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Dream Interpretation: Cliff 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cliff? Discover the significance of seeing a Cliff in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cliff appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of great accomplishment but also the danger of falling from great heights. You have achieved much, which has given you clarity and power; however, the higher we climb, the greater the risk of falling. It also suggests victory over the hard tasks and also signifies the obstacles you will face shortly.

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🧭 Direction


Feel proud and confident that you have achieved much and that you are doing well. However, it is also essential that you take the necessary steps to keep yourself safe from falling from the great heights you have climbed.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a cliff can evoke a range of intense emotions. It may instill fear, as the precipice represents danger and the unknown. The feeling of vulnerability arises, as one stands on the edge, exposed to the abyss below. A sense of awe and wonder may also emerge, as the breathtaking view from the cliff offers a unique perspective. The dreamer may experience a mix of excitement and anxiety, as they contemplate taking a leap of faith or facing a daunting challenge. Overall, the dream of a cliff elicits a potent combination of fear, vulnerability, awe, and anticipation.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cliff

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18 Jul 2024



I was at a small, country like convenient store right off the ocean. I was complaining to one of the managers that there was trash everywhere and I wanted to clean up. It was Christmas time. I felt like the manager was over looking my talent and felt frustrated walking away. Then a third party came to decorate/clean the venue inside and outside and the man said I cleaned out every basket and look at all this trash. I grabbed my broom and said let's do it. Then I went outside where people were gathered by the ocean. In the distance I saw a huge tidal wave coming in and I screamed WATER and pointed behind them. Everyone got out of their chairs and tried to run inside but it was to late. We were below the cliff and the water washed us away

18 Jul 2024



I was riding in a car and got pulled over but someone else was driving and instead of pulling over we drove off a cliff

15 Jul 2024



In this dream I come from a fictional fantasy world(think Final Fantasy and all the staples of those MMORPG game and isekai manga worlds combined) Is heading to the capitol ot whatever, green green scapes and the beautiful skies Colors do look a bit washed but we don’t talk abt that I meet Scar, a character from the game Wuthering Waves(the settings are very fantasy-Chinese fusion); he’s the trickster of the game, fights with magical cards and fire, is often associated with motifs for traditional depictions of Baphomet, the Goat(the horns, the Venusian symbols all over his outfit and accessories, blending of the feminine and masculine, the Pallas symbols too) As I go on with the journey I encounter all the other characters from the same game, there’s some other fantasy characters archetypes in the rosters too I talk with them, we all head to the capitol, we’re apparently the people summoned to slay the mythical creature or whatever There’s the sassy mage, the medic(me, probably?), the knight, and the aforementioned guy from the game(he fights with magical cards), another one of the characters(she fights with a katana, controls the wind element and is a bit of a psychic), and another one who has fiery hair and fights with guns, another is a winsome blue-haired military general who wields water fights with a spear and is associated with the Long(Chinese dragon), another wields ice and is a scientist from the aforementioned game We’re talkin and shit, the scene is by some cliff, there’s the ocean, now the sky looks gray and about to rain any time The conversations aren’t looking too peachy, either in a serious or argumentative mood Scene changes At school, walking around Building is dusty, unlit by light I find a lit room For some fucking reason myself is already there talking with my classmates from the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school(it was an all-girls catholic school) We’re talking about dating and stuff, with me being pried of infos the more the conversations go

13 Jul 2024



I was in the same shop that I was in from another dream just a few minutes ago but now instead of it being a medicine shop it was a shop of all kinds of interesting things, like trinkets and mystical items and crystals and stuff like that. I had a bunch of plants too. I was talking with customers when two or three guys came in and dropped the body of some creature I've never seen before. It looked kinda like a big dog with no hair kinda like a gian hairless mole rat but skinnier and just looked bizarre. It was dead and bloody. The customers knew of these beasts I at some point realized there was a gian waterfall nearby and asked the people of the town in my shop and they said it's close but to be careful because of those creatures, I think they called them nephelum or something. They said they inhabit that area. I decided to go check it out regardless of their warning. I got there and it was a calm overcast day with beautiful long flowing green grass and smallish spread out trees. I saw the waterfall and river which was massive and the water was moving extremely fast and powerfully like crazy rapids. I saw a beach on the otherwise below where I was as I was up on a small cliff. I thought it'd be cool to go on that beach but the water looked dangerously strong. I then realized there were some of those things on the beach. Then I realized there were some where I was. I began to hurry and get out of there and a few started chasing me. Someone else was there and we began fighting them off but the the pack leader showed up and he looked more like a mix of the same creature but also larger and more like a dog/elk without antlers and more human like. He was stronger as I had others in a choked hold with my hand but this one I couldn't fit my hand around his neck and I was more intimated by him. It looked me straight in the eyes as to communicate a message but then I woke up.

