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Dream Interpretation: Chasing 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Chasing? Discover the significance of seeing a Chasing in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Chasing appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a feeling of being pursued or chased by something or someone in your waking life. It may also represent a desire to achieve a goal or pursue a passion. Alternatively, it may indicate a fear of failure or a need to escape from a situation.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what or who you are chasing in the dream. Is it something you desire or fear? This may give you insight into what you are pursuing or avoiding in your waking life. If you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a step back and prioritize your goals. Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing your passions.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of chasing evokes a sense of urgency, fear, and adrenaline. It signifies a desire to catch up or achieve something, but also a feeling of being pursued or threatened. This dream may reflect a need for control or a fear of being left behind. It can also symbolize the pursuit of goals or ambitions, and the determination to overcome obstacles. Overall, the dream of chasing elicits a mix of excitement, anxiety, and the need for action.





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14 Jul 2024



I was walking around a zoo and I walked into an open panther pen and walk out and quickly close it so the panther can’t get out I walk a little further and walk to the bug zone and quickly get out of it before a bunch of bugs get attached to me and then walk to the Bambi zone where we take care of the orphaned animals and injured animals when suddenly 4 animals come rushing in because 2 tigers are chasing them and attacking them the guard dogs come barking and scare the tigers off and we examine the animals and fix all the pens the belong in especially the tigers

14 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


I was in a parking garage in a wedding dress running from someone

12 Jul 2024

Old Lady


My dream was like a scary movie. There was going girls and boys and one of them got murdered by some guy that I saw and then we all started chasing him To get him and I ran into a little boy and he said that he saw the person so he takes me to this place with horses, and I realize I have my retainer in and each time I go to take out my retainer, my teeth start falling out and sticking into the retainer and I have a hard time speaking it keeps happening over and over there was a stream and a statue for where one of their beloved horses has died before and the old lady at first didn’t like me, but she did like me so she said she was gonna fix my teeth so she gave me a different retainer and she said they was supposed to make my teeth better but then I couldn’t talk with it that well so I kept trying to take it out and my teeth kept getting worsethen I finally woke up

9 Jul 2024



I was chasing a cute girl through a community of villa or townhouse type apartments. She thought she was quick but I had a type of 6th sense that knew where she was going. I'd get close to her and grab her ass and pull at her underwear. I caught her at the end and gave her a hug from behind. I was having a lot of fun and I believe she was too.

6 Jul 2024



I had a really weird dream. I had a dream that I had been out with some friends and we were going to this place to relax and we went in this place and we went downstairs to like where the cellar was and it was all kind of relaxed there and there was a guy and he said what you've got to do is come in, sit down, relax. So everybody went and put their bags and stuff on benches around the side, took their shoes off and everybody sat down relaxing, it was almost like meditation or something and we're all doing that and then they said oh we've got some people coming in today, they're now going to come and sit with you. So we sat there and various people came in and sat with people and these people had learning disabilities and they were sat there chatting and it was nice and it was relaxed and then the guy that was sat with me started putting his hands on me and I kept trying to move away and he kept doing it and I was like I don't want you to do that and he kept doing it so then I shouted, shouted that I didn't want him to do it and I shouted to leave me alone and I screamed and I ran out and he started chasing me and I ran outside and I was screaming and screaming and the police came and they said what's happened and I told them and we all went back in the building and the people that worked there were saying well it's not his fault, it's not his fault he's got learning disabilities and I said but I said no and they said but he doesn't understand and I said well I wasn't expecting him to come and do this, we came here to relax and we basically talked through everything that happened and they were saying how it never happened before and they weren't expecting it and they brought the guy back in and as soon as the guy walked in he made a beeline for me and I started screaming and I said I don't want this and they said oh we don't know why this has happened, it's not happened before and I said I don't care I just don't want this to happen and they started saying oh it's not happened before we tell people when they come in to be relaxed and not go out the night before and don't drink alcohol or anything and I said I didn't do any of those things and they said well we're not really sure because it doesn't usually happen so we don't know why it's happened this time but I was really scared and I was just like I don't care why it's happened but I don't want to be in the same room as him now so get him to leave.

