we may want to adjust this obstacle but I could not get out. I started to panic trying to hold my breath under water but I was running out of air.

13 Feb 2024



Getting in a fight with my parents, telling them i wanna kill myself and they didn’t care, packing my bags and running far away with a random girl and a baby. We stayed behind a huge mountain filled with snow and it was freezing. I kept having to go back to the house and grab things and my family was only worried about the other girl not me at all. I found the girl on my way back and we couldn’t get back to the baby and kept hitting random obstacles to get there. We couldn’t find the way back there and i was so scared something would happen to the baby. Then my dream ended.

2 Feb 2024

My crush


me and daniel (crush) were doing this ice obstacle course thing and we kept siking each other out in a flirty way

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