12 Jul 2024



I can only remember bits and pieces of this dream. I remeber swimming across the ocean for this challenge thing and yelling, at this point I knew I was dreaming. I remember diving under water and seeing cats and trying to save them I had to bring them back to our side for the challenge. I remember I was with someone and we snuck in this theatre and started watching something but there were kids studying so we left. I remember racing this villain to get cars and fighting for better and faster ones. I visibly remember checking these bed type things for little prizes, it was like divergent and we’d been chosen for different roles who got different rewards. But me and whoever I was with I can’t remember went around stealing more because we knew the person in charge was evil. I visibly remember watching a huge rocket ship launch and cause this massive explosion where me and my friend had to run and jump off a cliff into water as the explosion effects blasted past us. I finally remember the movie “fall” tower was in my dream and these random Indians climbed it and took pictures I think they tried to make me do it too.

9 Jul 2024

Holding hands


i was riding along with my psychedelic drug dealer and we were in a mcdonald’s drive thru but then we drove off the cliff and we landed in the canopy of trees and we’re still for a minute just teetering. and then we had a free fall and we held hands. she said it’s going to be okay and i felt at peace with dying. and then i woke up calmly

8 Jul 2024



last night I had a dream it was a little bit scattered but I remember it kind of started out like driving but it was over like a beachy skyline so basically like I saw the horizon and there was the coast and the water and everything and it felt cool it felt safe and then I remember like kind of like not crashing but flying off of the cliff or like the mountain that we were on but like I was scared but like I knew we'd be okay but I felt like that inertia feeling when you're really falling like that gut feeling in my stomach and when we landed I got everybody together made sure everybody was okay and you know I led us all towards the beach or so towards like a kind of jungly area but along the edge so that we'd be okay and ironically like we ran into my boss and it was him and the people traveling with me I can't remember I know one of them was my dad and the other two people I can't remember I feel like they were like childhood friends I can't remember their names but then with that, I ended up like working with Voss, with Tristan in order to like create shelter and everything, and like I made some nice clothes and of course my hair was amazing and looked gorgeous with like purple and neon pink tips and I just felt and looked so confident and felt like the goddesses like a water goddess and I just felt so empowered to be by the ocean and I felt seductive and attractive. And I remember I was able to change the weather so that we weren't in danger of like any lightning storms or anything or any monsoons or typhoons or anything like that and when night came everybody was asleep and just let me sleep and we had like very, very, very passionate and thorough and just amazing sex and it felt like it was transformative and like an energy surge almost. Like I felt energized if that makes sense. Almost ascended. Afterwards I felt like nervous and guilty because of course I'm married and my dad was not that far away and so as I was walking back to camp I remember hearing and like I believe it was some type of animal or something and feeling some sense of dread so I know I was in trouble but it wasn't like a bad dread it was like you know me and Tristan can handle ourselves type of thing and before we started the fight I woke up.

4 Jul 2024



i was with my sister and her boyfriend and my friend bryce and i was pretty drunk but i was for some reason driving them all somewhere in my golfcart. it was raining and we were driving down this winding mountain and as we were coming up on a sharp turn i knew i was going to fast but i couldnt slow down. the golfcart slid out around the corner and i flew out of it and off the side of a cliff that was at least a 200 foot drop into shallow water. right off the edge of the cliff was a little peninsula that i slammed into and was able to wedge myself between that and the cliff to keep from falling but i had to grab onto the peninsula which isolated me from the land and i was stuck. i watched as my car keys and my skateboard fell 200 feet into the water which was our only way of getting home. all i could feel was fear and knew that it was only a matter of time before i fell. out of nowhere my friend bryce comes sprinting and jumps off the cliff landing perfectly safe in the water to retrieve the keys and skateboard. it was really a spectacle because it was surely a death fall but somehow he was fine. i was still slipping but i knew i wouldnt make it like he did and my sister and her boyfriend were on the other side completely unable to help me. then i woke up