5 Jul 2024

Hitting someone in a car


I went to the thrift store with my two cats, my robot vacuum, my daughter, and my friend. my robot vacuum was cleaning the thrift store while I was shopping. I went into a back room with a ton of shelving. It was dark and very messy. my vacuum was cleaning and knocked the shelves over and I panicked and tried picking up the shelves and holding them before they fell. And employee came in and I asked if she needed help and she said don’t worry about it and the boys will take care of it and when the boys are off the shift, the next shift of boys will take care of it. so I left with the vacuum, my friend and my daughter, and I left my two cats because I didn’t have enough arms to carry everything. I told my friend because she was driving that we would have to drop the stuff off at home and go back to pick up the cats and she told me that she wasn’t going to do it. my boyfriend ended up bringing me back, but while we are in the car to leave, I heard knocking on my back window. I look back, and simultaneously in the front two people shove a shopping cart into my car and hit my car. They all run into their car so I chased them and opened the door. I tried hitting him but my hits weren’t very effective.

28 Jun 2024



I confronted my parents about there abusive behavior toward me and my mom tried to kill me. Chasing me around the house with a gun. But before this I met a shape shifter that spoke Latin. He was staying downstairs in my brothers room as a spy in the form of a frog. He was secretly my cousin Tyler. He tried to save me, teaching me how to shape shift so we could run away together. My mom shot holes through the roof at us as we tried to escape. But got to this hotel but Tyler got to tired flying so he had to stop for the night. He turned into a Snow White cat that looked just like fluffy. I tried to help him hide and stay awake as lookout

25 Jun 2024



I was in a dream where futuristic military people were rushing all around me, and someone saw me and there was a person next to them that looked like me, and they were talking about how she wanted to switch lives with me, and after they were finished talking, the person that wasn’t me had a balloon in her hand, and start slowly approaching me, making eye contact the whole time and I got scared, and because I got scared she said, “then you know what I am!” And she started chasing after me and I had to run across water on steppingstones and jump over obstacles that weren’t visible, but I knew were there and jump over a hole in the ground that was pure fire and I tried to climb onto a building, and as I was reaching the top, the girl caught up to me and bit my hand, and I could kind of feel pain, but hardly and she said that because I couldn’t feel pain that I was from the future and the version of me she was talking to, before chasing me, was the past me, and that nothing can be changed, and that we wouldn’t switch lives. And then I woke up.

22 Jun 2024



Murderer chasing me around the playground with little toddlers

19 Jun 2024



A beautiful guy with a ponytail chasing me in a creepy obsessed way, followed me to school followed me to my school prom, and forced me to get in his car while he was driving I jumped out of the car in the middle of a highway and ran and I made it.

18 Jun 2024



A huge scorpion jumped out of my bed and started chasing me and it turned into me being a worm and i was trying to escape my house. Then I found out my mom had an arrangement to have sex and produce children for other men and I had 3 brothers that I never knew about

17 Jun 2024



I was lost in an airport with a friend when we mistakenly boarded an empty plane. We talked to the pilot, showed her our tickets, and asked for directions to our actual flight. Unfortunately, we were so far off course that it wasn't in her domain. Instead, she took us to the staff, who were already familiar with us and very helpful. Moments later, I found myself in a hotel room, using the bathroom. I realized that, just like at home, the flush lever needed to be fiddled with to build up water again. After that, I took a shower and headed out. I then met a sweet girl in a park. She was very playful, and we started throwing sticks at each other as if we were playing dodgeball. The sticks we picked up kept getting bigger and bigger, but it was still harmless since we weren't throwing them directly at each other, just towards each other. Then she tripped, her body propelling her forward to the ground. When she hit the ground, a misty fluid exploded out of her body. She looked at me with malevolent eyes and a different energy. I began to run as she chased me.

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