30 Jun 2024



I was supposed to be heading to a party with friends and family but I forgot something so I walked back to where I live. I walked down a road where on one side was houses and dort plots and scattered trees and the other side was a huge cliff/bluffs. The sky was darkinging, the sun had just set. There was a woman in front of the door about to open it with keys and I knew she was trying to rob my roommate's house. I approached and asked where the nearest liquor store was. The woman was very suspicious of me, but I played it like I was just a drunk homeless person and she believed I was so she gave me the directions and I left. I knee that anything she took from the house we could just rebuy plus I'm no snitch. So I walked to the alley behind the house to wait when I ran into a handsome man in a car. I recognized the man from some networking events I'd been too and he and I had been meaning to meet up to plan a community event. He saw me and invited me to sit in the passenger seat so we were talking. Then the woman who had been bulgarizing my roommate's home came out the back gate and was shocked and angry to see me. She pull3d a gun and asked the man what the hell was going on. I realized he was the get away car. He remained calm tho and said I wasn't going to tell. I also realized the woman didn't have anything from the house which means she either was bugging it or couldn't find what she needed. She grumbled and said fine and got in the back seat. He drove away and we ended up at the party I was originally going to. Everyone was very surprised to see me with him, He was attractive and wealthy, and my family and friends kept trying to pull us away to ask questions but he asked me to stay by his side so I did. We started dancing. Then suddenly rhe fbi showed up. The man handed me a bag of diamonds and asked me to casually hide them by a tree. So I did and made a star in the dirt to mark the spot. Then we left with the other patrons while the fbi took down the woman who had arrived with us. I asked if he was concerned and he said no, it was the consequences of her reckless and selfish actions. We got back in the car and there was a crazy wind vrewing, mattresses and shopping carts in the air. I then woke up

21 Jun 2024



It was me my mom and my father-in-law and we were in the attic cleaning old junk out and I noticed that there was a massive huge birdcage with big birds in it like owls and it was my father-in-law‘s and I went inside to look around and he came with me And then as we were exiting the birdcage he told me to grab the bird because it was trying to escape, but I had to dunk down to get through the doorway of the cage, and I couldn’t just turn around and grab the bird and he kept saying grab the bird. It’ll fly away grab it so away and we were somehow on the edge of this really tall cliff about 5 to 6 stories high, and he was just standing there and shock looking often to the distance, and I lost my balance and grabbed his hand to catch myself and he told me don’t do that. I’m gonna be sick because he was really upset about the bird flying off Kept saying that over and over and then I fell and he came with me and we hit the ground and I could see that he wasn’t moving and I was barely moving just my head and I started screaming and my mom poked her head over the ledge to see us and started freaking out and scrambling to come down after us after she realized that we had fell off the cliff and then I woke up

20 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis


Another dream I had was be watching my mom naked in the kitchen like going in circles but also like she needed help my mom passed away last year the year 2023 somehow there was a feeling of she was in danger wherever she is the other side in heaven, but she was a danger that was feeling From there, my dream went onto me for somebody looking for something and I open one door and my sister was busy. I opened the other door and my sister was vacuuming with one hand because she was holding her granddaughter or something like a I want to say like an eagle or something on one arm, kinda like it that position And those two are my older sisters and from there I kept walking all because I wanted to know what it meant for me to have a dream that I was dreaming because it was really happening in my dream like where I had like sleep paralysis, and one arm was up and then my leg was kind of bent and just paralyzed but I was fighting someone in my sleep, so that’s why I was searching for this lady because she was going to tell me what it meant And this actually happened three times at night where I actually I think I was having sleep paralysis but the second time when I woke up from my sleep from having sleep paralysis, I felt like I stopped breathing like it actually was dead and that’s when I went to go look for this lady and she was telling me that what that is it’s some thing That started with the word ES or scant or Epson I’m not sure exactly what it what word it was it’s very vague what I have in my memory from that dream but the lady said oh that’s what it’s called but I’m busy right now if you’re don’t mind waiting Please wait for me and I’ll explain it but you can also find this meaning in the Bible and it’ll tell you what you’re going through what that sleep paralysis means the way it happened three times. This lady was telling me in my dream so then I said OK I’ll wait for her so then I walked away and there was like if I was on top of a like a cliff almost, but to the right there was like benches like Stadium benches or like bleachers from a basketball court inside the school, and then on the left, there was a cliff, and when you looked down, it was the ocean and on the ocean foam it spelled Jesus, and there was children and older woman walking through there, and we all looked at each other and smiled like oh wow, so beautiful earth knows about Jesus and how it’s the name is so wonderful name makes us feel peace so then I never went back to the lady and I woke up thinking what is that word? What is the word E Epson at Ed Son🤴 I’m not sure but the word started with an E and ended with an N then I looked up. that was my dream.

15 Jun 2024



I was playing a game as a mother for her child (the game was in a cartoony style) and the mum had a husband and they were always fighting with each other. The daughter asked me ‘Mum, why are you and daddy fighting again?’ Super duper innocently. I can’t remember what I replied with but then I played as a boy who was in a village and he wanted to feel the ocean and it reminded me of the movie ‘Moana’ because she wanted to explore over the seas. However, I kept on getting caught by the chief of the area. The area was remote but it had houses of course since it was in a rural area. I then managed to escape and then I jumped over the sea on to the land. Soon, I found a cliff and jumped so powerfully I drowned deep into the water. Then I played as someone else but I never knew what happened to me when I drowned earlier because there was no conclusion but I assumed that I just lasted in the sea and died there looking all sad and depressed. I then saw another remote village and then I woke up

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